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  1. In the past i have managed to install mods correctly without using CKAN I recently came back to the game and wanted to make some space planes, upon failing to get the mods to work i install CKAN which took alot of liquiding around to get working. Now i have it installed and when i install my mods, they appear in the "GameData" folder but no sign of them in game. I am running a steam version of the game. The mods im trying to install our: Community Resource pack - RoverDude Firespitter Core - RoverDude OPT Space Plane Parts - Kyeon RasterPropMonitor - MOARdV.Mihara RasterPropMonitor Core - MOARdV.Mihara Ive been struggling with this for 2 days, any help would be useful. Long : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B42ui2zsCSqgTndvbHpPMjN2UkU/view?usp=sharing
  2. Hello, Il would know if someone can help me so as to update KSI at the 13.1 version of KSP ? (Or explain me how can I do this). Thanks Oursshinigami
  3. Here is my crash in 1.3.1!! Mod list : Output Log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/t15kxxlm9ook0gt/output_log.txt?dl=0 Error Log : https://www.dropbox.com/s/xfufv0i3gfxfuny/error.log?dl=0 -SamBelanger
  4. I try to launch ksp and it will load completely then on the brief loading screen before the main menu appears it crashes, I have reinstalled everything, reinstalled all of the mods, made sure everything was goo, I'm very sure that all of my mods are set for 1.3.0 but a double check wouldn't hurt, and is there an easier way to check the version compatibility of a mod then looking through there pages. I have ksp set to run 1.3.0. I have no idea what to do, I've been trying to solve this sine 8 am EST and it's now 2:30. I've been looking through the forums and found some stuff about it but don't understand how or even if they were resolved. [Giant browser-destroying log files snipped by moderator] I will provide any other information requested. PLease help
  5. Whenever I start drilling it makes me go underground, then once i enter into "physics" i get thrown into the air On Ike https://streamable.com/cbbey Video Above P.S. Jebediah Died
  6. Hi, I'm trying to get some mods to work again after having dropped the game some time ago, and now after updating the mods the game isn't pliable. 64bit The game quits when trying to launch a vehicle 2017-10-02_233616 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B089rbaNwAKLVjJScHRtZm42b28 32bit The game quits when trying to load a saved game 2017-10-02_233454 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B089rbaNwAKLbWN4bFA1eE1xOGM Can someone please help getting the game running with mods (it works without them) My rig is as follows win 7 ultimate CPU, i7-4790k ram, 16Gb graphic, 2x GTX 780
  7. Hello, I am Oursshinigami for the project Kerbal Science Innovation. I write this because I need of an other personne for the texture (temporary or not). I have lot of works with my studies (first years in the university ) and I m in a periode of test. I can't work totaly on those 2 mods and like you know, I am not really good in texture. PLEASE HELP ME. Thanks to have read this help message.
  8. Edit: restart the game to fix. I have a ship I designed that is launched in two parts and then is finished in orbit by docking them together. It's really cool and even has a locking system to make sure it's lined up but I am having a problem using flight planning with it once it's docked. I can make maneuvers, but then the maneuver node does not appear on the navball. Also, the thing that pops up saying "Maneuver in 'x time'" and burn and Delta V doesn't appear. Lastly, it does not show my periapsis when I am approaching a moon or planet, or target tracking closest approach. I will include some screenshots. If there is something trivial I am doing wrong, please let me know. Or, if there's any mods to fix this that would be good too.
  9. Hey everyone! I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to put an emissive on my pods windows. I followed the directions in the link at the bottom. I spent most of the time doing it wrong, I suppose, as I didn't realize things had changed since the swap over to unity 5. I think it may be because I'm not setting up the color gradient right? A little bit of background information. The part is already animated in blender and exported into unity. I tried copying the animation so it wasn't read only, but I'm trying to create a new animation in addition to that one, just trying things. The animation it would create wouldn't do anything to the shading. The only time I could even get the shading to change in unity was when I did it the way I percieve to be the old way. The part wouldn't load in KSP that way. When I say the old way, I mean just creating an animation and moving the emmisive alpha etc, numbers. What I mean by the new way(follow the link)
  10. my game language strangely just changed to chinese. i went into the config files and set it as en-us and did the same in buildID.txt as well. changing the language in steam doesn't help and reinstallingwields chinese text again. What can i do to change this?
  11. Anyone ever seen anything like this happen? I was messing around trying to add an emissive to the windows when this happened. Even if I reload an old scene its still the same.
  12. So I've been playing with this mod list for a while now (since 1.3 came out) and I never had any trouble with it. Now every now and again I might have a crash or two but it was never any big deal, but now i'm getting crashes somewhat often when i go and launch a ship. Does not matter how big or small it is, just at random the game crashes. I can do basic modding and debugging and I'm I can figure out most minor problems, but what's really screwing me over is the lack of crash report or dated log that you normally get when you do crash. This has left me stumped because even in the ksp.log I can't find any signs of a crash. Along with this it doesn't show the game crash window saying "oops something went wrong". I'll post my mod list and if you want i'll post the ksp.log too.
  13. Hey guys! hope everyone is having a great day today! I was wondering if there were any tutorials or guides related to re-compiling mods. I had been using a great mod in 1.1.3 that is no longer available for 1.2.2 (ksp version I'm using). The mod owner kindly offered the source code for me to re-compile it for 1.2.2, but I am clueless on how to do it - however I would love to learn! Any tips or directions on how to start my way into doing the aforementioned? Many thanks in advance!
  14. I want to download every Umbra Space industries mod as well as extra-planetary launchpads, but I need help. My biggest problem is that when I download all of the USI mods separately there are a lot of double files, so there are a ton of duplicated parts. Also, there are many parts where I can find the actual parts files when I look in the folder, but don't show up in the game. Is there a master file I can download that has all of these things? Like I just download a single thing and everything I need is there? Please help!
  15. Hello, and I'm currently writing a plugin, which enables 1-way animated engines, like the RL-10-B2 or the M-1. I want to know the animation state for "Deployed". Also, I would like the engine to not be able to activate if the animation is in progress, or if it hasn't started yet. Could someone please find the animation state for "Deployed"? Thanks, Bottle Rocketeer
  16. Okay, I was on the plane, and I turned my computer off to land, and I get home, boot up, and KSP's LF/ox tanks suddenly don't have any fuel!? I will add more info later.
  17. Hello, sorry for my bad english... So I bought the game on the KSP site 2 or 3 years ago, but now, I have Steam. Is it possible to transfer my game on Steam ?
  18. I am just getting into messing around in RSS with realism overhaul. I'm fairly confident I got it installed correctly and is running fine. However, when it comes to getting anything to orbit, I simply can't. Even using the Atlas rocket I fail. One big issue is that my engines are burning out long before my fuel is used up and I'm not sure why. Any helpful tips or video suggestions to help me out would be greatly appreciated!
  19. I'm trying to reset my part tools so I can spawn my IVA but I cant seem to figure out how. Could anyone please help? Even when I load up an old scene where I have an IVA spawned the part tools table is still empty? I meant to put this is modeling and texturing discussion.
  20. Log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwPB_gaPOaofZmhIbC1wc0tKajQ/view?usp=sharing
  21. Hello KSP forum players I need help to create a plugin for the OptionalAtmosphere mod, the plugin will deactivate the non-existent atmospheres in UI only (help me please)
  22. Hey guys, can you help me? Since the introduction of Commnet in KSP 1.2 I am looking for a mod that lets me say to a probe: "Do this action (for example Retro-burn) in 30 minutes". This is because I often have the problem that I can't circularize my orbit because I am not connected to KSC because the planet is in my way. Are there any mods that let me do this?
  23. Could anyone please help me get this animation exported correctly? how do I make two objects move independently of each other in the same animation. I can get it to work fine in blender, its once I export to unity that the problems arise. All the objects will run during the animation but only one of them does what its suppose to. Any suggestions?
  24. HELP ME GAME CRASHED BUG ALL MODELS 1.3 BUT ALWAYS BUY THIS HAT BUG FİLE : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6pNiIxsE7JfTk1sZ0NlZjFXcFE
  25. Help getting game crashed mistake while opening the game game crashed file link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6pNiIxsE7Jfd18wcks2bEx0LXM please help me
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