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  1. So I recently made a video showcasing 3 reusable booster designs in KSP, you can see it HERE. As soon as Kerbal Essences saw it he challenged me to actually reuse the booster. After several hours I successfully designed the required ground support systems to not only put the booster back on the pad but also mount a second payload to it for a second flight. As long as the booster lands in-tact, this system allows for the booster to be reused indefinitely. Hope you guys enjoy!
  2. Hello Everyone! I would like to show you one video two of my friends and I made for an English class project (we usually speak French). We had to "sell" a product and so we decided to sell crafts in KSP. Take a look and tell us what you think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biTBYbeBFI8
  3. Desde la agencia KIDA se ha decidido diseñar y construir vehiculos atmosfericos (AV) y transatmosfericos (TAV) para la exploracion del planeta Kerbin y más allá. El primer diseño de vehiculo atmosferico que se ha abordado es para un avion pesado de carga con capacidades VTOL (despegue y aterrizaje vertical) con el objetivo de transportar carga y suministros a cualquier punto de la superficie de Kerbin. Nombre: AV-1 C Valkyrie VTOL Tripulacion: 3 Capacidad de carga: 3 bloques MK.3 por rampa Propulsion: 4 motores jet rotativos
  4. Decided to make some stock reusable boosters. The result was actually pretty cool, ended up with 3 different versions. Check it out!
  5. Hi everyone. There is my music video about Eve-Gilly-Ike mission in career with Harder Solar System 4x mod:
  6. The UN made a nice video explaining this phenomenon, someone ask about this few weeks back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v92Iqihct98 The economic cost of this phenomenon is increasing each year.. Any solution to stop co2 will be much more cheaper than deal with the consequences.
  7. I'm sure a lot of you already know those, but for those who dont: von Karman lecture series. Sillicon valley astronomy lecture. I'm clearly fond of science documentaries, but after some time, it's always the same and gets rather boring. It just doesn't go deep enough into their subject and instead makes it "sensational and Hollywood alike" which is just annoying. Those lectures series open a new dimension for the science amateurs like myself. It's possible to learn a lot in it and it's made by the very scientists/researchers who work on the matter. Often audience questions are answered by the end of the lecture, which is also cool. If any of you know other series like those, please post them here. I'm eager for more!
  8. Hallo guys Every few weeks I'll be posting a new KSP - Special Mission Projects video and some new projects SMP has been working on, some projects are classified.
  9. After doing a lot of missions in modded KSP installs (RSS, RO, or just visual enhancements) I got the idea to do a Youtube series of one of these missions. The idea of this mission/series took shape after watching the movie and reading the book "The Martian". This series is about a possible future space program called "Ares" (Greek god of war - Romans called him Mars) to establish a human settlement on Mars by using KSP v 1.0.4. The install I used is regular KSP with many mods. I mixed current, proven tech and missions with near-future, or even proposed technology that didn't make it into prodoction. As the recording progresses, I got the hang of using the camera tools and video editor. Therefore, I personally think the first parts are a bit 'basic'. Anyway, I hope you enjoy watching it. Any comments welcome. I'm planning to make one episode every 3 weeks, depending on social life / work / missus Here is the Youtube playlist ARES Here are the latest 3 parts:
  10. I've recently got back into KSP, and I've set myself the goal of eventually reaching the moon. I figured I'd record some of it and share it with the KSP community for giggles.
  11. ROBOTIC MINER 1.0.5 (1028) Credit belongs to "sirkut", developer of IR,"ZodiusInfuser" for the model rework, "Ziw" for the sequencer API, and many others working on this great mod! YouTube 3:08 minutes, with some electro https://youtu.be/20Y2SX6UIr4 I share a "simple" fourlegged robotic miner with some well functional movement sequences, you need the newest IR alpha releases, Model Rework and finally the Sequencer API mod from sirkuts MAGIC SMOKE INDUSTRIES INFERNAL ROBOTICS MOD. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/59359-wip-msis-infernal-robotics-model-rework-v02-pre-release-beta/&do=findComment&comment=887203 Please read the proper use of this mod for yourself, i won`t answer any question about how to use the sequencer API properly. But you can play around it and find out for yourself how difficult it is making a robot actually walk and move. (Maybe you need KJR aswell, i refuse to play KSP at all without this mod...) Dropbox download, this craft needs the ASTEROID DAY MOD from SQUAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w7hiobks1h3gf4y/ROBOTIC MINER.craft?dl=0 Dropbox download all stock solar panels: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7rnvduwz1yanfvy/ROBOTIC MINER stock panels.craft?dl=0 Dropbox download, this is the ROBOTIC MINER CREW from the video above, with some additional gears, heavy tweaked sequences`s, stock parts: https://www.dropbox.com/s/84r8k7nkhk55ubd/ROBOTIC MINER CREW.craft?dl=0 What can it do and how to use? First, the actiongroups are linked to the sequences, example hit 9 and the robot sits down. Hit 8 and the robot stands up again, ready for walking. Engage SAS at light torque and hit 7, the robot starts to walk nicely straight ahead. You can make turns by using A,D or even engage ORBIT prograde, retrograde, normal and antinormal, the robot will turn on his own and quite safe to the desired direction (East, West, North or South) Additionally you can while maneuvering press the ORBIT hold heading button at any given direction to move on straight and level. It can walk downhill and uphill, test this with engaged ORBIT normal/ antinormal commands along the landingstrip! It sucks alot of charge, engage the fuelcells before running it first, or it will not move longer than a minute!!! Drill for ore around the KSC to supply the (truly humongous ) energyuse. The grip on tarmac is good, the grip on grass is greater, explore yourself other grounds if you dare! Engage "gear" to retract the feet, you can recover the robot after tipping to the side or back with "0, gear, SAS full torque, Q or E, this rolls you back to level and you can move on! By frequently resetting the SAS to the horizonline at the desired direction it moves safely on his own. Give commands yourself by keyboards A or D while engaged light torque SAS Explore KSC by "the cool"! HAPPY WALKING!
  12. Hello, I have recently started documenting my KSP adventures and uploading them to Youtube, and would like to share with you my video of landing a spacecraft in artificial gratify! (of a spinning Station) I would love some feedback, as I am quite new to creating this type of content.
  13. https://youtu.be/geq8FQXx54Q I attempted an EVA during exit and Re-Entry First part worked,second not so much.
  14. Hi guys, and happy new year! I tried to build some fireworks in KSP and put together a short video. Sadly Windows 10 has taken my usual video editor from me, so I had nearly no edit features, and there isn't even commentary text in it. However, it should be good enough to enjoy some explosions, if anyone feels like it ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0AlKzZlZJo
  15. 5:00-7:00 - footage of site mock up (I wonder - does it still exists somewhere in secret museum of КБОМ) 19:00-23:00 - launch tower overview 23:30 - rocket roll out, transportation and erection to launch position 45:00 - launch!
  16. Hi everyone! 365 days ago you guys liked my "Year of the Kerbal" video so much that I decided to create a conclusion for this year's occassion. Hope you like it! https://youtu.be/w6XeIE6260c Be safe and merry tonight, and see you all in space in the new year!
  17. I'm working to put together a video. But I need help with the shots as I go along. is one of the shots. I am going to have to reshoot it to get rid of the jerkiness, probably triple out the shot length and then speed it up to get the length in the final piece. But does the shot work or do I need to rethink it?
  18. ADVERTISEMENT FROM MONKEY BUSINESS Ad's A delivery system for Santa Kerman making life easier for one day of the Year. https://youtu.be/IdhoLuWqEdE
  19. Hello everybody! I have started a new Youtube channel mainly about KSP and I wanted to get some feedback on it to see if it's worth continuing. I will post my most recent video down below and you guys can check it out and tell me what you think if you like. I will take any sort of criticism, don't worry about hurting my feelings because or anything just say what you think. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c8kCmJd4XQ
  20. Hey guys, what do you think about this video: youtube It is commercial of Polish auction site Allegro loosely based on Pan Twardowski tale (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_Twardowski). I think this commercial is somewhat kerbal style. p.s. there are english subtiles in the video
  21. Recreation of upcoming Orbcomm 2 mission with first stage recovery. Falcon 9 in a new “Full Thrust” configuration is expected to depart Cape Canaveral at 20:29 Eastern time (01:29 UTC on Tuesday). Music: Mini Solar System - Sheridan Tongue. MODS: Rocket -> Procedural Parts, Procedural Fairings Merlin engines -> StarShine Industries Landing gears, grid fins -> LazTek Payload -> AIES, Proc. parts NEBULA Decals with my own stickers RSS, RO, RVE, Scaterrer, Trajectories My planes for upcoming months are as following: -Constellation Mars Mission -Voyager 2 -more planes and spaceplanes in RSS
  22. ADVERTISEMENTS FROM MONKEY BUSINESS Ad's With all the adverts I have seen during Christmas I decided that the Kerbals needed to step up their game so here is the first in the Ad Campaign. https://youtu.be/Hfg3s_fScDA
  23. Try some reverse srb's on the upper stages to bring it down in the ocean... https://www.dropbox.com/s/kvpyufpgrw7rxno/Backfire.mp4?dl=0 (1.5MB.. a sec or two)
  24. (Err.. placed in wrong section.) No external views... fairly long so can be boring for those with ADD.. Buttons and lights, Spinning chair, external/internal cams, action groups, MFD screens with tons of status info, personal ascent profile (works wonders). Rocket weighs only 785 tons with 50 ton payload, inclusive - I find this a bit odd, but it works. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ilures18372arza/Alcor_ToOrbit.mp4?dl=0 (286MB, 00:29:24, 1024x756)
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