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  1. While I really should be finishing up my 0.235 Rescue Mission, I've started a career game in 1.2. The contract for tourists wanting to pass out with a high-G flight was a new one to me. So I threw this together. It could do with some optimizations, but it did the job. Too bad I didn't read they also contracted to go to orbit (easy second mission). I've also just installed kOS. This was a very simple script to run this. Probably would have been faster to do it manually.
  2. If I launch a single rocket with a command module and lander into orbit of the Mun, let's say, I know that if I immediately decouple the vessels and then dock them together, it won't fulfill the contract because it came from the same launch. But when I land the lander on the surface and then meet up with the command module again in orbit the second time, will that satisfy the contract? I'd like to not have to build additional rockets just for the purpose of the docking and see if I can knock it out instead during another contract mission. Thanks!
  3. Hey peeps, Is there a way to stop the game generating "dock two vessels around <body>" as a contract? I don't want to do them. I'm running 3.2x, launches are expensive and I don't want to waste my time on sending so much as a pair of microprobes up. I've landed on and returned from both moons, I want to move on, and I don't want to have to go on a docking spree first before I get some contracts for other planets... Ideally I'd like to never see this type of explore contract again. Sometimes I want to dock in orbit, sometimes I don't, there's no need to nag me about it. On the brink of hyperediting things into places because I'm so sick of seeing this missions. Thanks!
  4. So I got a contract where I have to take pressure readings in 4 different locations at the surface. My tech is quite low but I can just about build a simple airplane (my first airplane which works btw) which can take me to the locations... My problem is that it is quite impossible to land in the rugged hilly terrain and I cannot get to ground level.... So what to do? One solution is to build a bigger airplane and attach a rover to it... (if that is at all possible at my current tech level) and then drop it near the targets... Another is to add parachutes to the plane and hope I can land it like that, and then maybe drive it around.. Probably not going to work since the wheels break off rather easily... Or maybe I can just fly the plane really really low and take the reading while flying? Will require some skill though since my plane is wobbly and the ground is hilly... How do you solve contracts like this? I mean, these are some of the first contracts that are offered so they *should* be easy? First time I tried the career mode - I usually just build big rockets and shoot for the stars so this kind of challenge is rather new. Br Michael
  5. I accepted a contract to rescue a kerbal from the Mun and to recover a piece of debris to Kerbin allow with her. However on arrival at the location on the Mun of the pair, I found I had a slight issue, in that the debris part to be recovered was a command seat. As far as I knew this was an un-grab-able part, but I gave it a go, maneuvering my vehicle over the top of it, then activating the grabber and raising the landing gear to drop on top of it, but as expected the grabber unit do not latch on to the command seat. Other than sending another vehicle up with a cargo bay that opens at ground level, then using a kerbal to nudge it slowly into it (not really a dependable solution for a contract) I can't see any way of satisfying the contract requirement of bringing the part back to Kerbin. So my questions would be 1. Am I correct in thinking that command seats are not grab-able and 2. If so, has anyone had contracts that required the recovery of other seemingly impossible to recover items. Actually a 3rd question would be if I'm just being an idiot and forgetting something obvious as a solution. BTW... I'm looking for a stock game solution to this. Thanks.
  6. When it comes to tourists contracts, what's the difference between a sun fly-by and a sun orbit requirement? Or is it just the wording that's different and they both just need you to pop out of Kerbins SOI and back?
  7. I've just accepted my first contract to expand a base that was built for a previous client. The current contract requires accommodation for 28 Kerbals. Does that mean the new, add on part must have 28 berth's, or that the base as a whole (including the 6 berth's from the original base) must have 28 when the new part (with 22 extra places) is attached?
  8. The challenge is simple: make a Fire-and-forget rocket that sends tourists to LKO and back. RULES No shenanigans. Shenanigans are allowed, but will put you in a separate category. Tourists must come home safe. It doesn't need to recover itself. No control of the craft whatsoever after launch. Optimally, there would be no probe core or crew pod the craft. (You may put tourists in a crew pod) Orbit is "PE > 75km" You may do whatever you want on the pad; no input after you leave the pad -- Bill has a quadcopter you can take apart for it's R/C circuits. No alt+F12 menu CATEGORIES Stock - 100% stock install. KER & other informational mods are allowed to show your orbit in screens. KOS - Stock with KOS installed. All other rules apply. (Trivially easy, so not very interesting...) Shenanigans - KOS or Stock, but you can do things like using cannons on the pad. Modded - All mods are allowed, except cheaty mods like hyper edit. Too easy. Lo-tech - Tier 3 or lower. You can use KOS if it's doohickey is tier 3 or lower. If KOS's doohickey is >= Tier 3 you can use it. SCORING score = [Mass on the pad] / [# tourists]. Lowest score wins. e.g., 50 tons & 10 Kerbals = 50/10 = 5. 50 tons and 5 Kerbals = 50/5 = 10 Stock highscore: ICMM ∞ KOS highscore: ICMM ∞ Shenanigans highscore: ICMM ∞ Lo-tech highscore: ICMM ∞ Modded highscore: ICMM ∞ More scores My entry I will do this later today! SUBMIT Preferably, record a video. OBS works well and is free. If you submit an album... Honor system. Craft file should be supplied so we can confirm that it works. BADGE If someone would make one, that would be awesome! Separate badges for each category, please.
  9. A while back I turned down a couple of rescue missions, but now I find I need to increase my astronaut numbers, but I haven't had a rescue contract in ages. Is there any way to get the game to produce more reaches at Mission Control?
  10. Since the 1.2 update, satellite contracts are broken for me. The "Build a new unmanned probe..." is not being checked even if I build a completely new craft. The same craft worked before 1.2. The one I tried has a Probodobodyne OKTO for probe core, Communotron 16 and DTS-M1 antennas, and OX-STAT solar panels. I tried disabling Contract Configurator, but it didn't help.
  11. Hello, I've run across a bug in which a haul contract is not completing despite parameters being met twice. The contract is to 'haul' a RT-10 'Hammer' Solid Fuel Booster in a flight above Kerbin, at an altitude between 47,000m and 54,000m and a velocity between 260m/s and 440m/s. I meet the parameters (just) on the way up AND down but it does not fulfill the contract. I will explain everything in detail below for the purposes of recreation and add relevant save files and screenshots (video link): ACTIVE CONTRACTS: Haul RT-10 'Hammer' Solid Fuel Booster Kerbin Flying Alt 47,000m to 54,000m Spd 260.0m/s to 440.0m/s Test a TR-18A Stack Decoupler (This contract competes normally) Kerbin Flying Alt 21,000m to 28,000m Spd 70.0m/s to 1,870.0m/s CRAFT BUILD: (Top to Bottom)(All parts using the Rigid Attachment option and default settings unless listed) Mk16 Parachute Altitude = 500m Spread Angle = 10 Mk1 Command Capsule MonoPropellant = empty TR-18A Stack Decoupler RT-10 'Hammer' Solid Fuel Booster Thrust Limiter = 30% SolidFuel = 300 FLIGHT PLAN: (Jebediah Kerman as pilot with no experience, SAS active and launched from Launch Pad) I launch straight up with no gravity turn. At approximately 17,100m up, the booster runs dry. The craft continues to rise and when it reaches 47,002m it is traveling at a velocity of 265.5m/s It continues up to about 49,625m then falls and when it reaches 260.1m/s it's at an altitude of 47,165m At both instances when it achieves the contract parameter it only is true for less than 1 second but it does achieve it. Do contracts require you to hold the parameter for a minimum time? EDIT: I have noticed that the speed parameter does not display a tick until I'm traveling at = or > 309m/s, which you can see in my recording. Below is further details for debugging crew: LOGS, RECORDING AND SAVE FILE: Dropbox link to output_log.txt https://www.dropbox.com/s/ilec0d0satnypi3/output_log.txt?dl=0 Dropbox link to save game folder including craft file https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vv8ygl7ajsfmkec/AADwCiXw2X3_49LpeCF1wYb2a?dl=0 (Quicksave name = BUG SAVE, Craft name = BUG MISSION) Youtube link to recorded flight https://youtu.be/CHHTvoX9jug (Be sure to watch in 1080p or you won't be able to read the speed/altitude) KSP VERSION: Windows x64 bit system x64 bit client through Steam (NOT A CLEAN INSTALL) SYSTEM INFORMATION: Windows 7 x64 bit 16Gb RAM DDR3 Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz CPU GeForce GTX TITAN X version 376.09 (Current as of post) EXTRA NOTE: This is not game breaking for I can achieve the contract by adjusting my craft and/or flight path, however it would be nice to get some clarification on what is occurring here. Thank you kindly for your time.
  12. My first thought was that is was odd that for rescue operations I now had Kerbals as icons in orbit. My suspicion was comfirmed as I got closer to the "vessel" to rendez-vous with... Lo and behold! Just to the right of the exhaust of the rescue vessel... there it is, the elusive lonely Kerbal to be rescued from space! I thought they were all in vessels now... Apparently, not!
  13. I have a few tourists who want to orbit the sun. I put them in a ship and fly them past Kerbin and take them home. The contract does not complete. I am running: Docking Port Alignment Indicator KER NavHUD KAC
  14. Hello we have a problem with a specific type of stock contracts and RemoteTech (more precisely "have a vessel in orbit with this <type> of part and this <type> of part") Is it possible to spawn a precise type of stock contracts (career mode) rather than waiting for it to appear? Thanks a lot
  15. Contract disappears after accepting it when you go to vehicle assembly. Strangely you can still fulfill the contract and get science points for it, it just does not appear as an active contract or later in the contract archive (mission control). Only error in output .log is ArgumentException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Int32].Add (System.String key, Int32 value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.ContractSystem.LoadContractWeights (.ConfigNode gameNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Contracts.ContractSystem+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 (Filename: Line: -1) Where should I look to redress the LoadContractWeights issue that seems to cause this bug? Looks like it might just be a file entry missing/duplicated somewhere. UPDATE: Thanks for all the replies. The installation was stock and the problem went away with the loud and clear update. I confess to doing some preliminary looking around in anticipation of writing a mod and do not recall changing the stock install, and steam validated the files. Examining the forums though, this problem is only really happening on modded installs so maybe stuffed up somewhere. Anyway, All good now and I can get on with my Kerbal career!
  16. You know these contracts. They require you to mine a lot of ore somewhere you don't need any ore and lift it to orbit of another celestial body (or even land it there). While I always wondered, why I should ship ore from Ike to the Orbit of Duna, given the fact that I had a complete ISRU station on the surface of Duna, I accepted the contract anyways as I had mining equipment on Ike as well. And 400k for flying from Ike to Duna is a pretty good payment. Now once I reached the required amount of ore on Ike, I realised I had too little fuel to get to Duna. No problem. In that case I simply transferred the interplanetary transfer vehicle from Duna orbit to Ike orbit... But upon switching to the vessel in Duna orbit the contract was paid out as it was completed. Turned out the vessel I switched to had ore onboard which exceeded the requirements of the contract. To make a long story short - these kind of contracts are miswritten. They only require "mine x units of ore here" and "have x units of ore in orbit there". Knowing that, I exploited the bug more often. I don't know. But at least three times I got paid for mining on Ike and having totally unrelated ore in orbit of Duna.
  17. The Gold Standard! Version 1.5.2 (2017/06/18) (Now with full SCANsat and Galileo's Planet Pack Compatibility!) This mod adds the pursuit of gold and an extremely rare resource called Unobtainium to the game! Gold Ore now appears on planets/moons Gold Ore can be mined and smelted into Pure Gold with the Smelter Return either Gold/Gold Ore back to Kerbin for profit Gold is heavier than Gold Ore, which is heavier than Ore Full integration with Vanilla drills and scanners Vanilla Drills and Surface Scanner available slightly earlier in the tech tree Only 8 parts (Under 10Mb download), low memory usage. Get over that mid-career fund grind in a fun and challenging way! What is Unobtainium? Unobtainium is an extremely valuable resource that generally spawns on high-G and extremely distant worlds. You can mine Unobtainium using the vanilla drills without needing a converter in-situ. Drills mining Unobtainium operate much more efficiently with both a scientist and engineer aboard. Unobtainium is a little more dense than gold, so ensure to bring adequate Dv! Finally a monetary reason to land on Eeloo, Eve, Moho/Icarus, or any of the other seldom visited worlds! This mod is not meant to be an easy cash cow; rather, a difficult alternative to contract spam. There is no gold on kerbin, and be careful when choosing a mining site as only deposits of >2% (mini drill) or >1.5% (large drill) will yield gold ore. The gold ore can be returned for an okish profit, but be aware that gold ore is basically 9/10s ore. So there are obvious benefits to smelting in-situ. The Smelter needs power, cooling, and an engineer to function at its full capacity. Pure Gold is, by design and irl, HEAVY! Feel free to post any working ship/base designs! Note on returning with your space booty: Land near or on the space center to avoid diminished returns. Supported mods: - Scansat - Galileo's Planet Pack Downloads Version 1.5.2 for KSP V3: SpaceDock Available on CKAN! *ModuleManager included and required Planned Features Will be adding one more resource beyond Kerbin's influence Community Tech Tree integration Further Weight/Cost Balancing (need feedback) Change Log Update 1.5.2 •Packaged the latest version of MM to bring the mod upto 1.3 Update 1.5.1 •Complete Compatibility with SCANsat and Galileo's Planet Pack •Changed the way resources spawn on planets (more small concentrated veins, less large low concentrated blobs). Update 1.5 •Improved Weight/Balance/Distribution of resources. It should now be a little easier to make money, and more worth it to make a trip out farther. •Fixed the Unobtainium texture •Cleaned up files •Improved compatibility with Scansat and Galileo's Planet Pack (Thanks go to Jadeofmaar for helping me here) Update 1.4.2 • Fixed stupid typo ftw. Update 1.4.1 • Fixed a value that was preventing unobtainium from spawning in large enough quantities to be mined. Update 1.4 • Finally got of my butt and updated the mod to 1.2.2 • Added Unobtainium • Added support for GPP and Scansat Update 1.3 • Updated to for KSP 1.2 • Fixed a potential problem with unlimited output for both gold smeltery and stock miniISRUVersion 1 Update 1.2 - Updated some part descriptions - Slightly reduced concentrations of gold on Minmus - Made orbital scanner unlock earlier (The satellite targeting gui is disabled until survey scan) - Adjusted Smeltery Output to prevent a very minor exploit Version 1.1 - Cleaned up textures - Fixed radial attachment points - Added Mission Flags Version 1.0 - Release License The Gold Standard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This license does not apply to the bundled plugin ModuleManager. This is my first mod so if you have any tips or suggestions don't hesitate to leave a comment below.
  18. Trouble satisfying contract requirements in your rover? No problem, just step outside a moment... Now that's a well paid EVA. (About your "satellite" though, guys... I think it's getting itchy feet...)
  19. I'm not sure if this has been requested before but could it we see a feature for offering trips to space tourists like tourist agencies do? Currently a customer randomly walks in with their desired plan and bunch of money, you'll accept it or don't. You'll have no control over their will, you can't control when they come or how many of them come. This makes anything with more than 5 seats not worth it, as they'll fly empty most of the time. What I'm proposing is to have feature implemented so we could, as service providers, offer a package deal with a price we could set by ourselves. Higher to make more profits or lower to get more demand. This would make larger passenger spacecraft and SSTO's desirable, as well as it could incentivize building and launching space liners, stations, hotels and other related infrastructure to support space tourism. This would make Mk.3 passenger module properly useful. This would move KSP from where we're now in reality with dawn of space tourism to age of actual space tourism where space travel and tourism are common things. Slightly related cool pic of Rockwell's concept to make this post little more interesting.
  20. Hi, i would love to have a key in the mission control center for "decline contract". Many times i want a specific mission but it just doesnt appear until some contracts have been declined, but that requires a los of mouse movement and clicking. Just the shortcut would be very useful. Another way of getting that mission would be a custom mission creator. Ive seen a mod trying to do this, but havent tested yet. Anyway, although both features are related, still wish that decline key binding...
  21. This was fun, has gotten multiple contracts mining ore on Duna and transfer to Ike. Has done this with an ore carrier probe, however once I got complete before the ore carrier arrived at Ike, it was completed just by going to my Ike base This got me thinking so the next time I did not launch I just had enough ore on both places and switched to Ike base, contract fulfilled. Requirements are. 1) Mine 2000 fresh ore on source location, 2) have 2000 ore on source location 3) have 2000 ore on target location if its transported from source, is mined locally or earlier does not matter. An mine ore on the Mun and send to Kerbin contract could probably be solved by mining ore on mun, have ore on station, then putting some full ore tanks and an probe core on pad.
  22. Hey all, I've just learned that reading contracts thoroughly can make things easier the hard way. All I had to do was mine 1200 Ore on Minmus and land it back on Kerbin. By land, they mean land, not splashdown... So, as my contract did not register, I put together a (particularly) ugly seaplane and dragged the precious payload back to KSC. Today I've sailed 45km through Kerbin's ocean at 20m/s just to bring back a juicy amount of funds... and that was worth it, because it paid for permanent mining outposts on both Mun and Minmus, both associated with orbital fuel depots, equipped with lightweight landers for wealthy tourists. Those investments will pay very soon...
  23. Hi there, I've accepted a contract asking me to enter the atmosphere of Jool. I decided to send a very simple probe in a deadly trip to the Green Planet. (Periapsis 4 km...) I was thinking that "Enter the atmosphere of Jool to achieve this goal" was pretty clear. But my probe exploded a few hundred meters below the surface of Jool, and the contract is still there... https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1cJn_NG58YYSGRSdm1KQXpDSDQ&usp=sharing Do you think I need wings to achieve this contract, or is this just a bug? Thanks for reading
  24. It would be really cool to be able to sort our contracts by expiration date. That way, I don't have to check every contract before a long flight. I could just look at the closest one. Right now, the list seems completely random, and far off contracts muddle up the list for more immediate things.
  25. Do asteroids with modules clawed on still count as stations for fulfilling contracts? I have a class D in orbit of Minmus, and a new contract for a station with 3100 ore, ISRU, 4000 LF, science lab, and 8 Kerbals. I would be able to build a much more "useful" design if I could do mining, refueling, habitat, and fuel modules which would allow for upgrades along the way, but I don't know if I want to accept the contract if it is just another contract required structure that won't have any utilitarian value. I did some searching and was unable to find a definitive answer for 1.1 and a Convert-o-Tron 125 has not fulfilled contrasts that asked for ISRU in the past. Thanks!
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