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  1. I want to upload my mod to spacedock but for some reason when I upload my zip File to it and hit create mod, it takes forever to download and when it's a quarter of a way uploading it says "servers respond with zero code" even though there's 80MB of code and textures in that zip file, I have uploaded bigger mods before that took a shorter time uploading, so it can't be the size. Can someone please help?
  2. So I have played modded KSP 1 for a long while now, like a year or 1.5. And I have never seen this error until a couple weeks ago. It seems that all of my mods are corrupted, but IDK how to fix it. Every major parts mod has at least one part that cannot properly load and that stops the game from fully loading, ergo I cannot even reach the start screen. Dropbox link for the mod list: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/sgfho7w1o8yqozkbc2ha0/AJI_mSG240oURPS3GkUxoJk?rlkey=1oqcx6h612jooxp7drrua9om2&st=eyz4zdav&dl=0 And the error message is: Loading has failed due to an unhandled error Failure in subsystem : Part compilation Part: Mk1 Mirage 2000B (AviationCockpits/Command/Mirage/Mk1 Mirage Cockpit) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ModuleResourceIntake.GetInfo () [0x0002d] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 at PartLoader.CompilePartInfo (AvailablePart newPartInfo, Part part) [0x0024e] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 at (wrapper dynamic-method) PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.PartLoader+<CompileParts>d__56.MoveNext_Patch0(PartLoader/<CompileParts>d__56) at KSPCommunityFixes.Performance.KSPCFFastLoader+<FrameUnlockedCoroutine>d__63.MoveNext () [0x0006c] in <e997dbbd4fda4eacb68a00719aa5e5dc>:0
  3. Hi, I'm new to KSP and I looked at CKAN and realised that there are a LOT of mods. Is there anywhere with a general comprehensive guide to popular mods or mod groups that work well together or what mods does anyone recommend. (Like Tech, Visual, FPS and other optimizations, QOL, Planets, et cetra) Thanks, magicoman
  4. Hi everybody. I recently downloaded the Other Worlds mod, but I forgot to uncheck the boxes to avoid installing other mods. And after that, my EVE mod broke down. please help me fix this
  5. my rover wheels get stuck or cliped at the surface very annyoing problem and also if anyone one of u has a bone stock 4 seater small rover idc about charge it just] has to run pls send me the craft file
  6. Hey everyone. I've been playing KSP since, like, 2013. It is such a good game with lots of replay ability, thanks to mods. I've always been a fan of realism, or near future science fiction, which is why most of the mods that I used to use revolved around managing real world phenomena, from radiation to food with kerbalism. When KSP2 was announced, I was excited to see what additions and more customizability they would add to this game. Sadly, it seems that game has died, and there won't be any new updates to KSP1. However, now that KSP1 is in its final state, I figured now would be the right time to figure out how to mod this game. I had an idea for an overhaul, focusing on the management of a space agency, working with kerbal governments, laws, social events, resource management for parts ect. Basically, realism with a larger scale. I'm currently using ChatGPT and articles I've found on modding to figure out how to do specific things, but I figure I should probably ask about this stuff, which I never seen done before in a mod. Here are my questions: 1) Is there a way to create my own menus, like the science/research tech tree menu, the contract menu, or the administrations menu? I would like to overhaul those visuals, but don't know how to do it, or if its possible. 2) Is there a way to add visual meshes to the world, like trees or those monuments, for the sake of buildings, infrastructure, ect? Basically, is there a way to show kerbal civilization in the world? 3) I know there are ways to move the KSC to other planets, but it always looks weird in the mods I've seen. Is there a way to either edit the KSC view, or create a new menu system for navigating buildings for multiple stations/ multiple planets? 4) For stats regarding individual kerbals, is there a way to store more data for each of them? For example, physiological traits, radiation exposure, psychological traits, social traits, ect? Would I need to build a custom wrapper that logs each kerbal's name and apply my own system to them to store that extra data, or is there a system in place for adding custom data/tags to kerbal profiles? 5) Is there a way to procedurally/dynamically change variables about planets? Atmospheric composition, height, density, ect? I know Kopernicus allows for editing plant stats at launch, but I don't know if you can edit it on the fly. This would be for terraforming. 6) Background automation, decision making, and planning? Is there an easy way to simulate vessels and what happens on them, allowing orbital dynamics and resource levels, to change while out of flight? Or would I also need to create a wrapper for each vehicle, and create my own code for simulating those things, and apply that data when the vessel loads again?
  7. As the title states, Conformal Decals from the mod of the same name will seemingly become invisible at random (decal part is still on vessel) and spam logs with this error: [EXC 12:42:03.188] NullReferenceException UnityEngine.Transform.get_localToWorldMatrix () (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0) ConformalDecals.ProjectionTarget.Render (UnityEngine.Material decalMaterial, UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock partMPB, UnityEngine.Camera camera) (at <c7d1a0c9487b4062a317571af44ddafb>:0) ConformalDecals.ModuleConformalDecal.Render (UnityEngine.Camera camera) (at <c7d1a0c9487b4062a317571af44ddafb>:0) UnityEngine.Camera.FireOnPreCull (UnityEngine.Camera cam) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My full log is attached to this post, any help would be appreciated. This is a known, reoccurring issue on the mod's page on the forums and Github and I'd love to help fix it, otherwise I'll likely be replacing the mod entirely in my install so it becomes playable again. Thanks in advance! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O37_fAJ66gpL0p0MJEmIA6l08dGzChZD/view?usp=sharing
  8. Similar to this picture but divided into types, such as engines which are solid fuel, hydrogen fuel. Edit: I found it, it's VAB Organizer.
  9. After finally getting back to ksp 1 and realising that after installing a whole bunch of graphics mods it honestly looks better than ksp 2 (imo) which is the one thing ksp 2 had going for it, I still missed the transparent windows that some of the capsules had. I've had a look for mods that could replicate this. I am aware of a mod called JSI advanced transparent pods, but I'm not entirely sure of how to use it to achieve the effect I'm looking for. Many people have made threads looking for the same thing in the past, and JSI is the only suggestion I've seen. I know the mod itself doesn't achieve transparent windows, but it provides some sort of framework? Besides that I'm out of my depth. I'm not really a mod developer so I'm not sure if I need some sort of add-on to get it to achieve the window effect? Or are there any other mods to achieve transparent windows on stock pods (or modded such as restock) akin to ksp2. The internal IVA view has been a feature since 1.1, so it seems like limiting that to just the windows should be possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I updated kerbalkonstructs and now it doesnt workhttps://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/pavgpu68e47t2gqm0g406/Player.log?rlkey=lmuecefelrjgfb32f0giad6s9&st=5vlchi1b&dl=0
  11. Hi, I'm trying to install Vaughn's Astroniki Sunflare for Stock KSP using CKAN but I am not managing to make it show up in the game. I have also installed Scatterer and Scatterer Sunflare as required. Any ideas of what I can try to do about it? Here's the full list of mods I am using: Many, many thanks!!
  12. I'm trying to understand the code of this mod: https://github.com/AniruddhKSP/KSP-Beamed-Power-Standalone-mod But its like gibberish to me. My aim is to change it to transmit a different resource instead of electric charge, ideally defined in the parts cfg files.
  13. i have the worlds first mission to land on eve and the one to plant a flag on eve as well i spent hours reading multiple posts on varying different websites and trying out multiple different designs and after finding one that worked ok i added a 10m heat shield on the side closest to CoM but it flipped over i have tried everything from moving around the CoM to swapping the side the heat shield is on and i just cant figure out why it keeps flipping over i cant figure out why the insert image from URL keeps showing as red so i will just put the link to the screen shot here https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198409027321/screenshot/2460738484202939217/
  14. i was thinking about getting real solar system to make the planets look real, but i dont wanna have to deal with relearning how to get to orbit. is there a mod that reskins the planets to look like real ones but doesn't change the size?
  15. Just wondering if anyone could make this or has made it, im aware rss reborn has volumetrics for the the earth, mars, venus and titan, but the gas giants are missing the volumetrics support. A config for this, or a tutorial on how to make configs for the volumetric clouds would be amazing to have. i have read the wiki provided by blackrack but i'm not really sure where to start. Any help would be massively, massively appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  16. Does anyone know if the way science definitions are processed in KSP has changed in recent versions? I'm asking because some planet mods, like Extrasolar and RSS, at least in my computer, don't show their customized science definitions, and they definitely were working properly in much older versions. The strange thing is, some mods' definitions, like OPM, work perfectly. Maybe they were updated and the others weren't? Has anyone else been having this issue? I'm using version 1.12.5 by the way!
  17. Hello! As the title says i cant find parts from the mod Extraplanetary Launchpads in my ksp game. I cant find the launchpads neither in the VAB or in the Tech Tree. these are my installed mods in ckan [x] Science! Continued (xScienceContinued 6.0.2) AIES Aerospace (AIESAerospace-Unofficial 1.6.1-patched) AIES Patches for the AIES Aerospace mod (AIES-Patches Antenna Patches from @DeimosRast for the AIES-Patches mod (AIES-DeimosRast BetterTimeWarpContinued (BetterTimeWarpCont 2.3.13) Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1) Camera Tools continued (CameraTools v1.34.0) Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.99) Chatterer Extended (ChattererExtended 0.6.2) ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1: CommNet Relays (ContractConfigurator-CommNetRelays v2.1.0) Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit v112.0.1) Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack v112.0.1) Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.4) Connected Living Space (ConnectedLivingSpace v2.0.2.0) Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator v2.9.2.0) Contract Pack: Bases and Stations Reborn (ContractConfigurator-KerbinSpaceStation 2: Contract Pack: Clever Sats (ContractConfigurator-CleverSats 1.4) Contract Pack: Exploration Plus (ContractConfigurator-ExplorationPlus 2.0.1) Contract Pack: Field Research (ContractConfigurator-FieldResearch 1.2.2) Contract Pack: Tourism Plus (ContractConfigurator-Tourism 1.5.2) Crowd Sourced Science (CrowdSourcedScience v6.1) Custom Clusters by Vanguard Astrodynamics (CustomClusters 1:0.6) Distant Object Enhancement /L (DistantObject v2.1.1.16) Distant Object Enhancement /L default config (DistantObject-default v2.1.1.16) Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.3) Extraplanetary Launchpads (ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads FASA (FASA 1:v7.2.7) Filter Extensions - Default Configuration (FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig 3.2.9) Filter Extensions - Plugin (FilterExtensions 3.2.9) Harmony 2 (Harmony2 Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.3.2) Interstellar Fuel Switch (InterstellarFuelSwitch 3.30.0) Interstellar Fuel Switch Core (InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 3.30.0) Interstellar Redistributable (InterstellarRedistributable 1.4) Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.14.0.0) Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 1.12) Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.29) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued (KerbalJointReinforcementContinued v3.7.5.0) Kethane Mining (Kethane 0.11.0) Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-204) KRASH - Kerbal Ramification Artifical Simulation Hub (simulation mod for KSP) (KRASH 0.5.34) KSP AVC (KSP-AVC KSP Community Fixes (KSPCommunityFixes 1.35.2) KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPInterstellarExtended 1.29.6) KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.5.0.2) KSP Wheel (KSPWheel 1: Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1) ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.3) Patch Manager (PatchManager PersistentRotation Upgraded (PersistentRotationUpgraded Photon Sailor (PhotonSailor 1.7.4) Procedural Parts (ProceduralParts v2.5.8.0) RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor 1:v0.31.13.4) RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core 1:v0.31.13.4) Real Plume (RealPlume 2:v13.3.2) Real Plume - Stock Configs (RealPlume-StockConfigs v4.0.8) ReStock (ReStock 1.4.5) ReStock+ (ReStockPlus 1.4.5) SCANsat (SCANsat v20.4) Scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0838) Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0838) Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0838) Science - Full Reward! (Continued) (Science-Full-Reward v5.2) Science - Full Transmit! (Science-Full-Transmit v1.1) ScienceAlert ReAlerted (ScienceAlert SmokeScreen - Extended FX Plugin (SmokeScreen SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary SpaceY Corporation (SYC) (SpaceY-Corp SpaceY Expanded (SYX) by NecroBones (SpaceY-Expanded SpaceY Heavy Lifters (SYL) by NecroBones (SpaceY-Lifters 1: StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.9.7) Taerobee (Taerobee 2: Tantares - Soviet Spacecraft (NewTantares v27.0) Textures Unlimited (TexturesUnlimited The Janitor's Closet (JanitorsCloset 0.3.8) Toolbar (Toolbar 1: Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1: TriggerAu Flags (TriggerAu-Flags v2.11.0.0) TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.4.8.3) TweakScale Redistributable (TweakScale-Redist v2.4.8.3) WaypointManager (WaypointManager Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:
  18. I've started working on a patch for the volumetric clouds version of EVE and JNSQ. The biggest issue I'm having is that the cloud texture clips into mountains when viewed from certain altitudes. The obvious solution of just increasing the cloud height causes issues with the appearance of the volumetric clouds when seen at lower altitudes, since I have to move them up almost two kilometers. I thought messing with Scatterer's "flattenScaledSpaceMesh" would help but that didn't do anything. Do I have any other options besides just raising the clouds?
  19. So I have been playing lmp with career mode on. When I upgrade a building, and then leave the game and join it again, the upgrade disappears, and the money I used to upgrade it doesnt come back it still disappears. Am I doing something wrong? My friend had 2 dlc installed so he disabled them (as I dont have them ) because we thought it is going to mess with the mod. I only made careful changes in the settings through the xml, but I have no idea what to do now. Someone know how to fix?
  20. So I was just playing KSP when the computer crashed. I rebooted it, and when I tried to load the save that I was playing on, this came up: [Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object] and the save didn't load. The other ones do. This is what the files look like for the save. I don't think any of these should affect it, but I am going to put them here just in case they do. Mod list: Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  21. So, I'm currently working on a planet pack for KSP but on both terrestrial bodies I've added so far the ground is transparent when I'm within below ScaledSpace and PQS "fadeStart". The problem has been for two months now and I've tried multiple things that haven't worked. So if possible, I'd like your help regarding this situation. Here's some screenshots of the ground: And here are the config files: @Kopernicus:FOR[OPKNS] { Body { name = Verlod Debug { exportMesh = true update = true } cacheFile = OPKNS/Cache/Verlod.bin Template { name = Kerbin removeAllPQSMods = true removeOcean = true } Properties { displayName = #LOC_OPKNS_dspn_0002 description = #LOC_OPKNS_celDesc_0002 radius = 4137531 geeASL = 0.71 mass = 1.792E+24 rotates = True rotationPeriod = 66420 tidallyLocked = False isHomeWorld = True } Orbit { referenceBody = Sun color = 0.25, 0.4, 0.5, 1 inclination = 3.789227183 eccentricity = 0.022409 semiMajorAxis = 189989295803 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 47.3 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0.87 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0 epoch = 0 } Atmosphere { enabled = True oxygen = True altitude = 72000 adiabaticIndex = 1.40 atmosphereMolarMass = 0.02897 temperatureSeaLevel = 281 staticPressureASL = 1.10444E+02 temperatureCurve { key = 0 273 0.00000E+00 -5.35664E-03 key = 3547 254 -5.35664E-03 -7.41457E-03 key = 6649 231 -7.41457E-03 -6.03693E-03 key = 9465 214 -6.03693E-03 -2.26244E-03 key = 12117 208 -2.26244E-03 3.82409E-04 key = 14732 209 3.82409E-04 1.87829E-03 key = 17394 214 1.87829E-03 2.18579E-03 key = 20139 220 2.18579E-03 2.46566E-03 key = 22978 227 2.46566E-03 2.71370E-03 key = 25926 235 2.71370E-03 3.25415E-03 key = 28999 245 3.25415E-03 3.73367E-03 key = 32213 257 3.73367E-03 2.98418E-03 key = 35564 267 2.98418E-03 0.00000E+00 key = 38967 267 0.00000E+00 -3.61882E-03 key = 42283 255 -3.61882E-03 -3.47771E-03 key = 45446 244 -3.47771E-03 -3.31345E-03 key = 48464 234 -3.31345E-03 -3.46380E-03 key = 51351 224 -3.46380E-03 -3.24558E-03 key = 54124 215 -3.24558E-03 -2.61292E-03 key = 56803 208 -2.61292E-03 -2.30858E-03 key = 59402 202 -2.30858E-03 -2.37436E-03 key = 61929 196 -2.37436E-03 -2.02429E-03 key = 64399 191 -2.02429E-03 -1.23609E-03 key = 66826 188 -1.23609E-03 -4.15800E-04 key = 69231 187 -4.15800E-04 0.00000E+00 key = 72000 187 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 } temperatureSunMultCurve { key = 0 1.000 0.00000E+00 -9.27544E-05 key = 3547 0.671 -9.27544E-05 -1.33785E-04 key = 6649 0.256 -1.33785E-04 -1.30327E-04 key = 9465 -0.111 -1.30327E-04 -6.97587E-05 key = 12117 -0.296 -6.97587E-05 1.30019E-05 key = 14732 -0.262 1.30019E-05 4.54545E-05 key = 17394 -0.141 4.54545E-05 6.01093E-05 key = 20139 0.024 6.01093E-05 6.02325E-05 key = 22978 0.195 6.02325E-05 4.68114E-05 key = 25926 0.333 4.68114E-05 2.14774E-05 key = 28999 0.399 2.14774E-05 -9.95644E-06 key = 32213 0.367 -9.95644E-06 -3.07371E-05 key = 35564 0.264 -3.07371E-05 -4.17279E-05 key = 38967 0.122 -4.17279E-05 -4.40290E-05 key = 42283 -0.024 -4.40290E-05 -3.73064E-05 key = 45446 -0.142 -3.73064E-05 -1.88867E-05 key = 48464 -0.199 -1.88867E-05 3.11742E-06 key = 51351 -0.190 3.11742E-06 1.26217E-05 key = 54124 -0.155 1.26217E-05 1.97835E-05 key = 56803 -0.102 1.97835E-05 2.42401E-05 key = 59402 -0.039 2.42401E-05 2.69094E-05 key = 61929 0.029 2.69094E-05 2.59109E-05 key = 64399 0.093 2.59109E-05 2.26617E-05 key = 66826 0.148 2.26617E-05 1.58004E-05 key = 69231 0.186 1.58004E-05 5.05598E-06 key = 72000 0.200 5.05598E-06 0.00000E+00 } temperatureLatitudeBiasCurve { key = 0 8.48 0 0 key = 38 0 -0.4298 -0.4298 key = 90 -31.52 -0.6981 0 } temperatureLatitudeSunMultCurve { key = 0 17 0 0 key = 38 14.46 -0.1289 -0.1289 key = 90 5 -0.2094 0 } temperatureAxialSunBiasCurve { key = 0 8.47 0 -0.2035 key = 36 0 -0.2515 -0.2515 key = 126 -14.41 0 0 key = 216 0 0.2515 0.2515 key = 306 14.41 0 0 key = 360 8.47 -0.2035 0 } temperatureAxialSunMultCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 38 0.5 0.02 0.02 key = 90 1 0 0 } temperatureEccentricityBiasCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 } pressureCurve { key = 0 1.10444E+02 0.00000E+00 -1.79290E-02 key = 3547 6.21074E+01 -1.09323E-02 -1.09323E-02 key = 6649 3.49255E+01 -6.84346E-03 -6.84346E-03 key = 9465 1.96401E+01 -4.19919E-03 -4.19919E-03 key = 12117 1.10444E+01 -2.44019E-03 -2.44019E-03 key = 14732 6.21074E+00 -1.36545E-03 -1.36545E-03 key = 17394 3.49255E+00 -7.45607E-04 -7.45607E-04 key = 20139 1.96401E+00 -4.06181E-04 -4.06181E-04 key = 22978 1.10444E+00 -2.20493E-04 -2.20493E-04 key = 25926 6.21074E-01 -1.19244E-04 -1.19244E-04 key = 28999 3.49255E-01 -6.42447E-05 -6.42447E-05 key = 32213 1.96401E-01 -3.44630E-05 -3.44630E-05 key = 35564 1.10444E-01 -1.87155E-05 -1.87155E-05 key = 38967 6.21074E-02 -1.05693E-05 -1.05693E-05 key = 42283 3.49255E-02 -6.23607E-06 -6.23607E-06 key = 45446 1.96401E-02 -3.67891E-06 -3.67891E-06 key = 48464 1.10444E-02 -2.16678E-06 -2.16678E-06 key = 51351 6.21074E-03 -1.27203E-06 -1.27203E-06 key = 54124 3.49255E-03 -7.42697E-07 -7.42697E-07 key = 56803 1.96401E-03 -4.31357E-07 -4.31357E-07 key = 59402 1.10444E-03 -2.49896E-07 -2.49896E-07 key = 61929 6.21074E-04 -1.44222E-07 -1.44222E-07 key = 64399 3.49255E-04 -8.28002E-08 -8.28002E-08 key = 66826 1.96401E-04 -4.72197E-08 -4.72197E-08 key = 69231 1.10444E-04 -2.67112E-08 -2.67112E-08 key = 72000 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 } AtmosphereFromGround { DEBUG_alwaysUpdateAll = False doScale = False waveLength = 1,0.584615588,0.396153271,1 samples = 2 innerRadiusMult = 0.9563388 outerRadiusMult = 1.045001 transformScale = 1.095,1.095,1.095 } } ScaledVersion { type = Atmospheric fadeStart = 35000 fadeEnd = 80000 Material { texture = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/Verlod00.dds normals = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/VerlodNormal.dds color = 1,1,1,1 specColor = 0.75,0.75,0.75,1 shininess = 0.17 rimPower = 1.5 rimBlend = 0.75 Gradient { 0.0 = 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1 0.2 = 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 1 0.6 = 0,0,0,0 0.4 = 0,0,0,0 } } } PQS { minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 8 minDetailDistance = 6 maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 fadeStart = 80000 fadeEnd = 250000 deactivateAltitude = 265000 materialType = AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation allowFootprints = True Material { saturation = 1 contrast = 1.35 tintColor = 1,1,1,0 groundTexStart = 0 groundTexEnd = 20000 steepTexStart = 0 steepTexEnd = 20000 steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00 steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM steepNearTiling = 25000 steepTiling = 25 deepTex = BUILTIN/eveLowSand_diffuse deepBumpMap = BUILTIN/eveSand_nrm deepNearTiling = 50000 deepMultiFactor = 50 deepBumpNearTiling = 50000 deepBumpFarTiling = 50 lowTex = BUILTIN/eveLowSand_diffuse lowBumpMap = BUILTIN/eveSand_nrm lowNearTiling = 50000 lowMultiFactor = 50 lowBumpNearTiling = 50000 lowBumpFarTiling = 50 midTex = BUILTIN/gillyHighTerrain midBumpMap = BUILTIN/eveSand_nrm midNearTiling = 50000 midMultiFactor = 50 midBumpNearTiling = 50000 midBumpFarTiling = 50 highTex = BUILTIN/gillyHighTerrain highBumpMap = BUILTIN/eveSand_nrm highNearTiling = 50000 highMultiFactor = 50 highBumpNearTiling = 50000 highBumpFarTiling = 50 lowStart = -1 lowEnd = -1 highStart = 1 highEnd = 1 globalDensity = 1 planetOpacity = 255 } Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/VerlodHeight.dds offset = 0 deformity = 7281 scaleDeformityByRadius = False order = 10 enabled = True } VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute { seed = 132562 deformity = 75 octaves = 8 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 24 enabled = true order = 20 } VertexSimplexHeight { seed = 342988 deformity = 128 octaves = 8 persistence = 0.5 frequency = 4 enabled = true order = 30 } VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 { deformity = 315 ridgedAddFrequency = 32 ridgedAddLacunarity = 2 ridgedAddOctaves = 8 ridgedAddSeed = 438274 ridgedMode = Low ridgedSubFrequency = 32 ridgedSubLacunarity = 2 ridgedSubOctaves = 8 ridgedSubSeed = 749998 simplexFrequency = 24 simplexHeightEnd = 10000 simplexHeightStart = 0 simplexOctaves = 8 simplexPersistence = 0.5 simplexSeed = 80070 order = 40 enabled = True simplexCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.6311918 0.4490898 1.432598 1.432598 key = 1 1 0 0 } } VertexColorMap { map = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/VerlodColor.dds order = 50 enabled = True } City { debugOrientated = False frameDelta = 1 randomizeOnSphere = False reorientToSphere = True reorientFinalAngle = -15 reorientInitialUp = 0,1,0 Position { latitude = -7 longitude = 23.1082296 } repositionRadiusOffset = 42.7000007629395 repositionToSphere = True repositionToSphereSurface = False repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = False commnetStation = True isKSC = True order = 100 enabled = True name = KSC LOD { Value { visibleRange = 50000 scale = 0,0,0 delete = False } } } LandControl { altitudeBlend = 0 altitudeFrequency = 1 altitudeOctaves = 1 altitudePersistance = 1 altitudeSeed = 1 createColors = true createScatter = True latitudeBlend = 0 latitudeFrequency = 1 latitudeOctaves = 1 latitudePersistance = 1 latitudeSeed = 1 longitudeBlend = 0 longitudeFrequency = 1 longitudeOctaves = 1 longitudePersistance = 1 longitudeSeed = 1 useHeightMap = False vHeightMax = 10000 order = 999999 enabled = True altitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } latitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } longitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } LandClasses { Value { alterApparentHeight = 0 alterRealHeight = 0 color = 0,0,0,0 coverageBlend = 0 coverageFrequency = 1 coverageOctaves = 1 coveragePersistance = 1 coverageSeed = 1 name = VerlodBase latDelta = 1 latitudeDouble = False lonDelta = 1 minimumRealHeight = 0 noiseBlend = 0 noiseColor = 0,0,0,0 noiseFrequency = 1 noiseOctaves = 1 noisePersistance = 1 noiseSeed = 1 delete = False altitudeRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } coverageSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } latitudeDoubleRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } latitudeRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } longitudeRange { endEnd = 2 endStart = 2 startEnd = -1 startStart = -1 } noiseSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } scatters { } } } scatters { } } } } SpaceCenter { latitude = -7 longitude = -53.1082296 decalLatitude = -7 decalLongitude = 23.1082296 lodvisibleRangeMultiplier = 1 reorientInitialUp = 0,1,0 reorientFinalAngle = -20 reorientToSphere = True radius = 16000 repositionRadiusOffset = 42.7000007629395 repositionToSphere = True repositionToSphereSurface = True repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = False heightMapDefomity = 180 absoluteOffset = 70 absolute = true } } useOnDemand = true } @Kopernicus:FOR[OPKNS] { Body { name = Viopra Debug { exportMesh = true update = true } cacheFile = OPKNS/Cache/Viopra.bin Template { name = Gilly removeAllPQSMods = true } Properties { displayName = #LOC_OPKNS_dspn_0004 description = #LOC_OPKNS_celDesc_0004 timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 338 675 1350 2700 5400 10800 21600 radius = 16539 mass = 1.4669241E+17 tidallyLocked = True sphereOfInfluence = 86605 } Orbit { referenceBody = Reatu color = #7a6f6f inclination = 0.035 eccentricity = 0.0000003818493 semiMajorAxis = 391000000 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 69.291 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 17.9382 epoch = 0 } ScaledVersion { fadeStart = 5000 fadeEnd = 15000 OnDemand { texture = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/ViopraColor.dds normals = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/ViopraNormal.dds } } PQS { fadeStart = 15000 fadeEnd = 27250 deactivateAltitude = 27500 minLevel = 2 maxLevel = 8 minDetailDistance = 6 maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03 materialType = AtmosphericExtra allowFootprints = True Material { factor = 8 factorBlendWidth = 0.05 factorRotation = 75 saturation = 1 contrast = 1 tintColor = 1,1,1,0 specularColor = 0.188235298,0.188235298,0.188235298,1 albedoBrightness = 1 steepPower = 1.5 steepTexStart = 30000 steepTexEnd = 60000 steepTex = BUILTIN/MunCliff [Diffuse] steepTexScale = 1,1 steepTexOffset = 0,0 steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/MunCliff [Normal] steepBumpMapScale = 1,1 steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0 steepNearTiling = 500 steepTiling = 350 lowTexScale = 1,1 lowTexOffset = 0,0 lowTiling = 1 midTex = BUILTIN/MunFloor [Diffuse] midTexScale = 1,1 midTexOffset = 0,0 midTiling = 150000 midBumpMap = BUILTIN/MunFloor [Normal] midBumpMapScale = 1,1 midBumpMapOffset = 0,0 midBumpTiling = 150000 highTexScale = 1,1 highTexOffset = 0,0 highTiling = 1.5 lowStart = -1 lowEnd = -1 highStart = 1 highEnd = 1 globalDensity = 1 fogColorRampScale = 1,1 fogColorRampOffset = 0,0 planetOpacity = 1 } Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/ViopraHeight.dds offset = 0 deformity = 1712 scaleDeformityByRadius = False order = 10 enabled = True } VertexHeightNoise { deformity = 16 frequency = 4.5 octaves = 12 persistence = 0.5 seed = 7901832 noiseType = RidgedMultifractal mode = Low lacunarity = 2.5 order = 20 enabled = True } VertexColorMap { map = OPKNS/Textures/PluginData/ViopraColor.dds order = 30 enabled = True } LandControl { altitudeBlend = 0 altitudeFrequency = 1 altitudeOctaves = 1 altitudePersistance = 1 altitudeSeed = 1 createColors = False createScatter = True latitudeBlend = 0 latitudeFrequency = 1 latitudeOctaves = 1 latitudePersistance = 1 latitudeSeed = 1 longitudeBlend = 0 longitudeFrequency = 1 longitudeOctaves = 1 longitudePersistance = 1 longitudeSeed = 1 useHeightMap = False vHeightMax = 10000 order = 999999 enabled = True altitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } latitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } longitudeSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } LandClasses { Value { alterApparentHeight = 0 alterRealHeight = 0 color = 0,0,0,0 coverageBlend = 0 coverageFrequency = 1 coverageOctaves = 1 coveragePersistance = 1 coverageSeed = 1 name = Base latDelta = 1 latitudeDouble = False lonDelta = 1 minimumRealHeight = 0 noiseBlend = 0 noiseColor = 0,0,0,0 noiseFrequency = 1 noiseOctaves = 1 noisePersistance = 1 noiseSeed = 1 delete = False altitudeRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } coverageSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } latitudeDoubleRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } latitudeRange { endEnd = 1 endStart = 1 startEnd = 0 startStart = 0 } longitudeRange { endEnd = 2 endStart = 2 startEnd = -1 startStart = -1 } noiseSimplex { frequency = 1 octaves = 1 persistence = 1 } } } } } } } useOnDemand = true }
  22. it keeps getting stuck, i dont know why. i have PRE and ModuleManager installed and it still does that.
  23. orbit node: Orbit { referenceBody = Sun color = 1,0.7,0.7,1 mode = 1 inclination = 4.6 eccentricity = 0.01 semiMajorAxis = 30926155264 longitudeOfAscendingNode = 40 argumentOfPeriapsis = 10 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0.8 epoch = 0 } Pink line is the planet´s orbit and the pink planet is the planet, none of my other planets are breaking like this and im not sure why this is happening.
  24. So I decided to boot up KSP after a while, but upon loading the game, I discovered that there are very few parts in the VAB and SPH; even the stock parts are missing. Strangely they seem to load fine in the R&D but IDK what's causing it because when I load a craft from the tracking station it loads fine. Maybe because I have too many part mods that I don't need? The images: https://disco.pics/a4zu.png https://disco.pics/63ln.png https://disco.pics/bi1s.png https://disco.pics/ycbc.png
  25. Recently encountered a strange bug that freezes the game when produced. First I partially assemble the craft per the BDB wiki and launch it, on a revert to launch the craft starts clipping with the nose heatshield and when switching to the aforementioned part the game freezes after a few seconds. Modlist and output log here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1P2wXAn9eixqan3vBgAyJqe1bhrhaRb-n/view?usp=sharing Any help is appreciated
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