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  1. I use a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro flight stick, always have, amazing controller. I've played KSP on and off for ages yet every time I come back to play, I run into this same issue but this time I cannot seem to solve it. In the settings under the input tab, when I try to map the pitch, roll, and yaw axis, no matter what I do, I cannot get the changes I've made to each axis, to apply and save. Rather there is already a pre existing joystick input mapped to each axis from when I first recently played the game, from when I first installed the game onto my new PC, the other day. Now when I map the new inputs, I notice the "number" of the joystick axis changes from "Current Assignment: Joy0.3" to "Current Assignment: Joy0.1" noting that both Joy 0.3 and 0.1 are the same axis input (forward on the stick)... I hit "Accept" then apply the changes, then I go back to remap those axis to see if the changes saved, only to find that my newly mapped input "Joy0.1" has not saved to the axis and the "Current Assignment" has returned to " Joy0.3", which now seems to be the default. I can clear the assignment to "none" but when I return to check the button I just cleared, even after hitting Apply, it has returned to Joy0.3. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling on steam, I've tried deleting the settings.cfg file and no matter what I do I cannot change/save the newly default "joy0.3" to any new joystick input. Ultimately, I cannot get any "in-game" response from any of the axis on the joystick, obviously. All the other buttons I've mapped work fine. I've also noticed that each different USB input I try, the "Joy:XX" number increases and I have also found that I should use the same USB port as per another thread. I did not use the same USB port since the problem began after I unplugged the flight stick and plugged it back in the next day... Windows 10 hates me... Any of you fine folks having the same issue or be willing to lend some adice? I've been over 36hrs without flying, I'm all out of Δv, and I'm gonna lllllllose it....
  2. For some reason, the font in my KSP has changed from the standard colors to a blue color. Also, the colors on my maps (trajectories, planets, etc.) changed to different colors. This happened after I used CKAN to install these mods all at once: scatterer scatterer - default config scatterer - sunflare Environmental Visual Enhancements Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files Before this I had mechjeb and kerbal engineer installed with no issues. For troubleshooting I have tried uninstalling all mods and deleting all my files and re-installing via steam. Nothing has worked, the text is still blue. Does anyone have any advice on what could cause this, or how to do complete clean reset of KSP to resolve it?
  3. I was looking into Kopernicus planet pack mods compatible with 1.6.1 (because mine was a fail - apparently i was using 1.4 instructions) and all the good ones were outdated (good ones: planet factory, kerbal galaxy, etc). Are there any ones you know of (or have created) that work with 1.6.1? Just wondering.
  4. Hello, I enjoy playing ksp, but I really wanted the graphics to be better so I tried to install SVE (with the textures) and the game didn't even notice it, then I tried to install EVE with configs, and this time, it actually noticed the mod, but still said it required configs. For now I've just been running with scatterer, but it would be very useful If someone could show me how to get any graphics mod with clouds, city lights etc, to work. Thanks :) (Sorry if this has already been answered)
  5. Hola. No se en donde realizar esta consulta, pero... Existe algun mod con el que uno pueda generar o construir algun componente aunque sea por unidad y con limite de volumen, estando fuera del centro kerbal? Como un modulo fabrica que necesite ore e ingenieros para funcionar. Y que se pueda llevar a una base en duna o mun. Alguien sabe sobre creacion de mods o conoce a alguien que le interese la propuesta de un nuevo modulo o componente "fabrica" para el ksp? Aviso que yo utilizo la version 1.4.2 del juego. Pero me interesa saber de cualquier mod para cualquier version.
  6. Hi all, I've recently learned that you can apply float curves to the engines within KSP in order to allow the thrust of the engine to vary as the propellant mass in connected fuel tanks varies. The example I've been given is something like this: key = 1 0.46 key = 0.754 0.46 key = 0 0.1 And what I've been told is: However, when I go to replicate this curve in MATLAB (as a new part of the KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool I develop), I can't get the results to line up. See this post: Can someone provide some insight into what is going on internally with those engine floatcurves? What's the underlying math (if anyone knows it)? Are tangents at the data points being restricted to something somehow? Thanks for the help! EDIT: Turns out that after doing some research, the better question would be to ask what KSP does when those float curves are not defined with incoming and outgoing tangents, but instead are left blank/not included, as they are in my example above. Anyone know?
  7. How can I quickly align 'target' with 'prograde' on the navball (I'm learning how to dock)? I keep flying past my target because my prograde isn't lined up all the way with my target.
  8. My launcher looks like this. I've owned KSP since 2013 and it's been like this for a long while over all versions I've played. The game works fine but the update feature doesn't work just like the picture illustrates. Any idea on how to fix this?
  9. Jebediah is stuck in a stable orbit around kerbin and I can't get him back! I'm garbage at rendezvous so I can't save him with a rocket. WHAT DO I DO?!? ),:
  10. I just started a new ksp sandbox game and don't know what to do first. (im not new to the game i have played it alot but dont know what to start with.)
  11. I have a rescue mission active, but the capsule the rescue target is in has no hatch. can someone help with editing the save file so that it is a capsule with a hatch? Also, how do I attach a file to the question? very new to the forums.
  12. Years ago i purchased KSP directly from the website and i want to know if there is any way to get it for free on steam since i've already purchased it. I'm tired of having to re-download the game every time it gets an update and i want to switch over to steam. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Dear Reader, Please could you advise me how or where to change the settings for kerbal helmets. It is just that I want to make them wear their IVA helmets during launch or decent. Kind Regards, Rover 6428
  14. What is a potatoroid I had it in KSP 1.4.3 but I have no idea how I unlocked it. Does anyone else have the potatoroid? all of the forms about it are dead, and all the unlock methods dont seem to work. (I have KSP 1.5.1 now)
  15. so my first mission in creative was a partal succes it made it to orbit but had to much momentum and is drifting off to space it has a ion engine to slow down any ideas on what to do?
  16. On my mission to Jool I mistakenly forgot to rotate the probe and my battery died. I simply quickloaded to when I had control, then stupidly disabled electric charge and then quicksaved. Are there any mods that allow me to override the dead probe and get control back? Either that, or is there a way I could do it myself? I'm just too lazy to wait for another launch window and go as far as I have.
  17. First I would like to say two things the mod's name would be Kerbal Nursery and this is not supposed to be a Civilian Population knockoff. My mod is similar with the goal, it has the ability to make more kerbals however takes a completely different path and is intended to also have less parts. It does not require kerbals present at all times to make more rather it requires resources: Keeds, Soil and Pollen (this plays on the assumption that kerbals are plant animal hybrids) making these into kerbals by putting them in little incubation chambers and growing them. It would however require kerbals present to get more of each of those except for soil which would come from the ground(of course). I feel a little embarrassed to ask for help because I have not done it before. if you completely hate this idea please go easy on me and please stay mature about it, if you wish to help me please either comment below or preferably I will see it much faster if you PM my discord TyrantTITANIUM#6970 (do NOT PM me from here unless you want to help or ask and decide if you want to help and we can talk, if you wish to harshly criticize my idea please don't PM me and keep it here) I am also fairly decent at 3D modelling but I don't know everything.
  18. Hi, I class myself as an advanced ksp player who has gone to most reaches, but I have hit a problem with my current ideas of where I want to go. My game is modded but causally using stock ideas. My problem is: I have a landing craft that I want to land on the mun from Kerbin. It has a landing structure that surrounds the launching device that contains stuff I want to leave intact on the mun. The entire craft needs to land, then detatch the surrounding doughnut-like structure completely as it was built (but maybe without fuel). I cant return and re-assemble the part with docking ports at a later date (that would be too easy). Please I need help as I really get annoyed with this. If I find a way to do it this will really unlock a lot of techniques for ship designs to use. I am open to all ideas.
  19. Hey guys im new here and i dont know if im on the right thread but welp ok So basically my ksp keeps on crashing for no reason at anytime. No i dont have any mods, I have reinstalled it three times, booted my laptop. Checked task manager, no memory and heat problems. And no it didnt produce any crash report or log files. Please help, ive been playing this for more than 2 years and have alot of nice things in my world. It kinda liquides me off knowing i cant complete my goals in the game right now.
  20. Ok so i made to a orbit arount the sun and i have enough fuel to get to the outer gas planets, I exit my map and all of the sudden stage lock is on, i try ALT+L, spammed space bar, and tried just about everything. Does anyone know how to fix this. it won turn off and now im stuck orbiting the sun without any control. PLEASE HELP!+
  21. Sorry for my english. So, i have launched spacecraft on the Mun's pole,collected lots of data, but ran out of fuel. Its on high orbit of Kerbin. I've launched satellite to save this ship, but i can't do it myself. Manned spacecraft named as "Восход-2". Save this ship and point to to orbit with Pericenter under 70 km, then save the game, please. Thanks. https://drive.google.com/open?id=19d3WVPdgnxQO3ZXUPtaJ_eQkfq58D6xn - sfs file. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JVi0HcUCZoe4MD4GgrhqHvJFqiM1VHIL - loadmeta file. P.S.:I have parts from mods on my craft, should i say from what mods? P.P.S.: Mods: kOS,KIS,DMagicOrbitalScience,TarsierSpaceTech,Copernicus,Kerbetotterltd(rover mod),community category kit and community resource pack, texture replacer, modular flight integrator(what is that?), planetary base inc, realistic atmospheres, SCANsat.
  22. Useful Tips & Great KSP Content to Use with KerbalEdu KerbalEdu + KSP community: remarkable real world learning both in game & in the forums, human exploration, real rocket history, powerful aerodynamics & n-body gravitation models, beautiful artistry, physics studies, power of collaborative exploration & design. This topic thread is a summary of remarkable & inspiring KerbalEdu relevant KSP content that the KSP community has created. You are welcome to post your recommended additions. NOTE 2022 January: With TeacherGaming closing its doors, the login based KerbalEDU 1.4.5 & 1.3.1 are no longer available. Private Division has released, to current holders of KerbalEDU, the old installer based KerbalEDU 1.2.2 with a much more flexible license. This keeps KerbalEDU alive. The information below remains relevant in concept (just not the version numbers any longer) as many of these mods below have versions compatible with the old KSP 1.2.2. Consequently, I recommend using CKAN to help find KSP 1.2.2 versions of any mods you desire to use with KerbalEDU 1.2.2 A few example ideas: Study Friction by Exploring with KSP Study Atmospheres, Airships & 'Rockoons' while Exploring with KSP Compare Jupiter & its moons to a transit accurate n-body gravitation model of M class star system TRAPPIST1 Quick TGdesk KerbalEDU Reference Links: How to view lesson slides on TeacherGaming student app How to edit a lesson Links to the Files needed for TGdesk's lessons & also to the KerablEDU Earth History Campaign (EHC) How to install the TeacherGaming Student App Section 1) 'EDU Helpful Mods & Tools' Listed below are select KSP Tools & Mods that I work with frequently in KerbalEdu this is just a tiny example of EDU Relevant KSP Community MODS & Crafts since KSP has mods to do just about everything, these are just some I use often with KerbalEDU: Note: "Mods" are what you place in your GameData folder to add tools or otherwise change the Kerbal environment "Mods" come in versions so (usually) use the version of the Mod that was built for or most closely matches your KerbalEDU version, e.g. 1.3.x or 1.4.x etc. that said, I do use some 1.5.1 through 1.7.3 mods with 1.4.5 *.craft files are things you make in the VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building) or SPH (Space Plane Hangar) surprise complications: *.craft files are not always in the main Ships folder...they often are in a Ships folder inside your Saves folder Craft Manager is a mod that can help deal with that...e.g. load ships from anywhere *.craft files will ONLY load if all the parts are available, so *.craft with KerbalEDU function tools, energy spheres etc WILL NOT load in stock KSP ( KerbalEDU has its own Mod folders EDUegg & KerablEDU Mod folders after all ) so make sure all mods a *.craft needs are in your game data folder before KSP launch...for example, this include Tantares for EHC mission VI. ( & here are links to spreadsheet lists of many more mod combinations I sometimes use: TRAPPIST1, PlanesOnOtherPlanets ) KerbalX craft sharing; example modest Mod load FAR craft for 1.3.1: SU-35, Lockheed UAV, MiG-23 there are many unusual & amazing craft (including trucks, submarines, aircraft carriers with catapults & landing cables, helicopters, Interstellar Endurance, Star Trek ships, etc. often using additional mods. KSP's built-in DEBUG menu & 'Cheats': ALT-F12 easily toggle infinite propellant, electricity, unbreakable joints, no thermal destruction, etc if needed to focus time on a specific lesson topic that is not related to fuel mass, or limited electric, etc. Community created Online tools: a list of community built calculator tools for all sorts of requirements: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Calculation_tools for example, Resonant Orbit Calculator KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool (MATLAB) @OhioBob's remarkable "Make your own Atmospheres for KSP" & "Modeling Atmospheres in KSP" (advanced real atmospheric modeling discussion/lesson) other solar constants RemoteTech Player’s Guide Visual RemoteTech Planner for KSP link to a great online list of KSP mods sortable by category: Community Mods and Plugins Library Convenience Mods: CKAN (the meta mod to 90% of the time manage most of the rest of your mods & DLC missions? ) (CKAN merged the pull request to recognize the new KerbalEdu 1.4.5 build ID, so make sure to update your CKAN ) Draggable Navball (yes, the old version still works even in 1.4.5) Craft Manager Boot Print Tracks: (a.k.a. 'See! I really was there, but then....') EVA footprints! with Kopernicus Backport & Kopernicus Expansion Continued: KEX-EVAFootprints-1.7.1-5.zip Control Mods: TimeControl (e.g. students can slow down scenarios for better study or control ) TweakScale MechJeb2, MechJebForAll HyperEdit RCS Build Aid Editor Extensions Redux Recover and/or splice a craft from save files (.sfs): ShipSaveSplicer (verified working in 1.3.1 but not yet figured it out in 1.4.5) instructions: Other potentially helpful tools for Students: Science related: KerBalloons Trajectories Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEdu comes with some of the code but I find the up to date full version more useful especially if other mods are installed) CorrectCoL (note this excerpt from post: "Stockalike CoL indicator for stock Aerodynamics, accounts not only for ILiftProviders. Please, don't try it with FAR (mod disables itself if FAR is found)." ) Kerbal Wind Tunnel ( only 1.4.5+ also support for FAR Continued is in development ) Transfer Window Planner, Astrogator Useful Tools: Landing Height All Y'All Continued - One-Button Common Action Grouping Surface Mounted Lights KAS EVA Enhancements Continued Easy Vessel Switch Take Command Continued Kerbal NRAP - Procedural test weights! DebugStuff Some Popular Aircraft & IVA Parts Packages: B9 Procedural Wings (see B9 collection via CKAN ) Procedural Parts Airplane Plus R 24. works fine in 1.4.5 Nice MKseries Body ASET IVAs: ALCOR, , MK1 Cockpit, MK1-2 Pod, MK1 Lander Can I use the 1.5.1 version in 1.4.5 with Textures Unlimited v. (on windows use -force-d3d11 ) ASET Props & Avionics I use the 1.5.1 version in 1.4.5 Some Rocket Models (both historic & current): Launchers Pack SLS RealScaleBoosters (good for RSS, TRAPPIST-1. If using in Kerbin System add the 'stockalike' configs to reduce rocket power = no longer 'realistic delta-v' models ) RaiderNick maintains a bunch of historic rocket packs FASA with RO FPS & Physics Frame Time Ratio management: KerboKatzUtilities Mods that alter parameters that break some EDU event triggers in some Missions or change the solar system which obviously breaks all stock scenarios/missions/training : FAR (Ferram Aerospace Research) 1.3.1 & FAR Continued for 1.4.x+ by @dkavolis...here is an _old_video of FAR aero model experiments... also note until a working transform exception can be created, do not use the EDU force Indicator with FAR: Realistic Atmospheres RSS (Real Solar System) SLIPPIST-1 RO (Realism Overhaul meta mods) RO & RP 1 Installation for 1.6.1 x64 KerbalEDU ONLY: Principia ( possible conflict with KJR ) precise n-body iterations...can even observe very nice real date & time solar eclipses in RSS: TRAPPIST-1, now a very good n-body gravitation model matching observed published planet transit data Fun (for example with a Kerbal School Club or extra-curricular event ): Planetary Domes We even assembled 'Bob's Bubble' @Thrimm: great for containing Kerbals & objects while kids practice EVA controls etc in space (or falling in atmosphere ;-)...here are some screenshots: Chatterer & Chatterer Extended Ship Sounds, docking sounds (search in CKAN) Omicron Flying Car (included this here because you can climb around inside these parts which is different...concept related to 'external command seats') Pood's Skyboxes or Oinker's Skyboc Brighter v2 or make me a properly aligned one with constellation markers using Space Engine (fyi for those newer to Kerbal...following KSP forum (and Github) members with mods you find interesting is one good way to find relevant KSP content, for example...linuxgurugamer has taken over maintaining a bunch of interesting mods ) Visual improvement mods: planetshine distant object enhancement heavier hitting = more strain your gpu but fun 'visual' mods: Astronomer's Visual Pack (AVP) SVE & SVT for the default Kerbol System RSSVE for RSS scatterer (we love it, but this is _the one_ biggest FPS slow down hit for our systems) again the above is just a tiny sample of KSP community made mods, for those new to Kerbal, there are many more fun or useful mods by the KSP community...depending on class topic...lots of great aircraft parts mods Section 2) 'Easier Useful Tips' General notes: KerbalEDU versions 1.3.1 & 1.4.5 have been more stable, less buggy, & more useful in my environment than prior versions especially when used with mods...Taking time to upgrade to 1.4.5 strongly recommended KSP 1.8.1+ runs even more smoothly...so hopefully TeacherGaming will eventually update KerbalEDU... EDU Mission Editor tips can be found at link. (note the TG mission editor recently went offline ~ 2019 July...waiting to hear from TG the reason why) These observations are based on KerbalEDU in the Windows 10 (updated slow release channel) environment running on 2nd & 3rd gen Intel I7 chips (e.g. 2700k & 3820qm) with older GPUs ( e.g. Radeon HD 6970 or 6950 or NVIDIA Quadro K3000m, or K2000m ) this post aims to cover the most common & biggest "in practice" issues: Please reply with your top additional insights & I will add them to this summary. EDU Relevant DLC missions: (to be determined) DLC is not currently included in KerbalEDU licences so requires additional purchase ( & 'install' = it is a "SquadExpansion" mod folder dropped into GameData) KSP "Making History" expansion DLC 1.4.0 DOES run its version of 'missions' in KerbalEDU 1.4.5 DLC missions are seperate & different from KerbalEDU missions DLC is not included by default with KerbalEDU. TT/SQUAD & TG should look into tax deduction opportunities for releasing this to KerbalEdu licenses...useful stock missions for grade schoolers. DLC 1.4.0 will run in even x32 KerbalEDU 1.4.5 RAM limitations BUT in Windows environment one must use -force-d3d11 to keep x32 KSP.exe RAM use at around 2.5 GB : see this topic Startup parameters (KSP wiki link): Unity engine flags that I use all the time in the windows 10 environment: helps easily switch focus to other window programs (e.g. file explorer) while keeping KSP on the screen -popupwindow helps reduce memory use if stuck using x32 KerbalEDU, also good x64 KSP performance in KerbalEDU 1.4.5 when used with Textures Unlimited: (use at least the version for 1.5.1 with KerbalEDU 1.4.5. Gives nice shading of parts plus removes the 'blue icons' issue in VAB & SPH when using DX11 with 1.4.5) -force-d3d11 Here is a screenshot of what a shortcut to launch KerbalEDU looks like with these two flags (you can use as many or as few flags as you want): Community KerbalEDU youtube channels: EDU explore & observe channel includes playlists of select top remarkable EDU Aero-Astro content we have found so far on youtube...here are a few examples of amazing & beautiful real rocket history & astronomy from the playlists: Community Kerbal youtube channels especially relevant to KerbalEDU: Tutorials: Scott Manley @illectro (links to his "tutorial playlist"...he has other interesting KSP playlists as well). two examples in box below of EDU relevant KSP talk through tutorials with key distinctions students could study at home History: Bob Fitch e.g. "Project Alexandria: the history of human spaceflight from the 1500s all the way to today, carried out in Real Solar System." and other series Matt Lowne @Matt Lowne has some interesting 'real' craft history explored in KSP & a 'special box' & 'related channels' that list KSP players making interesting KSP youtube content. (note: any may need a brief edit before use in the classroom, etc.) Example KSP Youtube Tutorials & History What is KerbalEDU v. KSP: TIPS for when you encounter unusual lags: New Portal: TGdesk KerbalEDU 1.3.1 & 1.4.5+ integration = REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION TO LOGIN EACH TIME but is PORTABLE & CAN BE RUN FROM USB DRIVES (versions 1.2.2 and earlier were "installer" based = not portable and only required internet 'once' for activation): Section 3) 'More Technical Useful Tips' TG App & KerbalEDU: adding various forms of EDU Missions & KSP Community Mods to "TeacherGaming\games\kerbaledu\" Where are...? in the "TeacherGaming\games\kerbaledu\" Changes While 'In-Game' etc. = About GameData, & EduMission .sfs Files & Kerbal Folders & KerbalEDU missions (note: these are different from KSP "Making History DLC" missions): USB drives & GameData & KerbalEdu 1.3.1 & 1.4.5 TGdesk login Portability: This is helpful when you are building your class/lesson plan...you can make & keep 'master" KerbalEDU folders or even just the GameData folder. Then copy these to your student computers (efficient ways to do that vary depending on the complexity of lesson mods, # of student computers) TGdesk versions of KerbalEDU ( = 1.3.1 & 1.4.5 ) are portable so you can easily copy/revert to whole preconfigured folders & you can even give each student a USB drive with KerbalEdu & your custom GameData folder (or even let advanced students modify their own GameData folder to meet their needs for the project)...students can run KerbalEdu from their USB drive from any sufficient spec computer with an internet connection. Saves, Ships, & GameData folders generally contain all you need to make one whole KerbalEDU 'install' folder the same as another (using the same kerbalEDU version, of course) if you do not want to copy the entire 2+ GB all the time). for example, I often create a folder "1Var" and put just the Saves, Ships, GameData & CKAN folders in dedicated folders for various configs...e.g. KerbalEDU, KerbalEduFAR, KerbalEDUroRSSprincipia, KerbalEduTRAPPIST1, KerbalEduPrincipia, etc...then you can just copy the folders as needed or drop junction links... Here is a screenshot showing an example folder structure: Enjoy Exploring! & the KerbalEDU Flight Recorder ;-) Section 4) 'Archived/Outdated...relevant history' Original Portal: KerbalEDU mission links: KerbalEDU made the original Mission Editor that uses its own EDU event system. stock KSP now also has a Mission Builder in its 1st 'extra cost' expansion. The Making History Expansion missions do run ok in KerbalEDU but are NOT linked to KerbalEDU event system.
  23. I would like to use a graphics mod, as the stock atmospheres are terrible. However, I have a potato laptop, and do not know of any graphics mods that I can use on said laptop. Would anyone be able to find/reccomend a mod for me?
  24. I just need some ideas for stock missions! yay
  25. Hello to all, I have failed miserably as you can see by the title... I left the solar system and crashed an ISSBM into the sun but, cannot fly to Duna without smashing my poor F5 and F9 keys... Can someone give me a step by step guide on how to move to other planets? (Interplanetary transfers and their angles and times. I am an idiot, you see...) Please Help me and, Thanks (I HAVE NO FRIENDS)
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