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  1. This is a serious topic, and unfortunately, KSP2 fails on all fronts here. And I can only talk about problems with interface, but I'm sure there's plenty more things that can be improved. Plus, if anything, the 0.1.4 made it worse. Look at this Let's start from the top left. The "hamburger menu". Known to exist in most mobile apps, but absent from most desktop applications, except some browsers. Alright, it's a good idea to have a button AND a hotkey (Esc), just like staging does, but does it have to be an actual icon of a hamburger? Probably a snacks joke, haha. Okay, it's there but... it only works one way. There's no button to go back from the menu. Not very intuitive, is it? Meanwhile, a button with similar function (opening a menu of options) in App bar looks entirely different. Next stop is on the right, the GFORCE window. Or is it a Gforce window? Maybe it's crew portait window? And if it is, why does it show empty seats? Where's that cyber Kerbal dummy that devs have shown us ages ago? Anyway, what matters is that the name has a hard time explaining what it is, because the GFORCE only applies to that thin strip on the left. And I think another issue are the window names. Not only they're 8 pixels tall (at 1080p screen), very inconsistent in letter shape - look at any two same letters close to each other, they are not identical because the whole thing is badly compressed, but also inconsistent in letter size and style - for example, the resources window has the title made of 7 pixels, but also the separator isn't a dot, but a hyphen. And the whole theme makes it look like it's some placeholder codename, not an actual thing. Why is it ORBITAL.INFO, and not Orbital Info? Why is it TIME.WARP and not Time Warp? There's no reason to have it like that in a product that's not a prototype available only for the dev team. Font choices. On that one screenshot I counted 12 (Twelve) different styles, including changes in font size. That is the opposite of unified interface, feels more like a bunch of different bits made by 5 different people, glued together to make a UI. We've got window names in two (at least) sizes, orbital parameters (also at least two sized AND styles), the navball there you can find another 3, timewarp window with 2 more, the resource window with another new size, and staging with at least two more. Iconography. There isn't much here but there are two identical radiotelescope icons that do different things. One shows radio connection, the other is Tracking Station. That can be confusing. Also, all planets in the top left list have the same icon of Kerbin. I know it's an icon for "planet" but it's the same for moons. The Navball. Oh the navball. I should explain that I am slightly visually impaired. Wearing glasses, short sighted, astigmatism, recently fighting (without effects) focus/contrast issues in my right eye. And there's no other way of saying this, the new dark mode of the navball looks like crap and is unreadable for me without leaning in and squinting. The tiny, very densely packed numbers blend with the background, the center bird blends with the background lines, the SAS icons can be barely seen against what's behind them. You could say to increase the size of the UI - but I don't think I should. I'm not that blind because, in KSP1, with roughly the same size of the ball, I had no problems reading the numbers. Here though, it's a complete blur. Honestly, the most readable thing in this whole screenshot, is the FPS readout.
  2. talk wike you are thwee ill go first: mommy said i cant eat the wrapper! waaa
  3. You can count me as a hard skeptic on this. I've seen a number of analyses of the 'go-fast', 'gimbal' and 'flir' videos and I remain unconvinced there's any actual hard evidence there. The recent testimony is really bizarre and interesting. Still, without like actual instrument data to back this stuff up I can't help but feel unconvinced. Anyone else been following this? https://thehill.com/homenews/4118340-ufo-hearing-live-updates-lawmakers-former-officials-strange-sightings/
  4. We need to have a talk. I understand the artistic choice of having the game world be realistically depicted while the UI is representative of Kerbal technology with ASCII art and pixelated graphics and icons. I like the idea. But some of the graphics are too pixelated. Just look at the icons in map view. It hurts the eyes.
  5. The discussion about these white fluffy mountains of the sky has been of particularly hot debate through many different topics in this forum lately so I figured why not make a topic about it so the other threads can stay on point and we can vehemently argue in one spot. I feel like the discussion really sparked when we saw this: Which can seem as a reasonable reaction when we were originally shown this: Which leads me to think they're sandbagging. I mean look at the big fluffy guy in the background... Gorgeous! All wispy and fluffy and contrasty with shadows, and just looking like... a cloud. And those altostratus clouds higher up... *chef's kiss* But, most recently we got shown this: And I think this picture encapsulates what is wrong with the "new" clouds, they don't resemble clouds... They resemble terrain. All edgy and low contrast and splotchy looking like it went through 2 layers of terrain generating noise... Also, all the clouds here (and in other recent pics) are wider at the bottom than they are at the top, which isn't impossible for clouds but implies the top of a cloud requires support, like the ground does. It simply defies physics. Like, just look at this guy top right of the plane! : What is that?! Objectively unnatural and subjectively off putting! That's what. Still though, I don't think the devs are blind, I think they know what they're doing here and we'll see what happens when the game come out... Now argue (or agree, you're choice, but nowhere as fun), about why clouds may have taken this turn recently, what you assume we may see at launch, or about something off topic which another new thread may be born from. That water be looking fiiiiiiinnnne
  6. I hate being asked "How's school?" for small talk, no ones going to use the info, I don't remember half the info, and the answer is always "It's fine"
  7. Just talk like any game character. Example: Me, the great abel101126, will capture and cook you! Nyeh Heh Heh! (Papyrus UNDERTALE )
  8. guess whos sick :/

    sore throat, cant talk, gagged and almost threw up cuz i coughed wrong earlier this morning, and a runny nose

    1. Souptime


      Its not the 'rona, but i still feel like horse sh-... crap

    2. Ben J. Kerman

      Ben J. Kerman

      Aww, that sucks. Hope you feel better soon!

      Maybe have some soup? :wink:

  9. Hello does i can talk about off topic very off topic things i have few thing i could talk about but don't if i can and can i ask a favor for the ksp moderators / devs : can i dm you on discord and can i get private talk ? (but i don't have a mic)
  10. It is simple. Say anything you want that abides with the forum rules in Zalgo text, and please don't make it too crazy. https://lingojam.com/ZalgoText B̶̳̦́e̸͉̰͠͝g̴̢̘͐i̶͖͉̓͘ṋ̴̯̊!̸̦̏!̶̙̂̋ (Begin!!) You do not need to add regular text of what the zalgo text reads as long as it is mostly readable.
  11. Lately fourms are getting clumped and messy I am meaning There is a Variety of them and they need to be Organized together into Sub-categories of sub-categories So lets start at this standpoint Add-On-Development > Mods But it should be like : Add-On-Development > [Type of Mods, e.g Terrain shader, part mods] And it should be extended for all sub categories of the fourms like Mega-Threads category Mini thread category Types of missions/Challenges category Self promo/ Group promo category etc. Share your thoughts below and give ideas If the Mods see this thread (hopefully this becomes a mega thread full of ideas that they can implement) Signing off Weak Player 5th May 2021
  12. you have to use a quote from a show / real life. for commenting on peoples quotes i will allow the hidden content thingy. ill start us off “ This is Peridot, transmitting on all frequencies from abandoned Crystal System colony planet Earth, to Yellow Diamond. My mission has been compromised. My escort and informant are gone, and I am now stranded. PLEASE SEND HELP! ” —"Cry for Help"
  13. At first I thought: "I'll just get to the Mun and back. That's it. Then I'll be done." Then it was: "Just plant a flag on Minmus, that's enough." "Just see how mining and refueling works..." "Just rescue my Kerbalnaut stranded in Munar orbit..." "Just plant a flag on Duna..." And for a while, that was enough. I did the rendezvous and docking tutorial. One go at that tedium was more than enough. I was even getting a bit bored babysitting every single burn. Going elsewhere with robots was unexciting, and flags and footprints meant docking. Nope. Crew transfers or rescue missions for me meant either planting both parties on an airless celestial body, or MAYBE a orbital rendezvous. Either way, it involved a LOT of EVA propellant and a long space/moonwalk. Then I heard about MechJeb, and KSP took over my life again. I got misty-eyed as my three, helmets-off, intrepid explores watched Jool phasing overhead like a giant lava lamp / clock (waxing quarter at nightfall, full at midnight, and back to a waning quarter near sunrise) in the Laythian night. So, Hi. Nobody in my life plays KSP and I just can't keep all this wonder to myself any longer! I'm also too impatient to wait for moderator approval. So now I'm going to write a book (feel free to not read): LAYTHE 1 - 2-part launch - Grabbing (not docking) in Kerbin orbit - Flight to Minmus - Grabbing and refueling from a Minmus miner/refinery ship. - Then off to Jool's SOI! Jool Aerocapture My first mission to Laythe blew up 6 times (and ended up sub-orbital once) trying to Aerocapture into Joolian orbit because: - I designed and built it wrong: Fully fueled lander W/asparagus staging being pushed by a single-engine nuclear intrasolar transfer vehicle (that was also pushing a lab module) with insufficient fuel. - I'm too impatient to figure out all the parameters for the online Aerocapture tools, so I just kept trying different periapsis until I found one that was sorta manageable. - I docked the lander to the NERV-powered transfer vehicle using the AGU rather than a proper docking port. My engineer kept having to spacewalk to reconnect broken struts that I installed post-connection. At one point, she had five minutes to get outside, climb down a ladder, repair the broken strut, climb back up and get TF back inside before they hit the atmosphere. - I didn't put enough AIRBRAKES (and RCS thrusters and reaction wheels) on to compensate for the 10M heat shield waaaaaaay up front. The whole stack (more like a train) was pretty unstable and I just barely managed to keep it straight even after pumping as much of the fuel to the forward-positioned lander tanks as they would hold. The tail got pretty cooked and I ended up rolling the entire ship (during my successful-enough Aerobrake altitude) at periapsis to keep everything from going completely sideways. Something exploded, but I guess it wasn't important. (I don't know how to access mission logs to see what broke). But I made it! With a small retro burn right after exiting Jool's atmosphere, and jettisoning a full RCS tank (whoops, ended up needing that later). Laythe Aerocapture I think I only blew the ship up twice during the Laythe Aerocapture. All this time, I was just guesstimating the amount of fuel I needed to get the crew home. - I also don't know how to calculate delta-V for vehicles before I've dumped some of the stages, so I didn't know how much DV I'd need to push my much-diminished stack home. Laythe Landing Turns out that a 10M heat shield is unlikely to make a stable reentry when you undock the 100-meter lab, fuel tank, and NERV engine that kept it sort of stable during aerocaptures. I was doing okay until I ran out of monopropellant. Then my lander went Mary Poppins on me much higher and faster than I had planned. Funny, but terrifying. Good thing engines have a pretty high thermal tolerance. I think it took me 3 tries to actually land in one piece, on land. I wanted coasts, but I ended up on a mountain after mashing the "LAND SOMEWHERE" button in desperation. Laythe Jool is SO PRETTY! I love the noon eclipses and the giant green nightlight! I landed on the rim of the big crater so it was almost directly overhead. All my Kerbalnauts developed neck problems from looking up. Also 90 degrees is not easy to pan to. I wanted them to have a swim, but I didn't have the patience to watch them hike for however many physics-warped hours it would take to get down to the water. I disembarked all 3 crew at the same time. What could go wrong? Ladders. Ladders that don't work the same way after a save on an uncrewed vehicle (or something). I tried everything to get my crew back onboard, including welding a solar panel as a "catch plate" for them to jump to from the top of the ------ ladder. Didn't work. And that's when and why I "discovered" the gravity hack. Laythe Launch The lander had launched just fine during a practice run on Kerbin. Not so on Laythe. Probably because I used up all my monoprop trying to survive reentry, and none of the ascent engines, I chose, gimballed. Yikes. My engineer pulled off every piece of "unnecessary" equipment she could reach, tried to compensate for a nasty yaw defect by rebalancing the amount of propellant in the various tanks and changing the staging order. It worked well enough that the lander limped to an orbit above Laythe's atmosphere with just one somersault along the way. Needless to say, Mechjeb was useless for the ascent on my catawampus ship, so it was all seat-of-the-pants. The intrasolar transfer vehicle was able to dip down and rescue the MK-3 reentry pod. Yay! Homeward bound! Jool Escape My Kerbalnauts didn't have enough remaining DV to escape Laythe, then Jool, then lower Periapsis to Kerbin's orbit. Not even close. Whoops. MechJeb said I needed 6000 m/s if I waited 300 years. I had maybe 4K. Luckily Tylo happened to be wandering by when I was playing with impossibly-expensive return trajectories. - The first time I got too excited, did a mountaintop-clipping swingby, and later realized I had dropped the ship's periapsis into Kerbol's corona. Whoops. - Second time I got it right-ish and made it back to Kerbins SOI for around 1000m/s. WOOT! And that was that. - I had enough fuel to straight-up decelerate into Kerbin orbit with a 60km periapsis. - Jettisoned the MK3 pod - Had the intrasolar transfer vehicle climb back to a 400km orbit. As a bookend to the crazy mission, the pod bounced off the atmosphere for 3 orbits and ended up running out of battery (I had left the solar panels on Laythe), and coming in totally dead stick with the ablator on its heat shield completely burned up. Still, any landing you walk away from.... especially one with 6K worth of science! ... which I promptly sold out to finance LAYTHE 2: This Time We're Staying! Laythe 2 Design: - Minimize aerocapture. There are sooo many Joolian moons, and sticking a 10M heat shield on every lander just sucks. - Permanent Laythe Base - Miner/Refueling Ship (probably aiming for Bop) built similar to my overpowered Minumus miner and refinery - SSTO dropship with no ablators. It's supposed to go down and land fully fueled, exchange crews, then fly back up and meet with the Miner/Refueler. It will make the transfer to Jool empty and need to be fueled prior to the first drop on Laythe. - Each component gets its own Intrasolar Transfer Vehicle (ITV) with 3 NERV engines and 14K deltaV (when not docked to something) - Docking to be done with REAL docking ports (the large one), except when refueling. The miner/refinery has a couple of AGU's and LOTS of RCS. Launch: - No problems with anything but the ITV's. Those launched fully-fueled from KSP space center and were heavy as sin. Mechjeb couldn't handle it, so I manually pushed them into orbit. The first one took a couple of tries until I got the hang of it. Currently I have all 3 ITV's fully fueled and docked to their respective mission components. I started building this mission with $9,000,000. Now I have $745,000 left. I have full science and am selling 95% of any new research for cash. A lot of the cost came from hiring Kerbalnauts. 3X ITV's each with Pilot and Engineer + Laythe Base: 4 Scientists, 1 Engineer, 1 Pilot + SSTO: 1 Engineer, 1 Pilot + Mining Ship: 1 Engineer (4 stars) , 1 Pilot. So that's 16 crew in total, and I think I hired 12 of them just for this mission. Lots of greenhorns. Current Issues: - MechJeb keeps blowing up mid-burn for long-duration burns. I have good alignment with the Mun to launch the Jool fleet with a nice flyby gravity assist, but I noticed the target drifting on my first attempt and I had to scrap and restart to a pre-departure save point. This isn't the first time this has happened. - I don't think it's possible to do simultaneous burns and keep the fleet together. Even if I could get a mod that let me fly all the ships at the same time, they have different masses and probably won't stay within physics distance during the long nuke accelerations. That means I'll have to space the ships' departures out by 30-40 minutes or so. Not a big deal, but kind of a bummer and a hassle to re-rendezvous outside Kerbins SOI, if I want to for some reason (like . - I am out of money! - Not super confident that I can land the base and the SSTO within a reasonable distance of each other. The SSTO has wheels but I'm not great at building rovers and it's pretty tippy. - KSP has taken over my life!
  14. I was playing KSP1 earlier and got to thinking about it. In my opinion it would be great for fixing things on outposts (like in the current KSP), exploring and just all around immersion. Have you guys heard anything and if not, what do you think?
  15. This topic is used to talk about flags created by everyday people and the largest modders in KSP alike! We welcome any flags, as long as they are Safe For Work. I guess that's it, keep sharing your flags! (eventually I will make a picture of a vessel with all the flags on the topic, to participate you must include a link to your flag in the description as well as the pictr) Posting NSFW flags on this topic will be reported to the moderators.
  16. I did not have a good relationship with my father, I was able to talk to him again a month and a half before his death from cancer, and recently on his computer I discovered that he had played KSP at first (1.2), I have a lot of regret for not being there at that time.

  17. Only talk in binary. Oops I broke a rule. 01010111 01100101 01101100 01101100 00101110 00100000 01010111
  18. KSP Talk with Hanson - Episode 2

    HAHA! SUCCESS! The computer I was talking about in episode 1 has not come to frutition BUTT the Kerbal Archeological Society has discovered and unearthed an old computer from the far off land of... 2011. It’s not a pretty thing, only like 2-4gb of data, but it’ll do until the pandemic ends. I used it until ~2017 when ownership of a nice MacBook was handed to me. I won’t be able to do my fancy career series BUTT I will be able to make some nice crafts in the meanwhile.


    lotsa love, Hanson

    episode three coming out probably because I made episode 2.

    1. VoidCosmos


      Yay! You have 4gigs?! Same

  19. dots or rep 

    I prefer dots

    ALSO btw KSP Talk 2 is inevitable. Look out, it’s truly inevitable. Tomorrow morning.


    oh btw tho last few days I’ve been waking at 11 EST so just saying :D very exciting news

    everyone type conspiracy theories in my replies :lol:

    1. Fraston
    2. HansonKerman


      good, good. <discomforting smile>

  20. might have news for KSP talk 2

    i know @VoidCosmos wanted that :)

    1. VoidCosmos


      Yeah I wanted it thanks 

  21. KSP talk with Hanson - episode1

    i have had an idea bouncing around in my head for a mission report series. A career mode where I plant a flag/establish a base if I want on every land able celestial body. Recently also had the idea to do it with planert packs. So, as the prospect of getting a computer is closer than ever now (moar on that never), I wanted to share the idea. It also will involve a bit of story (at some pivotal points), involving gods, and anomalies. So stay tuned I guess...

    (episode 2 coming out never)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VoidCosmos


      LIKE! (Ram Ran out of likes)

    3. VoidCosmos




      Wrong. BRIAN

    4. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Sounds AWESOME! Always on the lookout for MOAR mission reports

  22. Trina Ray (lead scientist of Cassini's Titan flybys) gives a first hand talk about a few of the fantastic findings of the Cassini-Huygens mission. She talks a lot about how people reacted to the data as it unfurled and slowly pieced together some rather amazing big pictures. It's lovely, figured I'd share!
  23. real talk here my sleep schedule is messed up af

    woke up like 10mins a go and now I have to do a 9:30 class it’s important too

    im hungry

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