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  1. So I got Infernal Robotics from CurseForge (99% sure I got it for 1.3), and all of the parts show up in my tech tree and the VAB. I can attach the parts to my crafts, but right clicking on them only gives me my TweakScale options and nothing else. Right clicking on them after the craft is launched does nothing, so they are pretty much just structural parts right now. Am I missing an install of something, or is it possible that I have the wrong version? Thank you for any help.
  2. So, I am on KSP Version 1.3.1, and I downloaded MechJeb multiple times, its been installed correctly in the files and all that. But its not showing up in game. I don't know why. Any help? I have some pictures of my folders.
  3. Here is a tutorial on how to install Scatterer (and other mods) manually:
  4. Hello everyone, this is one of my first post so I'm sorry if I make an error. I make designs on the page kerbalx.com, I've been doing it for a while. Recently, I discovered the Infernal Robotics mod and it was just what I needed for my latest design, foldable wings. In that mod, there are hinges that are the part I need for this, and this is where my problem starts. When I make a hinge, I mount the wing on it, and I set it up, it works perfectly, the wing moves to its configured position without problems. But when I put 2 hinges, the madness begins. In the editor work perfectly, both wings open outwardly unfolding correctly, but once inside the game the hinges go crazy, the 2 are just leaving the axes causing graphic and structural problems in the ship, do not move as in the editor and they end up breaking. I need help with this, to know if someone has happened to him, or if it is a problem with the configuration of the mod. I have to say, I have sought help and the only advice I found was 'disable Auto-Struts' (Advanced Tweakables) but I already did it and the problem is still there. Does anyone know why this happens? Before anything thanks to everyone!
  5. I finally got my latest video done from my biggest mission so far where I visited all KSP easter eggs with my friend on local ksp server (KSP dark multiplayer). So if anyone is interested you can check it out and tell me what to improve or your opinion. OR I made also longer version of it just in case you want to see me and my friend how do we made our small KSC with all hardware and some timelapses. https://youtu.be/QASo0D_Spl8 My home KSC
  6. I personally have a penchant for planet mods...209 planets installed and counting. (and other mods in general, but particularly planet mods...ironically i have neither kss nor gpp) This is a list of all my planets. As you could probably expect, there are a good number of transfer windows that happen. I estimate there to be around one every week on average. Naturally, from all the probes I send out, there is a lot of debris. 183 pieces, to be exact. (it's been going up more slowly ever since i began my reusability program, but even still.) I want to see how bad everyone else's saves are too, so post your best (or worst ) pictures here!
  7. My KSP game has a few mods (Mostly USI mods) and was working fine until yesterday! Now when I attempt to launch a Vessel the game crashes. I’ve created new saves within the game, reinstalled the game all together, and reinstalled the mods but it still continues to crash. Any help? Mods I’m using: Habitat Pack, easy Vessel Switch, USI Pack, HL Airships, science relay, x science, KAS, KIS, Scan sat, Kerbal planetary base systems, environmental visual enhancements, stock visual enhancements, scatterer.
  8. so i have installed the BDarmory mod i have got all the weapons and guns ect but i cant find the Weapon manager module which prevents me from firing my guns. missles and bombs are unaffected be this. i'm using ksp version: and BDArmory version: . i have here my gamedata log: https://imgur.com/a/G6ubb i someone can help me fix this because i would like to play whit this mod and use the guns
  9. I have this submarine that I'm working on, and it just goes into an uncontrolable dive whenever I start diving. Any tips on how to fix this?
  10. Ksp keeps crashing before the main menu after updating. Here is my logs if anyone can help ID the problem https://www.dropbox.com/s/qdilgjqpi8rpck4/Error file.zip?dl=0
  11. I recently used kcan to reinstall "Engineer redux" and "for science" however they don't seem to work. I had older versions of them in there that I uninstalled and deleted the folders before installing. When I try loading the game I just get blank white squares where the mod icons should be. Strangely engineer redux is up and running but I can't use the icon to close it. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, restarting, changing screen resolution. Not sure what else else to try.
  12. So, this might sound weird, but it's cool. Basically, mod developers could work together to create a balanced "Modpack" for users who don't want to configure anything and want a nice, mostly bug-free experience. This would also help the mod developers, because all the mods are compatible with eachother, there would be less "False Alarm" bugs for them to deal with (As-in conflicting mods causing bugs that are hard or impossible to fix)
  13. I was wondering if there were any mods that allowed for 2 different space centers and two separeated careers at the same time. Me and my little brother are going to play multiplayer by this method: It would be excellent to have 2 different careers running in the same game so we could advance at different rates and have a true space race. Dose anyone have any info on a mod like this? It would be much appreciated if you could share.
  14. NOTE: PHOTOS ARE LINKED FOR EASIER VIEWING AS EMBEDDING CAUSES ISSUES CHAPTER 1: K.S.S Valiant The EVA From Hell The Mystery Of Monban Station, Or How Jeb Wasted Millions In Five Minutes Icy Ike, But Catla Wants Ike-Cream The Duna Descent Work, Work, Work Home Away From Home Exploration, Part 1 Exploration, Part 2 Shuttling All The Way Icy Ike, But Catla Gets Ike-Cream A Grey Turn Of Events CHAPTER 2: Hello To Nowhere, Part 1 Hello To Nowhere, Part 2 It all happened one day... Jeb, Nacy, Catla, and Jonlong set out for the 'big orange thingy' in the sky. Boarding the 'Vixen', they soared through the atmosphere and into space, leaving Kerbin behind. It was going to be a long time... https://photos.app.goo.gl/KEjxauXMc7oocOSi1 'Yippee! I'm going to space!' Jonlong blurted out. It had been his first time in space. In no time, they had reached a stable, 97 - 103km orbit, and could rest for a few hours. https://photos.app.goo.gl/CLJcLdsa3r6mIVig1 'Hold on, we need to dock with KerbPort to resupply and refuel', Nacy, who was the mission commander, instructed them. 'But until them, we can float around in here, if you want'. 'Yay!' Jonlong enthusiastically replied. Soon, they broke out the cans of Jool-Aid, Crater-Cookies, and of course, snacks, and were floating around the crew cabin. After what seemed like five minutes (it was really five hours), Nacy informed them to get ready for docking. 'Docking in 1 minute, open port'. '30 seconds, Jeb, engage RCS'. Jeb engaged the RCS, and small white puffs came from the thrusters. 'And....we're docked!'. https://photos.app.goo.gl/tpTYwoLMwNJZqvYP2 Now, they would refuel and re-supply, switch to another craft (The 'Valiant'), and be on their way to Duna.
  15. Is there any mod to bring more launch sites? If not, which version of KSP would be the best one to install a mod that provides more launchpads all around Kerbin and/or on other planets or in space?
  16. So this is essentially what is happening to me: Im on 1.2.2, so I install the version of MechJeb for 1.2.2. The game starts loading, and a popup, well, pops up, and says 'This version of Mechjeb is incompatible with your version of KSP', so Im like, "Oh, that must be a glitch". And then, as soon as the game finishes loading, it crashed. This keeps happening, and it won't stop unless I uninstall MechJeb. Can someone help me with this?
  17. So basically I want to do a war series on Kshatriyas but th person I was doing it with cancled so DM me if you want to do it lots of mods Make youtube vids about it (I don’t care about subs or views or anything like that) you will probably need a cold comp. Thanks please DM me if you want to do it
  18. I have a modded instance of Kerbal installed via the steam client (1.3.0) that I recently updated to 1.3.1 on accident, and it broke most of my mods because of compatibility issues. I reverted to 1.3.0 through steam and used CKAN to reinstall the older versions of the mods, since it had updated only some of them, as they hadn't all come to support 1.3.1 yet. upon launching, after everything loads and it goes to the splash screen right before the main menu I encountered a crash, which gave me an error message and printed out a folder of the errors and a stack trace. Attached is a compressed version of all the different crashes, both after updating the mods to 1.3.0 and before. replies and suggestions are welcome! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359240957545414666/366711903843778560/Desktop.rar
  19. Please note, I do not intend on maintaining this OP. You will have to search the thread to see if a given mod is compatible by appropriate search terms. The concept is this, if you know a mod that works in 1.3.1, please list it here so that we know if it can be added safely to a 1.3.1 install. I know that many mods will update to let us know when they are, but some may already be and not everyone may be aware! So, if your mod is 1.3.1 compliant, please post its full name here for easy reference, or if you are a user who knows it is please post its name here, double confirmations are completely okay! I'll be testing mods tomorrow and will add my findings here. You are encouraged to do the same and I'd encourage a sticky for this thread as an index of 1.3.1 compatible content! It's also safe to use other terms that a mod may be known by aka, aliases. Example: Kerbal Space Program Interstellar Extended as KSPIE. Try to make the mod as index-able as possibly by as many generally known canon names you may know.
  20. What are so far what are your favorite 1.3 mods?
  21. Hi, I'm trying to get some mods to work again after having dropped the game some time ago, and now after updating the mods the game isn't pliable. 64bit The game quits when trying to launch a vehicle 2017-10-02_233616 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B089rbaNwAKLVjJScHRtZm42b28 32bit The game quits when trying to load a saved game 2017-10-02_233454 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B089rbaNwAKLbWN4bFA1eE1xOGM Can someone please help getting the game running with mods (it works without them) My rig is as follows win 7 ultimate CPU, i7-4790k ram, 16Gb graphic, 2x GTX 780
  22. I'm wanting to do an alternate 1.3 install with new mods to freshen the gameplay. I'm trying to get through the "stock" career because I barely go interplanetary before I lose interest, but I also want to start playing with new mods. Right now, I have a couple of mods I really want to try out. One is Kerbalism, and the other is The Gallileo Planet Pack. I also want to add KSP Interstellar Extended and other parts mods. So, should I go with a Kerbalism-focused install around the stock Kerbin system, or go with a new planetary system with a few realism mods added for challenge? With either choice, I might make a thread in Fan Works since career modes turn into their own exciting stories. Timely feedback would be very appreciated, including recommendations for mods or other mod sets, or any facts like if Gallileo's Planet Pack can run with Kerbalism or not. EDIT: Discovered GPP does support Kerbalism. This might make my choice simpler.
  23. I am using (well, trying to) the Stanford torus mod ( adds matter accelerators), but it won't add the actual things, or it just flat out crashes. What am I doing wrong? FYI: I have the mod in the game folder, not the Gamedata folder, cuz their was no Gamedata folder to be seen in the mod.
  24. Greetings, I'm planning to start a new modded science mode. What mods do you guys recommend? I'd like a list. Don't forget to add more science part mods. (Make sure all mods are up to date e.e) Appreciated!
  25. Welcome to the FAITO crafts repository ! Ahoy mateys ! Here I'll present you all my important crafts as they will be designed along the time. You'll find here information, pics and downloads for all the crafts I'll post, and if you need some info, feel free to ask me in comment I don't pretend to be a good designer nor a good builder, but I'm trying to do my best when I start a building project. If you're looking for some astounding crafts or replicas, there is far better anywhere on the forums Each craft will be shortly described and pictured in this first post, however you may find additional info in future posts I'll make each time I'll upload a craft. Exhaustive List : FSS Raiatea Warship [AWB-P1] The Crafts : FSS 'Raiatea' Warship [AWB-P1] The AWB-P1 is a small-but-dangerous armored patroller ship. It’s the very first class of warships produced by FAITO’s Naval Engineering Bureau. Built with care & love by our fellow engineers. Her main goal is to protect the KSC against any flying object like a working rocket or anything else assuming it’s a thing that flies. It provides a large range of dangerous devices, such as Ground-to-Air missiles, cannons, machine-guns, and more. More that 1000 unit of each ammo are stored in the inside. Her great defect : motorization. She's slow. Awfully slow. Our engineers are working on a much better motorized version. Details Type : Warship Class : P1 Raiatea Part Count : 511 Mods : 8 Average Speed: 1m/s Mods : BDArmory, BDArmoryContinued, CactEye 2 Orbital Telescope, Firespitter, KerbalEngineer, Procedural Parts, TweakScale - Rescale Everything! Download ! That's all for now, folks ! Various stuff : What is FAITO Aerospace ? FAITO Aerospace (aka. FAITO) is my fictive space exploration company that have responsibility of running my space program in the right (upper?) direction. FAITO means FAITO Aerospace Innovative Technologies for Orbiters. Yeah, it's a recursive acronym . FAITO Aerospace is directed by Jebediah Kerman (aka. Jeb'). Jebediah Kerman means Jebediah Kerman, witch is not recursive. There is some internal subdivisions in FAITO : FAITO's Naval Engineering Bureau, for all the things that floats or sink. FAITO Research & Development, for all the experimental things that may explode. FAITO Science Committee, for all the 'scientific' things. FAITO Geomapping Bureau, the bureau that scans Kerbin and other celestial bodies to provide fancy maps with SCANSat mod. FAITO, the main subdivision, witch cares of anything looking like a rocket. More about naming : Changelog : Created the topic Posted the FSS 'Raiatea' Warship
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