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  1. Contract Pack: GAP for JNSQ - a missionpack with milestones, airline and rescue missions. This mod is aimed for use with JNSQ and Kerbal Konstructs only. If you play without a planet pack, you should look at the original GAP mod instead. Main Features: Milestones to complete and to unlock all the other missions. Airline flights to different Airports on Kerbin Coastguard Missions Air Freight Missions Autoloading Passengers Communications Dependencies: Contract Configurator Module Manager JNSQ Kerbal Konstructs Recommended: Airplane Plus or other part mods for more airplane parts AtmosphereAutopilot for better cruse flight at timewarp Waypoint Manager Download: Github SpaceDock Notes: You need to finish some of the milestones first, to unlock other missions. If you dont see the different runways in JNSQ: "JNSQ provides at least 14 facilities powered by Kerbal Konstructs and requires Omega's Stockalike Stuctures. (also on CKAN) If you have performance issues with 60 kerbals spawned on the bigger flight missions: LowPerformancePatch Gap-for-JNSQ. This lowers the spawned kerbals to 4-6 on these missions but keeps the rewards and requirements for these missions. Read the README file for install instructions !
  2. Kerbals of All Trades (KOAT) This addon will let your kerbals have many more skills than typically given and adds four new kerbal types. Each one is a different merging of skills and abilities. Scientist / Pilot — Engineer / Pilot — Scientist / Engineer — Team Leader These new types will let you go on manned expeditions without the need for excess pod weights. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Exodus_Solis adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo See more Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) Biomatic (BIO) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom! (BOOM) MoarKerbals (MOAR) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) OScience Laboratories (OSL) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) Precise Maneuver (PM) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) Solar Science (SOL) Transparent Pods (PODS) TweakScale (twk) Tags config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎
  3. I'm playing through the career mode in 1.2 and recently sent a multi part vehicle (lander, return vehicle plus two satellites) to the mun to satisfy four contracts in one mission. One of the contracts is to "Dock two vessels on or around the Mun". To meet the requirements of this I detached my return vehicle that I'm going to leave in orbit from the lander, then re-docked with the lander. As I understand the contract I should have met its requirements of two vessels having been docked in the correct location, but the game failed to recognise this. Possibly the game is expecting the two vessels to be launched from Kerbin separately, but that seems a bit strange given that one of the most common uses of docking is after sending landers to planet surfaces. I'd be curious to know if anyone else has come across this behaviour of the game.
  4. This is the record of my new career mode game in a JNSQ/Principia world with Kerbalism and SkyhawkScienceSystem. Because of Principia, the Kerbolar system will look slightly different from what would normally be expected in a JNSQ setup. The most obvious change is that Minmus is the inner of Kerbins two moons. I am publishing these mission reports both here and on GitHub (mainly because I need someplace to put the images, and GitHub is convenient), and will link to the GitHub version of each story from the story title here. Dawn of the Space Age A history of the Kerbinian Society for Astronavigation They finally made it. Almost a decade after founding the Kerbinian Society for Astronavigation, after almost endless discussions, research, planning, more discussions, scrabbling for money, lobbying, convincing investors and sponsors, calling in all favors any of them were owed (and now owing quite a lot of favors themselves), they finally had a launch site and research center. A former aircraft test site, conveniently located in the middle of nowhere (but smack on the equator!), complete with runway, hangar (a bit decrepit, admittedly), a small office building and a shed (now serving as mission control and admin office), a barracks building (newly renamed to "Astronaut Complex", and their home for the forseeable future) and a couple of nissen huts clustered around another office building (the "Science Center"). Always optimistic, they changed its old name to "Kerbin Spaceport Complex" (and to be honest, that does sound better than "Aeroplane Research Site Four"), and spent almost all of the societies' remaining funds on a brand new rocket assembly building (planned for a bright future, and way too large for what they could actually build) and a tracking station. And, of course, a launch pad (to be brutally honest this time, really just a patch of roughly graded dirt hopefully far enough away from everything else that accidents could happen without causing too much damage). Who they were? A bunch of eccentrics, convinced that it was possible to use rockets to not only leave Kerbins atmosphere, but to actually "fall around the world" and stay up in the skies forever. And to go even further, to Kerbins moons, to other planets, and even other stars! The "space fool Kermans", they were sometimes called (and yes, even though Kerman is a very common name, there were an unusual number of Kermans in the society). Wernher von Kerman. Jebediah Kerman (no relation to Wernher). Gene and Mortimer Kerman (cousins, but not related to either Wernher or Jeb). Max Kalier. Robert Krussel. And last but by no means least, Valentina Korova. The founding members of the Kerbinian Society for Astronavigation. And as of today — day one of year one of the space age, because of course they had started a new year count for the occasion, in good kerbinian tradition — they were officially in business. The business of guiding Kerbalkind to the stars, as stated in the societies' bylaws.
  5. Field Research - Get paid to do science! Description This is a Contract Pack that gives contracts to perform various science experiments. There are contracts for: Biome studies - collecting results from a number of experiments in a single biome. Climate studies - performing various climate experiments on bodies with atmospheres. Geological studies - performing geological experiments on various biomes of a celestial body. Experimental studies - run one experiment under multiple conditions (including experiments from mods). KSC Science - contract to go around and collect all the various small science around the KSC. Scientist Ferry - bring a scientist to a specific location to perform a specific experiment. Rare Science - contract with suggested location for difficult biome/situation combinations (eg. Splashed down at Kerbin's Mountains). Re-run experiment - contracts for science completionists - re-run an already done experiment to get a little bit more science out of it. Notes: The contract pack works for RSS and planet packs - you will receive contracts for any celestial body that is loaded in the game. This mod disables the stock "Collect Science" contracts, as they become somewhat redundant when this is installed. https://imgur.com/a/R9WvJ Download CKAN: In CKAN, select and download the mod "Contract Pack: Field Research". GitHub: For the direct download option, please ensure you have all the dependencies before raising a support request: Contract Configurator is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the Contract Configurator release thread. ModuleManager is a required dependency and can be downloaded from the ModuleManager release thread. The Field Research Contract Pack can be downloaded from GitHub. Waypoint Manager is an optional (but highly recommended) dependency and can be downloaded from the Waypoint Manager release thread. Optional Stuff Crowd Sourced Science - You're likely going to be getting a lot of science reports with this mod. Why not make the reports into some more interesting reading with hundreds of unique science reports. Science Alert - Never miss an opportunity to collect science. Also includes a super convenient UI for collecting multiple experiments. [x] Science! - Contains a great GUI for tracking how much science is remaining for various biomes/experiments/etc. No More Science Grinding - Get 100% science from running stock experiments (no more need to re-run experiments multiple times). Waypoint Manager - For viewing contract waypoints in-flight to much more easily hit your target (recommended for the scientist contracts in particular). Source The full source is available on GitHub. Change Log Special Thanks @arkie87 - For giving me the idea and getting me started on making this. @DMagic - For providing code and general KSP science systems support. @xEvilReeperx - For providing a great block of code to get the list of science subjects out of KSP. @amorymeltzer - More general science support! @ObsessedWithKSP - For all the things you do. Everyone else who posted in this thread where the idea got started. @Zeenobit - For his very cool mod Historian, (now maintained by @Aelfhe1m) which I used to put together the images for this post. License The Field Research Contract Pack is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 Like what you see? Consider donating to the beer fund! It will not go directly to supporting this or other mods under my care, but it may keep my motivation up!
  6. Forgotten Space Program Latest Post: 2021-07-07 - Legitimate Salvage -- It's happened again. Those well meaning kerbals ran off and completely forgot about their space program. Maybe there was a global crisis. Maybe they ran out of funds. Maybe the Kraken ate the ship Jeb and the Bs were in. Or maybe it was just snack time and the cheese dip was really, really good. Unfortunately nobody remembers what went wrong because nobody remembers being there. Space? Whazzat? And so years pass. Eventually an eccentric millionaire stumbles on the ruins of the long-forgotten program. Trailers. Sheds. Run-down labs. A dirt runway. Factories scattered here and there in the nearby countryside. Exploding barrels of fleas. Sharp metal bits. Gumball machines. Nuclear waste. The usual rust of a long forgotten industry. A few quick phone calls and some thousand signatures later and The Boss became the owner of their very own space program. And that's when the fun started. -- Thread of the Month: May 2016 -- Table of Contents Volume 1: Forgotten Volume 1 Sequence 1 2015-12-03 - Forgotten Space Program, The Hydrogen Flights (this post) 2015-12-04 - Hydrogen's Last Blast, Noble Helium, Orbital Helium 2015-12-06 - Sweet Lithium, Beryllium Spheres, Boron to be Wild 2015-12-10 - The Age of the Universe, Boron Into The Mün, Beryllium Relic 2015-12-11 - Carbon Testing, The Carbon 6, Carbon 1 2015-12-16 - Carbon Scoring, High Carbon 2015-12-17 - The Dangers of C-4, Carbon For Who?, Beryllium-Coated Lies 2015-12-20 - More Boron Contract Missions..., :C=C: 2015-12-22 - 95 Years, 139 Days, 27 Minutes Volume 1 Sequence 2 2015-12-24 - A Nitrogen One, Thing C 2015-12-26 - A Little More Nitrogen, And A Dash Of Oxygen 2015-12-29 - Fluorine 1 2016-01-01 - The Six Moons of Kerbin, Nitrogen T-4, Thing A 2016-01-02 - Fixing Kelgee, Walking on Thin Nitrogen, Nitrogen Take 6, More Fluorine For Better Teeth, Oxygen Perfected 2016-01-05 - Nitrogen T-7 Volume 1 Sequence 3 2016-01-11 - The Bright Bright Neon Lights, Neon Sizzle, Neon Clones, Under The Heavy Neon Glow 2016-01-12 - Delayed Return 2016-01-16 - Salty Minmus 2016-01-18 - Taking Pictures For Fun and Profit 2016-01-20 - Release!, Return to Flight 2016-01-23 - Asylum Run, ... By Lunatics, ... Running An Asylum 2016-01-25 - Ferry Ride 2016-01-28 - The Aluminium Gang, Aluminium X-0 1, Aluminium X-0A 2, Aluminium X-1 3 2016-01-31 - Strange Request 2016-02-02 - Sonic Sensei, The Mother Of All Space Telescopes, Nitrogen X 2016-02-04 - Aluminium Cans of Boom, Housekeeping 2016-02-06 - More Housekeeping Volume 1 Sequence 4 2016-02-13 - Mission Improbable, Reduce Reuse Recycle, Nitrogen TC-12, Silly Silicon 2016-02-14 - Balanced Imbalance, Some Assembly Required 2016-02-16 - More Silicon More Recycling, Some More Assembly Required 2016-02-21 - Queen of the Airwaves, Tour of the Junkyard, Trafficking Hot Goods 2016-02-23 - A Phosphorescent Return to the Mün 2016-02-26 - Second Verse Same As The First, A Little Bit Louder And A Little More Rehearsed 2016-02-27 - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Mün 2016-03-05 - Slow Moves, Nitrogen Transfers 2016-03-08 - Memories of Tomorrow Volume 1 Sequence 5 2016-03-11 - The Mystic Mün 2016-03-19 - Operation Ice Castle 2016-03-20 - Contracting Smallprobes 2016-03-23 - Reentrant Aluminium 2016-03-28 - The Mün of Our Youth 2016-04-11 - The Crater of the First Kerbals Volume 1 Sequence 6 2016-04-15 - Ghosts and Things 2016-04-18 - Memories of the Storm 2016-04-24 - Two Star Detour 2016-05-01 - Familiar Voices, Building Anticipation 2016-05-05 - Anticipation Building 2016-05-10 - Titanium Flight Test, Titanium Boxes, The Münquake is in Another Castle, Kerbal Kerbals 2016-05-14 - Stellar[is] Launches 2016-05-20 - Silicon Sulphur Snack Strategy 2016-05-28 - Finishing Touches 2016-05-30 - Little House on the Minty Prairie, And Another Thing... 2016-06-01 - Departures Volume 1 Sequence 7 2016-06-05 - GLORY TO KERBIN! 2016-06-27 - Bugs 2016-07-10 - 99 Years, 343 Days, 2 Hours 2016-07-13 - Your Robots Are Ignoring You 2016-07-20 - Captain Kerman and... The Robot Invasion of Jool 2016-07-26 - Setting Up The Fireworks 2016-07-28 - One Hundred Years At The Edge Of Infinity, Thomlock's New Year's Rocket Eve, Infinity's Edge Volume 1 Sequence 8 2016-08-07 - Answers In Time..., More Pieces For The Jumble 2016-08-14 - ... Time In Riddles 2016-08-14 - No Kerbal's Sky 2016-08-22 - Wings of Fire 2016-08-25 - Sulphur Descending Volume 2: Continuum Volume 2 Sequence 1 2016-10-03 - Somewhere In The Dark..., Kerbin: North Mountain 2017-10-07 - Continuing From Where We Started, Continuum Volume 2 Sequence 2 2016-10-16 - Continuing From Where We Left Off 2016-10-20 - I Could Fly Here Forever 2016-10-30 - Fire In The Sky 2016-11-08 - The Jebediah Kerman, Remotely Controlled Kerbal 2016-11-26 - One Final Sunset, Leaving Laythe Volume 2 Sequence 3 2016-12-04 - The Bosses, Ghost Attack, Data Recovery Services 2016-12-11 - Chrome Plated, Missing Minmus Mishap 2017-01-22 - Adaptation, Burning Manganese, Cobalt Testing, Iron Birdie 2017-01-31 - Iron Supplements, Manganese Mün 2017-02-10 - Cobalt Blue, The Award, Into The Unknown Volume 2 Sequence 4 2017-02-25 - Infinite Departures 2017-04-16 - Finite Arrivals 2017-04-25 - As Is Only Fitting And Proper 2017-05-08 - Whispers Volume 2 Sequence 5 2017-05-14 - Mission Report, Wooden Nickel 2017-05-23 - Crazy Talk, Manganese Station 2017-06-19 - Science Supplies / Lucidity / Downwards / Through Fire Volume 2 Sequence 6 2017-07-03 - Ghosts On The Ice / The Other Side 2017-07-14 - Into The Abyss 2017-09-13 - The Hook 2017-10-19 - Out In The Cold 2017-10-23 - Late Arrival 2017-11-28 - Late Departure 2017-12-04 - Exit Vall, Stage Outwards / Pol-italicized Pol-lution2018-01-31 - Children of Bop 2018-03-19: Where There's a Whip... / ...There's a Laythe 2018-03-27 - Will the Last One Leaving Jool... / ...Please Turn Off the Lights / Year 100, Day 336, Hour 2 Volume 2 Sequence 7 2018-07-16 - Shadows and Whispers / Nickel and Dimed 2018-07-24 - Council of Copper / Another Nickel's Worth 2018-08-03 - Controlling Copper / Supplying Chaos 2018-08-12 - Project Copper / Culpa de Cuprum 2018-08-19 - Copper Loss 2018-09-16 - Titanium: The Next Generation 2018-12-03 - Where We Left Off / Copper Gains / Friendly Warning 2019-05-08 - Planning Pioneers / Living with Copper / Copper 12 2019-05-27 - Copper Supply 2019-06-09 - Titanium Y-6 / Iron Transfer 2019-06-12 - Iron Enrichment / Titanium Y-7 / More Irons on the Fire 2019-06-18 - Titanium Sky 2019-07-22 - Interlude - Course Correction Volume 2 Sequence 8 2019-07-30 - Alone on Duna 2020-12-03 - 28 Days Earlier / Ghosts and Stuff 2021-07-07 - Legitimate Salvage (Shift + Enter. NOT Crtl + Enter. Shift + Enter.) -- In something of a departure from my usual routine, this will be a mod-"heavy" playthrough focusing largely on the wonderful Engineering Tech Tree. Expect frequent and smaller posts, usually the same day of the mission or a very short time later. I will attempt to keep this save going for the indefinite future, but can make no promises that I won't forget what I've done and start over again. Again. And, seeing as none of the kerbals know what's out there, we may see some relics and wrecks from my previously forgotten space programs. Difficulty is my usual fare, a Career Mode game with the normal difficulty settings, no crew respawn, etc: Mods in Use (as/of KSP v1.4.5) Note: Many parts from mods not listed (or listed under previous versions) are still present on spacecraft, in flight, but are "retired" and have been edited (by me) so they no longer appear in the VAB. Older Mods in Use (for previous KSP v1.3.1) Older Mods in Use (for previous KSP v1.2.2) Older Mods in Use (for previous KSP v1.1.3) Older Mods in Use (for previous KSP v1.0.5) Let's get this show on the road now, ok? -- The Hydrogen Flights The "exploding barrels of fleas" were apparently not made of fleas, but were instead created to dispose of them. (Which might explain the fire and smoke.) As far as the geniuses in the engineering department could determine, the intent was to aim the open end of the barrel at the fleas and "watch them burn." The Boss thought of a different use after three interns and one such barrel flew violently through the wall of the lab and into the waters of Booster Bay. The little green geeks quickly dug around to find the parts they needed: gizmos to measure air pressure, a gumball machine painted a dark grey with a "computer" stuffed inside, a flea barrel to strap it all atop, and a large silk blanket to carry the gizmos safely back to the ground. The "computer" was little more than a couple of vacuum tubes and an alarm clock, all held together with loosely assembled wires. The clock was to ignite the flea barrel, trigger the gizmos and detach the gumball machine; the vacuum tubes were there to make it look awesome. Lacking a clever naming scheme, The Boss painted "Hydrogen 1" on the side and the three formerly flying interns rolled it to a nearby mound of dirt. Only they must've messed up the clock while moving the H-1, as the flea barrel ignited late, flew off in a weird direction, and the gumball machine detached early. Regardless, the gizmos took proper readings and proved The Boss right: These barrels weren't built for killing fleas, but for helping them fly. Science points galore! Somewhat unexpectedly, a representative from the Kerbal First Record Keeping Society showed up to give The Boss a few shiny plaques: First Launch, new Speed Records of 25m/s and 80m/s, and First Landing. The prize money was spent on some bags of corn chips and the interns were sent back to work. There was still time enough in the day for another launch. Same gumball machine with a big barrel of science (which had been previously tested on the mound), all atop yet another flea barrel. The Boss named it the "Hydrogen 2" and everybody lined up to watch it fly. The H-2 flew higher and slightly faster than anything yet recorded (that one catapult accident doesn't count), resulting in yet more plaques from the record keepers: Altitude records of 500m and 2km. The money was just enough to buy some queso dip to go with the corn chips, and The Boss kicked in a few extra kerbucks for soda. And so on the first day they partied, and The Boss was happy, for The Boss saw it was good. Navigation: Next Post
  7. Greetings, fellow Kerbals! Over the last week or so, us moderators had started talking about doing some mandatory bonding exercises co-op gameplay together. We used to play MC together or TF2 from time to time, the biggest problem is that we were often awake and asleep at varying times, and rarely were we ever all awake at the same time. I remember a ways back, the Youtube KSP community started a series together where they passed a save file around and built a space station in orbit of Kerbin. I thought to myself, surely we can do better, and thus the Moderation Nation Space Program was born. Over time, the OP will be updated with missions as we go through them. The game itself is relatively vanilla, I use VOID and a transfer window planner while a few other participants use similar (non-parts) mods. Our Mission In order to ensure the Moderator's dominion over the realm, we have set out to build a grand space station in Low Kerbin Orbit, but will also pursue many ventures in the star system, from small robotic probes on Mun and MInmus, to massive colonies on Duna. Really, it's up to us to decide. Over time, if we see suggestions in this thread that we like, we may also pursue that. Please do let us know if you want us to set any other goals, we are leaving this rather open-ended. MISSIONS Mission 1 "MSP-01" by @TheKosmonaut Mission 2 "Magic Carpet" and the invention of FLIGHT by @Deddly Mission 3 "Ulysses I" by @DuoDex Mission 4 "Manatee" sounding rocket by @Supernovy Mission 5 "MSP-04-Echo" ORBIT GET by @TheKosmonaut Mission 6 "Usagi I" for wads of cash and buckets of science, by @Snark Mission 7 "The Omnibus" with tourists! By @Vanamonde Mission 8 "Usagi II" for a high orbit, by @DuoDex. Also, whoops. Mission 9 "Landfall 1" by @Vanamonde Mission 10 "Type-41-1" robots in space, by @TheKosmonaut Mission 11 "Usagi III" Expensive but sciency, by @Snark Mission 12 "Flag and official logo" plus the most useful expenditure of science, by @Deddly Mission 13 "Ulysses IA" space tourism, by @DuoDex Mission 14 “Roundabout 1” Accidental update, by @TheKosmonaut Mission 15 "Prospector 1" Money wasted on Skull Island, by @monstah Mission 16 "Capricorn I" Space station! (on the wrong planet, but it's a start) by @Snark Mission 17 "Goliath I" Munar surface rescue by @DuoDex Mission 18 - Robots on the purple planet by @Vanamonde Mission 19 - "Changxi" station in Mun orbit by @TheKosmonaut Mission 20 - Munar station refueling, and Mun relay, by @luizopiloto Mission 21 and 21.5 "Vert-i-go" by @Deddly Mission 22 "Capricorn II" - Kerbin station in place! ... and then moved to Duna @Snark Mission 23 "Grasshopper Mk I" - Accidental prototype and the pitfalls of translation, by @TheKosmonaut Mission 24 The Space Skuttle - an unexpected payload, with free drama and tension. By @Deddly Mission 25 "Hector I" We (L)Ike rabbits, and the shooting star from Duna. By @DuoDex Mission 26 Space Skuttle Contender launches the first part of the Moderation Nation Observation Station! By @Deddly Mission 27 Capricorn continuation, with extra Ike, by @Snark Mission 28 The fully-tested big mission is a lie, by @Vanamonde Mission 29 Someone FINALLY adds something to the station. But wait, there's more (and more)! By @TheKosmonaut Mission 30a/b/c/d... Project Habitat and flying a blind ox, by @Vanamonde Mission 31 SNAC Kart, by @Ten Key Mission 32 SSTO, tourists, rescues and comic strips, by @Deddly Mission 33 Noobest mission yet, with credits! By @Noobton Mission 34.1 Something a little epic, by @Deddly Mission 34.2 The epicness continues, by @Deddly MIssion 34.2 (??) Going Slightly Peculiar, by @Deddly Mission 34.4 Ow!, by @Deddly Mission 34.5 [Oh my!] by @Deddly Mission 34.6 This "Submarine Challenge" has a worrying lack of submarines, by @Deddly Mission 34.7 New toys bring new possibilities, and typos! By @Deddly Mission 34.8 Yes, it's still going! By @Deddly Mission 34.9 Still hogging the save. By @Deddly Mission 34.10 Efficiency Squared. By @Deddly Mission 34.11 Pole to Pole. By @Deddly Mission 34.12 Technically. By @Deddly Mission 35 Wastefully large and ungainly. By @Vanamonde Mission 36.1 Undoing gross negligence. By @James Kerman Mission 36.2 Low Kerbin Operations. By @James Kerman Mission 36.3 Three disasters avoided. By @James Kerman Mission 36.4 100% chance of landing. By @James Kerman Mission 36.5 Lagerdorf's entangled pair. By @James Kerman Mission 37 We invented everything. By @Vanamonde Mission 38 Asymmetrical antennas. By @peteletroll Mission 39 Housekeeping mission. By @18Watt Team I want to thank my fellow moderators for humoring me in taking up this shared campaign, and a special thanks to @DuoDex for making our mission patches and @Deddly for securing our flaggy flag and emblem from the wonderful @Badie and friends at SQUAD. We are doing this in our fun, off-time that we do have and are really enjoying the results thus far. Members @Noobton@18Watt @peteletroll @TheKosmonaut @Deddly @DuoDex @Vanamonde @Dman979 @Snark @Supernovy @goldenpeach @Ten Key @James Kerman @luizopiloto @monstah
  8. I decided to try out the Rescale! mod by Galileo88 on 2.5x scale. The stock parts are supposed to be balanced, meaning that I can't send a small rocket into orbit without having to add more boosters. I will be using MechJeb to help me out with some stuff. Some mods that I am using are Strategia, MechJeb, DE-IVA extension, Restock, and various part mods. Let's begin! (Also, don't question the names I give my rockets, I ask some people from a Discord server what to name my rockets) The Shart Fart Program END GOAL: Get into orbit. "shart fart 1" I started out by making that flea rocket that everyone makes and accepted some easy contracts. And now, the "shart fart 1" is ready to launch! I decided to launch towards the ocean, instead of straight up due to instances where the parachute breaks after going too fast during descent. Landed! (and some science gathered) Tech tree:
  9. In development, but fully featured. Headlines models the reputation aspect of the space race, and follows the careers of your crew members. Hire, fire crew members and let them do their best at the KSC when not flying. Pilots are ideal for public relations, fundraising, talent scouting, and help your program increase in reputation. If the public and government don't understand how great your program's achievements, then you end up celebrating in private as the press won't show. The highest your profile, the better the staff you can recruit. Scientists lead teams in the R&D complex, and high profile scientist may bring colleagues from abroad to draw the most out of science data. Engineers lead teams in the VAB to make assembly more efficient. Requires: Realistic Progression 1 KSP version: 1.10 (as per RP1), 1.8 should work ok, but untested. Video: Introduction to the UI Documentation: https://github.com/bongotastic/Headlines/wiki Package: Available on CKAN https://github.com/bongotastic/Headlines/releases License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ Photo: ISRO satellite launch: Proud moment for India, 104 satellites placed in orbit Sample UI: Changelog v0.5 - Program Manager and better Media live events. v0.4 - Media Invite logic overhauled into media campaign + live event. v0.3.3 - Hiring cost subsidies to help build larger teams. v0.3.0 - Initial release.
  10. Introduction I've been playing stock KSP, or visual mods only, for a while and reckoned it's time to have a go at a modded career mode playthrough. I wanted something in the same vein as stock but with more and different challenges. In particular I wanted crewed spaceflight to be more demanding, and uncrewed spaceflight to be more autonomous. I settled on the following mods with UnKerballed Start, kOS, and Snacks! the headline performers. Episode 1 Mission 1: Sprite 1 As in stock KSP, there's not much design space for the first rocket, but unlike the 'Jumping Flea' it will be a completely unguided sounding rocket. Each of my playthroughs have a different naming scheme. This time round I'm using mythical creatures - so here's Sprite A. It only needs to reach 200m so I'm only partly fuelling it. Light the fuse and watch it go... 'Catastrophic failure'? Nope, I fulfilled the 'First flight' and 'gather scientific data from Kerbin' contracts! Onward to greater things!
  11. I am going to start a Career Mode Mission Report here. As the name may suggest, I have both DLC and 'a few' mods: Also, if you see a box as the last letter of the title, that last letter is an interrobang (combined exclamation point and question mark). *edit* I'm playing on 1.12.3.(whatever)
  12. I have a career mode save, and I recently completed the tech tree. I am thinking about getting some mods to add some more parts, but I don't know which mods I should get. Know of any good ones?
  13. (This is a sequel to my very unfinished America: 1951, which I lost motivation to do after only 2 years ingame) Prologue: Germany fell. Joint allied and Comintern occupation of Germany. Von Braun and his men were lucky. Why? They got to US forces as opposed to soviet forces. After a year or so, Von Braun was ready to become a rocket scientist again. The twist? He was now an American rocket scientist. The year is now 1946, January first. Now, it is in their hands. Will the soviets win the space race or will the Americans? The worlds fate was in their hands. And thus begins the tale. The tale of America: 1946.
  14. It's been a while since I've done this sort of thing, so bear with me... Welcome to Ultra Hardcore, a KSP career save played with punishingly difficult settings and mods. No quicksaves, life support, part failures, a 2.5x system rescale, the works. I've wanted to try something like this for a long time. Don't take the flashy banner as an indication of any real story, this will mostly be your standard garden-variety mission report. Mod list: Settings: With that out of the way, time to get started! Part 1: Sine (I already have the screenshots for a couple more parts taken and ready to go, but I didn't want to put all of them in one post, because that would be huge. Expect those soon-ish, I guess)
  15. Hello! I am happy to show you the Space industry job board I am working on. https://rocketcrew.space/ To populate the site with job offers, I created a web scraper for more than 25 Space companies. And I will include more in the future! Every apply link goes directly to the company career page. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback!
  16. Behold, a career with the mod Headlines that I document here: https://live-from-cape-canaveral.notion.site/live-from-cape-canaveral/Live-from-Cape-Canaveral-4408cd40a1344aed9a1b0b4506e2a88d 1951 brought two good bursts in R&D activities, and a bit of a standstill in the VAB as the program lost its chief engineer. Nonetheless, 4 live media events covered our launches. We crossed the Karman line and unveiled a post-war jet engine just shy of supersonic capabilities. 1952 will see multiple launch of the Series 3000 Launch vehicle to send sensors, small animals, and photographic equipment into sub-orbital space. Here is a picture from Cape Canaveral taken by the P1000 DragonFly during its maiden flight:
  17. Welcome! Glad you stopped by here, as some of you may know my space agency, CASO has launched the CSL space station (pictured below), it will server as a long term pitstop, lab and housing for kerbals. it currently doesn't not have a built in laboratory, which is where you come in. You are too create a laboratory to be mounted on the CSL! Rules and guidelines The lab must be 2.5 meters in diameter The lab must have at least 1 standard clamp-o-tron docking port The lab must have science (duh) No mods at all, DLC is fine All participants must send either a workshop link or a craft file to their lab. The lab must be compatible with the science level below: Judging will be based on Science equipment, Aesthetics, Features and functionality Deadline is August 1st The winner will have their module launched to the CSL Good luck! and may the best aerospace engineer win!
  18. Reusable Space Program is a career mode series set on a Kerbin where resources are running out. After generations of kerbals have squandered the planets precious metals by firing them into space, but being unsuccessful in getting much further, Kerbal society has retired from the space race. All apart from our fabulous 4 dreamers though, who hope to get to space and beyond with whatever they can. Only one problem...... Everything has to be renewable... no single part can be wasted.
  19. It's been a while. I return to the mission report subforums once again to finally document what has long been a goal of mine in KSP -- a fully functional Eve colony, done entirely in career mode. However, in light of the recent and final update to the game, I've decided to add a twist -- I'm going to do this almost entirely without mods (at least for now -- things might change as more mods get updated and we start running out of things to do in the stock game). I say "almost entirely without mods" because I will be using some mods, but none that significantly alter gameplay. My rule (for now) on mods is that everything I build and launch must be capable of being loaded and flown in an unmodded save -- so no parts mods, no changes to the physics of the game, and no major changes to the editor. UI and information mods, visual and cosmetic mods, and some small quality of life mods are all fine. You can see my full modlist (excluding dependencies and DLC) in the following collapsible. Most of this playthrough, including all of the Lilith Program missions, is being streamed over on my Twitch channel. I've already done quite a bit, including several Mun and Minmus landings, and I may end up making a supercut video of the important highlights. However, I wanted to wait until I actually started the Eve missions before posting this thread, and only the Eve program will be getting full mission reports here. We'll be starting with the Morningstar Initiative, which will be the initial probes and flyby of Eve. The writeup on that should be coming later this week, but if you don't want to wait, I'll be streaming it today and tomorrow.
  20. KSP version: 1.8.1 Expansions: Making History, Breaking Ground Mode: Career Last update: 22 June 2021 This is my third attempt at a mission report after Project Utopia petered out and The Space Program With No Name ended because of a crashed hard drive. The main goal of this save is, as the title suggests, to establish a permanent presence in space and make kerbalkind truly spaceborne. The report will follow the United Aerospace Alliance, as it strives to explore and colonize the Kerbol system. Using standardized launch vehicles, the UAA will attempt to build the infrastructure needed to support orbital stations, surface bases and long-range research vessels throughout the inner planets and beyond. Missions will be presented in short summaries accompanied by lots of pictures. Current mod list Kerbonaut corps Mission log 001: Phoenix/Intrepid Overview, Kerbonaut Group 1, Intrepid Launch Abort Test 002: Intrepid 1, Intrepid 2/3, Intrepid 4 003: Kerbonaut Group 2, Harmony Station Module 1/2/3/4-1/4-2, Intrepid 5 004: Harmony Station Module 5-1, Intrepid 6 005: Harmony Station Module 5-2, Intrepid 7, Intrepid 8 006: Intrepid 9, Keystone 1, Intrepid 10 007: Surveyor 1, Surveyor 2, Harmony Station Module 6-1/6-2, Intrepid 11 008: Echo 1, Spider/Intrepid 12 009: Kerbonaut Group 3, Tranquility Station Module 1, Intrepid 13 010: Tranquility Transfer Stage, Tranquility Station Module 2, Keystone 2, Intrepid 14 011: Keystone 3F, X-3A Flight 3 012: In memory of Jebediah, Intrepid 15 013: Valiant Test Flight 1, Kerbonaut Training, Intrepid 16, Intrepid 17 014: Echo 2, Tranquility Station Ops, Keystone 4, Intrepid 18 015: Valiant Test Flight 2, Dauntless Pad Abort Test, Dauntless In-flight Abort Test, Intrepid 19 016: Keystone 5, Dauntless 1 017: Kerbonaut Group 4, Valiant Test Flight 3, Explorer Ground Test 1, Tranquility Module 3, Intrepid 20, Intrepid 21, Intrepid 22 018: Keystone 6, Explorer Ground Test 2, Tranquility Module 4-1/4-2, Keystone 7 019: Echo 3/4, Surveyor 3, Intrepid 23, Keystone 8, Intrepid M Pad Abort Test 020: Keystone 9F, Dauntless 2 021: Intrepid 24, Dauntless 3, Dauntless 4, Keystone 10 022: Dauntless 5, Keystone 9F, Intrepid M-1, Harmony Module 7 023: Harmony Module 8, Keystone 11 024: Serenity Station Module 1, Intrepid M-2, Serenity Transfer Stage 025: Dauntless 6, Serenity Transfer Stage 2, Serenity Module 2, Dauntless 7 026: Explorer 1, Intrepid M-3, Keystone 12, Keystone 13 027: Dauntless 8, Valiant Test Flight 4, Dauntless 9 028: Dauntless 10, Keystone 14, Serenity Module 3, Serenity Station Ops 029: Serenity Module 4-1/4-2, Dauntless 11, Keystone 15, Keystone 16F 030: Keystone 17F, Harmony Module 9, Keystone 9F, Serenity Station Ops, Tranquility Station Ops 031: Dauntless 12, Keystone 18, Dauntless 13, Dauntless 14, Keystone 19 032: Vanguard 1 033: Phoenix II, Space Station Ops, Vanguard 1, Nova 1, Dauntless 15 034: Keystone 9F, Serenity Transfer Stage 2, Placidity/Chibi/Touchstone, Keystone 20, Nova 2, Harmony Module 10 035: Touchstone 1, Vanguard 1, Dauntless 16, Harmony Module 10 036: Tranquility Station Ops, Placidity/Odobenus, Intrepid M-4, Vanguard 2, Echo Mun-A/B/Min-A/B 037: Vanguard 1, Dauntless 17, Keystone 21, Tranquility Station Ops 038: Kerbin System Ops, Intrepid M-5, Dauntless 18, Keystone 22 039: Kerbin System Ops, Echo Mun-C/Min-C, Odobenus 1, Nebula 2 040: Touchstone 2, Kerbin System Ops, Nova 3 041: Kerbin System Ops, Placidity, Intrepid M-6, Nebula 3 042: Kerbin System Ops, Touchstone 3, Vanguard 2, Dauntless 19, Keystone 23 Forum user @RocketMan-Explorer has kindly provided a spreadsheet that keeps track of the missions.
  21. This is my first ever let's play for any game, a hard mode KSP playthrough with no reverts, no quicksaves, maximum Comm-Net restrictions, and added difficulty through USI Life Support and Probes Before Crew tech tree rebalance. I've made three episodes so far and we're almost ready to go to space. Here's my first video: And my second: And the third, the most recent one so far: Oh, and just for fun, I also recorded myself messing around with a totally reasonable plane in another save: Come, join us for the ride and start a betting pool on which of the veteran four will be the first to earn a memorial service. (Oh, and I would love feedback on my editing and commentary, as I have no idea what I'm doing on that front. But I do think that there has been a significant improvement already from my first video to my third). Channel Link - Tabarnouche Interplanetary
  22. Overview: The 7th Survey Squadron is an expeditionary unit tasked with the duty of general surveying, which includes everything from exploring Kerbin's uncharted waters to the furthest reaches of the Kerbol System. Its main facilities are at the equatorial Kerbal Space Center, and its rockets can launch from leased launch facilities at Woomerang Space Launch Center and Baikerbanur Launch Complex. Its unique status stems from its lineage as a formerly military-run endeavor, its mantle passed on to the various scientific organizations united together as one. The goal is to explore in detail all of the planets and moons within the Kerbol System, so that colonization and settlements can be built in the future. This mission report thread will not start at the beginning of the career save, because the early game stuff was just the usual suborbital missions, and I found those uninteresting. Also, this save is one I started much earlier, played up to early-mid tech tree and abandoned when I got bored of it, which is why it starts at that point in the tech tree. Mods: OPM, Spectra, Scatterer EditorExtensions, Mechjeb. Mission log 001 Launch Abort Test 002 TCS-O1 Orbital Flight Test
  23. Contract Pack: Historical Progression This contract pack is designed to take you through the history of the human space program. This entire contract pack was inspired by Whitecat106's Historic Missions contracts. He has created an incredible selection of close to 700 missions! For me, that is too much, and I wanted to go through the history of human spaceflight and progress how we have done in real life. I did not want to have to launch a mission that was almost the smae thing over and over again. This contract pack takes you from the first sounding rockets to New Horizons and into the future. You will be tasked with recreating some of the most ambitious missions like the Apollo Program, Voyager and the International Space Station. It is up to you to guide the Kerbals into the cosmos through a historical progression. Some of these contracts are very involved and require you to use gravity assists to accomplish the contract parameters. Others give you the option to complete certain goals in order to gain bonuses. For example, in your Space Shuttle contracts, you get bonus funds if you land your shuttle on the Runway back at KSC. One of the best examples of this is the MESSENGER contract. It requires you to enter a polar orbit of the first planet in the solar system. We will use the stock system with the Real Solar System planets as an example. MESSENGER Contract Parameters General Goal: Design an unmanned craft to Orbit Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees Design an unmanned craft with an antenna (also with 3 SCANsat scanners if you have the mod installed) Launch MESSENGER Enter Orbit of the Sun OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Kerbin (Earth) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) again for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) again for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for the third time for a gravity assist Enter Orbit of Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees Transmit Science Data from Space around Moho (Mercury) If you have SCANsat installed, have 80% mapping of Low Quality, Biome and High Quality Most of the missions are not that difficult or that involved, but MESSENGER was launched in 2004 after more than 50 years of spaceflight and we knew some new tricks to help us achieve an orbit. HISTORICAL PROGRESSION CONTRACTS REQUIRED MODS Contract Configurator - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101604 Module Manager - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED MODS These are not nessecary to use the contract pack, but it makes the pack much better Historical Progression Tech Tree @Yemo Unmanned Before Manned - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106130 This lets you start with the proper probe cores instead of manned missions, the contract pack might not be possible to complete without this or something similar Outer Planets Mod - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93999-112-outer-planets-mod-20-complete-overhaul-better-terrain-nicer-terrain-textures-improved-scatter-etc-21-may/ If you are playing with stock KSP, this will give you the extra planets that simulate the outer solar system and will allow you to explore these places with contracts like New Horizons and Voyager 1 and 2 Real Solar System If you are up for it, you can recreate some of the most famous missions in different scaled Real Solar Systems Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50471-113-real-solar-system-v1140-july-3/ Half Size Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/142336-113-half-size-rss-v15/ Stock Size Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138572-wip-113-117-stock-size-real-solar-system/ DMagic Orbital Science - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59009-113-dmagic-orbital-science-new-science-parts-v132-6272016/ This gives you more science experiments to use on your various missions around the solar system SCANsat - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72679-113-scansat-v163-real-scanning-real-science-at-warp-speed-june-27-2016/ This provides you with parts to map the planets in the solar system. The contracts have support for Scanning missions if SCANsat is installed. Life Support Mods There are many to choose from, but I reccomend picking at least one of them. Some of these contracts are setting new duration records in space and there is no real challenge to them without having Life Support of some kind. OTHER MODS TO CONSIDER There are many part mods to consider that will give you the ability to construct realistic looking, or in some cases replicas of the spacecraft that are simulated in this contract pack. Bluedog Design Bureau (NASA / ESA) FASA (NASA) @raidernick Awesome Collection of Mods Skylab US & Soviet Solar Panels Pack Salyut Stations Soviet Spacecraft Soviet Probes US Probes Pack US Rockets Pack Antares & Cygnus Tantares NOTES The contract pack removes the World Firsts and Explore Body stock missions as we are already covering this with the pack This contract pack works with all planet packs, but you will experience some weird contracts if your Home planet is not the 3rd rock from the sun Full support for Stock, Stock x2, Stock x6.4, Outer Planets Mod Full support for Real Solar System, Half Size Real Solar System, Stock Size Real Solar System I do not know how this will play with other Contract Packs unless listed below, as it is designed to go through all major "firsts" of our space history so will duplicate similar contracts from other packs Most missions cannot be cancelled nor will they expire. There are a set of optional missions and more will be coming down the line. These optional missions can be cancelled and do not need to be completed. COMPATIBLE CONTRACT PACKS Anomoly Surveyor AntennaRange Relays Clever Sats Field Research Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) Kerbal Academy Maritime Mission Pack RemoteTech Contract Pack SPECIAL THANKS @nightingale for creating Contract Configurator as well as helping me with many questions along the way @severedsolo for answering some questions I had about some contracts @Whitecat106 for inspiring me with your Historic Missions pack @TheReadPanda is streaming a career with the Contract Pack active DOWNLOAD Github Spacedock INSTALLATION Make sure you have Contract Configurator and Module Manager Installed as they are NOT included with the download Download the Contract Pack Copy to GameData folder Enjoy! FUTURE PLANS Add Remaining Missions Falcon Flight 20 - First Powered Landing of First Stage of Rocket Moon / Mun contracts will require specific biomes to be reached (want to stop players from landing on the far side) Add a requirement to deorbit and destroy Space Stations after Add additional SCANsat mission support Add additional DMagic Orbital Science Mission Support Add OPTIONAL MISSIONS Additional Mars / Duna Missions Landers Phoenix Insight Orbiters Mars Global Surveyor MAVEN Rovers Spirit Opportunity Curiosity ISS Construction Apollo Applications Program Manned Venus Flyby (this was a proposed mission using Apollo hardware) Future Missions OSIRIS Rex Asteroid Redirect Mission Mars Sample Return Mission Europa Mission Red Dragon Mars 2020 LICENSE CC-BY-NC-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) CHANGELOG
  24. Hello. In this topic I will be talking about various ideas I have and things I'm working on. If I ever release one of those, they will have it's own post on the Addon's Release section. However while on development, as I will only work on one thing at a time, they all will be here. As a disclaimer, I'm pretty lazy, I almost never finish a project. So most of the things I say on this post, may never see the light of day. Focus of the development Recently, I tried to start a career mode campaign. I didn't played the game since 2018, so there were many new things to see, and so many mods to test... However, to my disliking, I wasn't able to find the perfect mods to setup and balance my career. So I decided that is time to clean the dust of some of my never-started proyects, and start modding. My plan is to make various mods to enhance the experience of the career mod. I don't want to go really over the top, my plan isn't make a complete overhaul. There are many mods that changes completely how the game plays, and they are doing it great (Bureaucracy, Build Rockets Takes Time, Etc...), what I want is to do is make little changes, to have a funnier early game experience (because, for a returning player, early game may feel like an endless grind) and to give direction and things to do on late game. And everything, without removing the Vanilla feel of the game. So, this is my plan. First, I need to make small changes to the Technology Tree. I want a experience akin to what Unmanned Before Manned and Probes Before Crew offered, but I don't fully agree with his dispositions. Using Community Tech Tree as a base, I will make an addon to rearrange the first steps of kerbals on space exploration. My second step, will be science. Most of my concerns are already fixed by Science Revisited, a mod that already was revisited many times by diferent people. So it may be revisited one more time, as I have a different opinion on how some things should be done. Especially in how labs should work, I want to take special attention to them. Maybe even make a plugin if needed. After that, the focus will be the contracts. Right now, there are a lot of old contract packs. Most of them still work well (some of them with some bugs, like the Tourist Contract Pack) and they generally do the job... But in therms of displaying the missions, they seems cluncky and unorganized, as they have different ways of internal organization. What I want to do it's a mega pack, that should be used alone and that has everything well organized. Making good contracts isn't easy, so I will be using exisisting content when licenses allowed me, fix what is broken, give all the attributions necesary, and create what is left. At this point, a engaging career campaign is more than doable. However, there is a few more things that I want to revisit. One of them, is Strategia. As a mod cemented in stone, Strategia is probably the very core of most moded career campaigns. And what this glorious little piece of art adds to the game, is a overhaul of the vanilla strategy system. With little to no changes since it's creation, it's hard to believe that it could be improved. But sometimes questioning the very basis of your beliefs, may lead you to astonishing discoveries. Finally, only left to see if there is any old and unmaintained mod that I want to use and it's worth to revive and maintain. Finished mods: Better Early Tree Currently working on: KSP Module Parser for Python Python it's a well known programming lenguage. I use it pretty often, from facilitate the deploy of some other code, to read, analyze and process big chunks of data. Rigth now I'm working on implementing a Python wheel to parsing and reading all the CFG files of the game, and from mods. The idea is to first being able to read and analyze stock modules, and latter add the capacity of Module Manager to read and process patches, so you can even test your patches without opening the game. The idea behind this came from a small script I made to facilitate the creation of my Mod, Better Early Tree. The script looks torugh the game files to find parts, and then it printed a file with a list of all the parts, and the Technology with they appear on the Reasearch Center. After that, another script read through a list I wrote, and generate all the patches that relocate the parts on the new tree. These script were quite simple and just work for my specific situation, so I thought of making a more general solution that worked on most situations. Right now I'm starting to redo most of the code, as I thought that RegEx could do most of the job, but it can barely do it if it's used alone. So it should rely a little less on RegEx. Github Repo This Python Module, after finished, could lead to some interesting things, other automation scripting to facilitate modding, or patch testing... for example, a script to easily create/update a Parts Catalog Website from a mod.
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