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You know Tim C Kerman, a memorial to the KSP2 dev who sadly passed away. What if instead of a pilot he was an engineer? It would be slightly cooler because he was a software developer in real life, and that's sort of kind of like an engineer. Also, we already have two pilots, so why not give Bill some company in the engineer's room of the astronaut complex? Rest in peace Tim Cox
Note: I wasn't sure if this was the right place to post this. Please notify me if there is a better location for questions like this to be posted. I was wondering if Squad had any restrictions based on the use of the names of Kerbals, the Planets, or the names of the parts in the game. Like if anyone were to write an unofficial story about the wonderful adventures our favorite little green men, or maybe a short film about them (like Matt Lowne's in-game-created movies), even if it isn't taken directly from the game (in the form of screenshots or screen-captured video clips). Based directly on intuition, I would assume you can reference the stuff from the game without any trouble, just remembering to credit Squad in any credit rolls.
Dust Storm Chapter 1- Grains of Dust After arriving at Dunian base "Red Dawn", Bob and Jeb settled in the main habitat module, to take a rest after a difficult night.. But we all know that there is a kerbal, that never sleeps, you probably guessed who it is. The journey starts here... Bob crawled out of his bed, arguing about his lost sleep, putting on his dusty space suit.. Airlock opened and he looked at happy, energetic face of Jeb. Jeb got himself to the rover, that he was super happy to drive, since they arrived.. So did Bob. Bob knew, if Jeb is going to do something, there will definetly be at least one of these things- Casualties,Explosions and weird bugs.. So, Jeb to kill of all the chances of Bob escaping, switched on the electric engine and rushed though the sandy dunes of Duna! After a little trip, Jeb found a little plain, he wanted to take some pictures from there, but he forgot his camera, altough the urge to stop there, was still there. And we all know.. That if there is an urge, there is a reason... But his idea to troll Bob a bit, quickly turned into hell for Jeb.. Bob walked around, took samples, digged soil,walked around, took samples, digged soil,walked around, took samples, digged soil,walked around, took samples, digged soil and over and over again.. Jeb couldn't take it anymore and just called back, saying that they are losing time here.. Bob went back to the rover, with tired, yet satisfacted face... And then, Bob felt asleep... Jeb didn't payed much attention to that, he just carried on riding the rover! But then, when he almost arrived, Bob suddenly was woken up, just to make a company for Jeb. Bob, opened his eyes lazily, looking at excited face of Jeb.. But than, he looked around and saw the beutiful glazing sun of Duna.. But then, disaster striked... Suddenly, the wheels suddenly stopped moving and scared the landscape of Duna, with a weird line... Jeb's frozen gloves quickly slipped.. Jeb fell off the rover, hitting the ground hard.. Bob hold on for his dear life.. Jeb was thrown out! Bob, unlike Jeb, reacted quickly and have hit the manual brakes.. Bob mumbled into microphone.. Hearing the dead silence.. Feeling the worst thing-being abandoned.. The freezing desert that is Duna. If takes, never gives back... It took Bob's faith in his good future.. Bob raged in his weakness over situation! Jeb feared, he was never familiar with this feeling, now he is, more than that, it was the most powerful feel he ever had! But then he looked back and then gazed at the wall of sand and rust... Jeb and Bob rushed to the most covered place-behind the rover! But then, the rover begins to be shaked by the wind.. Jeb, now was a real being.. You know he is usually thinked as a person who can only act, but not feel.. Now, he was fearful, just like any kerbal out there.. My grandfather used to tell to me.- You know how to understand if you are dead or alive? Pain.. If you are still in agonizing pain, you are alive.. So, yes. Life is pain. Calm is death. But Jeb, had something every living being has....The power to not give up! This is the strongest power in the world! So he stood up, in pain and blood, but alive.. So, Bob pulled motionless Jeb to the rover.. His plan was to push the rover, that was broken all the way to the base.. The sandstorm stopped.. Bob was already tired.. But he tried anyway.. Trying when you can't is like bashing your fist over a stone wall, at first it seems useless, but it has result if repeated lots of times.. Although, Bob lost it.. He suddenly turned.. Suddenly both Bill and Bob understood.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the atmosphere: (neccesarry to listen) That is it for now folks! I am especially interested in opinions of @Kuzzter and @KSK! And i am interested in all the opinions you have! GGLmao i spent 13 hours on this... Me If this thread won't have attention:
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Hello, I haven't been on in quite a while, but over that time, I have been using ChatGPT (a text-based ai) for writing random stories. here are a few of my favorites!
No doubt, the rules on this have changed over game versions, but I'm particularly interested in 1.12 (which is near enough to 1.11, which I play). This mechanism is important when trying to swim from one craft to another one, very close by, in order to board it. Kerbals seem to have a loiter-in-a-very-slow-climb mode that is quite annoying if they escape and begin crawling to the surface. Call that 'crawl' mode. Then they have a 'shoot' mode in which they rise rather rapidly. I have built underwater base experiments with e.g. 'verandas' or overhead arches to provide a 'safe zone', but don't really know what I am doing without knowledge of the 'rules'... Ideas?
When you press the recover button and then look at the crew roster in the VAB, the kerbals you recovered arn't there anymore, meaning you can only fly kerbals once.
its just a little detail to use once first person or IVA is in the game have your camera bob with the head while walking, flying , landing and etc and if people wouldn't like this setting on they could click a little button in the settings to turn it off or have a slider to change how much head bob there is
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this is a suggestion for the multiplayer update or any update it will allow you to Customize your own kerbal hair or hair color facial hair like beards or mustache's etc space suits selection (like ksp1) And custom accessories like hats, glasses and other stuff that will make sense when a kerbal is wearing a space suit or not and possibly suit patches? like the final approach suit patches in ksp1 like and example a arm patch for a mun / min / duna / jool you know type of mission you could also use custom suit patches like flags or just stick with stock
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So some kerbals die the standard ways. But some just get into a 50g turn on Eva and get ripped to pieces. So I ask you what is the most horrible way your kerbal died. For me it's probably the kerbals that died that were in my car parked next to the vab and then I drove a bus off the vab and it managed to hit the car just where the driver was sitting. No pics sorry. Post below list of ways kerbals died Squashed by your own rocket kraken killed by a falling 30 ton bus ripped apart on duna hit by an srb vaporized on jool twitching? used as exhaust from a service bay Smashed on eve Falling from 100 m rocket Bit his shoulder to death Eeloo is made of hydrochloric acid Gyro kraken Plane issues Kamikaze SCIENCE Burned by engine
The Kerbals from the KSP2 gameplay vidoes seem too cute/silly/goofy-like they don't have a clue or care about what they're doing in a rocket. The G1 Kerbals have a more serious look, like they actually care about what they're doing. I personally don't like this-could something perhaps be done about it?
Hello everyone, I start this thread hoping first and foremost it does not bring any controversy in the KSP community. I start it to ask the developers if - what I believe to believe to be a small percentage of the KSP player base and community - may get representation in the new game? I ask this in good heart, especially being one of those players myself because in the original game, I was able to create kerbals, but I couldn't create one to be like me. They had to be either male or female, but personally, it hurt because it made me feel that people like me won't get to one day explore the universe. Keep in mind, Sally Ride, the first American "woman" and third "woman" in space, did not personally follow the gender binary, she was in fact an important part of the LGBTQIA+ community after she admitted her secret on her deathbed. I bring this up, not to be political in any way, I believe politics should stay out of space as to preserve a better future for the younger space explorers and to ensure that it is a welcoming environment for explorers of all backgrounds. I've been playing KSP since I was little in fact, since before I understood I was a non-binary person. Which is why it's so important to understand that space isn't just about discovering what is out there to explore, but also discovering what is inside of your wonderful and kind brains to understand yourself. This is why I ask the devs to give me and many other players some representation, as we are all explorers. Not a single one of us could explore the entire universe alone, nor was it made for any singular person. It was made for the each of us to go out and explore together, learning new things and sharing it with others. Slowly, but surely expanding our wondrous horizons. A simple way that this may be added, is through a kerbal creator that allows us to customize each kerbal to our liking, whether it be a kerbal that follows the gender-binary or a kerbal with a little bit of everything from everywhere. This would also be great for multiplayer, because then every single beautiful person here will be able to greatly express themselves as well as have a little bit of them exploring a far of universe with near limitless bounties. Sincerely, BigStar Aerospace Note - I ask that each one of you be understanding and unprejudiced, the KSP community is meant to be unpolitical and accepting. If you do not agree, then I apologize greatly, but I ask you politely to move on. I do not believe that this thread breaks any rules and if it does, I ask you to tell me so I may fix it myself.
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In the original KSP, when you made a Kerbal exit the cockpit it magically teleported to the outside. Maybe they could expand on this a little bit in the second game. It would be cool if we could actually see the Kerbals opening the hatch or canopy of their cockpit. Taking it a step further, we could add different animations depending on how fast the craft is going. It would be really funny to see a Kerbal poke it’s head out a hatch in atmosphere only to get sucked out, or for the hatch or canopy of a spaceplane cockpit to get ripped off after it opens. I have no idea if they are going to add something like this, but Intercept has already created a bunch of idol animations and emotes so they may. Something like this would add a lot more life to the game.
What do you guys think is a Kerbal's individual lifespan? Now, I don't think they only live 70 years on average like humans, considering they seemingly don't need food and can theoretically perform photosynthesis, are immune to space radiation, and can stay 70 years on a cramped space without mental or physical damage, so they seem to be a lot more "durable" than humans, but if you had to attach a value to a Kerbal's average lifespan, if they even are mortal at all and can't die only from explosions, how long would you say they live? A ""little"" bit more than humans, about 150 years? Thousands of years? Or have they discovered the secrets to anti-aging technology like humans hope to do in the future and are actually biologically immortal to diseases and aging, and can only die from serious life-threatening situations? Of course, all of this discussion is pointless, if I had to guess I'd say Kerbals don't age because of game design, game difficulty (making it easier instead of old Kerbals dying on a mission) and maybe limitations, and perhaps this could change and theoretically an individual Kerbal could have a biological age in KSP2, but it is still fun to discuss and guess the reason why this could happen in-game on KSP1, so what do you guys think? Share your opinion below if you feel like it!
I have this question, and if you could send me the link to the truly most liked post on this forum, that would be much appreciated.
What are Kerbals made of? Plants, snacks, regret? Intercept Senior 3D artist Jordan Pack decided to explore what Kerbals would look like if they were made of different materials. Check 'em out. These won't be in Kerbal Space Program 2, at least until we add a puppetry expansion.
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Have you checked out the new KSP 2 emojis available in this forum? They're awesome, right?
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The president Kerman entered the room. Each of his steps were resonating until he sat at the briefing table with all the ministers. He didn't said "hello". Instead the following went out of his mouth. "Boys. And Girls. We need to learn to fly." And then he left. A few weeks later, the first test plane build by Jeb's Junkyard and Jebediah was ready to take off. Fig-1 Jebediah's Flyer I The plane didn't leave the strip. And slightly get out of the runway ... when suddenly the plane, well .. the thing, exploded. Jebediah escaped unarmed the accident. A few weeks later, again, a second Flyer was ready. This plane benefited from the mistakes of the first one. Fig-2 Jebediah's Flyer II Jebediah get high, I mean he reached a high altitude, nobody knows really, we still haven't invented the altimeter at this time, but sure he got high. Too high and ran out of gas. He attempted a landing, a soft one but mostly failed. Mostly because the pilot seat and Jebediah were still intact after landing. Fig-3 Jebediah in what's left of the Flyer II But this day was the most important in the history of flight somebody went above ground without jumping or using a ladder. New episode coming soon!
What is the minimum viable population (MVP) of kerbals? This is extremely important for any colonies.
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- kerbals
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Do you like your kerbals? I sure hope you do....
As we saw in Show and Tell, Kerbals can dance. Things I'm hoping for in that regard specifically: that Kerbals maybe do idle animations when just standing there, and that either there are a variety of dances or a relative degree of ease in adding new dances via mods. I realize that KSP2 could conceivably plug in new such animations as DLC content. Or maybe there's lots of dances that are only found in certain locations. I.e. you have to "find" dances by going to different places (visiting Easter eggs?), sort of like in the game Wandersong. So far we've seen that shuffling Fortnite Dance, Peering off into the distance, and in KSP1 we have Alan-Shepherdian Lunar Golf. What other sort of things would you want in regards to Kerbal movements beyond what we've seen with IVA actions and walkin-around? [Whoever's good at character animation, I'm sure it won't be long for a list of requests to pile up.]
So, recently, in my new sandbox save, I'm reaching a point where there are multiple "entities", and I'm playing all of them. So then, I got into the idea of different names for each "country", and I came up with these: Kerman States - Kerman (Analogous to US) CCKP (Communist Confederation of Von Kerman Peoples) - Von Kerman (Analogous to Soviet Union, Russian, Ukraine, etc.) McKerman Kingdom - McKerman (Analogous to UK) KerbeX - Kerman (Analogous to SpaceX and Blue Origin and all that good stuff, basically the private companies) Currently, though, I've gotten to the point that the McKermans are building their own Space Station (As they've been excluded from the KISS mostly because of a lack of an extra Clamp-O-Tron Jr.) However, the 'French' Kerbals are also looking to start spaceflight and collab with the McKermans... but I can't think of a name. Help. Ones thought of by others: Kermany - Kermann @kerbiloid Karthage - Kerbaal @kerbiloid CCKP - Kermanski @eatU4myT
A friend of mine thinks that Kerbals are "cute". I can't really understand that, but I was wondering what other people think about this.
Small problem related to kerbal weight (I think) in the latest release. (1.11.0) When a Kerbal jumps on Kerbin with just a parachute or nothing at all, they appear to jump a lot higher than normal, e.g: 2 to 2.5, maybe 3 meters in height, vs the regular just under a meter. NOTE: I play with JNSQ which impacts results slightly. My (quite extensive) mod list here: Images:
I recently crashed a rocket on land very far away from KSC. I looked in the astronaut complex. It said that Jeb (who I think was in that ship) was in the missing column. Are they going to come back?