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  1. So a lot of the time I see someone playing ksp using nerv and the plumes are red what makes this?
  2. So I've been upgrading my my fleet after looking at the forums for the first time and so I feel kinda dumb now so uh any tips?
  3. Idk it just seems like I've beaten the other planet packs and I like star wars
  4. KSP won't load mods in when the game runs with the addition of the Breaking Ground DLC but if I launch through CKAN, the mods load but the DLC doesn't. Does anyone have a solution to this? Thanks!
  5. So radius: 10 km semi major axis 23 726 155 264 m gravity .003G lumpy grey asteroid shaped
  6. So whenever I use mechjeb 2 all the text just says mechjeb text
  7. I have searched every where on the internet but can't find a guide on how to install principia. I have the zip file but don't know what to do with it.(Win 10)
  8. Hi, Im trying to install V1.0 Real Solar System with Kopernicus and ModuleManager. Below is the screenshot of my GameData but when I start KSP and I go to the solar system I can see the names and textures are the original Thank you
  9. I can't make any mod, but I'd like to get a mod with real parts like an air compressor that transforms intake air in oxidiser (with an IRSU-similar texture and design), that doesn't make much heat but a lot of noise, some rover cargo bays , long cargo bays and eventually some powerfull air breathing engines for a takeoff without any oxidiser use and big jet engines to use as VTOL hidden engines or engines integrated with a cargo bay.
  10. Should I get a orbital mod? I have been playing for 4 years and have only gotten to another celestial body once(I am new to the forums, though.)
  11. Hello and welcome to the official KSP challenge of the German rocket start-up Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA). First of all: To complete this challenge you will need the RFA ONE -Debris Removal Mod. The Mod is available on SpaceDock. In addition to the normal download link the mod is also on CKAN and users will be able to access it. For Details on Installation please consider the ReadMe attached with the Mod or the Installation Guide on SpaceDock. The parts fit together to built the RFA ONE rocket but are flexible and generic enough to be used in many creative ways, just like vanilla KSP parts. However if you build the RFA ONE yourself, you will not have the Lettering on the side of the rocket. The Mod adds the parts you need to build your own RFA ONE, the RFA ONE rocket as a whole as well as the scenario that you need to complete this challenge. The challenge has to be completed just using the RFA ONE Mod. Thanks to a member of the KSP Community for help with the development. Story: The communication satellite C-GS-014 was launched in to LKO just a couple of weeks ago. However, an error with the satellites solar array has left it stranded in a highly elliptical 14,500 x 250 km orbit with a 10° inclination around Kerbal. In order to avoid space junk and prevent contributing to the Kessler Syndrome, RFA wants to use the opportunity to demonstrate its capabilities. They plan use their orbital stage, which is typically used for precise orbit insertion, to pick up the dead satellite and safely de-orbit it above the ocean. You are mission director and have been instructed to launch the RFA ONE, fly to the satellite and capture it with the grapple arm. Once you have successfully docked with the satellite, your task will be to safely de-orbit it above the ocean and have it burn up in the atmosphere of Kerbal. On RFA: Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) is a German start-up which develops its own launcher, called the “RFA ONE”, to put up to 1.300kg into LEO. RFA aims to drastically reduce launch costs of its rocket to enable innovative business ideas in space to protect and understand our Earth. RFA uses as many components-off-the-shelf as possible, mass-produces its stainless-steel tanks, and uses its highly efficient Helix engine with staged combustion. Its orbital stage for precise in orbit delivery of satellites can, after successful deployment of up to 100 satellites, extend the lifetime of old satellites through maintenance and repair or safely de-orbit dead satellites, therefore helping to reduce space junk. Rules and Goals: 1. RFA ONE Mod has to be used in order to complete the challenge 2. No additional mods, other than visual, may be used 3. Screenshots are required for eligibility of completion 4. The satellite has to burn up in the atmosphere, any debris remaining has to fall into the ocean. 5. RFA ONE orbital stage has to stay in orbit 6. Leaderboard will be sorted after least amount of fuel consumed Screenshots of the following events are to be included: - Screenshot of the RFA Launch - RFA ONE orbital stage attached to the satellite - Dead satellite burning up in the atmosphere of Kerbal above the ocean - RFA ONE orbital stage in orbit around Kerbal with remaining fuel after the mission Badge: Those, who have completed this challenge are eligible to wear this badge. Leaderboard: The Leaderboard will be defined by the least amount of fuel used to safely de-orbit the satellite. 1. @Kroko6 (536m/s dv left) 2. @AtaKerem (473m/s dv left) 3. @Foxworthgames (453m/s dv left) 4. @janfe2o3 (133m/s dv left)
  12. MOD ABANDONED Hello and welcome to my thread of a visual Overhaul for ksrss mod this is intended to work and was not tested on 1.8.1 on the experimental dev build of ksrss and future 1.10x versions found here https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS download link below Download Link Here For release1 and many more you have to switch the branch to the name of the release Newest releases here: Kve High /64k cubemaps Kve Medium /48k cubemaps Kve Low /32K cubemaps For all KsRss players to enjoy! also this was mostly made on demand by a user i wont discuss Discord closed this mod requires scatterer and eve to work correctly Also some lag on the ground but when ksp starts to render orbit scene it goes to your normal performance Credit to @TruthfulGnome for getting the images Credits: ksrssve : @tony48 RVE64K : @pingopete EVO textures : @itsjust Kve adds atm : Rve64k scatterer effects rve64K clouds DownScaled 48K earth land cubemaps What Kve will add in the future : max 64K Terrain textures for everything possible higher quality terrains for all planets/moons possible Near-Real life visuals the best performance for quality promised with full mod in the future it could have 5 gb of data Follow development Here! https://trello.com/b/oxtsz6KC/kve-dev License : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  13. I'm pretty new to ksp I started using mods recently (i'll give you the list of the ones im using) and now every time i spawn a spaceplane or a rocket using parts from the OPT mod it goes to the speed of light and explode any idea on how to solve this? Mod list: Near Future Props MechJeb2 OPT SCANsat SpaceY Lifters Station Parts Expansion Redux Romfarer B9PartSwitch and Module Manager Just by taking a look at my mods folder i saw i have 2 Module Manager dll is it bad ? Is that the problem or should i not care ?
  14. My fellow space enthusiasts, aerospace engineers, and demolition experts, I've been ushering our dear Kerbonauts around the Kerbolar System since version 1.1. It's been quite the ride, as all of you well know from your own experiences. I did things a little differently from some - I learned gravity turns, docking, landing, planetary transfers, etc. on my own without the help of YouTube or any other materials. For the most part, it was only myself, my patience, and the in-game tutorials that got me to where I am today. In the beginning when I realized what this game was, and how it was everything I wanted in a space game, I just couldn't let myself spoil the journey of learning orbital mechanics and building up a space program from scratch. All the while not even initially knowing what it actually takes to get a rocket off the ground. I wanted to learn from the game while pulling from my own background in physics, my interest in aerospace, and through trial and error. It made for the most rewarding game experience I've ever had. I went from rockets' pointy ends being where the flamey end is supposed to be, and gravity turns consisting of going straight up until leaving the atmosphere and burning horizontally like crazy, to incrementally becoming more and more efficient in all aspects of the various standard missions that can be done, to the eventual successful landings on all 13 of the other terrestrial bodies. I'm mentioning all of this because now with Kerbal Space Program 2 closing in, I'm worried there are things that perhaps I've missed out on in the original game. While I will state my own accomplishments and playstyles, I'd like to hear from the KSP community about what we think are the essential items that should be on everyone's bucket list before the sequel arrives. Whether it's accomplishments that can be done in the stock game, like seeing the Mohole or an SSTO on Laythe, or things entirely different that are only achievable in a modded save like exploring some of the Kopernicus planet packs. For me, I'm mostly a stock player, and there are some experiences I want to save for KSP2. So I don't really need suggestions like extraplanetary launchpads or near-future/far-future/interstellar missions - although you can certainly still list them for other people that tune in here. I've personally never done an Eve-return vehicle, nor a Jool V or grand tour mission. So those are on my list for sure. I've done plenty of crewed surface bases and ISRU refueling stations. I've also done USI-LS and OPM. What else am I missing out on though? I feel like there's a lot of KSP out there to be played that I just haven't taken the time to experience, whether it's exploring new worlds or ultra-realism or whatever else may be out there. Please, feel free to give your recommendations.
  15. I have a bit of a dilemma here I could either go with remote tech and have the following mods with it and reasons why I like it. 1) Time Delay, 2) 10km EVA kerbal antenna, 3)Remote Tech Contracts, 4) KOS would work fine for the time delay. For Commnet I would use 1) Science Relay so I can send science to a science lab on a space station orbiting above 2) Commnet Constellations for better organization of signals 3) Works with my mods kerbal health so I get the perk of being connected to home Con is there is no time delay so there is no challenge or real use for KOS being used. I would like a second opinion on these thank you.
  16. Hey, i wanna know if we have a mod which gives an exploded ship view and we can also record the exploded ship rotating rather than just a screen shot. I know Kronal Vessel Viewer exists but it does not have ability to record the movements of the rocket , it can only do a screenshot. So if u know any mod plz let me know
  17. where would i find KSPS logs 'cause when i search for player log or output under score log it's not there and I've told my computer to show hidden files do you think someone could help me or show me a video of how to find the logs
  18. What will happen to crafts if I will uninstall mod? I am using some parts from mod "KOS," but I want to have faster loadtime again. Is craft going to be removed or only missing parts will be removed? Second question, do I have to manually remove some directories or using ckan manager is enough to have vanilla kerbals?
  19. As says the title, i'm only really looking for the best of the best, so i have some requirements that the mods needs to fit in if someone has any suggestions that i haven't documented yet, they are: I would prefer for them to have no space engine textures, since it feels kind of cheap, at least for advanced modders; Most (preferably all) of the textures need to have at least mid or high resolution, because i don't really like looking at pixels or bad looking terrain, however it doesn't need to be 8k resolution or whatever, it just needs to look at least a little bit good; All of the celestial bodies added need to have proper descriptions on the tracking station, by that i mean that when i check the "knowledge base" i don't want to see a blank space with nothing written on it except for the usual stuff like, radius, mass, etc, since that is mandatory for any planet mod to work anyways; And it needs to have proper grammar on the descriptions, i'm fine with a few typos since that is basically unavoidable and i can fix them myself on the configs if i want to anyways, such as switching its with it's, missing periods at the end of a sentence, minor stuff like that is okay, although i would prefer the quantity of typos to be low, however major stuff, like entire sentences written incorrectly or even mixing up the description of one body for another that is in a different place (yes, that happens, although i only saw it once, and the mod was simply too good to not put here, hopefully that gets fixed in the future) kind of annoys me in a game about exploring space, i would at least like to have descriptions i can mostly understand and that keeps typos to a minimum. Here's all of the ones i have found that mostly fit into these criteria: Alternis Kerbol 1.7.3 Asclepius 1.5x Corelian 1.11x Dres moons 1.8.1 Eve moons 1.7.3 Galileo Planet Pack 1.12.1 Gameslinx Planet Overhaul 1.4.3 Ghekta 1.11.2 Heracleitus 1.12.2 Kronkus Planet Pack 1.5x Minor Planets Expansion 1.12.2 New Horizons Outer Planets Mod 1.11x Real Solar System 1.8x Xenonclave's Planet Collection Revived 1.7x After Kerbin 1.7.3 Before Kerbin 1.4.2 JNSQ Planet Pack 1.12.1 Kerbol Origins 1.8.1 Beyond Home 1.9.1-1.10x Blinding Light Levels 1.10x EventHorizon 1.7x Extrasolar: Planets Beyond Kerbol 1.7.3 Galaxies Unbound 1.12x Grannus Expansion Pack 1.12.1 Low Light Levels Blue 1.8.1 Low Light Levels Red 1.8.1 Precursors Planet Pack 1.9x-1.11x Seven Worlds Around Slippist-1 1.7.3 Whirligig World Planetary System 1.11.2 Endless Expanse 1.12.3 Other Worlds Reboot 1.6 Real Exoplanets 1.8.1 Strange New Worlds 1.8x-1.11x Are there any good planet/star pack you guys know that is not in this list? Thanks to whoever read this wall of text and have a good day!
  20. I love Kerbal, and I love playing in "always IVA" mode using @linuxgurugamer mods and others ("Through the eye", etc). It would be great if I could control all science from IVA, integrating x-science in MFD maybe. So, @linuxgurugamer, if you need some new idea for your next mod, here you are. Thank you!!
  21. Hi folks. New to the Forum, hello all! I've been trying for no good reason other than shiggles to get a Starlink type constellation in orbit. Mechjeb2 helps me with the launch timing, orbital plane etc, but I'm having a lot of trouble with distributing each satellite throughout that orbital plane. I start with a launch that's circularized 20km low and then dispense the satellites one by one and orbit raise to 350 as it gets close to the correct location for each bird. Anyway, the point is that keeping a large constellation aligned requires a lot of management - tweaks to apo and peri to keep separation and to plane to etc - can anyone suggest mods that might help? I've been looking for a 'ground control mod' that could extend the tracking screen but no joy so far so it's manually switch to each satellite at the moment :-) Image attached with the 'net for one plane of approx 32 birds. I'm trying for 15 minute separation of planes - it's a lot of birds in the air!
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