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  1. Creating Procedural Planet Textures (Heightmap & Colour) using Adobe After Effects Abstract To create an Adobe After Effects template that will allow for the generation of Planet/Moon Heightmap and Colour Maps for use with KSP by utilizing fractal noise layering to allow for ease of use by those that may not understand noise generation or subsequently, PQSMods/libnoise functions. The Adobe After Effects project can be download and used from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zss8ydp80zm6h7b/Planet Textures.aep?dl=0 ----- I recently rediscovered the power and effectiveness of After Effect's Fractal Noise libraries whilst working on unrelated projects and considered that it would be a powerful tool when used to create base textures for planetoids in KSP; if utilised correctly. Due to the way After Effects generates the noise, most noise created would be generated outside of the -180 to 180 degrees phase and therefore would not be seamless in the workspace and also the noise is created in a rectangular image space and therefore there would be significant 'pinching' distortion at the poles. To rectify this, the noise image space can be distorted using polar deformation to remove this issue and finally some manual seam blending can be introduced using a small mask to cover any inconsistencies that blends in with its surrounding environment. Finally, the resulting greyscale heightmap can be colourized depending on the lightness using a custom gradient scale to create a coloured ScaledSpace texture that varies with colour proportional to altitude. These textures can be rendered out of After Effects (at 8192x4096 in the attached project) for further use within KSP or for additional image manipulation work. The greyscale heightmap can be passed through a normal map generator to give you the bump map to be used in-game (remember that KSP uses inverted Red to the Alpha channel and the Green channel duplicated to RGB). Anyway, I have done some quick and dirty previews as to what can be achieved with not a terrible amount of effort, as you can see, bodies with complex and noisy terrain can be generated alongside those with mostly flat, rounded slopes: The above planetoids have all been generated using textures rendered straight from After Effects with the normal maps used being from the http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/ tool by utilizing the greyscale heightmap. Above is a preview of one of the example bodies shown from Front, Left, Back, Right, Top & Bottom respectively to show the total lack of polar 'pinching'. Mini-guide Below I will list the respective stages of the process within After Effects to allow for the easy use of the attached project above. Panel 1: Noise Layers In this panel, you are required to generate the main features of the terrain by using multiple layers of fractal noise to build up a greyscale, rectangular base for your heightmap. As you can see, in the example above I have layered 6 noise layers to create the shown effect. The parameters listed against the Fractal Noise effect can be changed to alter the generated noise to your liking with a dynamic preview being shown in the composition work space. Ensure to layer blend your multiple noise layers to obtain the result you desire. Panel 2: Polar Distortion This panel requires no input by the user and simply takes the generated image from Panel 1 and applies the polar distortion required to create an even and consistent terrain distribution at the poles. Panel 3: Seam Blend for Heightmap The source image from Panel 2 is shifted horizontally by half a phase to show the seam error in the center of the image space. The mask in this composition can be resized, the feather adjusted and the opacity altered etc. to try and completely remove the seam whilst maintaining a good transition in the terrain on either side. This process can be seen below: This finalizes the greyscale heightmap for your body. Panel 4: Colourization The Colorama effect is applied to the source image from Panel 3 that allows you to create a gradient map that is directly proportional to the brightness of the texture. Many effects can be created here in the way that LUTs are used to colour terrain maps, realistically or not and even to reflect habitable Earth-like worlds. In the example below a simple rocky style gradient has been applied. Panel 5: Spherical Preview In this panel, you can rotate the colour map on the X, Y and Z axis (Y axis being the most useful) to give a real time preview of the body as a sphere. ---------- Once you are happy with your terrain maps, simply add Panel 3 and 4's composition frame to the render queue and generate your heightmap and colour map textures respectively. Ultimately, a Kopernicus config will be required to be written to use your textures to create the body within KSP. ---------- Disclaimer: I appreciate the fact this may not be a desirable way to generate terrain for use within KSP as basing your terrain of a heightmap texture can cause some rough, pixel'y terrain at the pixel boundaries... especially on larger bodies. Nonetheless, PQSMods still remain a confusing matter to many people and this method may be "good enough" for some to achieve the results they require. I post this up as a fleshed out proof of concept and nothing more.
  2. I've recently begun developing a planet pack and I'm running into some texture issues so far, if someone could let me know what's wrong here, I'd appreciate it: Code for moon: The image below is the Color map (upper left), the Normal map (lower left), and the VertexColor (right) map. Once I launch the game, the in-game moon looks like this:
  3. Imagine if there was a planet with such high gravity and no atmosphere, it was begging to be used for gravity assists... But, there is a catch; it is nowhere near a flat planet, in fact, it's quite the opposite. 40 kilometer-high mountains, a ludicrously short day, combined with its low-orbiting moon (about the half the size, but twice the annoyingness as Ike) make exploiting its precious gravity a gamble. Yet, it's tantalizingly close orbit to Kerbin makes it such an irresistible option. Will you take this chance to reap the rewards? Requiring just a little more fuel to get to than Minmus, this planet can be a valuable resource to your missions. Just make sure not to crash... With a diameter close to that of Vall, but having a mass so high that it has a density roughly 1½ times that of Kerbin; its gravity will be much higher than that of Kerbin and potentially Eve.
  4. I've found this neat looking planet in space engine that I want to see modded into ksp, close to kerbin as a second habitable planet. But I have no experience in modding or programming.In this link I have a zip named the desired name for the planet once in game. I have included the bump, diff, norm, glow, and spec files exported from space engine in png and dds form. If you're up for the task, post the link to this thread when complete. Thank you! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r1svrv28duczwzi/AAAIRviZHAX57eam1hmiXxXGa?dl=0
  5. So I've been trying to add planets using Kopernicus and everything appears to be going well. However, there are a few technical questions that remain, if anyone could answer would be super helpful! What is the correct or preferred format for Normal maps? I've been using .DDS, DXT5 format with so-so results. I tried using DXT5_NM but my planet vanished. I've also tried using a normal full color normal map (normally hued blueish) but that also causes my planet to vanish, so instead I use a gray scale. Also tried a .PNG format as some have suggested- but my planet also vanishes.
  6. This mod has since been integrated into my new pack Kerbal Visions. I've wanted a Sedna analog for my own sandbox saves for a while now, but no one has ever made one. I whipped this together with KittopiaTech in about an hour. This is basically just a slightly undersized Minmus that has been recolored and re-seeded. Since we don't know what Sedna looks like, I think that this is a pretty good approximation. Out in the Hills Cloud, Sedna is unlikely to suffer many impacts, especially large ones. NOTE: By default the mod is set for OPM. Open the Settings.cfg to enable stock orbits. Features A poor man's Sedna analog that looks a lot like Minmus but more purple and weird Discover a world you've totally seen before, but harder to get to - kinda like Dres, but even less lovable! A texture that you could probably make with MS Paint and a Minmus map if you tried Full compatibility with OPM and GregroxMun's Planet 6 mod Enjoy!
  7. I edited Kerbin with Kopernicus mod and the wrong side of the planet is lit up, i have no idea how to fix it. And i have no idea how to remove oceans on Kerbin. To fix : Issue 1 - Convert the normal map to ".dds", Issue 2 - Add this to the config file : @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { @Body[Kerbin] { @Template { removeOcean = true } } }
  8. Is there a mod that lets you collide asteroids to make planets? (I know the "Kopernicus" mod)
  9. In your opinion, which planet is the best for a base? For me it would probably Minmus because it has really flat places.
  10. For further development of this mod, please head over to the Kopernicus thread! https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/140580-145-1-kopernicus-kittopiatech/ Description This Plugin is a continuation of KCreators "KittopaTech Ingame Terraforming" plugin, that can edit the stats of planets at runtime, via. a Graphical Interface. The original KittopiaTech was mainly developed by KCreator, with some additional content by Kragrathea (Utility code) and Gravitasi (ScaledSpace fixes and more). Their work was modified by BorisBee (initially, he's pretty inactive now) and myself, Thomas P., to be more modular, stable and user-friendly. Because Kopernicus offers us already a fully functional API, we decided to change the goals of this plugin. Instead of a standalone Planet-Editor, this is now an add-on for Kopernicus. This has many additional reasons, for example, the messy config-saver / -loader. What has been changed? Complete rewrite of the UI-Code (Planet_GUI.cs) Replaced the ConfigLoader with a ConfigSaver that can export dumps of the planet in a Kopernicus compatible format Added an option to completely remove a PQSMod. Seperated ScaledSpace export and PQS-Texture export. Made the Instantiation-Button functional, via. hacking PSystemManager to spawn a body that is instantiated from the systemPrefab. It's still hacky, and it can break some mods. Added Support for HeightColorMap-Landclasses Completely new LandClass-Modder Support for editing PQSMod_VertexPlanet.SimplexWrapper and NoiseModWrapper PQSLandControl.LerpRange editing Improved Particle-Editor Reworked the Map-Exporter, so that it uses a Coroutine to generate the maps. That means, that exporting maps no longer freezes your game, but it still takes some time until the generation is finished. But at least, you can do other things in the meantime. We have added Support for editing PQS-Materials. You can now load MapSO's and Textures through a FileBrowser Improved Ring-Editor, you can now edit rings after creation, delete the selected ring. Curve Editor for editing FloatCurves Reworked Star-Fix code, to use StarLightSwitcher Added a ScaledSpace editor, and moved the export buttons to it ScaledSpace and Texture updater save to disk automatically now Added Support for adding / removing oceans, and for adding PQS to gasplanets You can now enter whatever you want into the numeric fields. If the value isn't parseable, you get a warning and Kittopia won't apply it. Removed all apply buttons, Callbacks are used now. To-Do List Readd support for GroundScatter Maybe other things? Suggest something! Screenshots http://imgur.com/a/YzoeS Download Grab the latest KittopiaTech release from the GitHub repository: https://github.com/Kopernicus/KittopiaTech-Legacy/releases You can open the Ingame-UI with Ctrl + P License "The KCreator license" KittopiaTech incorporates Kopernicus, which is licensed under LGPL. Source https://github.com/Kopernicus/KittopiaTech-Legacy Like my mods? Please consider supporting me and my mods on Paypal! I would greatly appreaciate it, since I don't get much money anyways. However note, that this doesn't grant you anything special, but it will help to keep my motivation up. Therefor it's just an extremly nice way to say "thanks".
  11. Welcome to the Dres Plus Development Thread! Here I will post the latest updates for my Dres Plus mod that aims to make Dres feel loved. At the time of this post, this is what the mod will add: Changes to Dres: Dres is now 950 km in radius. (Was previously 138 km) Dres' surface gravity has been increased to 2.1 g. (Was previously 0.115 g) Dres has rings! Dres' inclination and eccentricity have been changed to be more similar to the other planets', making Dres easier to get to. Added Opaki: (Name may change) Ocean moon of Dres. Completely covered with a greenish liquid, except at the poles, where there are two big landmasses. Has a thick greenish atmosphere, but it only extends to 40 km. About half the size of Kerbin. (305 km in radius) Added Ovum: (Name will probably change) Rocky moon of Dres. Orbits Dres in such a way that it appears to spin around Opaki. About 1/3 the size of Opaki. (112 km in radius) Right now it's just a resized Mun. I plan on adding a third moon that will just be a large asteroid. (Probably around a class V) Here is a screenshot of the view from the north pole of Opaki. (The atmosphere at this point isn't the right color, and the height map needs to be refined) I will release more screenshots as time goes on.
  12. So my planet isn't loading in the game. Anybody knows what's wrong about the file? Yeah, it's just all testing. It's not a finished planet at all. Just testing what I can do with PQS textures. I've seen the tutorial of @The White Guardian. It helped, but still didn't load into the game. file: http://pastebin.com/rHVafCpJ
  13. I'm making planet pack in Kopernicus, and I'm trying to make an ocean world. Anyway, this happened. On the dark side of the planet: (Yes, I know the texture is from OPM's Slate, I'm gonna change that. I just needed a placeholder texture for testing) In map view: (It always looks this way in map view) Moving onto the light side: As I descend through the atmosphere: Glitchy Mountains: What do you know, It's water: Kopernicus config: @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Body { name = Opaki Template { name = Laythe removeAllPQSMods = true removeOcean = true } Orbit { referenceBody = Dres color = 0.1725490196,0.67058823529,0.58039215686,1 // R:44 G:171 B:148 inclination = 0.7 eccentricity = 0.03 semiMajorAxis = 14800000 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 44.6 argumentOfPeriapsis = 55.2 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 } Properties { description = test radius = 305000 geeASL = 0.49 rotates = true tidallyLocked = true isHomeWorld = false timewarpAltitudesLimits = 0 40000 40000 80000 160000 320000 800000 2000000 } ScaledVersion //Update scaledspace { type = Atmospheric fadeStart = 0 fadeEnd = 0 Material { texture = DresPlus/Resources/Opaki/opaki_color.dds //Texture map normals = DresPlus/Resources/Opaki/opaki_norm.dds //Normal map shininess = 0 specular = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 rimPower = 3 //Atmosphere rim power rimBlend = 0.2 //Atmosphere rim blend Gradient //Atmosphere rim color defenitions { 0.0 = 0.06,0.06,0.06,1 0.5 = 0.05,0.05,0.05,1 1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1 } } } PQS { Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = DresPlus/Resources/Opaki/opaki_height.dds offset = -1000 deformity = 2000.0 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 20 enabled = true } VertexColorMap { map = DresPlus/Resources/Opaki/opaki_color.dds order = 20 enabled = true } VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 { deformity = 100 ridgedAddSeed = 123456 ridgedAddFrequency = 12 ridgedAddLacunarity = 2 ridgedAddOctaves = 4 ridgedSubSeed = 654321 ridgedSubFrequency = 12 ridgedSubLacunarity = 2 ridgedSubOctaves = 4 simplexCurve { key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263 key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418 key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985 } simplexHeightStart = 0 simplexHeightEnd = 6500 simplexSeed = 123456 simplexOctaves = 4 simplexPersistence = 0.6 simplexFrequency = 12 enabled = true order = 200 } HeightColorMap { blend = 1 order = 500 enabled = true LandClasses { Class { name = Bottom altitudeStart = 0 altitudeEnd = 0.7 color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Base altitudeStart = 0.7 altitudeEnd = 0.75 color = 0.7,0.55,0.2,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Low altitudeStart = 0.75 altitudeEnd = 0.85 color = 0.7,0.6,0.4,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = Grad altitudeStart = 0.85 altitudeEnd = 0.95 color = 1.0,0.9,0.7,1.0 lerpToNext = true } Class { name = High altitudeStart = 0.95 altitudeEnd = 2 color = 0.95,0.95,0.9,1.0 lerpToNext = false } } } } } Ocean { maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 12 minDetailDistance = 8 oceanColor = 0.1294117647,0.50980392156,0.43921568627,1 // R:33 G:130 B:112 Material { colorFromSpace = 0.1294117647,0.50980392156,0.43921568627,1 color = 0.1294117647,0.50980392156,0.43921568627,1 } FallbackMaterial { colorFromSpace = 0.1294117647,0.50980392156,0.43921568627,1 color = 0.1294117647,0.50980392156,0.43921568627,1 } Mods { AerialPerspectiveMaterial { globalDensity = -0.00001 heightFalloff = 6.75 atmosphereDepth = 150000 DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true cameraAlt = 0 cameraAtmosAlt = 0 heightDensAtViewer = 0 enabled = true order = 200 } OceanFX { Watermain { waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1 waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2 waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3 waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4 waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5 waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6 waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7 waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8 } framesPerSecond = 1 spaceAltitude = 150000 blendA = 0 blendB = 0 texBlend = 0 angle = 0 specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000 oceanOpacity = 0 spaceSurfaceBlend = 0 enabled = true order = 200 } } Fog { fogColorEnd = 0.1294117647,0.50980392156,0.43921568627,1 fogColorStart = 0.1294117647,0.50980392156,0.43921568627,1 skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7 } } } } Maps here.
  14. [1.1.0] LibraCORE is a core for my different planet packs, such as... Sonne System Gliese-581 System 23 Librae System Download & Kerbalstuff (SpaceDock) http://spacedock.info/mod/609/LibraCORE?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E It makes a celcestial body (Technically a star) called Libra that all my systems will orbit. It is going to be a black-hole kind of world with a large spinning and colorful disk around it, emitting a lot of light. Libra: Add Libra. Add accretion disk. Add special fx (this one might be a bit harder to do.) Possibly add a wormhole to go to it. (Also will be tough to do.)
  15. So, while @SAS123 and I were engaged in a PM thing about the orbits of Jupiter and the other planets (which was really informative, thank you) I thought of a good topic to discuss. Put anything related to planet for,action here!!!
  16. So I have this problem where my custom-made star is shining too bright on my spaceship for my view. Is there a way to change the color/opacity a star gives on your spaceships? Like the ambient color that reflects on your spaceship when you create an atmosphere? The light of the star is not just TOO bright on my spaceship, but also on the planets orbiting around my custom star. My star file: http://pastebin.com/2bWZTkxC
  17. Im having problems with making planets in unity, its laggy when there is multiple planets in one scene. When i make them small, i cant get the particles proper size. When it is large it laggs and i cant get the collider to match the planets surface. In my case the planets are spheres. So i took a look at the KSP planets but i cant seem to make them like that in unity.
  18. Walan Planet Pack: Release Thread Pictures: Summary The Walan Planet Pack adds one planet, Walan, with four intriguing moons. Legend: (Not Started/Planning),(WIP),(Finished) Here's a list of objects: Walan: A large ice giant, known for the Great Typhoon in its southern hemisphere, it also has other points of interest, such as its Golden Region. It's around half of the size of Jool, and also comes with asteroid spawning around its rings. Dalom: An asteroid moon within Walan's vast ring system. It is around 3 and-a-half kilometers in radius, and has a small sphere of influence. Kerbal scientists say this could be a decent place to start bases in the Walan moon system. Brayes: A decent size barren moon, this moon is marked with craters all around its surface. It's dark coloration makes scientists believe it might have been a world with plenty of lava at its surface at one time. Kespochim: A small, grey-tan world with a thick atmosphere. Besco: Another barren moon, it's very far from Walan, and it's known for a countless number of craters, rendering most features unnoticeable. Compatibilities: -PlanetShine (Finished) http://imgur.com/a/p7dLr -DistantObjectEnhancement (Finished) http://imgur.com/a/V2r2E -CustomAsteroids (Finished) http://imgur.com/EpBjTsZ -7-4 EVE (I need a little help with the newer ones, rather tough) *DELETE THE CFG IN BoulderCo/Clouds/* http://imgur.com/a/L1R7m Planned Compatibilities: -And other planet mods Eventually, other mods, but for the time being, these are what I can confirm. To-Do List: -Bug-fixing. Walan Stock VFX (Optional) (WIP): Comes with the Walan download, it re-designs the stock worlds to have atmospheres fitting with the planet pack. http://imgur.com/a/5N0Fl ____________________ Download: SpaceDock -Installation Instructions: Open [Walan 0.90] (and go to your Kerbal Space Program folder) ---> move the GameData folder to your KSP folder, and click "yes" on folder merge. Prerequisites: Kopernicus ____________________ Credits: Thomas P. (Kopernicus) KillAshley & The White Guardian (Examples & Tutorials) ____________________ Notice: Do bear in mind I'm rather new to planet design and modding, but I've learned a lot in the last few weeks, and I hope to continue learning over the coming months.
  19. For the second round of the Kopernicus Creativity Marathon (KCM), I made a planet called Lentum. [Picture Coming Soon] Basic Info Lentum is a so-called "Super-Kerbin" that orbits between Dres and Jool. It is in a 3.3-1 resonance with Duna. I tried for a 3-1, but I didn't know about the specific equation involved. Also, I didn't have Universe Sandbox 2 yet. Anyways, Lentum orbits in a relatively crowded area of space. But its size (1.1 Kerbin Radii) and mass (1.4 Kerbin Mass) gave it a gravity of about 1.5 gees, enough to clear out its orbit. Scientific Backstory Lentum was once a planet a lot like Duna, except over twice as large. However, an icy object about the size of Moho intruded the planet's orbit. This object was large but had a fluff-like density, similar to Daphy from Kerbol Origins. The "Doomsday Fluff" broke up near Lentum and peppered the planet with large impacts. The crust remained solid, once again due to the fluffy density of the object, and greenhouse gases were emitted into the atmosphere. Lentum's temperature rose to a comfortable 303 Kelvin, warm enough for the collections of Gallium in the craters to melt. Life first evolved from the underground caves of water, but adapted to use the liquid Gallium as a food source. All life on Lentum is bacterial. They are mostly green in color and are bioluminescent. They have colored both the surface and atmosphere a pleasant green color. Very enjoyable for your victi-- I mean kerbals. Development Lentum is a very old concept. Even before I got KSP, I had envisioned a 5-planet system called Kyzor. Kyzor was a K-Type dwarf star with 45% the Sun's radius and 37% its mass. Two of its planets were in the habitable zone, and one of them was Lentum. Despite some similarities between the two designs - giant craters and rings - they were very different. Original Lentum was over twice the size of Earth (or Kerbin) and had no atmosphere. All life, water, and air on the planet was blown off by a giant impact event that nearly destroyed Original Lentum, unlike New Lentum's collision. Original Lentum's crust was stripped off, and ejecta from the event peppered the other side. The planet was given a huge tilt of over 120 degrees. Four moons and a ring system were formed from the event. Believe it or not, Lentum went through even more changes during development. My entry for KCM 2 was going to be a ravine-run planet called Kesa, which had giant plateaus and water-filled rivers. However, I scrapped the idea because of its resemblance to Asclepius and how bad the texture was coming out. So I decided on reviving Lentum from the Kyzor System project. This New Lentum had a much more vibrant texture with two sets of craters - the main basins, and smaller pockmarks from the ejecta. But that texture was replaced after issues with getting the liquid Gallium inside of the basins. Colors were being changed during texture development. Lentum's life-colored land was originally going to be a greenish-purple, but I couldn't make a similar color that didn't look so dreary. Over the course of Lentum's development, barely anything stayed the same. Screenshots Here, have some pictures of the new and original textures! [Sorry, none yet. They'll be here soon!]
  20. You know, I've been thinking around, its so cool the main fact that you can visit any planet, land on it and take of all the way to home... yea thats the issue, what if I want to stay on a planet? there's nothing to do with it, I could make a base and that would be pointless, and I was thinking this while I was playing an other game when the light hit me, I don't have the time to create such a big mod, but it would fit into KSP thematic and it would be just thrilling and exciting to design a vessel the best you can and create a base, it would have sense, so here's the idea.... First of, the actual "resources mining" mechanic would have to be diversified, lets add iron, rare metals, water, etc... the point of this its to force the player to have multiple facilities distribuyed around the planet or even multiple moons, on this point you could sell resources for money if you somehow land the containers on kerbin, making the contract useful just at the begining with increasing prices on development and high tech things. Next step, factories, biodomes and living modules, this one its easy, in order to build anything you need some sort of factory, to make the factory work you need workers and to have workers you have to feed them, so this would has to have some sort of balance, but this would be your main colony where, here, kerbals has to come from somewhere, in other words you have to bring them each one of them until you have come to the next mechanic because so far its just standar KSP. Factories need also resources, specially metals, propellant and energy, so here its where the real mechanic comes in place, in order to run a factory first of you have to dock a vehicle into the factory module, then press a "record mission" button where it will automatically undock then you have to fly to a resource mining station, dock, get the resources and back to the factory, once docked the game will record the resources used to make the travel and you can then assign the vessel to "patrol" mission making a virtual version of the vessel (not in game but simulated as a route, similar to rts traders to save memory) and each time it makes some travel it will add and reduce the resources from the stock on the factory module, this would automate the resources gattering avoiding getting the player bored with repetitive missions, then if you want more vessels on the same route you just have to create and assign more of the same vessel to that particular route, this way you could stablish a global market network, where you can also automate the travel to sell this things. And finally, the space port module, once you have factories, you can send the parts to the space port where you can build your rockets anywhere you like, even in orbit if you somehow managed to get the parts in there. With this you could exponentially do anything you would like, like simulate space tourism, create a growing colony, simulate cities on kerbin (since it would make sence that this routing system would have been already stablished on kerbin from the first day), and many other things.... Just thinking this would fill all the void and make some really interesting game mechanics,... hope you like some of this
  21. Planet labs Hello fellow kerbanauts!! I would love to announce the development of The Official Planet Labs mod pack!! The company Gave me the go ahead and said they loved what im doing, so with that and with there permission, i bing you guys the OFFICIAL Planet Labs Mod Pack!!! the company designs and manufactures Triple-CubeSat miniature satellites called Doves that are then delivered into orbit as passengers on other missions. Each Dove Earth observation satellite continuously scans Earth, sending data once it passes over a ground station. Together, Doves form a satellite constellation that provides a complete image of Earth at 3-5 m optical resolution and open data access. Small size and a relatively low cost enable the company to quickly prototype and test new designs, while avoiding a loss of significant assets in a disaster. The images gathered by Doves provide up-to-date information relevant to climate monitoring, crop yield prediction, urban planning, and disaster response. This is the Dove! This pack will include the DOVE Imaging Satellite and the Sat Deploying Device (the box that deploys the Doves on the Canadarm 2 on the ISS). Below are progress images that will be updated frequently and remember that this is a big WIP. im about to move onto Animations.. but i have to learn them because i dont know anything about animations... all help in that field is welcome!!. i hope for all the feedback i can get! and i hope you all like the models! License: CC-BY-NC-ND
  22. Hello, I was wondering if the old planet transfer guide made by Kosmo-not back when 0.22 was the latest version has been updated or got a sequel. If you don't know what guide I'm talking about then you haven't gone really far in the game but here's the link: http://ksp.olex.biz/ I would really want to see one come out adjusted to the new physics tweaks and since Scott Manley has previewed v1.1, I hope that someone will update or make a new guide to go along with the monster update to Unity engine V. I'm sorry if there's already a more recent one that exists as I have not seen any other that's so user-friendly and delivers all the vital info at hand. Thanks for answering, Cheers
  23. a little window or HUD (like KER) that shows the next launch window to planets or moons (a customizable list to only show Mars, Saturn, Titan...), so i don't miss my contracts deadline
  24. While there are many planet packs that you can download that will give new a whole new set of places to explore, my planet pack attempts to do that and provide some of the most unique planets ever while also staying true to stock naming style. Keep in mind that this mod is still in development and it will require Kopernicus. As of right now, I don't even have a beta version ready yet, but hopefully, that should change soon. When I get my first beta version ready to release, I will link it in this post! I don't have all the names finalized yet, so suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Feedback and opinions are also greatly appreciated. Until it's decided that more than 3 solar systems will be added, Zaywa will orbit Kerbol with a semi-major axis of roughly 8 light-years. Zaywa: A blue star about twice the size of Kerbol that emits normal sunlight so players can fully appreciate the beauty of the other bodies in the solar system. One of the problems I see with blue stars emitting blue light is that they tend to make the planets darker and/or mask a lot of the beautiful colors, so by having it emit the same color sunlight as Kerbol, players can fully appreciate the beauty of all the planets and stars in the pack. Zaywa-2: *Naming suggestions wanted* A tiny red dwarf star that again, emits a small amount of normal sunlight for the same reason as its big brother, but orbits Zaywa in a very close orbit to give us a binary star system. Hade: A moonless dark gray gas planet that has a tight orbit around Zaywa. While being roughly the same size as Jool, it's far less dense due to the high temperatures. Crafts should be able to survive a high-altitude flight here as long as you have a heat shield protecting the front of your craft. Pike: A rocky planet with towering volcanoes, lava lakes and a thick, smoke-like atmosphere. Touching the lava is a great way to fry your Kerbals. Overheating in the lava lakes WILL be incorporated in the initial release! Rayn: *Naming suggestions wanted* A large water world with an endless ocean beneath a beautfil blue sky. It features an atmosphere with a small amount of oxygen. Kepler: A green and blue gas planet in the habitable zone of the Zaywa system which has its own set of rings. Its moons are thought to contain life. Atlas: A Kerbin-like world complete with mountains, deserts, oceans, rivers, lakes, grasslands and ice caps. May add in an alien space center Easter Egg if I can figure out how to. Sahra: A world that has vast deserts, tall mountains, ice caps and small oceans all beneath an atmosphere rich in oxygen. Small lakes and rivers are scattered about the desert landscape. Galleon: A large, tidally locked, terrestrial planet that has rings and a few moons... All in a polar orbit! Galleon is meant to rotate on its side, similar to how Uranus from our own solar system does. The dark side is a large ice-covered flatland while the light side is mountainous and rocky. Moon suggestions for Galleon would be greatly appreciated. Kale: A bluish rocky moon that orbits just outside of Galleon's rings. Zomg: A gas planet so large, its mass rivals that of a brown dwarf. It makes Jool look tiny by comparison and it has rings in a rainbow of colors. Unlike most gas giants, it has an ocean formed from the immense heat and pressure. Woh: A gas giant about half the sie of Jool that orbits Zomg. Hyperion: *Naming suggestions wanted* A Dres-sized rocky moon in orbit around Woh. It can be a bit tricky to encounter thanks to its moon. Dingus: *Naming suggestions wanted* A large moon placed in the perfect position to screw with missions to Hyperion. Sur: A boring asteroid-like moon in orbit around Woh in a mostly Geostationary orbit. Ched: A Moho-sized rocky, yellow moon that orbits Zomg with enormous craters and a few mountain ranges beneath a thick, yellowish atmosphere. Might make an integration for Environmental Visual Enhancements that adds a few layers of yellow clouds that hide the surface. Swish: A greenish-yellow rocky moon that has many craters on its surface. Glace: An icy moon in a highly eccentric orbit around Zomg. The decription will mention the possibility of a warm ocean beneath its icy surface. Herb: A dark green rocky moon with a surface peppered with large craters and deep, vast canyons. Kierra: A mountainous moon with a few peaks that rise above a thin atmosphere. Kyro: An oblong rocky moon with a high orbital inclination that makes a complete rotation approximately once every 30 minutes. Borag: An ice/snow-covered planet that features lakes and volcanoes that spit out ice instead of magma. It also features a very tiny set of beautiful cyan rings. Hiemal: An ice-covered asteroid-like moon in a distant orbit around Borag. Special thanks to @ProtoJeb21 for letting me use his planet pack's configs as a base so I could see how Kopericus works and understand how to begin making my own planet pack. Be sure to let me know what you think of my planet ideas thus far and do tell me how I can improve upon the Zaywa system.
  25. Ok, this is how the game will be played. Post a picture of any KSP planet, or moon, or whatever (but not asteroids). The idea is that you have to make it as hard as possible to see what place it actually is! You can use anything you like to make it as different as possible from what it actually is (NO photo editing), and the next answer has to guess where it is. It is recommended that when you post your picture you put your answer in a 'spoiler' thing. You can use planets from mods as long as you state which mod it is. At the moment it is just KSP planets, but later it could be expanded to other games and real life as well... I'll start: Where is this? (Made it a little easy for the first one...sort of) Answer: EDIT: If you want to make it extra hard, post a description, sort of like a riddle, instead of the picture...
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