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  1. Hi everyone, I’m super new to KSP. I’ve managed to get into Kerbin orbit using the excellent tutorial by quill18 on YT. When he moves on to Get to the Mun, he doesn’t get into the rocket design well enough for me to replicate it. It doesn’t help that the designs of the parts have changed between his version of the software and mine (newest). Any rocket I build starts to roll when my liftoff speed gets to around 100m/s when I need start to make my turn to 90° so that I end up being at 45° on the NavBall when I reach 15000m per his tutorial. This is the only way I know to get to orbit so far. Can anyone tell from looking at the rocket what parts he’s built the rocket from so I can stick as close to the tutorial as possible? Here’s the tutorial: TIA for any assistance
  2. When landing on the Mun, is it more fuel efficient to slow a bit all the way down or to burn hard at the end? When landing on the Mun, is it more fuel efficient to get into an orbit first or just come straight at the Mun and burn before you hit? (And if you understand the Physics, why?) Thanks JMG
  3. I was pretty happy that i got a lander on Mun. But it crashed when it tried to land. So how it only has one engine and a drill-o-matic and a ore converter. But the drill cant reach the ground since my lander is sideways. Now my two kerbals are just laughing the pod. So... what do I do?
  4. В карьере схватил контракт: станция на 12кербалов + лаборатория+4000т топлива на устойчивой орбите муны. Премия 208тыс Если строить из mk2 (самолет пассажирский фюзеляж) с 2 тройными адаптерами 6.300 тонны 3 кабины автостопщиков 7.500 Лаборатория 3.500 Горизонт ОКТО, РСУ+коcмоболы, шлюз, научный обвес. 11.810 (с кабинами mk2) 3 бака x200-32 и общая масса 65.810 тонн. И как эту бандуру дешевле всего запулить к муне? Без alt+f12 Пробовал 4хKR-1x2 + 4 бака x200-32, с двух курьеров топливо перекачивается в 2 оставшихся. Ракета вышла длинная, при разгоне опрокидывает, поэтому в голове 3 ЖРД Стукач с тягой 40% Где то около 20000 высоты пустые курьеры сбрасываются.на орбиту выходит впритык. РСУ и гиро на такой массе не помогают, маневрировать получается только стукачами. По науке: прокачано почти все за 90+ тяжёлое ракетостроение+ продвинутая электрика. Из мыслей разделить на части, возвратная ssto, сборка на орбите, и запуск к муне. Upd: пока почти удалось вывести 3 бака (нужно траекторию подровнять а то забрасыва на 110км, на выравнивание и возврат не хватает) twr 2.45 дельта 4300. А ведь стыковка 3 модулей на орбите потребует дополнительного топлива. Да и не уверен я что малых стыковочных модулей хватит по усилию на такую конструкцию.
  5. PS4, Radial preset, in career mode. For context to give some idea where I am: n00b, maybe a month-2 months in (they're still reviewing my posts I'm so new, ha), having a blast - flags all over the Mun and Minmus, one unmanned rocket currently stuck around Duna (in accidentally polar orbit, probably enough fuel, and ferreting out how to get back). So I'm on a mission that requires a surface sample from 3 locations on the Munar surface (Alpha, Beta, Gamma), being quite new to this still I don't yet have a rover and not yet dialed in on landing at a desired spot, so on a mission like this I'm on foot (from various too-far distances like 7 km, 4 km, etc.). I have seen this every time, reproducible 100% for me. Upon returning to my lander each time so far (4 attempts), I find the lander has left the surface and is slowly tumbling and floating up and away (straight up) at .2 m/s. On 2 of the occasions I had enough MP left to get up to the lander, grab on, board, etc., however nothing affects it in any way, 100% thrust does nothing, it seems to be 'outside of physics' at that point, and I'm wondering if I've just gotten far enough away from my lander (or away too long? Maybe time is a factor?) that it maybe behaves the same way spent stages do when they get far enough away, which I've read means physics are no longer applied to an object beyond some x distance away. No screenshot handy but it's just a lander floating upside down 20 or so meters off the surface. No human is apt to attempt to reproduce this but am checking to see if anyone else has run into this - it's obviously a bug, and I'm at the point where I am not sure if I should keep trying to land closer to see if it's the distance or if I should skip it and move on. Overall I am enjoying this immensely (perfect quarantine filler!), some platform-specific idiosyncrasies aside I think they've done a beautiful job porting the controls over. Porting a keyboard to a PS4 controller can't be an easy thing to do.
  6. Doofenshmirtz in a Mun crater. I built a replica of the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated building from Phineas and Ferb, mounted it on a rocket, and then sent it to the Mun. It can hold up to 143 people (both inside and out, thanks to command seats) and it looks like Ferb's head a very Kerbal space outpost. Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/Mars-Bound_Hokie/Doofenshmirtz-Evil-Incorporated
  7. I've gotten my rover as close as I could to the point on the map, but I don't know how to exactly aim for the area I need to be. I've been moving a bit NSWE and taking EVA reports but nothing seems to activate the contract. Am I doing something wrong? When I click on the marker on the map I get an option to "Start Navigation" but it doesn't seem to do anything! At the very least I feel there should be a visible marker in the world, like for my other crafts and flags and such.
  8. What do you guys use for Mun capable ships? I need to get more science points, and I need contract money, so I need ideas. Stock KSP, no mods, console edition. Please help
  9. Hi guys, I picked this game up on the last Steam 75% sale and it's really addicting. I'm having a blast. I started a career, and landed on the Mun for the first time yesterday, which was so cool. My first lander had all the science I had unlocked with it, and the full price to get it there was around 43k. This feels so expensive since my Mun orbiter for tourists is only 25k. How cheap can I get a science lander to the Mun to hit the biomes? Any thoughts on my design that I can improve? Thanks! Here are some images. https://imgur.com/a/uv6Ent0 I can get to orbit with boosters, and empty the lower stage tank to get Lower orbit, then burn for Mun intercept. If a poor launch, I might be a couple hundred Dv short. If I land without mistakes, I have 300-400dv of fuel left in lander, but if I have troubles, I can easily burn through that.
  10. https://youtu.be/rkovMLD3BNQ this shuttle can go to the mun then minmus. the heavy version carry's 7 https://photos.app.goo.gl/8bJ9N736LrP6oskB7 the light version carrys 4 https://photos.app.goo.gl/xgrkzhUympSoiMCz6 please allow time for me to make the craft flies stock
  11. I was trying to land on the mun for the first time.Lets just say it didn’t end well.I was about to land but i didn’t slow down enough.i heard an explosion but it looked like it was okay,the only part that was missing was a battery.i went eva and planted a flag.when i was about to take off i realized that the engine was missing.Now jeb is stranded with no way of getting home
  12. My rocket was a Saturn V replica and i was playing on 1.5 version. So i launch the rocket, peform a orbit burn, munar injection, docking with the lunar module and land near an easter egg. Yes, i landed near an easter egg. It was one of the 3 Mun archs on Mun. When i see the easter egg, i was suprised, because i didn't see an easter egg in my front. I was thinking if i could pass near him and plant a flag, but i didn't, cuz i was scared if my kerbonaut dies in EVA flying with EVA proprellant. So i decided that i will plant my flag where i landed, getting back and rendezvousing with the CSM, docking again, transfering the kerbonauts, undocking the LM, injecting to return to Kerbin, taking my notes, re-entry the atmosphere, deploying the parachute and land. That's it! So yeah! I was just doing my Mun mission normally and a Mun arch had appeared in my front while i landed on Mun's East Crater. That was my happy moment as a Kerbal Space Program player.
  13. Here is the Lil' Guy 1 light spacecraft KerbalX Craft File Lil’ Guy 1 Lil Guy 1 is a multi-purpose light craft designed for maximum precision and fun. It sports a unique and practical feature set that’ll make any rookie Kerbonaut look like an ace pilot! Its lightweight aerodynamic frame, combined with powerful RCS ReEntry Control System, allows for an unexpected amount of glide in the atmosphere, and should have you touching down in, or at least near, your intended LZs. The orbiter carries all the basic experiments plus Goo, and a Kerbal on EVA can collect them all without leaving the ladder. With more than 2K dV in the tank, this ship can cruise all over the local system, and even venture to distant planets. After activating the orbiter’s main propulsion system, all 3x engines will be enabled by default. Action group 3 toggles off the outboard Switch engines to enter Eco-Friendly Gas-Saver mode. Toggle them back on when you need the extra zip! Reentry attitude should be facing retrograde for a braking phase, and then reorient to prograde for a precision glide landing. Chutes won’t support the full weight, so leave some gas for a final braking maneuver on touchdown. As a bonus, this Launch Vehicle comes with the Smart-@5S remote controlled transfer stage. After reaching orbit, flight plan calls for a transposition and docking maneuver, where the fairings will be shed to save weight. After docking, Action Group 0 shifts control to the Xfer stage. You are now free to move about the solar system! Imgur Album
  14. This contract has me confused. I scanned a surface feature within a large crater, yet I have no idea where to go from there.
  15. I need to find a big crater on a Mun and to skan it, but I can't find it. I came to a biomes:South-West crater and to the Far crater(In the contract written that I can find the crater in these biomes), but I can't find the "Big crater"(I found out it's not so big). I tried to find the crater in a game that I started before the releasing of DLC. Can be the problems with viewing objects to study in these games or not?
  16. I have accepted the contract to build ground science station on a Mun and to collect the science data of observing the mysterious slime. But I can't finish this contract. I tried to pick up a science module with a slime to a ship, but when I came back to Kerbin the contract still was uncompleted. What should I do to complete this contract? On the picture(there's on Russian) on the marked place written that collected 607% of 50% of data
  17. Hi everyone! I have a contract from StrutCo to skan a big crater on the Mun. I have landed on the very big crater(watch the pic, this is other crater, just the one where I landedis on dark side) http:// https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1760939288 I landed, released the rover with medium robotic arm, but it can't skan the crater. Tell me please if I need a smaller crater or something else to do.
  18. So im struggling big-time. I cant get a grip on the shuttle cockpit. Ive tried 100 times now , even stopped the engines just before contact Ideas ? Dont comment on the ship , its fantastic :-)
  19. Welcome to the second KSP challange! the challange for this Saturday is as follows: Bronze: Go to the Mun Silver: Go to the Mun, and then go to Minmus Gold: do it without refueling or using ISRUs Good luck, fly safe!
  20. Here’s the challange: build a base on the Mun, and put a space station into orbit around the Mun. Scoring: Score levels Basic Build a Mun base in only one launch, and have nothing fancy max of 3 Kerbals orbiting station is basic, and one piece. Rather Basic Multiple launches, but base components aren’t docked max of 5 Kerbals Station is max of 3 launches. Good Base is multiple pieces, and they’re docked Max of 7 Kerbals Station is capable of ISRU refueling passing ships Amazing! Base has a rover, and also a science area, complete with surface samplers and experiments. max of 10 Kerbals sation has a ring and can seat 10 Kerbals *dies of shock* Base is at the polar areas with steep mounatins Max of 15 Kerbals Station’s ring spins and also has a full Comm array. I will allow mods, but not any that add pieces specifically for bases. No motor mods for the station’s ring, either. Visual mods are acceptable and so are ones that make the game harder. No cheating/HyperEditing please. Screenshots are a must, and videos are better. You don’t have to send a video, but please try.
  21. Hey all This is an update of this post to v3! The objectives get a little messy but its all there, it's working all the way through with points for medals now. The only mod needed is Kerbal Engineer because I added the tape recorder MechJeb part to the CSM. I think a lot of you use MechJeb so maybe this is a positive, let me know if that's a negative and I should make one completely stock. APOLLO 15 v.03 on KerbalX LINK HERE Thanks, and please send out some feedback if possible! Apollo 15 launched from KSC on 7/26/1971, on a scientific expedition to the Hadley-Appennius region of the Lunar surface. The first 'J-Class' mission, Apollo 15 had more advanced capabilities than previous flights, including a LM equipped with the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), and an orbital science kit stowed in the Service Module. Recreate this historic mission in Kerbal Space Program by launching a Saturn V rocket to a precision landing in the Munar Midlands! Once safely on the surface, you'll unpack the MEM and commute via rover to collect samples in several biomes. Setup the Surface Experiments (AMSEP) package while the CSM performs orbital science collection. Once surface operations are complete, you'll rendezvous and dock in orbit, deploy a subsatellite, depart Munar orbit, perform a spacewalk en route to Kerbin, and land safely (hopefully...)! All in a days work for the crew of Apollo 15! IMGUR for a few highlights -
  22. I'm always having trouble getting to the Mun(every planet in general too), I can land fine, Just its the part after orbit and before landing on target that I cant get. Anyone have any tips to help?
  23. Hello Fellow Kerbonauts, We know from the Impact the Mun challenge that it is possible to fly to and crash something on the Mun in a mere 12 min. This is a great first step towards adding boosters to stuff in order to go fast, but only shooting the Mun isn’t that useful, right? This challenge aims at proving that our rockets can be fast and useful. So for this challenge, you’ll not only need to reach the surface of the Mun as fast as possible, but to also bring a rock back to Kerbin as a proof you got there and to demonstrate the scientific relevance of adding moar boosters. Rules : Depart from KSC Reach the surface of the Mun Take a surface sample Bring it home Your place on the leaderboard depends on your mission time when the sample lands on the ground Challenge ends on the 28/02/2019 at 00h00 UTC (just one month; how handy) Not limit on the number of boosters used (obviously) Rockets or planes, It doesn’t matter Undock/dock as many times as you want Launch as many vessels as you want, but the timer starts when the first vehicle takes/lifts off and ends when the sample gets to the ground (show METs on the tracking station screen if you used multiple vessels) Land, bounce or lithobrake on the Mun, as long as you manage to take a sample and bring it back Only the surface sample has to make it to Kerbin’s surface (but the Kerbal can land as well) No Kerbal should be armed in the process, though. This includes the command chair; no prolonged use, not in harmful environment. The surface of the ocean is part of Kerbin’s surface We need the sample (mostly) intact for the science we’ll get from it, so smashing it on the ground doesn’t count if whatever contains/carries it gets destroyed/killed No fiddling with the cfg files, hyperedit, Kraken exploit, etc. Stay fairplay. Latest versions of the game only (when was the last aerodynamics update? 1.0.5?) No DLC engines or fuel tanks Pictures are good, videos are good(er). In any case, make us understand and enjoy. Multiple submissions are allowed. Mods : If you used any, provide the list Stock aerodynamics Stock engines and fuel tanks Modded fairings and wings are allowed Nothing that messes with the physics engine Ask the permission to use anything else than mods that blatantly do not interfere with the challenge (RemoteTech is OK, Alcubierre drive is not OK) Awards : Precision delivery : Have the sample landing next to the KSC facilities so that our scientists can start analyzing it as fast as possible. Relay race : Bring the sample back with a different ship that the one which brought your Kerbal to the Mun Sepratron : I like the separation (who doesn’t?). Use sepratrons as a significant source of thrust in your design to please me and earn this award. Full throttle : Do it the most kerbal way and maintain full throttle for all the duration of the mission (with empty stages for the landing?). It probably is not possible and certainly is not reasonable, but I know how crazy some people are. Vanilla addict : Stock and only stock. No mod award. Temporary leaderboard (last edit : 04/02) : @Laie - 1h 19m with a good amount of boosters and an interesting packaging design. (Prev. time : 1h 30m 43sec) Rewards : No pics, no submits Nice badges like this one : I will make some with medals and awards when I find the time. Feel free to recommend other awards if you think of any. Same for rules amendment if I missed anything. Also, if anyone else feels like remaking/improving the badges or making medals, please go ahead, I’m not that confident with Gimp Photoshop. Fly fast!
  24. Today im challenging you to try and beat my 0.4 ton unmanned mun lander satellite/spacecraft (aka the smallest satellite w/engine), which was originally supposed to be just a satellite that would orbit kerbin but when I decided to try and land it on the mun it was able to with extra fuel to return back to kerbin! This is the craft, you download it if you want: https://kerbalx.com/JohnsterSpaceProgram/Smallest-Satellite-wEngine
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