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  1. I'm currently experiencing alot of crashes when flying planes. The error log always says "Write to location xxxxxxxx caused an access violation." the location varys but always is the same as the adress of "RAX" under Context. Some of my "crash.dmp"s and "error.log"s: https://mega.nz/#!FxtBGSRY!c4298LUcgGBHXS-aUia9RkJufxV7ijm3_cU2wVpSlqk Virus Scan for the .zip: https://www.virustotal.com/de/file/442af8355a716ae47370f1d3c6dd5d050e1abef20426c37ecd9229f0d951735c/analysis/1479230776/ My installed Mods(I know its alot): http://pastebin.com/YZttRTXL
  2. Dear squaddies ive got stock and modded installs of 1.2 etc but i think ive maybe found a stock bug, but can only prove it by adding mods, so advice needed is 'where do i go from here' ? weve put up a thread in modded support, which hasnt been looked at or i should say commented on by squad (will provide link when i edit) edit - link : it seems, certainly not proven (still testing etc) that when a parts category gets too full, a strange UI bug rears its head. it doesnt happen in just stock and it doesnt happen when ive tried running ksp with each mod i use 'on its own', obviously all my mods are for 1.2 etc and i only use reputable developers mods (cut down on the random factor) logs dont show anything major. i can have 57-60 parts in category, any more and UI bug appears and it seems the more you have the worse it gets. so, without installing mods, how can i show that stock MAY have a bug with amount of parts installed ? Can i get an answer from squad before a mod moves this please cheers OH and ill keep bumping this up the thread til its solved or w.i.p.
  3. There was legend of a planet in a distant galaxy far far away where little green men crawled out of the water and well decided land just wasn't enough. There was the sky. And beyond that? Well nobody really knew what came after the sky. These creatures were called Kerbals and other species on other planets would probably liken them to little green rednecks. This is Lukes Awesome Space Agency or LASA for comedic effect. Who is luke? He is the one they call the architect, the grand designer, the ultimate noob...... BIIILLLL GET AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER!!!!! There are a few rules to go by. 1) Unless there is a remote command all crewed missions will require a Pilot or at least a one star Kolonist. 2) Have fun with it. 3) Add more rules as you remember/think of them. It begins
  4. hey I am Orionthusiast (an Orion enthusiat). And I am going to do a lot of missions using the Orion capsule from EFT-1 Dawn to EM-2 Freedom. I want to see y'all's replicas. So lets do this I don't care if it a crew retrival rocket I want to see it!
  5. If I have a vanilla game - which I do - and have a bug problem - which I don't (So it's all hypothetical) then Squad will look into the problem. If I also have a modded game - which I do - and have a bug problem - which I don't (So it's still all hypothetical) then squad will say "Not with a barge-pole mate!" and will not look into the problem. What if I have a modded game - which I do (in case you forgot) - and have a bug problem - which I don't (So even now we are still being hypothetical) and what if I ripped out all the mods from this modded game and then presented the still present (hypothetical) bug to squad, would this be touched with a barge-pole? Would the save game itself, having been tainted by mods still make it untouchable regardless of barge-pole length? Just wondering.. you know.. hypothetically.. can I de-taint a save game enough that squad will hug it and welcome it home and forgive it for getting tainted in the first place? Thoughts of the masses?
  6. I don't know if anybody else has been experiencing this issue, but my green comm lines to show connections between the craft and the groundstations or any relays are not showing up on the map view. The comm network works fine and the little tab on the flight screen still shows if I have a kerbal on board, how good my connection is ETC. Thanks Hope this pic helps.
  7. My Space Program is now on its third year and has landed kerbs on all bodies on the Kerbin with project Oromë, built an Kerbin SOI infrastructure with surface bases and space stations on KSOI with Project Aulë and flung Palantiri probes with varying degrees of success towards Jool and it's moons, Duna and Ike, Eve and Gilly, Moho and Dres with Project Namo. And it has sent (but not returned yet) a kerballed expedition to Eve orbit and Gilly with the ambitious Project Tulkas. Some relevant mods that I'm using are: So now the board of directors have decided it is time for the next big step, put some kerbs on Duna and bring them back! This is the mission report of this bold endeavor. Ah, caveat emptor: English is not my native language, and even with spellcheck a few embarrassing errors may pass through. If I end up saying something weird or even culturally insensitive, please give me the benefit of the doubt and kindly warn me so that I may perform the necessary rectifications. KSC, Year 2, day 260 Board of Directors Meeting Mr. Kerman: All right gentlekerbs, we've assembled here to discuss Project Estë, which shall comprise of exploring all the biomes on Duna and Ike and estabilishing permanent colonies. If you recall, we've succesfully put a Palantir mapping satellite on a polar orbit of both Ike and Duna and landed three Calmainen probes on each body just a few days ago. We're confident in our abilites of controlling and successfully landing vessels in each of these bodies. Moreover, the orbital scans have provided us with some estimates of the resources available on the surface of both Duna and Ike, as Mortimer here has been reminding me since. The next transfer window for Duna is in little over a year. Linus, if you please: Linus: Yes, thank you. If you look at the projection, you will see the critical dates for Project Estë, kindly provided by our friends on Alexmoon's Astronavigation Inc.: Kerbin -> Duna Departure Year 3, day 302 at 3:50:24 Arrival Year 4, day 153 at 2:50:24 Time of flight 276 days 5:00:00 Stay @ Duna ~1 year 135 days Duna -> Kerbin Departure Year 5, day 298 at 5:26:24 Arrival Year 6, day 161 at 4:55:12 Time of flight 288 days 5:28:48 Total Mission time: ~3 years 140 days == ~1418 days By keeping in mind our last interplanetary mission, Tulkas I, where our kerbonauts are currently aboard their ship Eämbar awaiting for the return window after just over 20 days of surface activities this may seem plenty of time, but there we had only to land on Gilly, which has such a low gravity that we could perform multiple hops to fully explore the moon in one go, and as of yet landing and returning from the surface of Eve is out of the question. In this case, we plan to take advantage of our orbital readings to incorporate In Situ Resource Utilization in our planning, much like the later Oromë missions on the Mün, to refuel on the surface of both Duna and Ike, allowing for as many landings as we may wish for. This should greatly reduce the fuel we would otherwise have to haul along and allow for heavier - and safer - landers. On the other hand, ISRU takes time, and we'd like to take the time to perform some field geoscientific studies to improve our odds of successfully refueling our lander, since so much of the mission relies on that, as you'll see later. Mr. Kerman: Thank you Linus. Much like Tulkas I, Estë I shall be comprised of an expeditionary team of one pilot, two scientists and one engineer. I need not remind you that our primary purpose is exploration and advancement of our knowledge of the Kerbol System. All other considerations such as financial returns, Mort, and public reputation, Walt, are secondary. Gus, I know engineering has produced extensive reports on delta-V requirements, Thrust-to-Weight considerations, reusability, redundancy and recent improvements on Life Support systems and propulsion drives, but just give us the short version. What can you tell us about the hardware? Gus: Project Estë is essentially an application of all the technology developed during the exploration of Mün and Minmus during our very own Project Oromë. The proposed lander is the Melian-D model, based upon the highly successful Nahar lander series of Project Oromë. This lander can transport up to six kerbals and all the equipment for an inflatable surface base of operations and in-situ assembly of a Eärendil exploration rover with a full science complement for a grand total of 52,108 kg, fully loaded and a total delta-V of 2821m/s on a vacuum, which should be enough for one chute-assisted landing on Duna and reorbit without refueling or as many as three powered descents and reorbits on Ike, if for any reason our ISRU plans don't come through. Which it should, of course. Work I mean, not... well you got the idea. If you'll recall, all of this hardware has been tested successfully earlier this Münth on both Mün and Minmus during Project Irmö, which is in charge of stress testing all proposed new designs. Melian-D shall be transported to Duna Orbit and from there and back to Ike orbit by our reliable Dailir tug. Our intrepid crew, initially consisting of Mission Commander Jeb, Primary Investigator Leema, Second Investigator Gwenial and Extraplanetary Assembly Specialist Beazie will be transported from Low Kerbin Orbit to Low Duna Orbit aboard essentially the same vessel that Commander Bill and his team are using on their trip to Eve, the Eämbar Interplanetary Crewed Vessel. Of course recent breakthroughs on the SuperNova fusion engine will... well.. no matter. Suffice to say that it has greatly improved on efficiency and we can add greatly to the supplies for the crew in case of any emergencies. Improvements on greenhouse and recycling technologies have also greatly decreased the required mass of supplies in comparison with Tulkas I. Mr. Kerman: Thank you Gus, that was most enlightening. Gene, would you be so kind as to expose to us the proposed mission plan for Estë I? Gene: Sure. The general idea is to depart from Kerbin around Day 300 of the Year 3 with the Eämbar vessel and the Dailir tugging the Melian lander. They should arrive roughly at the same time and park into a Low Duna Orbit of 100km above Duna Datum. A crew composed of Commander Jeb, Assembly Specialist Beazie and probably Primary Investigator Leema will then depart on the Melian lander to perform the first landing on a suitable equatorial site of scientific interest, from which it shouldn't be too much trouble to return to Eämbar if the ISRU systems should fail. Second Investigator Gwenial will remain aboard Eämbar to make sure all the vital systems are functioning properly as well as analysing all the data collected on the trip to Duna and on its orbit on the Mobile Science Lab aboard. There on the surface Beazie will assemble the Doriath Surface Base of Operations and the Eärendil Rover, with the support of the other, of course. While Beazie remains on Doriath drilling ore and converting it to refuel Melian, Jeb and Leema will take the Eärendil rover to explore the surrounding biomes, collect samples, perform experiments, all in triplicate, of course, and plant flags. In the case of a successful refueling, Doriath base and Eärendil shall be dismantled and stowed safely on Melian, and the away team will launch back into orbit. If the refueling is not successful, Doriath and Eärendil shall be abandoned on Duna surface to lighten Melian and provide an extra safety delta-v margin for the crew. All going well, this pattern shall be repeated as many times necessary to fully explore all the biomes on Duna, rotating the scientist in charge of holding the fort aboard Eämbar. After that, Dailir will proceed to push Melian to an Low Ike Orbit and Eämbar shall follow. The same pattern will be conducted to explore all the biomes on Ike. Once all surface activities are complete, the crew will remain on LIO shifting through all the collected data on the Mobile Science Lab and awaiting for the return transfer window for Kerbin. They have enough spare supplies onboard so that in case of critical systems failure we can send them an emergency life support probe in a highly energetic transfer to tide them on until we can send another ship to bring them home. Mr. Kerman: Thank you Gene, for this most delightful exposition. As our final point, we have a report that should satisfy you, Mort. All this hardware, coupled with our reusable lifter division, developed as per your suggestion, will cost us no more than 2 million funds, well inside our budget. Now, fellow directors, any questions regarding the proposed planning for Project Estë in general or Estë I in particular? So that's it folks. I've already sent them on their merry way, so any suggestions and commentary, while much appreciated, probably won't change any of the hardware available to the gang. I'm planning on a bit of sightseeing, looking for the anomalies and such. If anyone knows of interesting places such as canyons or anysuch and would like to contribute please do so! I'll see you next time, when our valiant team will depart from Kerbin and arrive on Duna Orbit and begin exploring the system! P.S.: Bonus points for figuring out whence came the naming scheme! Hint: P.P.S.:Also, on the game I'll be running a parallel Jool-5 mission, with Mission Commander Val, accompanied by Chief Scientist Bob and the rest of her team. It is a much more complex mission, and will probably have it's own report in the near future. Stay tuned!
  8. When people try to connect to my modded DMP server with the right mods and no whitelist, they get this error: "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it." Please help me. Ask for files if you need them.
  9. Hey Everybody! I'm finally biting the bullet and sharing my horrible KSP Experiences. I have been playing a full campaign with NO revert options, not even quicksaves. I stream a few hours on sundays on twitch, and then break it into episodes to put onto youtube. twitch stream is here (i play other games there, but who's interested in that?) https://www.twitch.tv/thedrelle and youtube is here: I have made it to the mun, and plan to do so much more. I have not done much streaming or youtube stuff, so I'm very shaky on how to do this, so any constructive (emphasis on constructive) criticism is appreciated!
  10. This is my entry for the Extended Kerbol Grand Tour challenge. The Plan Here is Astarael in Kerbin orbit (without its cargo): Its far from my best work aesthetically, but it's the only thing I've ever been able to make so far that can complete a mission of this scale. The naming scheme for the mothership and its landers comes from Garth Nix's The Old Kingdom book series.
  11. So I had originally wrote effusus out as a series of gameplay videos and cinematics... Until I realized that that would be mulch. I have such little skill there, I basically have negative cinematic ad filming skill. So, I transferred effusus into a new medium of storytelling! So, I pumped these three out in powerpoint yesterday and, after a few rewrites, these are what I came up with. Hope you like it so far, not sure If I want to add another page or not. Either way, Olson - Boards of Canada
  12. Every once and awhile I get crazy ideas. This was one of those moments; Meet the R-25N 'Bruce' This is a mobile science lab; all 83T of it. Powered by 4 turbofan engines, this monster can cruise at around 200 m/s and has a massive flying range. It isn't the fastest or most maneuverable, but it does have a few tricks up its sleeve. Starting with the science lab itself. Neatly tucked into the fuselage is not only a dedicated science lab but also habitation for the crew. Deployed once landed, the Bruce then becomes a full-scale research station that, once its mission is complete, can take off and return to the nearest runway. The unit is powered by a deployable RTG, with the lab and habitat pods being cooled by thermal units. The Bruce also has atmospheric, pressure and surface scanners on its belly, which can be operated while in flight. So yeah, this took about an hour to make, fine tune and fly. This is a modded aircraft, obviously. The mods are: Kerbal Planetary Base Systems Stock Extension TweakScale If you would like to give the Bruce a spin, the download link is here: https://kerbalx.com/OrbitalTalos/R-25N-Bruce
  13. I am running a (somewhat) modded build, including USI Kolonisation Systems version 0.2.4, on KSP 1.1.3 (64-Bit). In both career and sandbox, many parts are missing from the VAB/SPH listings. These parts do appear (and can be sub-purchased in) the CTT, however there is some error whereby these parts cannot be listed in the VAB - I attempted to add them to a category manually, with the following custom category: The parts did not show in the custom tab, nor the normal tabs (including the USI one) nor on the search bar. All mods were installed manually, tell me if you need logs. If you need any more info, please tell me, otherwise I hope someone knows of a solution! (Or could be I'm just an idiot.... take your pick, just tell me the solution anyway)
  14. For a long time i've been trying to build a working SSTO. Once again i tried, not with much hope (if i couldn't build one out of Mk I parts why would i be able to build one out of Mk IV parts?). But i actually did succeed. The plane is going to be used to transport Kerbals and small pieces of cargo between Laythe and a ship thats gonna fly them out to my Jool spacestation. But since i've never been good at building spaceplanes, i've got a problem. If you drain the planes fuel completely its CoM will be in the back of the CoL, if you keep the two front parts filled, it'll still be in front, but that is not the purpose. I´m sure that most of my problem is all the engines in the back of the plane. I'm asking all the pro SSTO builders (Mark Thrimm looking at you) to help me, either by giving me suggestions about what to do, or even better if somebody would download the craft and then re build the wings and engines. The only that i dont want to change is the fuselage itself. (Please move this post if its posted in the wrong place) Thank you! Craft file:https://kerbalx.com/Flamingo/MK-IV-SSTO
  15. Permanent Worlds Challenge Permanent Worlds is a mod Challenge created by me, GalacticVoyager. this challenge has 1 simple goal, construct anew civilization from far, far away from kerbin. Different challenges will be present on worlds like the mun and minmus, while others to eve and duna, and even harder missions to jool and other (modded*) solar systems. This challenge is continuous, meaning its constantly updated. the challenge has no speed records ect. The idea is to make the largest colony possible in the time period given, so you must be quick before each disaster strikes... Offical Badge [Credit to Anex for this incredible badge] To The Munnes! "One day while doing their work, scientists peaking through the `really long telescope` found a spot somewhere in space, after 3 desperate attempts to wipe the speck off the glass of the telescope the scientists realized it was a asteroid. further studies showed the asteroid was on a collision course with kerbin, and the asteroid was as large as a mountain. in a desperate attempt to survive the upcoming disaster, the scientists decided to send the population into space to kollonize the nearby mun system around kerbin. and so begins the mun kollonize challenge... " Time limit = 6 kerbal months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to the mun. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 25 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to minmus. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 30 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Kerbin. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Mun. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 35 points challenge No.5: Construct a Orbital city above Minmus. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 40 points Additional Challenge No. 6: Land your colony near one of the Mun Easter eggs. - 20 Challenge No. 7: Land your colony near the Minmus Easter egg. - 20 Challenge No.8: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around kerbin. - 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.9: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Minmus. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.10: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around the Mun. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.11: Launch a rover from your colony onto mun -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Challenge No.12: Launch a rover from your colony onto minmus -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Completion - 125 points Forgotten Twin "A large dwarf planet from the outskirts of the kerbol system has been knocked of course, sending it onto a nearby pass with kerbin, due to this, it will send all of kerbin`s munnes, and a extreme amount of asteroids, spiraling across the kerbin system, destroyed both kerbin and its 2 munnes. due to this, the kerbals need to launch their rockets to eve, the sister planet of kerbin, to kollonize it and survive the apocalypse." Time limit = 3 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Eve. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 60 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Gilly. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 35 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Eve. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 50 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Kerbin. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Additional Challenge No.5: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Eve. -Surface: 30, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.6: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Gilly. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.7: Launch a rover from your colony onto eve -Surface: 5, Orbit: 25, x the amount of rovers Challenge No.8: Launch a rover from your colony onto Gilly -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10, x the amount of rovers Completion - 200 points The Hugger "A rouge gas giant from the outer reaches of space has swept into the kerbol system, disrupting jools orbit, causing it to enter the inner solar system. Due to this, most of the planets in the inner solar system will be disrupted from their orbits, however, 1 world will remain the same, Moho. Its distance from kerbol allows it to stay in a highly dominant gravitational pull, even jool`s gravity wont disrupt it, and so the kerbals had set their eyes on it..." Time limit = 5 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Moho. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 25 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above Moho. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Moho. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.4: Launch a rover from your colony onto Moho -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15, x the amount of rovers Completion - 75 points The Red World "Moho`s orbit has became unstable, and due to this, caused it to collide with Eve, destroying both worlds. this event sent trillions of asteroids across the kerbol system, and due to this, kerbin has 6 months till the expanding asteroid sphere reaches it, subsequently destroying it. luckily, Data shows the asteroid sphere wont reach duna`s orbit, allowing the kerbals to find a new home close to their cradle." Time limit = 6 months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Duna. Land and then establish a fully working city on it, This colony MUST survive for a year - 40 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Ike. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 20 points Challenge No.3: Construct a Orbital City above Duna. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Challenge No.4: Construct a Orbital City above the Ike. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 15 points Additional Challenge No.5: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Moho. -Surface: 15, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.6: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Ike. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.8: Launch a rover from your colony onto Duna -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.9: Launch a rover from your colony onto Ike -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No. 10: Land your colony near one of the duna Easter eggs. - 20 points Completion -175 points The Lonesome Drawf "Kerbol, which had provided light and warmth, is becoming chaotic. its just a matter of time before its radiation levels increase to levels so high that even duna would be roasted. However, kerbals set their eyes to a small drawf planet on the outskirt of the kerbol inner solar system, a world forgotten by the community and scientists alike, Dres" Time limit = 6 months Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Dres. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 30 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above the Dres. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit. -Surface: 10, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.4: Launch a rover from your colony onto Dres -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Completion - 100 Green Giant "A small, brown dwarf is approaching the kerbol system, and will pass through its inner solar system, disrupting practically every planet in orbit around kerbol. However, calculations show that Jool would not be affected by this event. allowing a small door of survival to the giant of the system for the kerbals..." Time limit = 5 kerbal years Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Laythe. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 60 points Challenge No.2: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Vall. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 40 points Challenge No.3: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Tylo. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 70 points Challenge No.4: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Bop. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 15 points Challenge No.5: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Pol. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 15 points Challenge No.6: Construct a Orbital City above the Jool. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Challenge No.7: Construct a Orbital City above the Laythe. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 30 points Challenge No.8: Construct a Orbital City above the Vall. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 20 points Challenge No.9: Construct a Orbital City above the Tylo. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 35 points Challenge No.10: Construct a Orbital City above the Bop. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 5 points Challenge No.11: Construct a Orbital City above the Pol. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 5 points Additional Challenge No.12: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Jool. - 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.13: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around laythe. -Surface: 20, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.14: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Vall. -Surface: 30, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.15: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Tylo. -Surface: 25, Orbit: 5, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.16: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Bop. -Surface: 5, Orbit: 2, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.17: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Pol. -Surface: 5, Orbit: 2, x the amount of satellites Challenge No.18: Launch a rover from your colony onto Laythe -Surface: 5, Orbit: 30 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.19: Launch a rover from your colony onto Vall -Surface: 5, Orbit: 30 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.20: Launch a rover from your colony onto Tylo -Surface: 5, Orbit: 35 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.21: Launch a rover from your colony onto Bop -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No.22: Launch a rover from your colony onto Pol -Surface: 5, Orbit: 10 , x the amount of rovers Challenge No. 23: Land your colony near one of the Easter eggs that exist within the Jool system - 30 points Completion - 500 The Empire on Hel "Kerbol, a bright star in the middle of its life, has suddenly went supernova, due to this, kerbin has 3 months till the explosion reaches it, destroying it. From there, kerbals calculated what worlds would survive, but all the planets would be affected one way or the other, however, 1 kerbal remembered of another world, far, far away, eeloo. Soon calculations showed that eeloo would not be affected, and so the kerbals set their gaze on it..." Time limit = 3 months weeks Challenge No.1: build, fly, or construct a colony in orbit or on ground. then send them to Eeloo. Land and then establish a fully working city on it. This colony MUST survive for a year - 100 points Challenge No.2: Construct a Orbital City above the Eeloo. This colony MUST survive for a year. - 75 points Additional Challenge No.3: Launch satellite from your colony into orbit around Eeloo. - Surface: 15, Orbit: 5 , x the amount of satellites Challenge No.22: Launch a rover from your colony onto Eeloo -Surface: 5, Orbit: 15 , x the amount of rovers Completion - 200 time limits are the amount of time it is given for you to construct rockets, once the time limit is surpassed, you cant build anymore rockets UNLESS you have set up extraplanetary launchpads.. Completed is when you do all the main missions, additional missions don`t count More Challenges coming soon! Required Mods: Mechjeb - you want to launch multiple rockets at the same time to make large space stations in a fast pace. TAC - This is the main mod, use this to give life support to ships! Better Time Warp - to speed up journeys to other worlds. would be boring to wait 20 minutes JUST for your orbital city to eve to reach moho to get a orbital assist. 'Project Orion' Nuclear Pulse Engine - Adds faster propulsion systems, another way to stop boring trips to other planets. Extraplanetary Launchpads - To built cities easier, and expand colonies at ease. Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - Self-explanatory, actually helps make a proper base. --- Any mods required for the mods above stated to work --- Optional Mods: --- Interstellar revisited mod, New horizons or any other mod that adds another star system --- --- Any planet packs that don`t change the stock system (orbits, planet textures etc.) --- --- Any Calculation mods --- Suggestions on mods are allowed! Prohibited Mods: --- Any mods not listed on the required mods or optional mods --- Stock Version: Due to some demand, i have implemented a separate gamemode for the challenge, the stock Version! In the stock version of this challenge, instead of modded food, civilians ect. you must use everything as stock. Food and water is replaced by ore, 1 kerbal needs 50 ore to survive for a year, the more kerbals you have, the higher the demand is (2 = 100, 4 = 200 etc.) this gamemode is for those who like challenges to be stock, no mods. so this part is a way to counter-act the demand of no mods. Rules: 1. You must show video or picture evidence that you DID NOT CHEAT 2. Docking is allowed, heck, i would be impressed actually. as long as you prove you have done it 3. Be kind to other contestants etc 4. Any mods used that are not allowed means you get DISQUALIFIED! 5. no limits, no time limits. go crazy. Just don`t go TOO crazy... Leaderboard: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mod Leaderboard: (If you used optional mods for the challenge, you will be put here) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  16. Part Mods: Firespitter BDArmory KAX (Kerbal Aircraft Expansion) MKIV Spaceplane System Other Mods: HyperEdit Chatterer Aircraft Download: ThunderStrike - https://mega.nz/#!lQpXRLyC!RrqjCNlFDO_pyadG3r_OZUYMRSws105Oe9RzD_qM_Hs Mobile Launch pad w/ Rocket - https://mega.nz/#!ZIw2DRYB!qaVftvUiKAGZzKWi-1opW_jyTjgaanTVsvcKFfEn9UA Enemy Bomber - https://mega.nz/#!wRgAABbQ!dAHuuL6f_5cb5Eou8br2bE_fvreCZ-EegJPCowC_30I EDEN - https://mega.nz/#!kR5XnJLD!bXrWdYN4jPmTrRi-OutOz4kXJ894TGmc7mBAaIsQqXY
  17. Part Mods: Firespitter BDArmory KAX (Kerbal Aircraft Expansion) MKIV Spaceplane System Other Mods: HyperEdit Chatterer Aircraft Download: ThunderStrike - https://mega.nz/#!lQpXRLyC!RrqjCNlFDO_pyadG3r_OZUYMRSws105Oe9RzD_qM_Hs Mobile Launch pad w/ Rocket - https://mega.nz/#!ZIw2DRYB!qaVftvUiKAGZzKWi-1opW_jyTjgaanTVsvcKFfEn9UA Enemy Bomber - https://mega.nz/#!wRgAABbQ!dAHuuL6f_5cb5Eou8br2bE_fvreCZ-EegJPCowC_30I EDEN - https://mega.nz/#!kR5XnJLD!bXrWdYN4jPmTrRi-OutOz4kXJ894TGmc7mBAaIsQqXY
  18. so i'm playing around with super compact (super clipped) VTOL in the editor, try to launch, it loads the craft and...physics sets in and weirdness happens --> crash -.-' now i'm trying to figure out what caused the crash; the compact form of the VTOL, a modded part, something else all together? pretty pls help me with this...it's an awesome looking craft KSP: 1.1.3 Windows 64bit Problem: Game Crash on Launch Mods used: see craft below Reproduction steps: launch craft, watch the world end Every time i load this one specific craft, it appears on the launchpad, then the altimeter goes blank, i see the end of the world, then ksp crashes... Craft: https://kerbalx.com/9bananas/Test-Mk-III-- Log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nnqlwye29ihvcfk/AABrF8uVpFstgETVv-hQVFXka?dl=0
  19. About the B-1B Lancer: the B-1 Lancer is a 4 engine supersonic strategic bomber introduced in the 80's Used by the United States Air Force. The B-1B is focused on low-level penetration bombing.The aircraft is still in service as of today and continues to serve in combat missions.It is expected to continue serving until 2030 when the long range strike bombers are introduced. Features: B-1 Lancer (Stock) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consist of 3 bombs (1 large one up front and 2 smaller once in the back) The 2 smaller bombs drop at the same time for a extra amount of damage The Larger bomb can be guided Completely stock B-1 Lancer (BDArmory) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consist of 10 bombs (9 JDAMs the front 1 Warhead in the back) Has Flares, Chaff, and Smoke The Warhead has 2 parachutes for accurate targeting Only requires the BDArmory mod Both (Stock and modded features) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Large horizontal stabilizer (good for flaring for landings) Large wingspan 2 cargo bays (1 large one and 1 smaller one) Can hold up to 2 kerbals Max Speed is 127.2 M/S (measured at a level altitude of 3000 meters) Max Altitude Around 5000 meters but possibly higher Speed to take off is under 70 M/S The aircraft can easily turn with no issues SPECS Known Issues/Known Suggestions Action Groups: (Stock) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Front cargo bay doors (open/close) Back cargo bay doors (open/close) Front cargo bay bomb drop Back cargo bay bomb drop (BDArmory) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Front cargo bay doors (open/close) Back cargo bay doors (open/close) JDAM bomb drop (one at a time) Warhead bomb drop Flares Chaff Smoke Nothing Warhead parachutes Warhead detonate button (detonate it before it hits the ground) Download the Rockwell B-1B Lancer Below Stock https://kerbalx.com/FlamingOnion_1/Rockwell-B-1-Lancer-Bomber Modded(BDArmory) https://kerbalx.com/FlamingOnion_1/Rockwell-B-1-Lancer-Modded-Bomber Thank you for viewing my craft Check out my YouTube for more content like this- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCncsRTjIiBXzM4QbWnV402w Note To Self : Make a newer version soon
  20. After a lengthy absence, I have finally created something that I feel will really take off in the community (i'm not sorry). Now presenting the RQ-888 Valkyrie, a more futuristic take on the famous SR-71 Blackbird. Featuring a large tailless delta wing, 3 powerful engines, a small payload area, a new tail integration, remarkable fuel efficiency, and enough fuel to get it nearly all the way around the world, this plane is well suited for almost any role. If you're careful, you can even get this plane can hurtle through the sky at a little over 1300 m/s before something explodes. Its most effective altitude is anywhere below 20000 meters, at 25000 m thrust starts dropping, and at 28000 m, engines cut off. .craft file here Stats: Height: 5.0 m Width: 22.6 m Length: 29.0 m Weight: 61.997 Tons Crew Capacity: 0 Kerbals Max Fuel: 7520 Units Top Speed (Ignore Max Temp.) : 1625 m/s Mods used: I'm not sure anymore, so here's my gamedata folder with all the mods. (This includes the Squad folder just as a heads up) Another heads up, this file is BIG. Its approximately 1.1 gb large in a 450 mb zip file, so some antivirus software might flag it.
  21. Using a modded 1.1.3 install, and the portraits in the bottom right of the screen that show the kerbals and options are currently invisible. And yes, the pod is manned. Wondering if anyone knows of any mods that can cause this. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=719790855
  22. It has been a long time since Kerbalkind invented the boat. It has been a slightly shorter, but still long time since Kerbalkind invented the airplane. But today, Kerbalkind sets it's sights on new horizons, to chart unknown lands, to boldly go... okay, I'll skip the dramatic part. I decided to finally make a little Kerbal mission report series. Each chapter (installment?) will be told from the point of view of a specific one of the Orange Suits. In addition, all spacecraft outside of Kerbin's atmosphere must only have screenshots from EVA or from inside the spacecraft. No more floating cameras. So, enjoy, everyone. Oh, and the pictures have been edited so they look like they were taken on plastic toasters. Which might be realistic, considering Kerbals. Any feedback is appreciated. CHAPTER 1 - Pg 1 CHAPTER 2 - Pg 1 CHAPTER 3 - Pg 1 CHAPTER 4 (Making Orbit) - Pg 1 MODS: ( I might add more later. ) Ven's Stock Revamp Uncharted Lands Time Control Interstellar Fuel Switch EvePlus (From Xen's Planet Collection) Sun to Kerbol Community ResourcePack Texture Replacer (With Vaporo's Blue Galaxy Skybox and Scart91's Texture Pack) CHAPTER ONE: BILL This is the known universe. One star, seven planets and a comet. Now, we didn't get this picture from a camera in space, but our fancy tracking station computers conjured it up for us. Although, admittedly, those computers could use a small update. We'd like to visit them all one day, but that day won't be today. Rather, we have our eyes set on a closer target: Kerbin's third moon, Dres. It's quite interesting, in fact. Many of our top scientists believe that it could greatly increase our knowledge of how the Kerbin system came to be. While there are some groups that claim it is "a wet, discarded mop" and "a clone of the Mun," several charitable organizations such as the Dres Awareness Society have revealed its true nature. In fact, had it not been there, Kerbin would have been bombarded by many more asteroids and may not have survived its early millions of years. By getting a better understanding of Dres, we could uncover why Kerbin has life, why Kerbin exists, and many more exciting questions. Why not go to the Mun, you say? Well, we want to go there too, but it is geologically dead, and nowhere near as interesting. This picture was taken by the ground-based Ridiculously Large and Inadequately Named Telescope, which is quite large and inadequately named. However, to get there, we need to get to space, and for that, we need to get rockets. One of the science interns found "flea barrels" lying by the side of the road, as well as a few pieces of metal. That intern, Bob Kerman, was promoted to field science. Bob wasn't too excited about that, but he agreed after much bribery with small rocket toys. And so the first true rocket was launched - the Mark I. Not the most colorful of names, but Jeb seemed to enjoy it. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen Jeb frown, or look sad or tired at all. I took this picture on an old C-15 antique camera that my grandkerb used to film the first air flight. It only seemed fitting to use it for the inaugural flight of the the Mark I. However, during the launch, there was a freak parachute deployment. Darn fleas must've been chewing on the electronics. I didn't take this picture, it was probably a spectator with a drone thingy. It's quite blurry, but it looks like Jeb's capsule is being engulfed by the flea barrel's flame. Even Gene put down his cup of koffee when he saw this. The crowd lowered their heads. Suddenly, a static roar erupted from the speakers. It was Jeb, very much alive. Fortunately, the smoke was caused by the flea barrel spinning around, rather than exploding. And the parachute worked, which was reassuring, if we could get it to deploy at the right time. This was the best picture we could get of Jeb's capsule returning to Kerbin. Rather blurry, even considering my engineering expertise. The landing was a success, and while the crowd was screaming in terror, Jeb was happily performing SCIENCE, advancing the knowledge of Kerbalkind dramatically. Bill Kerman CHAPTER TWO: JEB Well, Bill has been probably telling you about my near-death experience. Ha! It was fun! There was all that smoke swirling everywhere, and there was SCIENCE, and now I get to fly a bigger rocket... yeah! Bigger rocket, and Wernher told me it could go to space - that's 80 kilometers! I thought I should bring Bob to do better SCIENCE, but all we had was a Kerb-Kan, which is like an oversized kardine container with pillows. I might think of using some of my junkyard parts in these rockets. Bob took a picture with his camera inside the Kerb-Kan. The engine exhaust did some interference thingy with the camera that made it look fuzzy, but I don't really care; I'm a pilot, not a scientist. You'd think that there would be windows on the inside if there are on the outside, but there aren't. This definitely warrants further investigation. And then, we went to SPACE! Isn't that so cool - and look, Kerbin is actually round. Of course, I already knew that, but to see it from SPACE is just so EXCITING, and CAPITALS AND CAPITALS, ETC. The "mystery goo" apparently reacts strangely to space. It becomes brittle and clumps into a ball, so it might make some strange candy if you were to market it. Of course it might be toxic, so I suppose you shouldn't eat it. We reentered through the atmosphere, which is very shiny if you slam into it at a kilometer per second. VERY SHINY. I thought that we would have another parachute failure, but these "drogue" chutes are very interesting. They are smaller than regular parachutes, but slow you down more. Wernher mentioned something about how slathering them with mystery goo altered their aerodynamic properties, but I'm not sure if the laws of physics permit that. Again, I'm not a scientist. The picture is actually in COLOR! Isn't that exciting. New breakthroughs in technology are happening almost daily now. I suspect we'll go to Dres soon. Signing off, Jebediah Kerman.
  23. How do you prefer to play Kerbal Space Program? This is my first forum post, just a quick, one question survey on how you play KSP. I always liked answering these little surveys, so I made one, because why not? Link is here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GjfPpfpN0kENhQ6jPdKtZkoJ4frEr-f8YIvWX8M5XIc/ Thanks! I'll release data when I have enough responses, in case you're curious. -Xagos
  24. Inspired by @Cydonian Monk, I decided to do a mission report series of my own, on a heavily modded career savegame. Main mods: TAC-LS RemoteTech RealChutes Deadly Reentry Continued Engineering Tech Tree Karbonite Karbonite Plus SCANSat Full modlist Chapter I: Initium Chapter II: Where does all the money go? Chapter III: What's up there? Chapter IV: Genesis
  25. i have recently updated KSP and some available mods to 1.1.3. I have the interstellar fuel switch mod downloaded which i am thinking is the problem. this is because during startup of KSP, windows popped up saying that the mod needs to be updated. the annoying thing was i had already updated it from spaceport. So i decided to delete interstellar fuel switch by search it in the Squad game data folder. i deleted the file and then about three other items that were white. i don't know if it even relates or the whole thing is just a minor bug. Any help is extremely appreciated as i love the game.
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