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I am glad to announce the Fighter Jet League, a monthly ladder tournament for your fighter jets! TRAILER: AIRCRAFT DESIGN RULES: Weapon Restrictions: Only non-turret guns and non-nuclear missiles are allowed. Participants are prohibited from using turrets such as CIWS (Close-In Weapon Systems). The missile pods and EMP missiles are a violation of this rule. Fair Play Policy: Participants must adhere to fair play standards and avoid exploiting glitches, loopholes, or excessive part clipping in their aircraft designs. The cloaking device is considered to be a violation of this rule. Team Composition: Each team must consist of two manned fighters ONLY. Each fighter is limited to a maximum wingspan of 17 m, and a maximum length of 23 m. Missile Limitations: Fighters are limited to carrying a maximum of eight missiles each. The CLS counts as one missile. Visual Range Limit: BDArmory visual range settings must be set to 3 km or lower. This ensures fair visibility conditions for all participants during matches. The IRST pod violates this rule. Stealth Restrictions: Only non-stealth fighters are allowed. LEAGUE RULES: A player can challenge another player either one or two positions above them. If a match is won by a lower-ranked player, the two players swap positions on the ladder. If a lower ranked player loses a match, they will need to win a match against a different player before re-challenging the previous player. After every match, both participants get a 2-day cooldown period before being able to participate in another match. At the 25th of each month, there will be a 4-player competition (Top 3 + Wildcard) to declare a league champion, in a single-elimination format. At the 1st of each month, the ladder is reversed so that the higher ranked players from the previous month start lower. After every match, a player is able to redesign, change, or keep their fighter jet design. The league is designer-based rather than aircraft-based REQUIRED MODS: Airplane Plus Procedural Wings Procedural Parts BDArmory BDArmory+ Cold War Aerospace Mk2 Expansion ReStock ReStock+ SXT TweakScale ConformalDecals Nice MkSeries Body Moderately Plane Related Discord is where the league is mostly run on! Join my Discord server here:
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Wings of Glory Prelude: Fire in the Skies “Odin Flight; ATC reports three to four radar intercepts closing in on your position.” The Lead pilot called into the radio as he flipped the lever that took his guns off safety, “Odin 1 acknowledging. What is their bearing and speed?” “Odin 1 they are coming from the North-East traveling at 600 knots.” The three F-6 Comet fighters turned in unison as they prepared to meet their attackers head on with the lead calling back, “ATC Confirm enemy speed.” A few seconds passed before the call came back, “Speed confirmed. Enemy craft still heading your way going 600 knots. Intercept in 2 minutes.” “How in the world are they going that fast? Aren’t they stuck with piston aircraft?” came the confusion from his right side wingman, Odin 3. “Apparently they have something new. Looks like we won’t be able to complete the bombing run, jettison the Mk-III Bombs and go to full throttle. Prepare to drop tanks and go into merge when we are in visual range.” So the three craft spread out and sped up as they prepared to get into a brawl with the Thean Empire’s own. Within a minute a glint of metal was seen topping low over the hills and the F-6s dropped their external fuel tanks banking sharply to meet the enemy. Suddenly the sky was filled with hundreds of tracers as both sets of aircraft exchanged fire with each other in a swirling frenzy. As the jets zoomed over each other’s canopies the Comets were able to recognize the swept wings and distinctive front end of the KUT-7. The KUT was the newest fighter jet of the Proecian Confederacy and a rare sight so far away from their borders, apparently they threw their hat into the ring of the Thean Civil war; backing the old Empire of the North against the rebels in the South. So used to fighting the old and slow hand me down planes that the Empire had used previously the Rebel pilots of Odin flight were overwhelmed by the maneuverability and speed of the KUT. Their own Comets were bought from the United Kerbos Territories as the UKT began to phase them out for their newer F-7s and F-9s. The Comet was slower, less agile, and less armed than the shiny new Proecian fighters. As Odin 1 banked to the right he saw an orange flash as one of his fellow Comets burst into a huge ball of fire. Anger overtaking him from the loss of his wingman he popped his speed brakes and made an aggressive barrel roll to invert himself over the canopy of, and then positioned himself behind, the KUT-7 that had been on his tail. He retracted the brakes and then ramped up his thrust and he held down the button on his stick that let fourth a burst from his four 50 cal machine guns. Black smoke belched from the engine of the Empire jet before the whole fuselage was ripped in half by his line of fire. Odin 1 zoomed past the tumbling wreck going back into the fray. Odin 2 was being pursued closely by two KUTs taking turns sniping at his tail. He pulled back on his stick to lead the nose of the jet upwards and climbed as fast as he could to help out his fellow pilot. Still rising toward the battle ahead of him he peeked into his gun sights and began to line up a shot. There it was, the glowing tail pipe of the rearmost KUT ready to be shredded by pounds of lead. Then suddenly it wasn’t as the horizon became a tumbling mess of blurred colors. He felt the jolt as his tail dislodged itself from its perch, then a grinding sound came from his left side where he observed with horror as the wing ripped itself away from the rest of his plane. He was in a deadly spiral to the ground and had only seconds before impact. There was nothing more he could do as he pulled the lever below his seat as his vision began to grey out from the G-forces. His eyes snapped open to see a smoldering ruin of his former plane below as he descended on his parachute. In the distance he could perceive an explosion as one of the planes in front of him was destroyed. Any hopes that it was an enemy craft were dashed when he saw the exhaust trail of three planes meet up and speed away to the horizon. He had flown on dozens of missions during this war; this was the first time that he had failed one. Worse yet, there were no other parachutes save for his in the sky.
A while ago, I was watching a DCS tutorial (mind you I don't have it, but I like it). Then it came to me "why not turn KSP into a DCS type simulator" After all, KSP has the BDA addon, tutorials, scenarios/missions, and, best of all, you can build your own custom airplane. So here is my proposal : A pack that you place in a clean KSP install with select addons (RBDA, FAR, APP, etc.), tutorials, manuals, scenarios, and built-in crafts made by me, and anyone else who would want to help, for those who dont want to bother with building their own airplanes. The manuals would be either in KSPedia or .pdf format. Another thing to do would be to add the BDA displays to IVA cockpit screens. I would also modify parts into new parts (e.g, AIM-9 without warhead for tutorials). Now, it is ready for the first beta release. If you have any suggestions/questions, ask here. Mods used: @Next_Star_Industries Mk8x bombs, under CC BY-SA 4.0 @jrodriguez's RBDA, destruction FX, and Physics Range Extender (PRE), under CC BY-SA 2.0 @Shadowmage's Kerbal Foundries Continued, under CC BY-SA 3.0 @Icecovery's AARS (automated aerial refueling system), under CC BY-SA 4.0 @Papa_Joe's BDMk22, BDArmory, Vessel Mover, and BurnTogether, under CC BY-SA 2.0 @blackheart612's AirplanePlus, under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 @Crzyrndm's Dynamic Deflection, in public domain and B9 Pwings, code under MIT, art under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 @ferram4's FAR, under GNU GPLv3 @AlphaAsh/@Ger_space's Kerbal Konstructs plugin, under MIT @DoctorDavinci's DCK Camo, under GNU GPLv3 @pellinors tweakscale, under WTFLP @alexustas's ASET, under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 @MOARdV's JSI PRM, under GNU GPLv3 @tetryds/ @ferram4/ @BahamutoD's Mouse Aim Flight, All rights reserved, specific permission needed. Tetryds permission: @fast_de_la_speed's Mk1 ASET cockpit, under WTFPL. @linuxgurugamer's SXT continued, under CC BY-SA 4.0 *needs to be downloaded separately Here* @Starwaster's Procedural parts, under CC BY-SA 3.0 @blowfish/@NathanKell's Module Manager, under CC BY-SA(2.0?) AJE, an SolverEngines, under GNU GPLv2 @sirkut's Infernal Robotics, under GNU GPLv3 @AirShark, for his excellent crafts. (And, mod contributors, sorry for the second ping) TEAM MEMBERS! @dundun92 @Matuchkin @JollyGreenGI @dundun93 @Lo Var Lachland The modpack: Airbases: Paste the NewInstances FOLDER into GameData\KerbalKonstructs. The sample .craft files: The sample scenarios(use like a Alt-F5/F9 gamesave): Here are some demo/tutorial videos/screenshots: Suggestions poll: Original development thread: Have fun blowing up stuff!
So I've been experimenting with CameraTools and some editing. This is the result. A bit rough around the edges in terms of quality but it's still a nice showcase. Enjoy! Craft files for the craft used: Lightning F.6: MiG-21MF: **WILL BE ADDED IN A FEW HOURS**
The Modern Fighter Jet Challenge II! Rebooted!
Guest posted a topic in KSP1 Challenges & Mission ideas
Alright, here is the second Modern Fighter Jet Challenge! Now with MOAR REALISM! REQUIRED ADDONS BDArmory 1.0.0 Ferram Aerospace Research(FAR) Advanced Jet Engine(AJE) Kerbal Weapons System (KWS) Dynamic Deflection ALLOWED ADDONS B9 Procedural Wings. DCK Camo AirplanePlus Tweakscale RULES: Engines: Structural/Aerodynamic: Weapons rules. AI limits: General rules No space-grade parts(RCS, reaction wheels, RAPIERS, oxidiser tanks, Radiators, heat shields, etc) RTG's are allowed. No drones No Sci-Fi planes No armor. No unreasonable part clipping. *For those who don't want to have BDA, AJE, or FAR installed* I will put BDA weapons on your craft for you. For FAR, if I can fly properly in FAR (last times second place plane was originally stock, it happened to work in FAR) I will take it. Since the only real user-noticable change In AJE is reduced thrust by about half, I will remove fuel to the minimum for your airplanes class, unless you want otherwise. I will try to keep the CG in the same location. LEADERBOARD: 1. 2. 3. 4. -
Since the other challenge has shaped up a bit, entries are now closed discouraged. No point cluttering the forums with multiple threads doing the same. Short form rules - 3v3, best of 3, KotH. BDA+stock, no turrets, max 6 missiles, max 75 (experimentally raised to 80) parts, must be kerballed + Wheaton's law. Long form rules: Current King of the Hill: @NotAnAimbot's MBL F-25BN2 Fencer Battle history: @NotAnAimbot MDL F-25BK Fencer vs @Andetch's ADX G-Type Snubnose - 2 - 0 @NotAnAimbot MDL F-25BK Fencer vs @exbyde's Berkut-II - 2 - 0 @NotAnAimbot MDL F-25BK Fencer vs @drtricky's F-42 Invader - 0 - 2 @drtricky's F-42 Invader vs @dundun92's F-10 Striker - 2 - 0 @drtricky's F-42 Invader vs @dundun93's F-34 Bullet - 2 - 0 @drtricky's F-42 Invader vs @dundun92's F-1100 - 2 - 0 @drtricky's F-42 Invader vs @dundun93's F-60 Super Eagle - 1 - 0 @drtricky's F-42 Invader vs @NotAnAimbot's MBL F-25BN2 Fencer - 0 - 2 @NotAnAimbot's MBL F-25BN2 Fencer vs @Kukler's SU-39 Ripper-C - 2 - 0
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I've never played the game with the DMP mod so please forgive me if I'm way off here... I've been looking at several you tube videos from people using dmp and i never find any cool dogfight scenes, which would in mho be one of the great things to experience while using this mod. also, i can tell that dmp can be rather laggy and shaky while planes are in the atmosphere. so that could explain why dogfights a no go with the current version of the mod. I've heard that in orbit, the movement of ships is less laggy and shaky with DMP. so wouldn't it be possible to perform enjoyable lagless dogfights in space? the dynamics and fighting mechanics would probably be pretty different from a dogfight in atmosphere but i guess it could be fun? right? has anybody tried this before?
All, Found this Ejection seat mod about a week ago. I wanted to get this out there because it has given me some good hours of fun being hit by Bahamuto's missiles. Special thanks: linuxgurugamer for saving my Kerbals with the awesome ejection seat mod!!! As well as Mallikas for the excellent Cockpit mods! And... Hats off to BahamutoD for the destruction! -Kroltz
Welcome to The Air war. THE RULES 1. No intentional ramming* 2. Props are only allowed offshore on aircraft carriers with other prop aircraft. 3. Missiles allowed 4. anti-air is allowed 5.All files must be saved files for everything to work 6. historical aircraft files only. 7.bombers and nukes are only allowed if there is war declared between two or more parties. 8. ALL aircraft must have an AI pilot. * To prevent fratricide
This is like the BAD-T competition, except with WWI planes. So, rules are simple: the required mods are BD Armory and Firespitter. Optional mods are Airplane Plus, Aviator Arsenal and KAX. The deadline for submitting is December 31st. Submit via KerbalX via the W.A.B Hangar. The dogfight will be 4v4. NEW: There is a Bomb the KSC option! Build a bomber and try to bomb some buildings without being hit by flak! Link; Fly safe!
Hi everyone! I have just released my first Youtube video. This post will be used for all my other vids. Please like 'n subscribe!