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Everything posted by sashan

  1. That's the mod I'm talking about. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/131439-WIP-Free-IVA-(formerly-Enhanced-IVA)-Alpha-v0-0-3-(2015-10-11) As for tower... I was jus thinking about something to attach on top of than new part. Btw, what about RPM support? Been using airlock today, it would be really nice to have a handle that'll send you EVA, RPM does that. Also, airlock IVA would really benefit from transparent windows.
  2. Is it possible to enable guidance somewhat later, when missile already has some altitude?
  3. Pity. I spend lots of time building bases or making extended-stay missions on planets. Let's take typical Duna mission - are you going to wait 200 days or so until the launch window in space? Of course you'd like to do something on surface. Especially if you have kis/kas. And ground draws up much more attention when you are on the planet than planet surface when you are in space. Also, airplanes - I see there are lots of people who stay on Kerbin. I do it often, like one month of aeronautics, one month of astronautics. RVE - yes, for RSS. But we are talking about SVE here. Please make ground textures a priority at least for atmospheric planets. They are so plain and ugly up close... Even Mun is better. Also, have you considered trying to use cloud layer for ground texture? AFAIK it can be make to show up only from certain altitude... If you are going to make orbital textures I suggest aiming for this high contrast bumpy look:
  4. Is that the cockpit from Ven's revamp? Do you have a config for it included in the mod? While the mesh itself is awesome having no RPM props is sad.
  5. IMO ground is the priority. Orbital looks more or less good, and is partially covered by scatterer atmosphere and clouds. Ground, on the other side, is ugly.
  6. I like jool from Interstellar pack. When are you going to make ground textures for Duna? I'm currently mounting a big mission there, want to have a nice looking surface.
  7. I'm using last release with cockpits rolled back to previous ones. Difficult to integrate those new sticking out ones into my crafts. ALso, I'm keeping stock bulging out engine gondola - it looks much better on most planes.
  8. You'd have to decouple it manually each time. What I'm concerned more is that MGM missile has very short range, and doesn't follow proper ballistic trajecory.
  9. Very popular bug, go to F12 menu - show input lock stack - clear input lock stack.
  10. How am I supposed to use nuclear reactors without radiators... Will stock ones do the job?
  11. Anyone has the FSFuelSwitch patch for all those new tanks added by the mod?
  12. Well, my MRLS spins so violently that it flies up a few meters in air and flips upside down. Doubt legs would help.
  13. Well, the most Kerbal article on that site is this one: https://what-if.xkcd.com/139/ Guess we HAVE to try that. On topic: how to use MGM caps? My MRLS keeps turning over when the missile hits them, although the missile does fly to the target.
  14. Well, not with this pack, as I'm out of RAM, but: I think I'll separate my KSP into two installs, one for atmospheric crafts, ground vehicles and BDarmory, another one - for space, with NearFuture, and then build one. Big, bigger, the biggest.
  15. COnfirmed, I've experienced that bug with my Orion heatshield. Well, it may be a tweakscale bug - the heat shield bottom was attached to a rescaled decoupler.
  16. Well, you can make them short, so that Kerals would have to hop between them. As for climbing sideways - that works. I've tested it multiple times while erecting 25m high tower on my Tylo base. One more request - air craffic control lower looking module, doesn't matter if the bottom would be 2.5 or 1.25 meters. Basically, take a cupola, flip it upside down, extend so that the side windows are as high as a Kerbal, and add an attachment node in place of the round window. Also, looking forward to connected IVA mod all the passable parts need at least simple IVAs.
  17. I've checked that, he just bumped up RGB color values to something 5x the normal amount. Open up the config menu and try values like 10 or 15.
  18. Well, you'll change your mind after flying to Mars in Hitchhiker, with 3 other guys.
  19. The part rear two wheels are attached to. It's kind of a trailer, but the one can't be removed.
  20. That one is revamped for visual editor for Kopernicus now.
  21. Awesome. How are you going to deal with flexible rear part? I suggest a custom Infernal Robotics hinge with non-hinged option for those who don't want that mod.
  22. Can you add RPM camera functionality to the window part? It just takes one properly placed transform and smal module in part cgf.
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