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  1. To complete this challange you must build a rocket using only mk 1 engines, fuel tanks, etc. but the rocket must cost under 15,000 funds it must also go to the Mun and back with 3 kerbals mods allowed
  2. I just can't get the contracts I really want. I have enough tech to land on Minmus but I don't have an contract for a fly-by of the Mun! How do I get the fly-by of Mun contract?
  3. Monthly Budgets is now deprecated, and no longer maintained. You can either move to Bureaucracy Or JoeBostic on Github made a mod inspired by Monthly Budgets a while ago called Space Program Funding If anyone would like to take over Monthly Budgets, ping me a PM and we'll chat. This mod does what it says on the tin... it introduces a budget system to Career Mode KSP. Unlike some other budget mods, which just add money on top of what you already have, this one will cap your "maximum budget" based on your repuation. I'll explain what I mean further below. Features Monthly Budgets: Every 30 days (configurable) a monthly budget will be allocated to you, primarily based on your reputation (although it takes into account a couple of other factors). If your current funds are less than the budget allocation, your funds will be adjusted to match the new budget. (So, if you say have 100k funds on hand, but the mod was going to allocate you 500k, your funds will be topped up to 500k. If you held 600k, your costs would be deducted, but no budget would be awarded this month. Contracts will (usually) not have a cash payout/advance. Instead, whatever you would have gotten will be converted into reputation instead (at a conversion rate of 1 rep for every 10,000 funds) when you complete the contract. So you get it in the next budget cycle. The exception to this is tourism contracts, because I think it's weird that tourists wouldn't pay cash. Kerbal Deaths are punished. When a kerbal dies, a hefty reputation penalty is applied. The Kerbal government takes the lives of it's astronauts very seriously... so your funding will be slashed if you have many deaths. (reputation is reduced by a quarter, so a high rep program has more to fear from this than a low rep program). Massive thanks to JPLRepo for this bit, as he basically wrote it for me. Costs Running a space program is expensive, kerbals need to be paid etc. When calculating your budget, costs for wages and any active vessels will be deducted before the budget is awarded. If no budget is awarded, the costs will be deducted from your available funds. Configurable - Most aspects of the mod are configurable. You'll be given the chance to set your options when you first run it, if you need to change them later, the settings are available from the toolbar button. There's a bunch of options in there, way too many to list here. Big Project Funding - So you want to buy the level 3 R&D upgrade? Perhaps you have a massive vessel you want to launch, but your budget is just not high enough? You can "divert" up to 50% of your budget every month to a holding account, ready to withdraw when you need the money. Science Funding - Want to go to Mun but just don't have the right parts yet? You can divert some/all of your budget to Science Points (be warned, this is REALLY expensive, the money you spend gets wiped from your budget completely. You need to be out there doing stuff to build your reputation back up to sustain it). Licensing Licensed under the MIT License Icon made by Freepik from Flaticon.com Download Not mandatory, but I've balanced the default values assuming that Kerbal Construction Time is installed - so would recommend that mod. https://github.com/severedsolo/MonthlyBudgets/releases Source https://github.com/severedsolo/MonthlyBudgets
  4. WARNING: This not just a contract pack! It is a totally different way to play career mode. Do not install this on a currently-running career, or uninstall it once installed; I'm not sure what would happen. But if you DO try it, tell me what happens WARNING: This is an alpha release! What does that mean? It means if it screws up your career game, it's not my fault . Please report it but do not expect sympathy, only thanks for the bug report. You should NEVER install this and use it on a current career anyway, even when it's considered a solid release. This is for advanced users who want to modify some of the core gameplay mechanics of Kerbal Space Program's career mode. DESCRIPTION: This contract pack does 3 things: Screws up R&D to the point where you can't use it. Science - therefore - is meaningless in your career. You can ignore it, convert it via a Strategy, or whatever. Adds one contract per part, the cost of which is relative to the part's cost and the reward of which is the use of the part. There is no part testing, no going to Moho or traveling 1500m/s. No right clicking. You take a contract, pay the up-front cost, and get the part. Easy peasy. (You don't notice this in-game, but will see its effects) Sets up each part in it's own hidden tech tree node. This means you don't get to - or have to - unlock a set of parts. You only unlock those parts you need. For many of us, this could significantly lessen the visible parts while building in the VAB. Never use that micronode? Don't take the contract. Ever. It'll never show up in your list. NOTES: The basic starter parts are still available from the start. You gotta have SOMETHING to attach your test parts to! You should turn negative funds ON, or you may accidentally cheat by accepting a contract you can't pay for! The first time you load Mission Control the game may pause as it generates over 200 contracts, one for each part. It will be much quicker from that point on. You pretty much MUST use the new "All" tab that Contract Configurator provides. The Available tab will be way too crowded whenever you have a lot of money. If you have a low resolution, you may have to scroll to see all contracts even when everything is collapsed. There's not much I can do about this. Ironically, this was better before they added the new part categories. DOWNLOAD: Spacedock GitHub INSTALLATION: Within the install zip file is a GameData folder. Within that folder is a ContractPacks folder. Within THAT folder is a PartsUnlimited folder. Put that folder in your KSP GameData\ContractPacks folder that you got when you installed ContractConfigurator. See Requirements below. REQUIREMENTS: Contract Configurator (This is a set of configs for that mod, after all) Module Manager (but what doesn't these days?) COMPATIBILITY: This mod will hopefully be compatible with most if not all other part mods. I tested it quickly with KIS and it seems to work just fine. It may have trouble with any procedural parts mods that unlock size upgrades incrementally, but honestly I don't know how those mods work and don't use them. I'd love to know if they work or not, and if they don't work I'll see what I can do. CHANGELOG: 0.1: Initial test release - missing only balancing of part costs, agency art, and descriptions. Any and all mods should be supported unless they add their own part categories (like Utilities, Pods, Aero, etc) BUGS: You can accept contracts in many situations when you don't have the available money to pay for them. This is outside of my control, but I'm releasing anyway because in KSP 1.2 you can enable "Allow Negative Funds" and your funds show up in red. In previous KSP versions, negative funds was an option but didn't display in red so were confusing. Contracts do not auto-complete in Mission Control. You must exit out, let them complete, and then to back in. It's clunky, but not too bad as you generally won't be taking more than a few of these contracts at a time. TO DO: Balance part costs. Right now most of the contract costs are 30 times the part's cost to unlock in the stock game. I think that'll be okay but I want to balance it between being able to unlock things super quick (which is bad) and slogging through endless missions to earn enough cash to unlock an I-beam (which is also bad). Let me know if you think costs should be higher or lower, and I'll be testing this myself. Part images in the contracts. I don't know if this is possible but if it is, I'll find a way to do it If it's not, I'm working on a "descriptive.cfg" to modify those parts with particularly uninformative descriptions, to better describe what part they are and what they do. To keep the number of contract folders down, I may combine certain categories, like say Payload and coupling with structural. I'm not sure yet if this would be better or worse. Opinions welcome. LICENSE: GNU GPL3. THANKS: To nightingale. Not only for making Contract Configurator and making countless changes to it to accommodate my inane requests, but also for endless patience in helping me understand his frighteningly configurable mod. DONATIONS I do not need donations, but if you want to contribute, please donate to SpaceDock:
  5. I have a suggestion for a mod. I started messing around with the traits.cfg and began thinking about what traits and careers could have been like in KSP. While I do like the simplicity of what Squad put together in terms of professions and careers, I couldn't help but wish it could have been a little more in depth and fleshed out. For example, why do kerbals have one set of traits? Why not let them over lap a little? Why just give them skill stars, why not a promotion system? HERE is my proposal that I will definitely need help with because plugins are something I've never done.
  6. So, I have almost always tried to play career with mods. But it always stopped being fun at a certain point, or got too grindy, which are both valid complaints for career mode. But, having recently made a stock career mode game, it's actually very fun! Career mode seems to be very finely tuned to the stock game, with little to no wiggle room. Thoughts? Does this need to be remedied? Do you share this experience?
  7. Well... I am going to start a new KSP career (this is my third one, in the past I played on 0.90/1.0.4) and this time I decided to document my journey and share some achievements with the official community. First, There will not be a super long description about my missions (only some key info), nor there will be any kind of videos, just screenshots. Second, I will not play the game and post everyday, only when I will have the time and when I do something a little bit interesting. Now, let's start speaking about the game; I play KSP on Moderate and I use these mod: My game style at the beginning will be more focalized about Sea&Air Missions, Space will come later. In the future I will fly to the most beautiful planets and moons of the Kerbol System including Mun, Minmus, Duna, Eve and Laythe; I will surely build several probes, orbital stations, rover and planetary bases on them. Maybe, one day, I will eventually reach Eeloo. Update 18/08/2016 at 17:25 Today the Space Program is ready to start is work, Jebediah has already taken the control of its first rocket and landed it in... water... Damn Jeb. Update 22/08/2016 at 12:25 In the Meanwhile... Stay Tuned.
  8. Hello world SirLaurenceNZ here and I recently had an idea for an interesting concept (if you know of anyone who has previously brought up this idea up previously I'd love to know and knowledge them.) The idea placing your rockets from the VAB on the launchpad with empty fuel tanks, then using a vehicle with the appropriate mining equipment to refuel your rocket prior to launch. This can be done using a set of radial decoplers with fuel cross feed on and a docking port (which can be ejected before launch.) Alternative ideas that might be worth investigating in terms of refueling is having a helicopter type plane with jet engines and rcs for lateral translation. this would help you to refuel things from above if refueling if the angle on the launchpad is not an option. Below is an example which I had tested on the grass next to the runway and also on the launchpad (the launch pad is significantly more difficult.) Note, the three of those fuel tanks would refuel in approximately 7-8 days (ksp time) adding essentially a construction time for fueling your rocket. http://imgur.com/a/LjDQV (anyone know how to directly attach an image?) I'd just like to thank Marcus House for highlighting fuel costs in career mode in the most recent episode of his great LP (180k funds in fuel,) cheers. Marcus's channel here --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNHHEoiSF8pcLgqLKVugOw/videos (suggested improvements is using the claw instead of the docking port, cheers Marcus)
  9. I've been trying to mount a rescue mission to pick up Jebediah who is orbiting around the Mun. He ran out of fuel and is simply unable to get home O_o For the life of me I can't seem to build a ship capable of making it to the Mun, performing intercept maneuvers to get close to him, and then has enough fuel to make it home. Most of my ships seem to just falter even getting into orbit at this moment due to how much fuel I'm trying to carry. All my previous ships can -get- to the Mun, but once they get there they too are unable to make it back. So what's my best option here? Should I build a low orbit docking + fuel station, or is there some way to build a ship capable of doing everything I need with tier 4 branching into tier 5 tech?
  10. Hi, this is my very first post. Before now, I was a forum ghost, whispering through the topics. Anyway, I have created a new modded series which is quite balanced. I still need a few bug fixes, but other that that, it is fairing swimmingly. If any modders could help, that would be great! My Mod List is very long. How do I get this to stop being a link? Anyway, here's My video, Enjoy! Reserved for more stuffs
  11. Still working fine for 1.3 Initial release of the revamped, scaled down, Additional Progression Contracts mod. This is a replacement for my old "Advanced Progression Contracts" mod, since most of the contracts in it were merged into the base game by Squad. DOWNLOAD Requires Contract Configurator 1.15 or higher. Contracts included on launch: Send the first probe to another planet. Send the first manned flyby of another planet (and return). Send the first manned landing on another planet (and return). Land a rover on the Mun. Land a rover on Minmus. Land a rover on another planet. Perform an EVA in Solar orbit. Future plans: More contracts itemized for planet moons. Jool-system specific contracts (Jool 5 challenge, etc). Repeatable "send a probe to X planet" generic contracts - the ones in stock are often a bit too specific, and don't usually help career-mode missions get funding. Unmanned probe sample-return missions (to Mun, planets, etc) More stuff to do with rovers - distance records, etc (as soon as I get the contract scripting logic for it to work correctly) In-atmosphere aircraft circumnavigation. (as soon as I get the contract scripting logic for it to work correctly) Ideas people suggest/request Released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
  12. My company, DDRocketsInc has won an exclusive tender from by the Kerbin Administration Science & Space Council (KASSC) to assist them with exploration of the Kerbol solar system, including Outer Planets Mod. The KASSC benefits not only from the extensive science that the exploration brings but also experience they need to develop their Kerballed exploration of the solar system. I have therefore started a new career mode in 1.1.3 with unmanned before manned mod because I can’t stand killing poor Kerbals. With an initial outlay of funds, the company has steadily developing ‘generations’ of probes to complete the exploration. Each new generation received the latest science available and (typically) upgraded propulsion as well, in this manner each generation (should) also extend the range of exploration. I have tried remote tech before but am more of an engineer/designer than pilot and so just get too frustrated trying to get communication networks up. I should also point out that the company DDRocketsInc also received a grant from the KASSC about 2 years into the agreement to jump from generation 3 to 4 as contract funds were drying up. Ironically in many cases as soon as they were launched and set for transfer many other organisations put up paying contracts, so DDRocketsInc has been able to start paying the Council back. Generations of Probes Generation One: Pioneer Class Tier one and two science, they came in orbiters only. Probes feature liquid fuel/oxidizer propulsion with early generation solar power. Pioneer class orbiters where sent to Kerbal, Mun and Minmus SOI only. They were also used for many contracts within those SOI to gain funds Generation Two: Venturer Class (Roc) Tier one, two and three science they came in orbiters with landers attached. Probes feature liquid fuel/oxidizer propulsion for landers, and RCS for orbiters. Both orbiters and landers feature upgraded solar power compared to the Pioneer Class. Venturer series probes are called Roc Probes after mythical bird of prey. Orbiter Lander A pair of Venturer class orbiters with landers where sent to Duna as the transfer window came up. Transit time of 500 days allowed me to start Kerballed exploration of Kerbal, Mun and Minmus SOI. When they arrived landers landed on Duna and Ike, each orbiter also parking at either body. A single Venturer was also sent to Dres when the transfer window openned. Generation Three: Pioneer II Class The Pioneer II class orbiters were an upgrade of the Pioneer class. I had managed to unload some tier three science to use on them and larger solar panels but not much else. I kept RCS propulsion as it seems more efficient than liquid fuel/oxidizer. A pair Pioneer II class where sent to Jool as the transfer window came up. A special lifter was also sent with a pair of modified Venturer landers to scope out science on Jool’s moons. Modifications were limited to upgraded solar panels. Generation Four: Discovery Class (Crius) A Sarnus transfer window as opening and I really did not want to send a Pioneer II class orbiter because it does not seem right to use RCS propulsion that far out into the solar system. I had just received a contract to test the ‘Dawn’ Ion engine in on a suborbital trajectory to Minmus between two heights I built the orbiter up to be used on a Sarnus mission all available orbital science (up to a mixture of tier 4 and 5). I decided to call the discovery class Crius – the titan god of constellations in Greek mythology. Crius orbiters feature Ion/Electric propulsion with four of the five section solar panels from ‘future solar’ mod, loads of science and gold plated cores. Ion Drive Instruments A pair Discovery class where sent to Sarnus as the transfer window came up. They are still on the way. Generation Five: Eyre Class (Phoenix) As the Discovery class probes are stand-alone orbiters I decided to design a new class of landers, they are named Eyre after the famous Australian explorer (Edward John Eyre). The Sarnus transfer window was still not quiet open so I sent two of the new Eyre landers there to check out Sarnus’s moons. These first 2 Eyre class landers are called Phoenix 1 and 2. They are non-atmospheric landers and feature liquid fuel/oxidizer propulsion with four engines to provide plenty of TWR on landing, plenty of surface science and gold plated cores like their orbiting (discovery brethren). A pair Eyre class where sent to Sarnus’s moons as the transfer window came up. They are still on the way. Kerbal Exploration While the robotic explorers from DDRocketsInc’s have been exploring the solar system, the Kerbals from the KGSSC have been placing their toes in the water around Kerbin and her moons. They have managed to land on both the Mun and Minmus and build a small orbiting science station around Kerbin and the Mun. Bob on EVA Kerbin Orbital Science Station (KOSS) Landing on Minmus DDRocketsInc has recently received contracts to develop ore scanning software and satellites. We understand that the Kerbals are planning to use these to start mining moons and asteroids so they can reach further into the solar system. Please stay tuned for the further adventures from the KASSC and DDRocketsInc, next week will look at how DDRocketsInc has developed the Intrepid class of lifters.
  13. Hi folks, I don't know if this is possible and I don't have an "entry", but I'm wondering if any of you have created low-tech spaceplanes before getting the last upgrades to the facilities. Restrictions on the plane: Must be capable of getting a payload to LKO. Small payloads are OK, large payloads are better. Realistically, 14 tons to orbit given the mass restriction would be fantastic. Must be capable of returning to the Space Center after deploying its payload. Doesn't have to be SSTO, but the less you drop the better. SSTO would be ideal. Doesn't have to take off on the runway, but c'mon, it's a spaceplane, not a rocket. I've already seen some very impressive SSTO rockets. No tech that costs more than 300 research to unlock -- that means NO: Rapiers, Whiplash, Aerospike, Ion (on a spaceplane?), shock intake, engine pre-cooler, or quad adapters (although bi-adapters are available and you can make a quad with 3 bi-adapters). That probably means Panther engines. Not more than 255 parts or 140 tons total weight. NO Mechjeb or WiseASS. The planes should be human-pilot-able, because hardcore stock If you really want me to score them, I will, but I'm honestly just wondering if it's even possible at this point. I am -working- on an entry but it decided to spontaneously fall out of the air at 6km and 600m/s just after the panthers started giving me 174kn thrust. And yes, that is two different flights with the wings and engines set up a little differently.
  14. Contract Pack: Historical Progression This contract pack is designed to take you through the history of the human space program. This entire contract pack was inspired by Whitecat106's Historic Missions contracts. He has created an incredible selection of close to 700 missions! For me, that is too much, and I wanted to go through the history of human spaceflight and progress how we have done in real life. I did not want to have to launch a mission that was almost the smae thing over and over again. This contract pack takes you from the first sounding rockets to New Horizons and into the future. You will be tasked with recreating some of the most ambitious missions like the Apollo Program, Voyager and the International Space Station. It is up to you to guide the Kerbals into the cosmos through a historical progression. Some of these contracts are very involved and require you to use gravity assists to accomplish the contract parameters. Others give you the option to complete certain goals in order to gain bonuses. For example, in your Space Shuttle contracts, you get bonus funds if you land your shuttle on the Runway back at KSC. One of the best examples of this is the MESSENGER contract. It requires you to enter a polar orbit of the first planet in the solar system. We will use the stock system with the Real Solar System planets as an example. MESSENGER Contract Parameters General Goal: Design an unmanned craft to Orbit Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees Design an unmanned craft with an antenna (also with 3 SCANsat scanners if you have the mod installed) Launch MESSENGER Enter Orbit of the Sun OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Kerbin (Earth) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) again for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) again for a gravity assist OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for the third time for a gravity assist Enter Orbit of Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees Transmit Science Data from Space around Moho (Mercury) If you have SCANsat installed, have 80% mapping of Low Quality, Biome and High Quality Most of the missions are not that difficult or that involved, but MESSENGER was launched in 2004 after more than 50 years of spaceflight and we knew some new tricks to help us achieve an orbit. HISTORICAL PROGRESSION CONTRACTS REQUIRED MODS Contract Configurator - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/101604 Module Manager - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219 HIGHLY, HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED MODS These are not nessecary to use the contract pack, but it makes the pack much better Historical Progression Tech Tree @Yemo Unmanned Before Manned - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106130 This lets you start with the proper probe cores instead of manned missions, the contract pack might not be possible to complete without this or something similar Outer Planets Mod - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/93999-112-outer-planets-mod-20-complete-overhaul-better-terrain-nicer-terrain-textures-improved-scatter-etc-21-may/ If you are playing with stock KSP, this will give you the extra planets that simulate the outer solar system and will allow you to explore these places with contracts like New Horizons and Voyager 1 and 2 Real Solar System If you are up for it, you can recreate some of the most famous missions in different scaled Real Solar Systems Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50471-113-real-solar-system-v1140-july-3/ Half Size Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/142336-113-half-size-rss-v15/ Stock Size Real Solar System - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138572-wip-113-117-stock-size-real-solar-system/ DMagic Orbital Science - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59009-113-dmagic-orbital-science-new-science-parts-v132-6272016/ This gives you more science experiments to use on your various missions around the solar system SCANsat - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72679-113-scansat-v163-real-scanning-real-science-at-warp-speed-june-27-2016/ This provides you with parts to map the planets in the solar system. The contracts have support for Scanning missions if SCANsat is installed. Life Support Mods There are many to choose from, but I reccomend picking at least one of them. Some of these contracts are setting new duration records in space and there is no real challenge to them without having Life Support of some kind. OTHER MODS TO CONSIDER There are many part mods to consider that will give you the ability to construct realistic looking, or in some cases replicas of the spacecraft that are simulated in this contract pack. Bluedog Design Bureau (NASA / ESA) FASA (NASA) @raidernick Awesome Collection of Mods Skylab US & Soviet Solar Panels Pack Salyut Stations Soviet Spacecraft Soviet Probes US Probes Pack US Rockets Pack Antares & Cygnus Tantares NOTES The contract pack removes the World Firsts and Explore Body stock missions as we are already covering this with the pack This contract pack works with all planet packs, but you will experience some weird contracts if your Home planet is not the 3rd rock from the sun Full support for Stock, Stock x2, Stock x6.4, Outer Planets Mod Full support for Real Solar System, Half Size Real Solar System, Stock Size Real Solar System I do not know how this will play with other Contract Packs unless listed below, as it is designed to go through all major "firsts" of our space history so will duplicate similar contracts from other packs Most missions cannot be cancelled nor will they expire. There are a set of optional missions and more will be coming down the line. These optional missions can be cancelled and do not need to be completed. COMPATIBLE CONTRACT PACKS Anomoly Surveyor AntennaRange Relays Clever Sats Field Research Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP) Kerbal Academy Maritime Mission Pack RemoteTech Contract Pack SPECIAL THANKS @nightingale for creating Contract Configurator as well as helping me with many questions along the way @severedsolo for answering some questions I had about some contracts @Whitecat106 for inspiring me with your Historic Missions pack @TheReadPanda is streaming a career with the Contract Pack active DOWNLOAD Github Spacedock INSTALLATION Make sure you have Contract Configurator and Module Manager Installed as they are NOT included with the download Download the Contract Pack Copy to GameData folder Enjoy! FUTURE PLANS Add Remaining Missions Falcon Flight 20 - First Powered Landing of First Stage of Rocket Moon / Mun contracts will require specific biomes to be reached (want to stop players from landing on the far side) Add a requirement to deorbit and destroy Space Stations after Add additional SCANsat mission support Add additional DMagic Orbital Science Mission Support Add OPTIONAL MISSIONS Additional Mars / Duna Missions Landers Phoenix Insight Orbiters Mars Global Surveyor MAVEN Rovers Spirit Opportunity Curiosity ISS Construction Apollo Applications Program Manned Venus Flyby (this was a proposed mission using Apollo hardware) Future Missions OSIRIS Rex Asteroid Redirect Mission Mars Sample Return Mission Europa Mission Red Dragon Mars 2020 LICENSE CC-BY-NC-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) CHANGELOG
  15. Do you play career mode and are also a masochist. Then this is right for you. I've been playing around with an idea for a Punisher mod in my head since I have been using Kernel Construction Time. I love that mod but I noticed that there is not much reason to worry about the construction times at all since there is no reason to budget in game time (unless you have a life support mod) So I want to make a simple mod that will make time management a necessity in career mode by subtracting a percentage of your space programs funds every week. Anyone reading this thread, please let me know if anything like this already exists or existed in a previous version. I also appreciate people letting me know if anyone else would be interested in this besides me. Also, you experienced modders out there, what would a mod like this require? It wouldn't add any parts or anything it would just be super compact and simple. Maybe with a basic gui for the space center. This would be my first mod, something I'm excited about.
  16. Whenever I play career mode and I go into some buildings (Excluding VAB and SPH, and including Mission Control, Administration, etc.) the screens disappear and just show the Space Center. And also, sometimes my KSP just randomly crashes(Yes i am running 64bit version). What is wrong with my KSP? Also, I did put the hashtag because this is becoming more and more repetitive in the KSP community. Extra Info Specs(Straight From DirectX Diagnostics): Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 64-bit (10.0, Build 10586) (10586.th2_release_sec.160527-1834) System Manufacturer: Apple Inc. System Model: iMac14,2 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4771 CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz Memory: 16384MB RAM Available OS Memory: 16324MB RAM Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M Manufacturer: NVIDIA Chip type: GeForce GTX 780M DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC (Hope this covers all the necessities) Mods In KSP: DarkMultiplayer KAS KIS Hyperedit Kerbal Engineer Redux Infernal Robotics MechJeb2 Version_2.0 Industries Rover Pack ModuleManager.2.6.7.dll Video For Example The Video Is Only Temporary Until We Fix The Problem Crash Log (Latest one that happened today while editing this post) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikk6ae877f4ua71/Crash Log.zip?dl=0
  17. I started a career mode game and got through the basic contracts such as getting out of the atmosphere. It then did not show the orbit kerbin contract. I Googled it and all i saw was that it happens when your reputation is low, but i never failed any missions and i did all of them perfectly, i also tried doing some side contracts but it did not do anything. I started a new game and it gave me the orbit contract, but then it did not give me the mun contracts, so again i tried doing some more contracts and it did nothing.
  18. I've been out of the loop for a bit of time and I can't recall if there is a stock feature to do this. All this mod would do is inject [X] funds every [Y] Kerbin days. - This way you could play a contractual career game without actually needing to fulfill any contracts. - In vice versa this would be like playing a science save but with funds to limit how quickly you could make things. Sounds simple enough in principle, but then again I can't code . Could someone quickly write a .dll and .cfg for this? - If you wanted to make it a more versatile mod, it could inject more funds the more parts you have unlocked or more locations you've visited.
  19. Hey Everybody! I'm finally biting the bullet and sharing my horrible KSP Experiences. I have been playing a full campaign with NO revert options, not even quicksaves. I stream a few hours on sundays on twitch, and then break it into episodes to put onto youtube. twitch stream is here (i play other games there, but who's interested in that?) https://www.twitch.tv/thedrelle and youtube is here: I have made it to the mun, and plan to do so much more. I have not done much streaming or youtube stuff, so I'm very shaky on how to do this, so any constructive (emphasis on constructive) criticism is appreciated!
  20. Hello there, fellow Kerbonauts. Long time lurker, first time poster, I decided that there aren't enough LPs / guides / career logs for KSP hard difficulty (diary of a hard career being a notable exception). I believe that the "hard" difficulty mode is a good environment to learn efficient mission planning, since the scarcity of resources makes it unfeasible to solve everything with Asparagus motherships. Therefore I'm gonna bless, curse or just annoy you with a log of my attempts to tackle said career mode: Since I'm both storing the images on my own server and trying to freshen up my web design skills, I would very much like to tell the story there at rlange.info/kspbeyond/, if you don't mind. I would intend this thread for discussion, feedback and, of course, announcing & linking new chapters. That being said, there really isn't much more to tell - Just have a look and a laugh as I stumble my way to space. Until then, fly straight, foyrkopp
  21. Note: This thread could go into either Development Discussion or Mod discussion, I don't really care. feel free to move the thread, moderators. So, what If there were parts that could give you rep? Like Cameras, and stuff like that? I think that it would be cool to see.
  22. It has been a long time since Kerbalkind invented the boat. It has been a slightly shorter, but still long time since Kerbalkind invented the airplane. But today, Kerbalkind sets it's sights on new horizons, to chart unknown lands, to boldly go... okay, I'll skip the dramatic part. I decided to finally make a little Kerbal mission report series. Each chapter (installment?) will be told from the point of view of a specific one of the Orange Suits. In addition, all spacecraft outside of Kerbin's atmosphere must only have screenshots from EVA or from inside the spacecraft. No more floating cameras. So, enjoy, everyone. Oh, and the pictures have been edited so they look like they were taken on plastic toasters. Which might be realistic, considering Kerbals. Any feedback is appreciated. CHAPTER 1 - Pg 1 CHAPTER 2 - Pg 1 CHAPTER 3 - Pg 1 CHAPTER 4 (Making Orbit) - Pg 1 MODS: ( I might add more later. ) Ven's Stock Revamp Uncharted Lands Time Control Interstellar Fuel Switch EvePlus (From Xen's Planet Collection) Sun to Kerbol Community ResourcePack Texture Replacer (With Vaporo's Blue Galaxy Skybox and Scart91's Texture Pack) CHAPTER ONE: BILL This is the known universe. One star, seven planets and a comet. Now, we didn't get this picture from a camera in space, but our fancy tracking station computers conjured it up for us. Although, admittedly, those computers could use a small update. We'd like to visit them all one day, but that day won't be today. Rather, we have our eyes set on a closer target: Kerbin's third moon, Dres. It's quite interesting, in fact. Many of our top scientists believe that it could greatly increase our knowledge of how the Kerbin system came to be. While there are some groups that claim it is "a wet, discarded mop" and "a clone of the Mun," several charitable organizations such as the Dres Awareness Society have revealed its true nature. In fact, had it not been there, Kerbin would have been bombarded by many more asteroids and may not have survived its early millions of years. By getting a better understanding of Dres, we could uncover why Kerbin has life, why Kerbin exists, and many more exciting questions. Why not go to the Mun, you say? Well, we want to go there too, but it is geologically dead, and nowhere near as interesting. This picture was taken by the ground-based Ridiculously Large and Inadequately Named Telescope, which is quite large and inadequately named. However, to get there, we need to get to space, and for that, we need to get rockets. One of the science interns found "flea barrels" lying by the side of the road, as well as a few pieces of metal. That intern, Bob Kerman, was promoted to field science. Bob wasn't too excited about that, but he agreed after much bribery with small rocket toys. And so the first true rocket was launched - the Mark I. Not the most colorful of names, but Jeb seemed to enjoy it. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen Jeb frown, or look sad or tired at all. I took this picture on an old C-15 antique camera that my grandkerb used to film the first air flight. It only seemed fitting to use it for the inaugural flight of the the Mark I. However, during the launch, there was a freak parachute deployment. Darn fleas must've been chewing on the electronics. I didn't take this picture, it was probably a spectator with a drone thingy. It's quite blurry, but it looks like Jeb's capsule is being engulfed by the flea barrel's flame. Even Gene put down his cup of koffee when he saw this. The crowd lowered their heads. Suddenly, a static roar erupted from the speakers. It was Jeb, very much alive. Fortunately, the smoke was caused by the flea barrel spinning around, rather than exploding. And the parachute worked, which was reassuring, if we could get it to deploy at the right time. This was the best picture we could get of Jeb's capsule returning to Kerbin. Rather blurry, even considering my engineering expertise. The landing was a success, and while the crowd was screaming in terror, Jeb was happily performing SCIENCE, advancing the knowledge of Kerbalkind dramatically. Bill Kerman CHAPTER TWO: JEB Well, Bill has been probably telling you about my near-death experience. Ha! It was fun! There was all that smoke swirling everywhere, and there was SCIENCE, and now I get to fly a bigger rocket... yeah! Bigger rocket, and Wernher told me it could go to space - that's 80 kilometers! I thought I should bring Bob to do better SCIENCE, but all we had was a Kerb-Kan, which is like an oversized kardine container with pillows. I might think of using some of my junkyard parts in these rockets. Bob took a picture with his camera inside the Kerb-Kan. The engine exhaust did some interference thingy with the camera that made it look fuzzy, but I don't really care; I'm a pilot, not a scientist. You'd think that there would be windows on the inside if there are on the outside, but there aren't. This definitely warrants further investigation. And then, we went to SPACE! Isn't that so cool - and look, Kerbin is actually round. Of course, I already knew that, but to see it from SPACE is just so EXCITING, and CAPITALS AND CAPITALS, ETC. The "mystery goo" apparently reacts strangely to space. It becomes brittle and clumps into a ball, so it might make some strange candy if you were to market it. Of course it might be toxic, so I suppose you shouldn't eat it. We reentered through the atmosphere, which is very shiny if you slam into it at a kilometer per second. VERY SHINY. I thought that we would have another parachute failure, but these "drogue" chutes are very interesting. They are smaller than regular parachutes, but slow you down more. Wernher mentioned something about how slathering them with mystery goo altered their aerodynamic properties, but I'm not sure if the laws of physics permit that. Again, I'm not a scientist. The picture is actually in COLOR! Isn't that exciting. New breakthroughs in technology are happening almost daily now. I suspect we'll go to Dres soon. Signing off, Jebediah Kerman.
  23. Hello Kerbonauts, When Pathfinder was developed in the they had a still frame camera and scientific instruments from 1996. When Spirit and Opportunity developed they had scientific instruments from 2003. When Curiosity was developed they had scientific instruments from 2012. Get the point? Scientific instruments should progress, and should all parts, but that thread already exists. Should instruments be develover time? Any suggestions would be appreciated. And remember, as Steve Harvey says, always obey your moral barometer. -aperture science employee
  24. I present the latest (and best documented) foray into kolonization! Without much thought, I started posting this on the MKS page, but it keeps getting longer and now I want to give thing it's own thread! Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V If people like it, there will be more to come!
  25. So I've been thinking about making a Multiplayer Career for a long time, so much that I've tried to do it with some friends I have IRL, but failed, as they aren't Kerbal players. I've asked this on reddit, but got few responses (1), so I'm asking here, on the forum, if anyone would want to play a Space Race Career with people. This Multiplayer career would consist from 2 to 4~5 people playing Kerbal in a Multiplayer mod (DMP or KLF if the first is too unstable) using the following mods: (They can be discussed) Dark MultiPlayer (DMP) or Kerbal Life Feed (KLF) Kerbal Konstruct Kerbin Side Ven's Tantares and LV TweakScale Procedural Parts ALCOR landing pod DMagicOrbitalSciences KIS KAS Near Future Tech Mk3MiniExpansion HabTech ScanSAT 2K System (Every body is make 2 times bigger) Any that you would want but RemoteTech ---------------PROPOSED--------------- FASA FTP SpaceY KWRocketry x1 Size Kerbol system (Stock) Each person would get 1 or 2 launch sites in a specific part of Kerbin. No one would be using the KSC. Cooperation is allowed, but not at the start (As if we were in a Kold war) If you want to play in this career you have to put this on the comments: Amount of free time: Ability to open a server if needed: Any mods you recommend/dislike: Where you live (So it's know when each one can play): Also, you can use a custom flag. The thing will take a little bit to set up, as I'm in finals exams and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Also, sorry if I'm very plain, If you want to contact me, my Skype is "pkmniako" Candidates: Vulkasitos - Afternoons - Can host server - (GTM+1) nosirrbro - Free teag2 - Free - Could Host a Server if needed Kuansenhama - Can vary if free or not - Could Host a Server if needed -(GMT-7) - Would like FTP and SpaceY amarius1 - ??? ZooNamedGames - Has Left. ...
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