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Everything posted by Frybert

  1. Played with the new parts a bit and tried my hand at an LM. Wish those panels were resizable!
  2. I found I had to close steam and start it back up to get it to recognize. Started DL right away after steam came up. Reasonably small DL less than 500MB. Edit: The people below me on the next page might have a slightly easier way
  3. Its extremely sad just how effective McDonald's slander campaign against that poor woman was. McDonalds was 100% in the wrong and owed that woman her medical bills. Instead they slandered and distorted and tried to make themselves somehow the victim. And to this day you'll still hear excrements like this because unlike the woman who had her GENITALS BURNED OFF they had the money to fund a smear campaign against her.
  4. @Vanamonde's so old even his ghost teeth fell out
  5. Just think, one day an alien races will notice us, find we are tasty, and invent something like this just for us!
  6. Drunk posting is very bad.

    1. Dman979


      I'll drink to that.

  7. Wasn't that the ENTIRE plot of Prometheus and Alien: Covenant?
  8. For those who care about such things, the movie is doing exceptionally poorly in China.
  9. Astronaut John Young has died.
  10. Frybert


    I dated a Goat once.
  11. Good bye, sir.

    1. monstah


      Did we even get a goodbye? :(

      Oh, and hello you sir, @Frybert!

    2. Kerbinchaser


      Goodbye? What? Huh? What the heck just happened? 

  12. This has been a long time coming, but its time to move on.

  13. There is already a thread for this. Locking.
  14. I almost thought that was TIE Fighter for a minute.
  15. As linked above, yes. Squad has announced a paid expansion. You can discuss in one of the threads linked above.
  16. First account was either Nov or Dec of 2012. Got wiped in the derp. I didn't manage to make a new account until my profile's current join date.
  17. Some off topic posts have been removed. If we wanted the thread closed, we would do so, also lets refrain from making this personal. Again.
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