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  1. My steam version of ksp2 cant launch. After I pressed the play button in steam, it starts a "PD Launcher" after a few minutes (so slow!) and just keeps loading in an empty black window without any actual response. I ended up starting the game manually from the file explorer. What should I do? Additional Info: my computer meets the min spec requirement and ksp2 can run normally when manually started.
  2. I asked a youtuber how he had so many mods because mine would get stuck in the loading every time I tried to load the game with a certain amount of mods, ( as Grant M. : https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxqTjhOsWaFAui_ZYut6Ad4OplU8Uf4u1M) he replied "run it in open GL mode." I looked up a bunch of tutorials and couldn't quite grasp what they were saying until I went back to the oldest version of the game and saw what they meant in the files. I got it to work in open GL mode but very few of my mods were there, so I updated it to 1.9.1 to see how it works. once again, I got stuck in the loading. At this point I had given up and gone to another tutorial on this very website (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/76031-less-memory-usage-by-using-opengl/#replyForm) that tutorial said to type in the steam launch code "-force-opengl" and I did but it, still nonetheless, crashed (in the most recent version). I've tried every singe thing I possibly can! I just can't do it! I am on a windows computer I have Kerbal Space Program through steam and it won't work! PLEASE help if you have any ideas!
  3. I recently experienced an error when trying to start up KSP. At some point, it just stops loading and doesnt do anything. In the console it says "Exception: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object". This occurs when the game is trying to load the Lacks Luster Lab mod. I´ve also had that happen with other mods, but somehow i got around it by installing the "continued" versions by linuxgurugamer. Sadly, this ain´t working this time, with both versions the same error occurs. Has anyone an Idea how to fix that? For everyone who needs them, here´s the Log file and a Screenshot. Thx in advance for helping :).
  4. I have several mods installed and it keeps crashing when I switch environments (Space Center to SHP and such). I am not sure what everything in the crash logs mean but it doesn't appear to be a memory issue. mods installed: Kerbal Engineer: version Mech Jeb 2: version B9 Part Switch: version 2.17.0 Community Resource Pack: version 1.4.2 Near Future Propulsion: version 1.3.1 Near Future Construction: version 1.3.1 Near Future Props: version 0.6.4 Near Future Solar: version 1.3.1 Near Future Spacecraft: version 1.4.1 Module Manager: version 4.1.4 Making History DLC: 1.11.0 Breaking Ground DLC: 1.6.0 Most recent crash log file: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aLY74AZZSvAUsGROWjMGKne4RqAbIiM3?usp=sharing Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. I've just launched my ship and as soon as I've launched it the payload in the fairing goes instantly like jelly, waving side to side clipping through the fairing and causing a £30000000000000000 wheel to set off 2 km off the surface of Kerbal, pls help
  6. I have Realism Overhaul installed with Remote Tech, and I can't seem to understand how to get an connection going. I added an antenna an it is activated but it does say no target? But to set a target I need a connection. Help pls. https://imgur.com/a/MmnmeDn
  7. i have heard that to update ksp you need to redownload the game. how would i be able to save my ships and builds? i don't have the steam edition that has the auto-updater
  8. i was trying to open ksp with CTT and most of the mods that go with it and this keeps coming up, shortly after it crashes. how do i fix this?
  9. Hello there! I am creating a mod for KSP, but I need some help with the config file. In the config file, I have a RESOURCE module for an undefined fuel called "Artron Banks". I have this resource being displayed and shown, and the amount of Artron Banks is 5000. The problem is, when I load the game there isn't any fuel at all! The Artron Banks Gauge is empty. I have no idea what to do. Please help! https://ibb.co/Ld9sXt3 Notice the Fuel Gauge in the bottom corner.
  10. I'm trying to make a mod for KSP that calculates stuff, and I need to access a list of all engines that are unlocked. Then, I need to access instance variables of the engines, such as their ispVac, ispASL, thrustASL, and thrustVac. I don't know if you can tell, but I've scoured the API documentation for a little while looking for something like it. I'd prefer an array of just the 1.5m liquid fuel rocket engines, but I can make a new array if needed. Thanks. I apologize if this isn't where it should be or is formatted incorrectly.
  11. I was just curious about what is the key-bind to switch ships? I always try to dock things, but I only know to go into the map, and and switch from there, but by then I already pass the rendezvous.
  12. So, everytime I start KSP (1.6.1, relatively heavily modded, about 12200 patches) it for one makes my PC run very slow (other programs take very long to respond) after the loading bar filled and secondly it glitches the audio coming from my PC. And it also freezes Windows in most cases between it finishing to fill the loading bar and arriving at the KSC (after loading a savefile). All of my mods were installed with CKAN, and if not, manually installed with the right version. Pictures of my GameData Folder can be found here. My PC specs are as follow: - CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor 3.40 GHz - GPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB - Motherboard: Gigabyte A320M-S2H V2-CF - Installed RAM: 8,00GB - Harddrive: 2TB HDD I run my game in DirectX11 because of KS3P and the whole freezing thing. In case of questions (wich will most probably come up as I don't know all the important things for solving my problem) please just ask me Thanks in advance!
  13. I am doing a mission where I have to launch a satellite into a specific orbit in Minmus, Although I have matched up the specific orbits, It doesn't say I complete the mission. Please possibly upload tutorial on how you do it around Minmus.
  14. I'm playing a Science save and I just started it, I am also a noob at KSP cause I don't play it much. Also, would going to minimus be easier than going to the mun for my first landing on another planet?
  15. If I'm correct, this is the sound that plays during staging. Where can I find it in KSP's directory?
  16. so after recovering a flight i returned to the space center and opened the launchpad menu to launch the next flight. only to find that the "launch" button was simply closing the menu and the game wouldn't transition to the rocket sitting on the launchpad. turns out after one flight everything in the space center refuses to function. including the pause menu so to quit i have to alt f4. after digging through the log i found what appears to be the cause: [EXC 13:28:08.844] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object CommNetManager.ModularCommNetVessel.OnDestroy () UnityEngine.Object:DestroyImmediate(Object) VesselRetrieval:recoverVessel(Vessel) VesselRetrieval:recoverVessels() <OnLevelLoaded>c__Iterator48:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) [LOG 13:28:08.845] Flight State Captured [ERR 13:28:08.846] Input is null for field 'name' in config node 'SCENARIO' at System.Environment.get_StackTrace() at ConfigNode.AddValue(System.String name, System.String value) at ScenarioModule.Save(.ConfigNode node) at ProtoScenarioModule..ctor(.ScenarioModule module) at ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules() at ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules() at Game.Updated() at GamePersistence.SaveGame(System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) at VesselRetrieval.recoverVessels() at VesselRetrieval+<OnLevelLoaded>c__Iterator48.MoveNext() at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [EXC 13:28:08.848] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ScenarioModule.Save (.ConfigNode node) ProtoScenarioModule..ctor (.ScenarioModule module) ScenarioRunner.UpdateModules () ScenarioRunner.GetUpdatedProtoModules () Game.Updated () GamePersistence.SaveGame (System.String saveFileName, System.String saveFolder, SaveMode saveMode) VesselRetrieval.recoverVessels () VesselRetrieval+<OnLevelLoaded>c__Iterator48.MoveNext () UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) any help translating this into a fix would be greatly appreciated as i don't want to have to restart ksp between each flight
  17. I need some tips on writing Mission Reports. Of note: I am in general not a great writer... Almost all of my night-time screenshots that look fine ingame come out too dark, but I don't want to alter them (adjust brightness/contrast). I've already attempted this once, if you want to see a writing sample to make better suggestions, it's in my signature. I'm horrible at coming up with names I like.
  18. So i have a friend named bob. Bob really likes ksp and has a few ideas for how to make it better. He wants to try his hand at modding. But, bob is mostly useless at coding right now. He's getting better, but in terms of modding KSP, he doesn't know how to start. all he really knows is that KSP uses unity and some form of C as a language. So, bob got me to make a thread asking if any kind folks would be willing to help him out. He just wants to know if anyone could tell him what kind of assets (or something) he needs to import (or something) in order to start, which program language he should start adapting to, and if anyone has any recommendations for some good tutorials/beginners' guides. Thank you very much!
  19. When i build a ship in KSP and i want to test/use it. I try to launch the ship, but about 5 sec after i spawn on the runway, the screen goes black but i can see all of my tools/monitors? Heres a Screenshot of it: https://gyazo.com/21ca3e3f231b89ad020b9613742a6324 Please help!
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