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  1. So radius: 10 km semi major axis 23 726 155 264 m gravity .003G lumpy grey asteroid shaped
  2. So whenever I use mechjeb 2 all the text just says mechjeb text
  3. I am using Grannus Expansion Pack and I've downloaded it via Ckan but whenever I open KSP none of the planets appear! I've created new save files multiple times. Could someone give me some info/help? Thanks a lot!
  4. Heyo! Just a simple question regarding radiators and reactors, and dissipating the heat. Mostly to do with the thermal mechanics helper. Im honestly struggling to figure out exactly whats worth keeping an eye on, but my best guess is the parts that turned blue? Ive launched multiple rockets with reactors before that run pretty much perfectly fine but these thermal mechanics are still kinda hard to understand for me. Little help? this mod can honestly be a bit confusing at times (only today did I just finally realize that 1MJ = 1000EC when converted between using the Supercapacitors, which finally gave me some understanding on that part) Also, asking with my own thread cause, quite frankly, the KSPIE thread seems kinda dead right now. image of my current rocket under construction, fitted with an Antimatter reactor that feeds into a thermal nozzle, and a thermal generator (ignore the charged particle generator, I swapped it with a thermal generator after realizing the particular reactor doesnt feed into charged particle gens, a while after taking this image), as well as info on the radiator I plan to utilize. Quick EDIT: the Antimatter reactor is a beam core reactor added by Interstellar Technologies, hence its ability to work with thermal nozzles.
  5. Heyo again! another question pretty soon after my spaceplane one, this one regarding decoupling issues. I use mechjeb fairly heavily, as my personal skills suck (slowly learning however, I've performed a couple launches and maneuvers manually) I built a Payload rocket for the use of delivering space station parts into relatively low orbit (200km), and have built 2 segments of my space station. But I've noticed that when launching the power module and science module (power is connected, science one annoyed me), it had a tendency to instantly decouple the module part right after launching, I generally use mechjeb for these, and before this has never really been a problem. I'm wondering if it has to due with multiple command modules existing on the rocket (I have a guidance computer for my payload rocket, and the science module specifically has a manned command module (exists purely for the science experiment tied to it, plus lets me bring a ton of kerbals to the station in one shot, as I can carry up to 7 total with it and the science lab on board), and technically a guidance computer in the form of KSPIE's orbital assembly docking port, the ports I'm using to create the space station with). the main control module is the payload rockets guidance computer. Could someone explain this to me why it possibly happens? I did notice that re-rooting the entire assembly to the manned control pod, then switching control to the guidance computer at the launch pad, stopped it from happening and it launched like normal, but I'm very confused. Is it a mechjeb issue? related to the command pods? root part? I have no idea what's causing it. On a side note, what's the maximum distance for docking procedures? how close do I have to be to the craft to dock, its somewhat annoyed me at times that I cant set docking ports as targets, I read that the maximum distance is 200m?
  6. Hello! I've been building and testing a spaceplane (or rather, just a plane, it cant really go much higher than 13k altitude atm), and need some assistance. I'm playing with a good few mods, namely ones like kspie, near future stuff, mechjeb, and a whole bunch of other recommended stuff. This is technically my first fully functioning plane (can take off and land alright). But I'm currently having issues with stability mid flight, the plane likes to roll one direction (mainly to the left) or the other even without input, and does not like to stay pitched up, without input it eventually nosedives. I'm not entirely sure what to do to fix it. Every part on the sides of the fuselage was built using mirror mode. here's some images I took after my last flight attempt:
  7. I am a new player. I have a heat shield contract to be tested at 18,000 - 30,000 m at 2060 m/s - 3,300 m/s speed. But my bloody rocket is too slow. Max it can reach is 1500. Both upwards and downwards. What to do?
  8. I have searched every where on the internet but can't find a guide on how to install principia. I have the zip file but don't know what to do with it.(Win 10)
  9. I've tried installing some graphics mods with CKAN, but it doesn't work. I was installing AVP mod and then only the recomended. I am playing KSP on version 1.12.. Is it just incompatible with this version, or am I doing something wrong?
  10. whenever open ksp and try to use parachutes, it either -shows deployed in the vab and had a tab in the staging column but never works i saw this happen in parachutes from mods -not deployed in vab, no tab in staging column and not being able to be deployed while in flight happens in parachutes from stock https://imgur.com/gallery/76ejXcS in vab,, bdb's Saturn v with parachutes deployed https://imgur.com/gallery/xzPrqvY stock, outside vab no deploy chute tab open in staging column mod list link https://imgur.com/gallery/OzlSlap how do i fix this
  11. Hi, Im trying to install V1.0 Real Solar System with Kopernicus and ModuleManager. Below is the screenshot of my GameData but when I start KSP and I go to the solar system I can see the names and textures are the original Thank you
  12. I can't make any mod, but I'd like to get a mod with real parts like an air compressor that transforms intake air in oxidiser (with an IRSU-similar texture and design), that doesn't make much heat but a lot of noise, some rover cargo bays , long cargo bays and eventually some powerfull air breathing engines for a takeoff without any oxidiser use and big jet engines to use as VTOL hidden engines or engines integrated with a cargo bay.
  13. Should I get a orbital mod? I have been playing for 4 years and have only gotten to another celestial body once(I am new to the forums, though.)
  14. Hello and welcome to the official KSP challenge of the German rocket start-up Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA). First of all: To complete this challenge you will need the RFA ONE -Debris Removal Mod. The Mod is available on SpaceDock. In addition to the normal download link the mod is also on CKAN and users will be able to access it. For Details on Installation please consider the ReadMe attached with the Mod or the Installation Guide on SpaceDock. The parts fit together to built the RFA ONE rocket but are flexible and generic enough to be used in many creative ways, just like vanilla KSP parts. However if you build the RFA ONE yourself, you will not have the Lettering on the side of the rocket. The Mod adds the parts you need to build your own RFA ONE, the RFA ONE rocket as a whole as well as the scenario that you need to complete this challenge. The challenge has to be completed just using the RFA ONE Mod. Thanks to a member of the KSP Community for help with the development. Story: The communication satellite C-GS-014 was launched in to LKO just a couple of weeks ago. However, an error with the satellites solar array has left it stranded in a highly elliptical 14,500 x 250 km orbit with a 10° inclination around Kerbal. In order to avoid space junk and prevent contributing to the Kessler Syndrome, RFA wants to use the opportunity to demonstrate its capabilities. They plan use their orbital stage, which is typically used for precise orbit insertion, to pick up the dead satellite and safely de-orbit it above the ocean. You are mission director and have been instructed to launch the RFA ONE, fly to the satellite and capture it with the grapple arm. Once you have successfully docked with the satellite, your task will be to safely de-orbit it above the ocean and have it burn up in the atmosphere of Kerbal. On RFA: Rocket Factory Augsburg (RFA) is a German start-up which develops its own launcher, called the “RFA ONE”, to put up to 1.300kg into LEO. RFA aims to drastically reduce launch costs of its rocket to enable innovative business ideas in space to protect and understand our Earth. RFA uses as many components-off-the-shelf as possible, mass-produces its stainless-steel tanks, and uses its highly efficient Helix engine with staged combustion. Its orbital stage for precise in orbit delivery of satellites can, after successful deployment of up to 100 satellites, extend the lifetime of old satellites through maintenance and repair or safely de-orbit dead satellites, therefore helping to reduce space junk. Rules and Goals: 1. RFA ONE Mod has to be used in order to complete the challenge 2. No additional mods, other than visual, may be used 3. Screenshots are required for eligibility of completion 4. The satellite has to burn up in the atmosphere, any debris remaining has to fall into the ocean. 5. RFA ONE orbital stage has to stay in orbit 6. Leaderboard will be sorted after least amount of fuel consumed Screenshots of the following events are to be included: - Screenshot of the RFA Launch - RFA ONE orbital stage attached to the satellite - Dead satellite burning up in the atmosphere of Kerbal above the ocean - RFA ONE orbital stage in orbit around Kerbal with remaining fuel after the mission Badge: Those, who have completed this challenge are eligible to wear this badge. Leaderboard: The Leaderboard will be defined by the least amount of fuel used to safely de-orbit the satellite. 1. @Kroko6 (536m/s dv left) 2. @AtaKerem (473m/s dv left) 3. @Foxworthgames (453m/s dv left) 4. @janfe2o3 (133m/s dv left)
  15. I just downloaded Airplane Plus, and only the propeller engines and mk 3 cargo cockpit are appearing in my parts list. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling from both CurseForge and Spacedock and neither is working. My other mods are BD Armory, Kerbal Engineer, EVE, KAS, and KIS. Thanks for any help!
  16. Howdy! So, I've been trying to get screenshots of KSP for challenges, bug reports, etc. But when I do Win+PrintScreen and take a screenshot, it doesn't appear in my KSP screenshots folder or my own screenshots folder. This isn't limited to KSP; in fact, I can't use the screenshot feature at all currently. Fingers crossed! PS: Few peeps online have been suggesting I edit my registry. Let me make it clear that I am not even attempting it. I know there's not a very high chance I corrupt Windows 11 but I just can't take that chance. ---------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Found a temporary fix; Win+Alt+PrtSc saves my image to xBox Gamebar. This isn't ideal, but it does work. I'd like to know how to fix Win+PrtSc though. EDIT 2: Okay... this is weird. If I go to This PC > Windows-SSD (C:) > Users > (my user) > Pictures > Screenshots all my screenshots are there. What in tarnation is going on?
  17. so ive just installed GU and its loading fine but until it gets to mass transfer 7 where it crashes my ksp. Please help:/
  18. MOD ABANDONED Hello and welcome to my thread of a visual Overhaul for ksrss mod this is intended to work and was not tested on 1.8.1 on the experimental dev build of ksrss and future 1.10x versions found here https://gitlab.com/ksrss/KSRSS download link below Download Link Here For release1 and many more you have to switch the branch to the name of the release Newest releases here: Kve High /64k cubemaps Kve Medium /48k cubemaps Kve Low /32K cubemaps For all KsRss players to enjoy! also this was mostly made on demand by a user i wont discuss Discord closed this mod requires scatterer and eve to work correctly Also some lag on the ground but when ksp starts to render orbit scene it goes to your normal performance Credit to @TruthfulGnome for getting the images Credits: ksrssve : @tony48 RVE64K : @pingopete EVO textures : @itsjust Kve adds atm : Rve64k scatterer effects rve64K clouds DownScaled 48K earth land cubemaps What Kve will add in the future : max 64K Terrain textures for everything possible higher quality terrains for all planets/moons possible Near-Real life visuals the best performance for quality promised with full mod in the future it could have 5 gb of data Follow development Here! https://trello.com/b/oxtsz6KC/kve-dev License : CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
  19. Hey y'all, Today I decided to bulk download a load of interesting sounding mods. Afterwards I booted KSP and was greeted with an error message in the loading screen (it's still loading but with a KSP error on the screen). I'm having some trouble uploading screenshots atm, so I'll just copy and paste what the errors say (yes, multiple). Error 1 Error 2 Modlist is hard to write by hand, so here's a link to a text file that I imported from CKAN with all my mods and versions: https://we.tl/t-TmNWcpXwEV Here's the KSP.log: https://we.tl/t-0wL5zZFFXP All mods downloaded via CKAN, not touched the GameData folder by hand. Version of KSP is as stated in the second error, 1.12.0. Anyone got any idea what on earth is going on? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, SecondHandRocketScience
  20. I accidentally created two named Kerbals with the wrong gender. I need to 100% delete them from existance so I can make new ones with the correct gender. Is there no way to do this? I know there is another thread about the same topic, but that one is quite old. Are there any new methods that have been discovered? I can't code, and since they're custom Kerbals, the dismiss-and-cycle method doesn't work. The only way that I can think of is deleting my entire save file, but I have a lot of stuff that I've done in that save, and I would rather not lose all of my ships.
  21. Hey y'all, Been trying to convert some KSP flags recently from GIMP (.xcf) files to the supported filetype of KSP (png). However, the only site that actually worked said I needed to purchase premium to use it more than 3 times a day (and I needed to convert more than one flag). Does anyone know any safe, free filetype converters that can convert images from .xcf to .png? Preferably could it also be able to resize images and the like? I don't really mind if it is downloadable or online, to be honest. Thanks in advance, SecondHandRocketScience
  22. I've built a station that's meant to be for a long-term mission to Duna. I want to add an extra docking port to it, so I docked a rocket to it with an SEQ-24 Cargo Storage Unit containing a Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port. I have an engineer on the station, but for some reason I can't take it out of the storage unit to place on the side of the station. How could I go about doing this?
  23. It never loads into the game and I'm not sure why, log file says that I didn't specify a "Object reference" or some type of stuff .cfg file And the log file I initially thought that it was an error due of a spelling mistake but I didn't find any can someone please help me out? Edit: So, I've made another file and this time it worked out, it was about the extension thing and I didn't have to specify it, but another problem came in log file I think it's telling me that I need an atmosphere even tho I don't want it, I dont really know Also the new .cfg for my new planet So yeah uh, anyone that can help me in both issues?
  24. This mod is a Module Manager config which add Tweakscale support to every modded part that doesn't have Tweakscale configs yet. Requires: Tweakscale and Module Manager: Downloads: : Supported Spacedock Github Suggestions and Feedback are appreciated. Enjoy!!! Changelog License: MIT Credit goes to :@Lisias too for giving me some inspiration and help!! This would not be possible without him!! Thanks a lot Lisias!! Note: All Tweak works fine with the new Breaking Ground DLC (Robotics).
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