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  1. Hello, last night I logged on KSP and I couldn't find my save files. The game wouldn't load any of them. They literally didn't show up. I have all of the persistent and quicksave sfs files. KSP just won't load. I have no mods that should interfere with this save game problem, but I have a lot of mods so if any of you know any mods that cause the problem tell me. Here is a screenshot of my files of my favorite save: asdfjkl. http://imgur.com/a/RMuKP
  2. Hi everyone ! I want to install Realism overhaul . I download CKAN . The creator as resquested to use CKAN , for install his mod , but RO is not compatible with CKAN .
  3. So I just recently downloaded KSP Interstellar and I wanted to use the warp drive. Problem is I don't quite know how to use it. From what I can tell, it requires an insane amount of electricity, although for some reason you need antimatter and exotic matter? Also I can't even get the ship enough power. My electricity to mass ratio is always not good enough. It always says the ship has too much mass in order to run with this amount of electricity. How do you guys power your Alcubierre drives?
  4. Sky1634


    So, I attempted to reply to a topic I recently created on my profile. And all of a sudden, bam I couldn't respond to the person no matter what I said. Near the timestamp of when it was posted, it said "Posted just now - Hidden". Is there anyway I can remove this setting of hiding the comment? I'm really new to the forums, and I understand some forum rules. This site is just not THAT user friendly to me. :c
  5. Hi So I have installed KSP on my mac today and the first thing I did was to add some mods. But now I have the issue of not knowing how to put my mods into the KSP mac folder. I checked out anything on Steam (where I bought the game) but I can't find anything. Please help I really need some mods in my game (kind of why I play the game).
  6. I have had this problem before but I don't remember how I fixed it. I am used to pressing S on the keyboard to pull up and w to nose down with an aircraft in KSP but on this new aircraft I am making it is the opposite, when I press W it pulls up and when i press S it pulls down. I am not sure what to do. I rotated my control surfaces 180 degrees and the probe module and that did not work. If you know anything please leave a comment down below. Thanks! When I press W: http://imgur.com/08DJ5ir When I press S: http://imgur.com/wpWTGxP
  7. A couple of months back I installed a series of beautification mods. Annoyingly, I forgot what cloud mod I used and scoured the forums trying to find it again. Anyone have any ideas?
  8. The Hyperedit ship lander for kip 1.1.3 won't work!
  9. So I was trying to get the RVSS mod to work properly without crashing, so I deleted everything in the Kopernicus cache relating to the RVSS to make it faster and work properly with other planet packs. When I did, everything was still the same, so I decided to delete the RVSS mod altogether. When I booted up KSP again, I could not load up any of my saves or missions/tutorials, and when I started a new one, my game crashed and I was not able to access the save. The odd part about it is that when I restore RVSS I can load everything back up. Can anybody help to try and save my KSP? EDIT: Everything fixed, I deleted a rogue file and everything is back.
  10. So I was playing some KSP and all of a sudden it crashed. Nothing out of the ordinary really, it happens from time to time. But when i loaded up the game this time and hit resume saved, it showed no save files. I went into the save folder and all my saves were still there but they wouldn't show up in game. I tried restarting the game multiple times, restarting my computer, and I backed up my files on steam and uninstalled the game, then reinstalled it. I tried restoring a previous version of KSP through steam, although I probably did it incorrectly, and i saved my files in another folder on my computer in case something would happen to them. i tried copy pasting them back into the save folder in KSP as shown below but again, nothing. How can i fix this?
  11. Proof, if any were needed, that I'm ok with planes, even spaceplanes, but really don't know what I'm doing in a rocket. Early in a career game, I reckon I can get a good science boost by using a gravity assist to get out to the Jool system ahead of time. Unfortunately I don't quite have the skills of this guy - So, according to the wiki - I need to launch my probe and lower it's PE within the orbit of Eve to get an encounter. Then pass behind it to pick up a gravity assist, catch another one somehow from Kerbin on my way out to the newly raised AP, and then bounce between Kerbin and Eve till I raise my AP up to Jool territory. Profit. Now, when doing a "gain speed" assist the goal seems to be to pass behind the planet as close as possible. The closer behind , the bigger the assist. Except that if i get too close to Eve it bends my flight path too much, slinging me radially or anti radially with respect to the sun (Kerbol) and the extra energy is wasted. In fact I've had it throw me straight back on a reciprocal course, drastically lowering AP. Is this bad planning or just a limit on how much you can gain from a single pass? In that diagram from the wiki, the spacecraft is coming in at quite a steep trajectory WRT to the planet. This allows the flight path to be "bent" greatly, but actually have it work in your favour putting you on a prograde trajectory WRT to orbiting around the sun. The problem is, to get this steeper angle when passing Eve, I'd have to lower my PE well below Eve's orbit. Which is very expensive in Delta V terms, more so than just going Jool direct?
  12. Hi I have tried to make a mod for ksp that adds in the An-225 'Mriya' but I am currently having issues in making it work so if any one is willing to help i can email you all the folder and files made during the process. (so far the only part i have made is the fuselage) and to see the image you will have to right click and select view image in new tab
  13. Hey I have some experience doing things like coding, 3d modeling, etc.. and I have been wondering how can I make a Kerbal Space Program Addon 1. What coding language do I use 2. What do I use to make 3d Models 3. How can I make textures for it 4. How can I put it all together and make it work on Kerbal Space Program
  14. Hello Guys, can someone help me to install via Teamviewer KSP German Patch. I am to stupid for it. Please help me. Best wishes Reggae Shark
  15. So in Ksp, I am making this awesome mothership thing. But what keeps happening is this: When I try to put the decouplers on the wings, One decoupler goes up and one goes down, I have tried pressing C and R and restarting ksp. When I press R it does nothing when it is on the wing. When it is on the fuselage it changes to mirror but when I move it it reverts to radial. Yes it is in SPH. PLEASE help.
  16. Hallo! I've had a crazy idea bouncing around my head for a while but I'm not sure how possible it would be. Has there ever been a mod that adds custom ground scatter to planets? Is the ground scatter system even available to modders? Essentially I want to add a custom type of terrain scatter to Kerbin and control where it appears on the map, density, size of models, etc. So I guess my real question is: can anyone tell me everything there is to know about ground scatter?
  17. I am making a mission to duna in sandbox mode.Can any of you give me tips?Thanks.
  18. So here's the rub: I have a copy of the newest KSP update (1.1.2) and I put Mechjeb onto it. So far, worked like a charm. Fired it up today, and the takeoff works fine, but when it gets near it's apoapsis the craft does several things. 1: Creates the node for the maneuver. 2: Doesn't line up for the maneuver. 3: Spins out of control, like the wheel has just been allowed to go free. 4: Fails to throttle up. 5: Continues counting past the maneuver. 6: Hits the ground in what the scientists refer to as a "Gravity's poodle" move. I've tried this with every craft I made as well as the stock ones, and I get the same result. I've turned on RCS, played with corrective steering, all of it. I don't know why it just began to glitch out. Please help!
  19. Alright. Let me make on thing clear. I know how to calculate delta v. I have the math done and burned into my head. But I cam across a problem, how do I get the ISP, for different engines on the same stage? So say if I have a "MainSail" and a "Thud" sharing the same fuel on the same stage, how to I get the ISP to put into my formula?
  20. Alright. Let me make on thing clear. I know how to calculate delta v. I have the math done and burned into my head. But I cam across a problem, how do I get the ISP, for different engines on the same stage? So say if I have a "MainSail" and a "Thud" sharing the same fuel on the same stage, how to I get the ISP to put into my formula?
  21. I GOT MY ANSWER SO F*** OFF!!! Im joking <3 There is this part which i remember the look but not the name nor where it came from. The part is a manned rover body shaped like a panel with a grid design, it has 4 solid spots for seats and there were a small and large version of it. I first thought it was from Ven's Stock Revamp and that he removed it because of 1.1. If it is then tell me. Here is a picture i drew on MS Paint of how it looks like:
  22. Hi All, I recently had to return the computer I used for school over the past 4 years. It's time to upgrade to a new system. But what kind of system? Mac, Linux, or PC? Laptop or desktop? More or less cowbell? The last time I looked for a computer was in 10th grade. I was looking for a gaming desktop, but that's not my focus right now. I would expect that I will use it for word processing, MATLAB, some gaming, social media, etc. Nothing too taxing, I think. Let's start with the basics. Which will suit me better: a laptop or a desktop? Second: I hate Windows 10. Yes, it's a good operating system, blah blah blah, but it has too many privacy issues for me, and I don't like how Microsoft was shoving it down my parents' and my throats. With that in mind, can we get a discussion started? Mods: Yes, I understand that this could potentially go in the Computer Megathread. I'd like to be able to access any information a bit more easily, though, and I think it could derail the topic of the Megathread.
  23. Greetings! I am currently working with @Hellbrand to restore some of the works of @CoffeeSE. His works are of exceedingly high quality and they have aged remarkably well (with a few exceptions - see below). This is not a promo thread, so please excuse the lack of details. The issue at hand is one of the 1.25m cockpits, the [REDACTED], which seems to be missing a collider. At least that is my assumption - I know it has one around the hatch, but when it spawns in the flight scene, it sinks into the ground until it catches on the hatch collider (see pics below). In its present state, kerbals can walk through it. There is also the issue of a "Hatch Obstructed" error when trying to EVA. It might be related, as I've heard that's caused by having a hatch collider not extending beyond the mesh. Or something (my skills, such as they are, are confined largely to a note pad). There is another cockpit that has a similar issue (although it has fully working colliders). If anyone has any suggestions or advice, please let me or @Hellbrand know. I should mention these cockpits have fully custom RPM IVAs and it would be a shame if they got sidelined over such a minor issue (I'm assuming people will want to actually leave their cockpits at some point ). Below is a link to the part files in question (textures, model, config) for the [REDACTED] cockpit. Thanks! Download Link Pics: Legal: If you're curious, yes, we have permission from CoffeeSE directly; moreover, the original License (included) on this part was and remains: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
  24. Hi! Everybody I have finally updated to KSP 1.1.2 64-bit and now Lazor System doesn't work anymore. Is there any alternative Canadarm2 replica available for International Space Station. Please help.
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