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  1. I thought of an idea on a couple of lunar base concepts, on the Mun, based off real ideas that hopefully, can be replicated in KSP. May have to involve a couple of mods. 1. Starship Lunar Base A Starship lunar base is a Starship turned Permanent Base. The Construction of the Lunar base involves tilting the Starship and emptying the compartments of the fuel tanks. It is then applied with basical needs for a permanent Lunar abode. I have a couple of ideas of my own. If possible, you could turn the starship unside down, and tilt the fuel panels from near the engine to the tip to look like a cone. apply some centrifugal rotation, and yourself have a small, centrifugal base. If you're still confused with the concept, check Idea 2. 2. Japanese Lunar City The Japanese Lunar City is a centrifugal, tall city that rotated to simulate gravity on the low gravity of the lunar surface. Water, plantlife and housing is carried on the rotating base, with a train system to transport crew onto the base. 3. Centrifugal Crater Base I created this idea. The base is layed on a crater, varying to size. The base rotated enough to simulate earth gravity. A solar panel is placed on top on the base, supplying energy to the base. 4. ESA Inflatable Lunar base The ESA inflatable lunar base is well, inflatable. Constructed with gigantic lenses to act as sunlight for greenhouses. It can be applied to work in small craters. 5. Crater Lunar radio Telescope These bases will act as gigantic radio telescopes to help study, transmit and act as just cool dishes wired above the craters. It may supply bases on the dish itself, but it may cause mass problems. It can act way better than Earth telescopes, because there is no atmosphere to interfere. This is all for now, I might find more if I can. Hopefully this will work, and give you a few ideas for starting up a lunar base. I'd love to see how you make it too in the game. This is my first post too, so hopefully this will gain some attraction.
  2. Hi! Its been a long time since I open KSP1. Update process went smoothly with the help of CKAN. I used to spend hundreds hours on the game, and I really enjoyed it. But now that I have been study architecture in university for a year and a half, and it's really busy these years... but anyway, I don't enjoy to play games like I used to be... I signed up for an Lunar station architecture design contest(year 2050, near Shackleton crater), this recalls me many good memories I got from KSP, and I am now try to restart my game, for my design contest, and for fun. Besides, I just sent Songbird to Tycho, and before that I watched David sent Lucy to the moon. And I think I also want to fly myself to the moon. Sorry that I sound Illogical, but let me jump to the subject: I been thinking and collecting concepts about Lunar Station on the moon myself, my team member still havn't provide any useful thing(according one of my teammate:"I think I havn't provide any practical contributions so far"). I have some ideas so far but nothing innovative to myself. Maybe the innovation should be focused on how I put things together, maybe not. And now I am scrolling old KSP memories and I think to myself: Why don't I ask the forum? So here I am, any ideas? I would like to hear any concepts that is possible to apply on a lunar surface base in 2050(I assume at that time human has already reestablish existence on the moon, as far as I know, there are ILRS and Artemis), if you like to tell. Here are all the information aboout the site provide by the contest's website: The Lunar south polar ridge on the left of Shackleton Crater Station Site: Along the Earth-facing slope of the Lunar south polar ridge, along the upper edge of an approximately 800m diameter crater there, facing downslope and toward Earth (which should be occasionally low on the south polar horizon). Station Center Coordinates: 89.45°S, 222.69°E Area Specificities: The ridge along the crater's rim is exposed to almost continual sunlight, while the interior is perpetually in shadow that may indicate the presence of water ice. The landing and launch facilities could be located on the far-side of the south polar lunar ridge line to minimize the risks due to ‘ejecta’ produced during arrivals and/or departures from the settlement. The slopes near the ridge appear adequate for surface mobility to facilitate access by surface transportation to permanently shadowed regions (PSR) where ice has been detected during recent years. In addition, the Earth can be seen over Shackleton Crater. The lunar habitation can not only provide life support but also encourage the idea of exploration. Providing a safe, efficient, and comfortable living space for astronauts has become a pressing objective to be accomplished. The lunar habitation theme encourages participants to design the projects at the lunar South Pole that utilize in-situ resources and innovative strategies, considering the material and spiritual needs under harsh lunar environments, including high vacuum, microgravity, and special rhythms, as well as isolated and confined conditions. Notes: 1. Submit the renderings, technical drawings including plan, elevation, and section, as well as analytical drawings that can explain the concept of the scheme. 2. Provide a self-sufficient and intensive living space that can meet the needs of 3-6 people for at least a complete "Lunar Day". 3. Consider issues such as environmental response strategies, design combined with intelligent construction, and future sustainable development. Here are some photo of my recent design(course homework), if you like to know: And some photo from 2022:
  3. Coming back to the game after... *checks notes* 3 year break wow. I attempted to make a base with a very similar design back in the day, but low framerate + glitches made me quit. Now with a beefy PC I finally managed to build it. Experience from the first attempt was really helpful: I made sure to find a REALLY flat spot for the base. I tried to limit part count per module (I think it's under 350 total). I put time into researching least kraken-inducing way of construction possible. I must say it paid off, the process was relatively painless albeit long. I think it took me ~3 week IRL, although interwoven with some other minor projects to keep things interesting. Framerate this time around is pretty good, and the physics warp slows down to ~x0.5, so not great but definitely playable. Some more screenshots: Next project: Minmus mining base.
  4. Hey everyone! This one's so wild, it'll make your head spin! Most of us have tried our hand at building an artificial gravity station, either by building a conventional orbital station with a working centrifuge, or even building an entire spinning 2001-style vessel. Both are wonderful, but what if your Kerbals are going to be spending months on end not in zero gee, but on the surface of a body with a surface gravity less than that of Kerbin, like Moho (g = 2.7 m/s^2)? We can still put a centrifuge to work, but this time it'll be there to provide the additional acceleration that we need in combination with Moho's surface graviy to obtain a 9.81 m/s^2 net acceleration on our Kerbals, ensuring the long term health of their little (presumably) green musculoskeletal systems. To this end, I've developed the Rototron XVI. An artificial gravity surface base with the capability of reaching Moho with a crew of 32 Kerbals. When deployed on the surface, the centrifuge can be run indefinitely due to the combined ISRU refinery and fuel cell array. The station is constructed in LKO via two separate launches; one for the centrifuge and crew cabins, and another for the main engines and landing support structure. The crew of 32 is launched separately, along with an additional fuel tank that will be used to provide the rest of the delta-v we'll need to make the interplanetary transfer to Moho. A region near Moho's south pole was chosen as our landing site due to the abundance of low-altitude flat land, as the axis of rotation of the centrifuge must be as close to parallel to the local gravity field as possible to sustain constant acceleration. From left to right: R-XVI Centrifuge, R-XVI Crew Module, and R-XVI Landing Support Structure, Here is a link to a gif of it under rotation, KSP forums wont let me post it here https://i.imgur.com/jEbFkj3.gifv The math on this is not terribly difficult. Typically, when constructing an artificial gravity station with the intention of simulating actual 1 gee acceleration, you work out the necessary rate of rotation via: angular velocity = sqrt ( 9.81 / r ) Where "r" is the perpendicular distance between the crew cabin and the axis of rotation. In our case, if we model the two crew cabins as point masses on the ends of massless rods under rotation in a uniform gravitational field, the acceleration experienced by the crew cabins can be evaluated merely as a function of the angle of splay of the crew cabins while under rotation (such as with a centrifugal governor). Thus, we need only calculate the angle of splay that will result from our desired total acceleration: Splay angle = arcsin( 2.7 / 9.81) = ~16 deg Knowing this, we simply vary the rpm on the main rotor while monitoring the angle display on one of the hinges until the splay angle settles in around 16 deg. Now, we see the launch, construction, landing, and operation: Again, here's another gif: https://i.imgur.com/MPMPMY2.gifv I hope you enjoyed this, I sure enjoyed building and flying it. I don't have plans to post the craft files yet, but I will if it seems like there's enough interest. If you like crazy big spacecraft, you'll also like my last post:
  5. What do you think about the Starfield features revealed by the gameplay videos and photos - as compared to KSP2? I'm not comparing genres - only "apples to apples", things that KSP also has: ship building features, base building, celestial body environment, ship IVA and third person HUD features. Also remember: Starfield players cannot actively pilot their ships to a planet's surface Ship Building (with details here & here): Base building and resources (details here): Exploration & environment (details about planets here): Ship IVA / flight deck / HUD (but no seamless spaceflight): Clearly KSP2 is doing something amazing that technically has never been done before (even before speaking of the multiplayer aspects). "An update on Kerbal Space Program 2 and how we're enabling players to travel from planet A orbiting star B to planet C orbiting star D, continuously, without any loading screens, pauses, faked out transitions, "warp drives", or other trickery. We're simulating a multi-light-year spanning 3D volume at a sub-millimeter level of resolution, and enabling players to travel to any point in that space if they can build a ship capable of making the journey. Unprecedented in gaming." - Paul Furio, the Senior Engineering Manager at Private Division https://www.linkedin.com/posts/paul-furio_kerbal-space-program-2-episode-5-interstellar-activity-6920089169021014016-J_5I
  6. The main idea of this patch is to reduce the complexity of MKS while still keeping its main features. It makes MKS less difficult to use and more suitable for interstellar bases. Please notice, this is on very early development. The new production chain: Download GitHub (alpha, use at your own risk) Dependency Modular Kolonization System Support USI Life Support (Strongly Recommended) Extraplanetary Launchpads (Strongly Recommended) Stock-alike Station Parts Expansions Sandcastle Kerbal Planetary Base System Planetside License: MIT If anyone want to participate in the development, feel free to let me know!
  7. Sometimes making things is hard. Having the creativity to come up with something like a base that looks practical but is really functional can be difficult, but. If everyone shared there designs here, it would be the perfect place to get inspiration for just that, feel free to post your bases here! (bases of any size are welcome, stock or modded) Images stolen from google. (https://www.google.com/search?q=ksp+epic+base&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB976GB976&sxsrf=AJOqlzVsT1L1PJ5evKdNX6rhPpg4eXK19w:1679427456752&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisivHn4u39AhXtTEEAHfknBrUQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2560&bih=1297&dpr=1#imgrc=RENVE0Tloo72OM)
  8. THE SSTO BASE There's a pretty hard mission for whoever likes sstos and bases, that could look very simple, but surely it isn't: make a spaceplane that also functions as a base, it has to be pretty big and totally retractible, to complete it I simply advice you to use all of your creativity. Enjoy the mission and if you want share your footage.
  9. Are you tired of your bases being small and uninspired? Have you ever wanted to create a realistically looking colony on Duna or Mun, but didn't want to install part heavy mods that break the stock style? If the answer to at least one question is yes, Planetary Domes is a mod for you. Planetary Domes is a collection of parts that is intended to use with either stock parts or another base building/colonization mod. It adds a number of transparent, empty domes and matching floors, where you can attach functional base components (like crew cabins, laboratories, ISRU converters etc). Connect your domes together through airlocks and tunnels to get an awesome looking base! Here is a release video (but don't take it too seriously): And a review done by Kottabos: DOWNLOAD: On SpaceDock LICENSE: GPLv3 FUTURE PLANS: Proper IVAs, more dome types, Kerbalism support, MKS compatibility/functionality. KNOWN ISSUES: Large bases on uneven terrain don't cope well with timewarp, as they end up partially in the ground. This is a very first mod that I made in any game and actually my first ever 3D modeling project. I have absolutely zero skills in either modeling or modding, so please be mindful that there might be some rough edges in this mod and don't throw sharp objects at me. That said, I hope you'll enjoy the mod!
  10. so I used the new ground anchor to create a core point for a Mun base I'm making, and I've landed and attached the living module, as seen in the left photo, however, whenever I quicksave and load, switch to a far away craft and back, or just boot up KSP, the anchor and the module are suddenly floating, as seen in the picture on the right, and it only happens when the module is docked, even if I undock the module after the fact, the core just remains floating, has anyone else experienced this bug?
  11. Hi guys!! Here's some work i'v beem on this weekends! It's some "compact" version of a moon base fully functional, with few parts and functional as hell!! Only have 3 models until now, an Science Lab, a Mining Facility and GreenHouse (because its pretty, that's all... ). This is the ESA concept for a moon base that i really enjoy and like how it looks! Modules: "Interactive Interiors": Science Lab: GreenHouse: Mining Facility: Ground Solar Panels: Altair Lander - "Big Boy"! (Up to 8 Kerbals) Almost there... solving the last bug (that I found...)
  12. Do you guys have any tips and tricks to build a munar base as efficiently as possible? Recommendations? Tutorials?
  13. Release v0.1 (Beta) Hi guys!! Here's some work i'v beem on this weekends! It's some "compact" version of a moon base fully functional, with few parts and functional as hell!! Only have 3 models until now, an Science Lab, a Mining Facility and GreenHouse (because its pretty, that's all... ). This is the ESA concept for a moon base that i really enjoy and like how it looks! This base's features where made for land build with KAS and KIS! Enjoy! Modules: "Interactive Interiors": Science Lab: GreenHouse: Mining Facility: Ground Solar Panels: Altair Lander - "Big Boy"! (Up to 8 Kerbals) Download Link (SpaceDock) I remember, this is an early release, bugs are expected! If you report it here, I'm gonna be glad to help and fix it! The KSP P.R. don't allow cameras on kerbal's room's, so, this mod, for now won't have an IVA! Known Bugs: - Mining facility - on reload you have to expand the base again... some problem with the mining modules of KSP. Don't know how to solve it yet... This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Other CC's Mods:
  14. Yes, you read it right. The challenge is, to build a fully stock hanging base under one of the Münar Arches. If you think it's hard, yes it it. If you think it's impossible, no it's not. Hanging base (mostly short description): A special kind of artificial structure, which only can be built on the surface of the Mün. The basic idea of a hanging base is, that it attaches itself somehow to one of the three Münar Arches, and hangs down from there. It doesn't really fit in the categories of the surface base or the space station, so it „hangs” between them. However in the Tracking Station from the gathered data, the tracking computer says it's „Landed”, but in fact – as the name suggests – it hangs over the surface, from the top of the Arch. This kind of base doesn't have more benefits than the „normal” bases or space stations, but it's a great challenge to build one. In the next coming parts I'll show you how I built my own, very first stock Hang-O-Base. But I also admit that I'm not the only one who ever built a base like this. If you look up TheSpacePirate on YouTube, you'll find that he also built a hanging base, a year earlier (14.04.2018 ) than me (10.02.2019), but both of us used the KIS/KAS mods. We also used different ways to build our bases. He used SSTO's and docked all the parts together in LKO, meanwhile I used one single rocket to launch the whole in one. Now, when the 2 DLC's are ready to support any kind of mad things you want to build, I decided to do it once again, without mods, fully stock... The rules: You may use ONLY STOCK parts (Making History and Breaking Ground dlc's are allowed) You may NOT USE any mods which adds parts, moving crafts (like Hyperedit, Warp drives, Vessel Mover, etc), or add "connectors", like KIS/KAS (visual mods - like Scatterer, EVE, etc - are allowed) You may NOT USE any of the cheats from the Alt-F12 cheat menu. You can launch the whole base in one launch or in parts. The ideal solution is up to you. Photos and/or videos about the named challenge from participants are necessary. To give you an idea, I share you a video and a photo about my base to prove it can be done.
  15. "Jeb, it's not a skyscraper if you build it somewhere without an atmosphere." "...A spacescraper, it shall be!" The SPACESCRAPER 0 is a fully stock tower. It has office space for 1,540 Kerbals, and can be flown to Minmus and landed in a single go. The launcher can place the tower on a suborbital trajectory, where the tower's 28 Nervas are used to go the rest of the way. Once in space, attitude is controlled via 16 Vernor engines instead of SAS modules due to the insane mass. There's also a small landing pad in between the upper and lower halves of the building to accommodate visiting landers. If you'd like to give it a go (even if just to fly it into the VAB, which I highly recommend), the craft file is here: https://kerbalx.com/Jamie_Logan/SPACESCRAPER-0 The fuel for the launch stage comes in part from the tanks in the booster itself, and part from the mk3 tanks in the tower in between the crew cabins. Upon burnout of the launch stage, you should have only a sliver of oxidizer left, along with enough liquid fuel to power the Nervas to a Minmus landing. The remaining oxidizer is due to the two 2.25 meter tanks at the base of the tower. This is the fuel that will be used for on-orbit attitude changes via the vernor thrusters, so both have fuel flow disabled at launch to prevent their fuel from being immediately used up by the main engines. Don't forget to re-enable fuel flow on them after booster separation so you can achieve attitude control. While on orbit, it is not recommended that you use SAS until you make your final landing approach. RCS+SAS for attitude stability and control will gladly eat up all your RCS fuel in a jiffy, so attitude adjustments are best made using small manual RCS bursts along with 4x physics warp to save time while rotating (don't worry, the tower is autostrutted to the max). SAS is generally not necessary during burns, as the huge moment of inertia of the tower should keep its attitude more or less consistent during the burn, especially when performing a burn directly out of a standard time warp. Gallery: I really hope you liked it! Also, check out my last post:
  16. Has anyone had the idea to to try and find a way to use these deployable panels as a method of providing power to bases on the the surface of say like duna. If there is a mod to do this please direct me to it. Maybe i am overthinking it and if not could someone try to do this i would absolutely get that mod. Or if lots of people want this i might make a poll. ----------------------->
  17. I constructed a supersonic cargo plane, I put 4 commercial airplane engines on the wings, and put 2 jet engines to make the mission quick and smooth. it took me about 50 or so minutes to go from the KSP base all the way to the north pole, I landed my cargo plane on the surface of the snow and slowed down, sadly, the rover I attached to the base got stuck in the plane, also when i was taking off after setting the base down, my tail hit the base and made it go sideways, luckily nothing was damaged. as the sky was getting red and black with the last few lights of the sun, I set up electronic equipment up behind the base. On the first/second day of the operation I set up a flag that jebediah, bill and bob have landed and have no plans of returning. I will let those kerbals work on the north pole for a couple of years (4-8 or even 10 years) and because I have no idea how to land a cargo plane carefully I will land it a few miles away from the base and each kerbal will take turns retreating to the plane. So far So good!
  18. I've often wondered what a lunar habitat might be like if it started growing itself with in situ harvested resources. Lunar soil and rock appears to consist mostly of metal oxides and silicates. So, probably one of the very first things a colony with aspirations of becoming self supporting can do, is start excavating additional habitable volume for itself, and constructing bricks and furniture items out of carved stone. In 16% gravity, they would not be particularly bothersome to handle. In terms of processed/man made materials, smelting the regolith to separate the metals from oxygen (which is also useful..) is centuries old tech. However, the moon appears to have very little in the way of lighter elements such as carbon, hydrogen or nitrogen, these only being found in ice deposits in permanently shaded craters. On such a base then, everything possible would be constructed of stone, metal , glass or porcelain, these being relatively cheap due to the materials being locally available. On the other hand, plastics, wood, and textiles, the cheapest available materials on Earth, would be luxury items on the moon, having to be imported at great expense. So your bed frame would be stone or metal. The mattress would be sprung, and the pillows stuffed with wire wool rather than foam or feathers. Only the outermost cover would be textile. Perhaps only wealthy colonists would use sheets or duvets. Your living room might be quite spacious, carved into a cliff face, with quite generous glass windows looking out over the moonscape. Again, if you're wealthy, you'll have an armchair with a textile outer cover.. otherwise make do with stone or metal. A kiln probably isn't difficult, so expect to have plenty of porcelain dining ware. The real big ticket luxury item is however your entertainment system. A PC can do the job of games console, tv, radio, and workstation, and the bulkiest , heaviest components like the case and heatsinks, cooling fans, could be made locally. PCBs are medium tech and can be refurbished on site with surprisingly modest equipment in case of most failures, but actual manufacture of the PCBs is harder, and the integrated circuits they contain would have to come from earth. Fortunately they are tiny and light. It is still likely that new motherboards/graphics cards would ship from Earth. PCs have an advantage in being modular, but perhaps small form factor (Mini ITX ?) would save shipping cost. All of this pales by comparison with whatever you've got to use for the display however. There seems no way around this - large LCD panels are hard to manufacture yet are also heavy, fragile and bulky. Your monitor or TV is probably worth more than the rest of your apartment put together !
  19. I have a launch window for Eeloo coming up in about 120 in game days, and I am considering sending a mobile ground base all the way out there. The question is would it be worth it. I've noticed there are a few new biomes that I haven't observed yet, and the dwarf's terrain is flat enough to make long range drives worth it, but the distance from Kerbol makes solar power useless. So to power the electric wheels I'd need either a metric f*ckton of NUK's and fuel cells, or need to experiment with alternative propulsion methods. As I'm typing this I just thought of using NERV's to push it a long the ground, like I do with et engines on my boat bases. So anyway, does anyone think its worth it to send a mobile base out there? I'm probably going to do it. I like the idea of a nuclear rocket propelled ground vehicle. That makes me smile.
  20. Here’s the challange: build a base on the Mun, and put a space station into orbit around the Mun. Scoring: Score levels Basic Build a Mun base in only one launch, and have nothing fancy max of 3 Kerbals orbiting station is basic, and one piece. Rather Basic Multiple launches, but base components aren’t docked max of 5 Kerbals Station is max of 3 launches. Good Base is multiple pieces, and they’re docked Max of 7 Kerbals Station is capable of ISRU refueling passing ships Amazing! Base has a rover, and also a science area, complete with surface samplers and experiments. max of 10 Kerbals sation has a ring and can seat 10 Kerbals *dies of shock* Base is at the polar areas with steep mounatins Max of 15 Kerbals Station’s ring spins and also has a full Comm array. I will allow mods, but not any that add pieces specifically for bases. No motor mods for the station’s ring, either. Visual mods are acceptable and so are ones that make the game harder. No cheating/HyperEditing please. Screenshots are a must, and videos are better. You don’t have to send a video, but please try.
  21. We should start a challenge... Let's see how many people can colonize Eve WITHOUT MODS! RULES: 1. NO MODS 2. YOU MUST HAVE A COLONY OF ATLEAST 10 KERBALS THERE 3. YOU MUST SEND THE KERBALS BACK TO KERBIN 4. YOU MUST SHOW PROOF! I am doing this in memory of the Reddit Challenges! :)
  22. A really nice stockalike set of parts specialized for building ground bases anywhere in the Kerbol system. (PLANNED) CONTENTS: A spacious habitation module for your stranded kerbal pioneers ✔ A large ground laboratory for analising samples in loco ✔ A variety of tubes for keeping your base united ✔ Solar panels, because you can't do science in the dark and batteries aren't eternal ✔ A nice command module with a view of the stars above [insert planet here] Ground legs for protecting your base from rough landings PRE-RELEASE WHEN? When I finish the command module/observatory. SUPPORT ME ON PATREON
  23. Hate the Kraken? Do you hate him for destroying your beloved craft? Go and show him who's boss! In this challenge, you will have to build a base on the dead Kraken on Bop. The base can NOT have any parts touching anything that is not the Kraken. Rules: Cheats are not allowed EXCEPT clipping. Base has to be @ least 100 parts. Hyperedit IS ALLOWED, but you can only teleport to a Jool orbit that is BELOW the orbit of Laythe. Mechjeb is allowed, except when your altitude is less than 1000m above SURFACE. Multiple launches allowed I will need: List of all mods Screenshots of part count, krew, and flag placement, and the base as a whole. Mods: Prizes: Easy: Hyperedit & Mechjeb are used +100pt Less Easy: Either Hyperedit or Mechjeb is used +150pt Medium: No Mechjeb or Hyperedit is used AT ANY TIME +200pt Hard: No mods used +250pt Xtreme: One launch (with mods) +300pt Xtreme+: One launch (stock) +350pt Extra points: Flag on the Kraken's fallen-out eye +50pt Poking any eye of the Kraken with a drill +200pt Part count +1pt/part Kerbals +10pt/kerbal Best-looking base (determned by me) +100pt Badge: Person with most points (after May 1) gets a special badge! Leaderboard: @JebsDead: +250pt for awesom thing @Just Jim: +50pt for flag in eye @Galacticvoyager -1000pt for praising the kraken @LaytheDragon +2255pt! WE HAVE A WINNER! @JacobJHC +3236!!!!! New best!
  24. So I really want to land a mining base on Minmus but when I try to land the ship spins out of control because the engines are not placed right. I use the center of mass tool to see where they should go, but the engines are never spaced right. It's getting pretty frustrating. I started to make my bases smaller and smaller until it's basically just a drill and a tank, plus all the electrical stuff and radiators. Any tips?
  25. so pretty lately I have a problem while constructing my Duna base there is a random spazz out-Kraken attack when these conditions are met: 1.when something hit the base with force 2 m/s or more 2.sometimes when docking something at my base 3.always when the gravity disabled (alt + f12 menu) firstly I see the problem when I connected two (via docking ports on the ground)base modules after landing , i use the planetary base mod with kerbalism life support for these bases i also use ksp 1.5.1 mods: KSP: 1.5.1 (Win64) - Unity: 2017.1.3p1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit ClickThroughBlocker - Filter Extensions - TexturesUnlimited - Toolbar - ToolbarControl - Airplane Plus - 24.0 Animated Decouplers - 1.4.1 Aviation Lights - 4.0.5 B9 Part Switch - 2.4.5 BetterTimeWarpContinued - Community Category Kit - 4.0 Community Resource Pack - 1.0 CommunityTechTree - 3.3.4 AGExt - DMagic Orbital Science - 1.4.1 DynamicBatteryStorage - 1.3.3 ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads - 6.3.1 Firespitter - 7.6 HideEmptyTechTreeNodes - 1.0.5 Interstellar Fuel Switch - JanitorsCloset - RasterPropMonitor - 0.30.5 KAS - 1.1.6876.38030 Kerbal Engineer Redux - KerbalHealth - 1.3.1 Kerbalism - 2.0 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.3.3 HyperEdit - 1.5.8 Feline Utility Rover - 1.2.8 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.16.6876.37464 AdvancedFlyByWire - KSP-AVC Plugin - KSPWheel - NearFutureAeronautics - 1.0.2 NearFutureConstruction - 1.0.4 NearFutureElectrical - 0.10.4 NearFutureLaunchVehicles - 1.1.7 NearFutureProps - 0.3.5 NearFuturePropulsion - 1.0.4 NearFutureSolar - 0.8.13 NearFutureSpacecraft - 1.0.1 OpenCockpit - 1.2.1 PatchManager - Photon Sailor - Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.6.6 AmpYear - 1.5.3 DeepFreeze Continued... - 0.23.9 SCANsat - TweakScale - KSP Interstellar Extended - Kerbal Actuators - 1.6 World Stabilizer - 0.9.3 here is an image with my base normally: and here is an image when my base being attacked from kraken-spazzing out of control: of course there is no log.So can anyone please explains me about which addon causes that spazz out or/and which addon or ways should i use to prevent that glitching and i forgot to mention that i use world stabilizer to prevent kraken attacks-spazzing out when loading vessel so tell me a solution
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