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Everything posted by hieywiey

  1. Just download it from GitHub or SpaceDock, CKAN in my opinion is only worth using for RP-0 installs. Additionally, this is a problem for the CKAN thread, not this one.
  2. Voyage, along with Titan (also by Stephen Baxter) are such amazing books, they’re also criminally under-appreciated. Titan singlehandedly made me fall in love with the eponymous moon, and Voyage is a great alt-history look at an alternate post-Apollo NASA that focuses all of its energy on sending humans to Mars, cancelling most unmanned probes, i.e. Voyager, and possibly Viking. If any of you have the time, I highly recommend these, along with two other of Baxter’s books, Flood and Ark.
  3. O H. I thought the reusable Shuttle-Agena concept was Agena-C... Was it comparable in diameter to Centaur, or to Thor? Also, which ullage motors on Saturn detached, the ones on the S-II interstage, or on the S-IVB?
  4. Also, what is the large object at the top of the HG-3 in this diagram? (from astronautix.com) This could make it very "visually distinctive." I assume it is plumbing, turbopumps, or a gearbox of some kind. If the information on it isn't available, it could always be made into just generic foil (of course with the new reflective shaders), like often seen in Falcon 9 launches on the second stage.
  5. Do you think you could do the HG-3 taking a lot of artistic freedom, since documentation is so sparse non-existent?
  6. The HG-3 probably looked like the middle picture on an Animorphs cover between a J-2 and a RS-25.
  7. I think a more 'behind-the-scenes'-type game would fit well, as in you control the Kerbal R&D, as some kind of wacky management game. Something similar to Theme Hospital, as Kerbals are inherently silly and bumbling. It would stylistically be similar to the official cinematics (this one in particular). It would also be nice if it filled in more Kerbal lore, i.e. explain how they can survive forever without food, why Kerbin has no cities, mystery goo, etc.
  8. An open cockpit light lander could also be made into a dedicated Minmus lander (tuned for 2.5x/JNSQ), while the closed cockpit (the existing one) could be for the Mun. Also, could we get parts for some of the other unbuilt Saturns (namely the C-3 and some of the INTs and MLVs), though some of these would require the HG-3, which you have said in the past would be difficult.
  9. IIRC at one point the light Gemini lander was considered to use LH2/LOX, and I know for a fact that the one in the picture below had it's life support system in a briefcase-like thing that was connected to the Astronaut's suit, and could be either carried by hand (like a briefcase) or mounted to the chest. This was because the cabin was little more than a chair with controls and a transparent window made of some kind of lightweight material (likely not glass, as it is heavy, and this lander is designed primarily to be as lightweight as possible). The suit would be derived from the Gemini EVA suit, with some modifications for Lunar activity. The docking port on this rendition is on the bottom however, and was derived from the Agena port (presumably made more lightweight).
  10. That's absolutely gorgeous! Does it use MonoProp for fuel or LFO? Is the engine for it done? Also, the IVA for the lander can has always been 180º off.
  11. The version I downloaded about a week ago still has the Cassini RCS issue, so I'd say it isn't fixed.
  12. Something like this would be nice. Also what about reviving your Mini Sample Return Capsule mod, or even integrating it into BDB? Maybe some payloads based on the Biosatellite and Orbiting Frog Otolith missions would be nice, but make them vegan or something I guess. OFO didn't return to earth (like Sputnik 2), and is of questionable ethicality by modern standards. Biosatellite did return to earth, however, and was more of a general spacecraft for biological research, it usually carried multiple experiments onboard; while OFO was a dedicated craft for studying the inner ear (otolith) of frogs. Biosat 3 carried a 6kg monkey to test the effects of the space environment on the brain and skeletal system.
  13. Are the engines on the second stage the new bonus part? What are they? I wish I could try this out, but my power’s out due to Barry and my generator can’t run my desktop‘s power supply. I still have my MacBook though, but it’s not very powerful and I don’t have KSP on it at the moment.
  14. Is there a reason for that? Is an inflatable nozzle lighter than a more traditional nozzle extension?
  15. You could always use the KAS winches as a substitute for a real tether. I did this long ago before I was comfortable doing EVA work, I could just retract the winch if I got too far away from the craft.
  16. Documentation on it is spotty and contradictory at times, so I really don't know which I should trust. You also have to keep in mind that this is one of those things that changed a lot, like Dynasoar, so there are different 'versions' of it out there.
  17. Was M-1 supposed to be used at sea level or as an upper stage? Or was it supposed to be used somewhat like how the SSME was?
  18. I think DLC should be optional as an alternative with little to no functional differences to the default, free option.
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