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  1. Edit: COMING SOON!!!! TIMESTAMPS! They will be located in the video descriptions! So I've been a long time Kerbalnaut and a short time streamer. I love to game. I love to share amazing games with people. This has been such a great game for me for about 4 years now and I don't love it any less than on day one. I decided I wanted to do a fresh career with no mods in this latest update, as it is starting to feel VERY complete. Feel free to check out the series, only a few episodes in so far....have had some Munar mishaps and Jeb is currently very far from home. I do all the videos live streamed, so you can join in the chat and give some input, or you're more than welcome to leave a comment in the section for me to view later. All in all, I really am enjoying myself here as I love this game and I am loving streaming and interacting with people all over the world while I play my games. I am in no way a big 'youtuber' but I just hope that people will enjoy what I put up. Think of it as a very drawn out tutorial for career mode Episode 1
  2. Greetings, I'm planning to start a new modded science mode. What mods do you guys recommend? I'd like a list. Don't forget to add more science part mods. (Make sure all mods are up to date e.e) Appreciated!
  3. KSP Career mode, from start to first orbit. Full album at https://imgur.com/gallery/0zCVG
  4. This is my first youtube series for KSP. You can follow my missions successes and failures through the following playlist. I wanted to do a series of videos documenting my career. Starting out with only the 1 CommNet (One of my favorite features added to the game) connection at the space center. All comments are appreciated! The link to the series playlist is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UErymmnQpbM&list=PLxJoxRHBsR7NkLdx7O435Zeh2V54Cyzpf And the embeded version of the link is below:
  5. This is a new game compared to my KSP 1.0.5 career thread. Some things have changed in KSP 1.2, some mods are no longer available, and other mods have come into existence. Plus, there's the new features that KSP 1.1 and 1.2 brought. The newest mod that I'll be using is one of my own creation called Stock Antenna Balance. It's basically a lite version of RT that works solely through modifying the antenna power / mass / cost / energy requirements of Squad's stock antennas. It puts a larger emphasis on relay satellites as the direct-connect antennas can no longer reach back from Eeloo to Kerbin. All the magic is done through ModuleManager patches so it reuses existing components that Squad (or others) have provided. I also use some welded parts created through UbioZur Welding Continued, which are then modified to have the storage capacity that I want, or add USI-LS storage, or tweak costs / dry mass or other things. The welded parts are maintained at my GitHub repository. Selective use of welded parts helps reduce wobble and part count. The third is a set of MM patches that creates modified versions of Squad, Modular Rocket Systems, SpaceY, or other parts to add things like battery capacity, USI-LS storage. This is mostly done to reduce part count and these new or modified parts have mass / costs increased to balance out the additional capabilities. Current list of addon DLLs (from KSP.log): kOS.Safe v1.0.3.0 kOS v1.0.3.0 CCK v1.2.1.0 CLSInterfaces v1.0.0.0 ContractConfigurator v1.0.0.0 / v1.22.2 ContractParser v1.0.5.0 / vv5.0 ContractsWindow.Unity v1.0.7.2 ContractsWindow v1.0.7.2 / vv7.2 DMagic v1.3.0.6 / vv1.3.6 DockingPortAlignmentIndicator v1.0.0.0 DPAI_RPM v1.0.0.0 Firespitter v7.3.6195.32439 HaystackContinued v0.5.2.1 ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib v0.86.0.518 / v0.86.0 KerbalAlarmClock v3.8.3.0 KerbalJointReinforcement v3.3.1.0 KolonyTools v1.0.0.0 Konstruction v0.0.0.0 kOS.Safe v1.0.3.0 kOS v1.0.3.0 KSPRescuePodFix v1.0.0.0 MechJeb2 v2.5.1.0 / vDev #675 Sarbian / v2.6.0.0 MiniAVC v1.0.3.2 ModuleDockingNodeNamed v1.0.0.0 ModuleManager.2.7.5 v2.7.5.0 ProgressParser v1.0.6.0 / vv6.0 SCANsat v1.6.0.11 / vv16.11 ShipManifest v5.1.3.1 SmartParts v1.7.0.0 USILifeSupport v1.0.0.0 USITools v1.0.0.0 [x] Science! v5.4.6185.40021
  6. How's everyone's career modes going, and what's the overall game plan, money/science/reputation building strategy, upcoming/progressing missions, etc? Seems there aren't very many of these threads going around anymore, so I thought I'd start one. As far as mine goes, I'm rich, with $5,000,000+ in funds. I just depleted my 2,000+ science by unlocking another 20% of the tech tree, which is now over 80% unlocked. I try never to do a mission unless a contract is offering me money for it, which is why my administration building has strategies in place that take well over 50% of my funds to yield extra science and reputation. Minmus is my main science bank, but I've nearly bled it dry by now, so the Mun is my source of emergency science. I can land 1 Kerbal on either the Mun or Minmus for just $35,000 per launch, and if I hop around on Minmus 2-3 times I can multiply my science gains. (I try to make my launches as cheap and efficient as possible. I try not to clip parts, but my rockets are, I think, still fairly aesthetically pleasing.) I launched two probes that successfully entered orbit, and transmitted science back from, Eve and Ike. I have a Duna mission planned that will cost $120,000; 4 Kerbals will travel to Duna, and 2 will land and return from the surface. (Getting them back down after they've returned will be tough -- I'm considering building an SSTO to fetch them, since, although I have built many successful SSTO's in the past, I have never built one in career mode before.) My end-game will be to have some kind of Grand Tour mission. The rocket will probably cost a million or two, but getting science from every single solid body in the Kerbol system all in one launch should be well worth it! Below, a screenshot from a recent landing on Minmus.
  7. Skills are free. Fuel is not. All craft are stock unless noted otherwise. Subassemblies Exploration Colonisation
  8. Hello fellow Kerbonauts! I'm here to suggest a new and improved versions of the Career Mode in this game. I'll get right to it. I'll list off the things which I feel need to be improved/removed/added. "-" = Remove "+" = Add "/" = Update + A monthly fund increase. For example, every month/week whatever, KSC will give you a set amount of funds to you that can be changed in the options menu. Doing this will make the game a little bit more bearable when you're the type of person to build big rockets, or playing on harder difficulties. / Change the penalty for asking for a government fund. There are certain instances when the player might run out of money, and will need to use the strategy that grants you an amount of funds based on the percentage bar. However, the penalty for this is extremely high, and if it was toned down by about 15-25%, it wouldn't make it overpowered, but it would make it much less of a pain. + Loans. The player can ask for a loan. There can be four different options on the loans; 50,000 Funds, 500,000 Funds, 1Mil Funds, and "Custom" where you can choose an amount of funds between 0 and 5Mil. The player will have to repay the fund before a certain deadline, and will have to pay interest. For example, you take the 50,000 loan, you will have to pay 10% interest every month (5000 a month). If the player fails to pay back the loan, the player will get hit with a massive reputation penalty. / Balance the price tags of the different parts. Since the loans feature as well as the monthly fund increase are a thing in this hypothetical update, the price tags for parts may need to be increased/decreased respectively. I'm not gonna pay an absurd amount of money for something I could go to my nearest DIY store and make the same thing myself for much less. I know it's a game, but some things really need to make a little bit more sense. + Statistics. A trend graph depicting where funds are going to/where they're coming from. For example, I'd like to know why I just lost about 500,000 in a couple of months. I could go to the statistics graph in the administration building, and notice that 500,000 was spent on snacks. (I'm joking, but I'm assuming you know what I mean :P). I'd also like to know how much money is coming in, and see if in the end my reusable rocket strategy is either making me earn back money, or lose it. Speaking of strategies.... +/- Strategies. This is a bit of a different from my previous suggestions because I'm implying that the strategies be both improved upon (adding more) balanced, and removed. While I don't have a concrete idea of what could be added here, but I'd like to see some actual strategies involved. I'll expand on this a little bit in my next suggestion. + A simplified version of competition and alliances. For example, say WinterOwl is doing better than I am. They're getting most of the funds that are circling around this small economy. Therefore I want them to stop doing so well, and will activate a strategy that will make them lose money, and make me earn more. These strategies work very closely with the strategies that we have now, as if we do this, it'll be seen as an amazing person-ish move on our side, so we will lose reputation for it. In this hypothetical update, let's also assume I'd like to help or collaborate with another company that's doing poorly. I can choose to activate a strategy that will make me lose some funds, but add reputation. It's really simple, but could make the gameplay more interesting. - Remove the old strategies. All of them. I will expand on this on my next suggestion. + Budgeting. If we go to the administration building, there can be a budgeting tab. In that tab, I can choose to either put more money into R&D, reputation, or invest it into something, with an interest rate. If I put it into R&D, I will lose the set amount of funds that I am putting into it, but will research techs quicker (I am actually gonna suggest something later on to expand on this). If I invest it into Reputation, my money will go to creating propa- *ahem* motivational rallies showing the greatness of our space program, creating reputation. If I choose to invest into some company or the government, I will earn a small amount of interest on the amount I put in, making me slowly earn more funds. This will all be handled in a screen in the administration building, where there will be 3 sliders, and I can divide them equally in percentages (i.e I have 100% I can use, I invest 40% Into R&D, 20% into reputation, and 40% into the investment. I feel this will work well with the statistics feature. Strategies will still be a thing with the competition and alliances features. + Allow you to filter contracts by companies. + Researching costs funds. Kerbonaut hiring is a set price along with monthly payments (for every month in action you have to pay them, if you fail to pay them the Kerbonaut will start to become unhappy, and loses XP points temporarily until the player has enough funds to pay them. This shouldn't be a problem.) + Recovering costs funds depending how far away something is. It can be set at ____Funds/KM or something. It also takes time. (Will be explained later) That's all I have for career mode updates, if you'd like to suggest anything, go ahead and do it, I'd welcome them. However before I finish this post I'd like to suggest a little extra something. I'm sure many of you have heard of the Kerbal Construction Time mod. It's a mod where rockets take time to build, buildings take time to upgrade, launchpads need to be refurbished, buildings take time to be repaired, and tech requires time to be researched. I suggest it's implemented into the base game. This will work well with the hypothetical features that have been suggested in this post. If you've got this far, I thank you for reading, and as mentioned suggestions are welcome. If you agree that this should be a thing, please encourage Squad to add it Sincerely, Stelum
  9. When career mode starts, all you have is the parachute, the basic command module, and the RT-5 SRB. Your launch pad also has a 30-part, 18-tonne limit. However, you have full access to staging, and explosive decoupling is always a possibility. You can also set the individual fuel and thrust levels of each RT-5 during assembly. With a few tricks, it might be possible to squeeze quite a bit of dV out of an appropriately-designed vehicle within those limitations. Who wants to give it a go? EDIT: At Ultimate Steve's suggestion, I'm making two leaderboards: one for maximum altitude, one for maximum velocity. SPEEDSTERS: 1. Ultimate Steve (1.891 km/s) 2. 3. SOARERS: 1. Ultimate Steve (338.14 km) 2. 3.
  10. I've decided to play two career games in parallel. One is my long-term career that has already been started, in which there are 44 celestial bodies (not including the sun) and a large amount of other mods too. The other is this. This is going to be a playthough using the New Horizons planet pack (as soon as the 1.2.x version is released, which will apparently be soon), except I will also be using Sigma Dimensions to scale up all planets and orbits by a factor of 6.4. This is directly inspired by the 6.4x scale mod that became popular a while ago, but I am extending that concept to use the New Horizons pack. It is likely to be quite an interesting experience, as I will have to gauge delta-v information by first conducting flybys, then orbital missions, and then finally landers and return missions. Everything will be experimental, rather than designed for a known delta-v map as is the case for the stock system and outer planets. It will also necessitate large rockets, and in fact one of the main reasons for the increased scale is because I enjoy making large rockets. Mod list: I'll start out this thread by scaling up the stock system and playing around with launch systems to figure out how to orbit Kerbin. Once New Horizons is released for 1.2.x, I will begin the series properly. By the way, if anyone knows how to multiply all antenna ranges (stock and modded) by 5, this knowlege would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Something that occurred to me whilst looking at a mining rig. And apologies if this has been suggested before. Whilst craft have an energy budget/requirement the KSC has the benefit of Kerbins worst utility suppliers in that there are no running costs. Okay a one off payment upgrades a facility presumably increasing the energy requirement (especially R&D) but it remains a once only expense. How about each facility having an energy requirement that has to be met? Like comnet this would only be turned on if wanted. The requirement would scale up along with the building. Initially this could take the form of a bill that must be paid at a set interval, penalties for non payment could perhaps be reduced capability or some facilities unavailable until payment. On the flip side there could be researchable techs giving sub-upgrades such as solar power, improved building insulation or even a receiver for beamed power. These sub-upgrades would have to be paid for and in the case of beamed power orbital facilities built and deployed. This opens up the possibility of selling excess energy to the non space obsessed citizens of Kerbin (wherever they are).
  12. Introduction: Hello fellow kerbonauts! Wellcome to my mission log of about 80 missions flown from 1936 to 1941 by the early german space agancy. While the real spaceprogram is well known for the infamous V2 (Aggregat 4) and people like Werner von Braun, my story is fictional. Nevertheless, I tried to involve historic events like the start of the 2nd world war. However, this does not propagate ideology of that time but rather focuses on the engineering aspect of early spaceflight, that happend to start under evil leadership. My progress is much faster because I overfunded my spaceprogram from the start to loosen constraints since this was my first RP-0 career. I created a launchsite at Peenemünde to start from as historically correct as I could make it. We will fly planes and rockets and shoot for the moon. Did you know, that the first human in space was a woman, put up by germans? Well, let's see how that happened... Flightlogs - 1936: What a exciting year that was. We had a great start by reaching space early and our aircraft designs started out nicely as well. We were able to accomplish incredible things like going Mach 1 with a human, but also faced some huge challenges that have to be overcome in the next years. We are still very sad about the tragic loss of Jebediah Kerman, the first human to go faster than the speed of sound and a brave hero. For next year we expect a new engine technology that might enable more controled flights. We really need that. Flightlogs 1937: (Picture will follow) This was a weak year in terms of flight success. The mission design of a carrier aircraft bringing a smaller aircraft up for high altitude andsupersonic flight testing is giving us alot of troubles. But we have no other way of achieving those flights so far. The new engines were also much more unreliable than we thought. But we caught up on most of the failures and we are sure to achieve orbit with small refinements next year. Flightlogs 1938: This was a remarkable year! Germany is the first nation to put an object into space. The signs are on war unfortunately and it is hard to imagine yet, what an advantage and potential gamechanger this capabilty might be. This year was also the year of very risky flight experiments. Valentina Kerman, the sister of the famous Jebediah Kerman, is a national hero. Her flight capabilities are legendary and the designs, she flies are the most difficult in the history of engineering. We are all very proud of her. (further update when I can get to it)
  13. Hello, I've run across a bug in which a haul contract is not completing despite parameters being met twice. The contract is to 'haul' a RT-10 'Hammer' Solid Fuel Booster in a flight above Kerbin, at an altitude between 47,000m and 54,000m and a velocity between 260m/s and 440m/s. I meet the parameters (just) on the way up AND down but it does not fulfill the contract. I will explain everything in detail below for the purposes of recreation and add relevant save files and screenshots (video link): ACTIVE CONTRACTS: Haul RT-10 'Hammer' Solid Fuel Booster Kerbin Flying Alt 47,000m to 54,000m Spd 260.0m/s to 440.0m/s Test a TR-18A Stack Decoupler (This contract competes normally) Kerbin Flying Alt 21,000m to 28,000m Spd 70.0m/s to 1,870.0m/s CRAFT BUILD: (Top to Bottom)(All parts using the Rigid Attachment option and default settings unless listed) Mk16 Parachute Altitude = 500m Spread Angle = 10 Mk1 Command Capsule MonoPropellant = empty TR-18A Stack Decoupler RT-10 'Hammer' Solid Fuel Booster Thrust Limiter = 30% SolidFuel = 300 FLIGHT PLAN: (Jebediah Kerman as pilot with no experience, SAS active and launched from Launch Pad) I launch straight up with no gravity turn. At approximately 17,100m up, the booster runs dry. The craft continues to rise and when it reaches 47,002m it is traveling at a velocity of 265.5m/s It continues up to about 49,625m then falls and when it reaches 260.1m/s it's at an altitude of 47,165m At both instances when it achieves the contract parameter it only is true for less than 1 second but it does achieve it. Do contracts require you to hold the parameter for a minimum time? EDIT: I have noticed that the speed parameter does not display a tick until I'm traveling at = or > 309m/s, which you can see in my recording. Below is further details for debugging crew: LOGS, RECORDING AND SAVE FILE: Dropbox link to output_log.txt https://www.dropbox.com/s/ilec0d0satnypi3/output_log.txt?dl=0 Dropbox link to save game folder including craft file https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vv8ygl7ajsfmkec/AADwCiXw2X3_49LpeCF1wYb2a?dl=0 (Quicksave name = BUG SAVE, Craft name = BUG MISSION) Youtube link to recorded flight https://youtu.be/CHHTvoX9jug (Be sure to watch in 1080p or you won't be able to read the speed/altitude) KSP VERSION: Windows x64 bit system x64 bit client through Steam (NOT A CLEAN INSTALL) SYSTEM INFORMATION: Windows 7 x64 bit 16Gb RAM DDR3 Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5GHz CPU GeForce GTX TITAN X version 376.09 (Current as of post) EXTRA NOTE: This is not game breaking for I can achieve the contract by adjusting my craft and/or flight path, however it would be nice to get some clarification on what is occurring here. Thank you kindly for your time.
  14. Prologue: Explorers Chapter 1: Going to Space Today Chapter 2: Jeb's Flight Chapter 3: Technical Difficulties Chapter 4: Winging It Chapter 5: Shoot For the Mun Craft can be found on Kerbal X, and they are usually released in the order that they appear in the story. A new chapter will be uploaded every Thursday (or thereabouts), unless I forget about it.
  15. Hi ! First, I'd like to say that this is a really great community and I'm happy to take part in it ! So I just started playing KSP a couple of days ago, messing around in sandbox mode, I also played in career mode, but it seemed fairly hard up to some point... My question is : What's the best best way to learn KSP, by playing in sandbox, career ? What "essential tasks, mission should I do, in order to learn the basics ? What other advice can you give me ? Also, I'd like to point out that I've been playing Orbiter for a long time and have a fair understanding of orbital mechanics Have a good day, Luca S.
  16. I was watching a new KSP player streaming, and he was trying for a Mun landing early in his career game. Like a lot of new players he was smitten with SRB's... because they are cheap. I told him with the parts he had, he could do it with no SRB's and the rocket would be easier to control. I didn't have an early career Mun lander saved in my own game to show him. So I built a new one and tested it from launch pad to Mun landing, and back to Kerbin landing. So I figured I would post it up in case any new players were stuck and needed ideas. There are many variations of rockets capable of getting you to the Mun & back. For this particular build you'll need to first upgrade your launch pad & VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building) to level 2. Also, it's certainly possible to get there & back WITHOUT upgrading the tracking station... and I encourage you to try. Now granted I'm not a new player, so if you try this rocket you may not make it on your first attempt. Keep trying! I promise it will do the job. A quick tip I like to give new players: It is recommended before executing a maneuver node, or doing a major engine burn, that you press Alt+F5. This allows you to make a game save and give it a unique name. To reload press Alt+F9. By using Alt F5 instead of just F5 alone, you can make incremental saves throughout a mission. This is useful for practicing a particular situation... like the descent from orbit and the actual landing.
  17. There was legend of a planet in a distant galaxy far far away where little green men crawled out of the water and well decided land just wasn't enough. There was the sky. And beyond that? Well nobody really knew what came after the sky. These creatures were called Kerbals and other species on other planets would probably liken them to little green rednecks. This is Lukes Awesome Space Agency or LASA for comedic effect. Who is luke? He is the one they call the architect, the grand designer, the ultimate noob...... BIIILLLL GET AWAY FROM MY COMPUTER!!!!! There are a few rules to go by. 1) Unless there is a remote command all crewed missions will require a Pilot or at least a one star Kolonist. 2) Have fun with it. 3) Add more rules as you remember/think of them. It begins
  18. Everything went well until the end. Can you help fix this munar return probe?
  19. Hi! I'm so far out of touch in KSP that I can't remember a certain mod I had in 1.0.x. This mod allowed me to train astronauts to certain levels and careers. Level 0 astronauts would be cheaper than higher levels, and each level IIRC had certain skills that were trainable or learnable as well. Help me remember what was it or let me know if there's a 1.2 equivalent. I'll really appreciate it
  20. I'm playing through the career mode in 1.2 and recently sent a multi part vehicle (lander, return vehicle plus two satellites) to the mun to satisfy four contracts in one mission. One of the contracts is to "Dock two vessels on or around the Mun". To meet the requirements of this I detached my return vehicle that I'm going to leave in orbit from the lander, then re-docked with the lander. As I understand the contract I should have met its requirements of two vessels having been docked in the correct location, but the game failed to recognise this. Possibly the game is expecting the two vessels to be launched from Kerbin separately, but that seems a bit strange given that one of the most common uses of docking is after sending landers to planet surfaces. I'd be curious to know if anyone else has come across this behaviour of the game.
  21. I took a year's haitus and just installed 1.2, and did a day of mod shopping. What a blast - KSP feels like a brand new game and I had to re-learn everything. This thread will be a craft share dump as I rebuild my fleet of wacky contraptions from scratch, starting from this light passenger plane I used to do contracts and pilot training with: PC-1 Messenger Type: Twin Turboprop Light Passenger Aircraft Performance: Top level speed 100m/s, service ceiling 6,000m Very low fuel consumption, 6 units of fuel per hour Features: Easy to fly, optimized for rough field ops Seats 1 pilot and 2 passengers Service Bay, Materials Lab Part Count: 29 Mods: Mk.2 Expansion Tweakscale Download: Craft File hosted at KerbalX
  22. I'm starting a new career mode playthrough in 1.2 on YouTube, with the goal of making Kerbals a multiplanetary species! I'll be using a handful of mods, including Roverdude's USI Constellation. I'm hoping to post a few of these a week, so please check back on my channel!
  23. While landing on the Mun yesterday I landed and fell sideways, fine. While trying to take off and get off the mun, I crashed (expected). I reloaded my save (while on eva), I tried to re board my ship and the game crashed and gave an error file. Reloaded KSP and loaded save. Boarded and crashed my ship again. Hit f9 to load last quick save which was OLD. So I went into my save files under my career, found the most recent one and renamed it. closed and reopened ksp. clicked resume saved and got a "conflicting data for one of the save files" message which gave me the option to delete. I assumed (wrongly?) that I would have the option of which save to delete but when my saves popped up my career (the one I was flying in previous mentioned mun landing) was gone. I went to my KSP folder, to saves, and career name was gone completely. Is there any way to get it back? Was this a bug? When I clicked delete after the conflicting data message did it automatically delete it or was my career gone before that even happened? TLDR: After a game crash and loading the wrong save I may have unknowingly deleted my career save when prompted to delete a conflicting save after rebooting KSP. Why did it disappear? and is there a way to get it back?
  24. Been honing in on the LANDING tech for more than a few hours now. When I researched it, there were two landing gears with the same name, LY-10 Small Landing Gear - I swear, I'm starting to anticipates the bugs now. Anyway. The gears have different pictures and different specs - one looks like a small version of the LY-35 and the other one looks like a little white nub that's even smaller than what I THINK is the LY-10. Anyway, specs on them seem mixed up as well but the kicker is that only the little white ones end up in the editor, the LY-10 (Or little brother of the LY-35 looking from Advanced Landing Tech Tree) don't show up in the editor. To add insult to injury, every time I open the Tech Tree it says I own 5-6 of the LY-10, repeated over and over. I thought this was strange, but then went back in a few more times and now I own a dozen. Makes me wonder what other kinds of bugs there are that aren't blatantly showing their redundancy. When does Squad wanna start paying me? Seriously, this is work. Still love the game though, and yes, still playing...
  25. well here i am on the forums shamelessly plugging my youtube channel... the point for this thread is two fold, one to reach out to the kerbal community and say "hey the lurker is trying not to lurk his lurkyness anymore." and really just engage with the community. and two :shamelessly plug his youtube channel to his target audience. that being said my videos are not monetized this is a hobby not a job. as to the content of my videos, I'm trying to go thru a campaign while treating it as a tutorial, so if there is something i need to expand on let me know ill be happy to do a video just covering that. so here it is the shameless link to my career playlist. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI2XA-iERU9AxqtAr27z3TxvJM0OXvdIU enjoy
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