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  1. Thread of the month of April ! To see the last update: Click here After 4 months of work, I am very proud to present my first add-on: Aurora Space Center! Presentation Aurora Space Center is a mod that adds IRL/fictives buildings and launchpads! This mod has for vocation to be improved very strongly in the future, come back often to see the thread! Buildings and current launchpads: Features: Buildings and launchpads use stock textures. All other textures (logo or text) can be modified in paint for exemple! Buildings and pads will automatically turn on and turn off spotlight like the real KSC buildings. RSS compatible: all buildings are done in real scale ! (for stock users down the scale of buildings at building setup) Buildings and pads use a auto-matching grass color module, so that you can place them anywhere on Kerbin/Earth and even Mars ! Animated object by a simple click on it: INSTALLATION & HOW TO USE IT Install Kerbal Konstructs and Module Manager (link below) and put Aurora Space Center into your GameData directory and that's all! To put a building: open the KK menu (ctrl+k) and place it anywhere you want ! (If you choose to place a launchpad, you will need to restart your KSP to convert it automatically into a launchpad) A huge thank you to @JadeOfMaar, @Omega482 and @CobaltWolf for their help, without them Aurora Space Center could not have looked like this. And a very special thank to @damonvv who helped me enormously when I started! DOWNLOAD: Dependencies: Kerbal Konstructs & Module Manager If you want to see the progress about Aurora Space Center, take a look at the Roadmap ! FAQ How do you do that ? Check this video ! How to open the HIF doors ? The HIF doors can only be opened for the LC-2 launchpad, for the primary door click on the top segment of the door, for the south door, click on the left segment How to trigger the Crew Access Arm ? Click at the base (green thing) of the Crew Access Arm (Picture) Changelog All models and textures are distributed under All Rights Reserved License You can follow my twitter to see some updates before everyone: @chloe_mathon
  2. Tundra's Space Center After a long wait, I can finally share you my version of some historic real life launchpads! To set it up, put the TundraSpaceCenter folder into your GameData, open the KK menu (ctrl + k) and place it anywhere you want! After that convert it into a launchpad and you are good to go! This mod only works with KSP 1.8.x and above!! Statics: LC-39A/B - LC-41 - LC-40 - LC-19 - LC-46 - Barge - Engine Test Pads LC-5 - LC-6 - LC-14 - LC-17 - LC-34 In-game pics: Current parts TLC-5 TLC-6 TLC-5-6 launch control building TLC-14 TLC-17 TLC-19 TLC-34 TLC-39A/B TLC-41 TLC-40 TLC-46 Engine Test pads (Horizontal and Vertical) Barge Planned features Roadmap Known issues Nothing that I know of. Review + tutorial on how to place and use them. Required Mods Kerbal Konstruct (1.8.x and above) Recommended Mods KSC Extended Tundra Exploration Omega's SpaceX landing pad Bluedog Design Bureau Modular Launch Pads A very special thanks to @Beale, @Eskandare and @Omega482 for the help and advise they gave me to make something awesome. But a very very special thanks to @Ger_space for spending the time with me getting the final touches working. Changelog: Any of the configs are distributed under CC-NC-SA-4.0 License. All Textures/models are distributed under All Rights Reserved License. CKAN is NOT supported. Follow me on Reddit! /u/damonvv
  3. Introduction This mod allows you to build any vessel directly in orbit or on a surface of any planet from a DIY (Do It Yourself) Kit that contains all the high-tech components, needed equipment and blueprints, using only raw materials produced on-site, energy and kerbal workforce. The major benefit of the Ground Construction is that it allows you to build big, heavy, asymmetrical contraptions that aren’t meant to fly at all. Buildings, or even blocks of buildings; heavy rovers; huge rockets held by launch clamps — all this could be built with Ground Construction anywhere on any planet. In addition to construction from DIY Kits you can construct the kits themselves, allowing you to build a fully independent colony or space base. Also, if you're building a space station, you can build new segments docked to the station directly, without docking ports. Features Build anything: any ship, spaceplane, or really any construction you come up with in Editor. Even with launch clamps! Build anywhere, on the surface or in orbit: the assembled ship will appear right where you've placed/docked the Kit. Expand your space stations by building new segments docked directly to it. No docking ports required. Build DIY Kits themselves: make you colony independent, produce your own kits from scratch using blueprints and raw materials. Background operation: fly other missions while construction takes place on a far-away planet. Days, even weeks may be required to build something complex, but you don’t have to babysit your workers. Wireless transfers: fill the assembled ship with resources and crew before you launch it using dedicated UI. Centralized UI for progress tracking and fast switching to construction sites. See for yourself Magnetic Forklift Incremental Station Construction with GC Global Construction Ground Construction 2 - Independence Day! Introduction to Ground Construction v1 (legacy) Requirements ModuleManager CommunityResourcePack AT_Utils (already included) This includes the core components of ConfigurableContainers And its game content, located in GameData/ConfigurableContainers/Parts subfolder. Note, that it can be safely removed. Downloads Spacedock is the main download site for releases GitHub have sources (MIT), assets (CCBY-4.0) and also releases CKAN is supported How it works First, you need a simple mining operation already running near the spot where you want to build something. So you need: a Drill, an ISRU, some storage tanks for Ore, Material Kits and any other stuff that you want/need to supply the newly built ship with; a Workshop and, last but not least, kerbal engineers that will build things. Second, you need to assemble the DIY Kit with required materials (good luck with finding enough Blutonium for RTG on Minmus), tools and components. This is, fortunately, the simplest thing: in Editor you have a special part, namely the DIY Kit Container, which allows you to “load” any previously created and saved ship inside of it. The container is automatically resized to fit its contents, which are much more compact and weight much less than the original ship. Third, you need to attach this container to a carrier or store it in a hold of a cargo ship and fly it across the Void to the construction site. Then, all that’s left is to summon the control UI of the Workshop, deploy the DIY Kit, add it to the construction queue and order the kerbals to work (day and night, no holidays, no weekends!). Forth, when your base is mature enough, you can start your own Kit production. Getting technical How a ship is converted into a DIY Kit In Editor, you add the DIY Kit Container part to the carrier you’re building. In its part menu select “Select Vessel” to open the standard vessel selection dialog. Once selected, the ship is loaded into the Kit as follows: For each part of a ship, its complexity is calculated as a function of dry mass, cost and number of modules the part carries. The complexity determines the fraction of part’s dry mass that could be manufactured from Metals. Most resources are stripped away. The exceptions are: Solid Fuel, Ablator, all non-tweakable resources (cannot be transferred) and resources with zero density (EC, for one). Everything that’s left is packed into the Kit. Thus, a set of Part Kits is produced, which (along with the blueprint of the ship) constitutes the contents of a DIY Kit. A DIY Kit usually weights much less than a ship that is constructed from it, but, except for the resources, costs almost the same. How a DIY Kit is converted back into the (new) ship First of all, you need to land the kit somewhere on a flat surface, and, preferably, detach it from the carrier. For that DIY Kit Containers are equipped with their own simple decoupling mechanism, which is located on the top side, marked with yellow arrows. Then you need to Deploy the Kit. This could be done by a kerbal in an EVA suit or remotely from a nearby Workshop. A deploying kit detaches any part that is still attached to it, then gradually “grows” (imagine that kerbals assemble working scaffolds inside the box) until it have the size of the ship that will be constructed; then it is attached to the surface, so it cannot be moved any more. It doesn’t matter how the Kit was oriented. As far as it lies on one of its sides, the deployment dimensions and the orientation of the launched vessel will be automatically chosen to correspond to the surface. A deployed Kit can be processed by a nearby workshop with kerbals, but there are some limitations: The workshop should be at most 300m away. The kerbals that will be working on the Kit should be inside the Workshop, not in other parts of the same vessel. These kerbals should be engineers. Scientists or pilots don’t count. The skill level and number of workers do count: a 5-star engineer works literally as much as five 1-star ones. And five 5-star engineers perform spontaneous miracles. The distance from the Workshop to the Kit affects construction efficiency and, consequently, the time needed. So it’s best to make Workshops mobile and get as close to the Kit as possible. The amount of free space per kerbal inside the Workshop also affects efficiency: a small compartment with a place for a single kerbal may be more efficient than a big one packed with two dozen passenger chairs. Note 1: the crewable parts that have Workshop capability have the “Ground Workshop” module (could be seen in part’s extended tooltip in Editor), which shows the efficiency of that part. Note 2: the efficiency of any generic habitat is capped at 50%. To be more efficient you need to use the provided Mobile Workshop part and build a rover with it. If you want to benefit from background construction, you need to make sure you have enough power and Metals to work with, as resources are not generated in the background. When the Kit is complete, you can “wirelessly” transfer resources and crew to it from the Workshop using dedicated UI. Then you can Launch the assembled ship, which will appear at the exact place where the Kit was. Acknowledgments My patrons on Patreon. Thank you for your support! Kevin Casey Bob Palmer Ryan Rasmussen Matthew Zaleski Bart Blommaerts eL.Dude Layne Benofsky Igor Zavoychinskiy Issarlk Meiyo BP Jenna Mitchell Squiddy Ted Achenbach SCESW Patrice Hédé Steve Victory
  4. Keridian Dynamics (KDVA) Parts pack for resource-conversion and vessel-assembly for Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Eleusis La Arwall adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo PECUNIA PER KERBULUS Preamble by @Eleusis La Arwall See More See our Parts Catalog for part pictures For more images, see our Marketing Slicks Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues GitHub Pages : See Pages Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Use CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies) Whilst I agree CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools. I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods. Please don't ask me about it but refer to the CKAN mod thread if you are having issues with CKAN or the metadata it maintains. Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to. or Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Recommends Either Extraplanetary Launchpads (XPL) or SimpleConstruction! (SCON) One of the XPL based construction addons are 99.9% required KSP will load all parts but some will have reduced or no function The configs autodetects if XPL or SCON are installed and uses the corresponding modules Module Manager or Module Manager /L3 Resource Switchers Supported: Interstellar Fuel Switch CORE, Firespitter CORE, and B9PartSwitch One of the Resource Switcher addons are 99% required KSP will load all parts but some will have reduced or no function The configs autodetects if Interstellar Fuel Switch CORE, Firespitter CORE or B9PartSwitch is installed and uses the corresponding modules If multiple ResourceSwitchers are installed, the priority goes as follows: Interstellar Fuel Switch CORE > [Firespitter][fs] > B9PartSwitch Suggests GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Not So SimpleConstructon! (NSSC) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) Transparent Command Pods (TP) GTIndustries JSI Advanced Transparent Pods- gives the passable and nonpassable Storage Tanks an IVA overlay Kerbal Inventory System - this gives the Launchsite and Sledgehammer function Kerbal Attachment System - allows the RecycleSite to dump all recycled resources PatchManager - allows patches to be easily toggleable TweakScale Supports Resource Switchers Interstellar Fuel Switch CORE Firespitter CORE B9PartSwitch Community Tech Tree Community Resource Pack Connected Living Space Contract Configurator FAR Firespitter for fully functioning wheels. may invoke bouts of dizziness. GTIndustries JSI Advanced Transparent Pods- gives the passable and nonpassable Storage Tanks an IVA overlay Kerbal Inventory System - this gives the Launchsite and Sledgehammer function Kerbal Attachment System - allows the RecycleSite to dump all recycled resources On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) OSE Workshop PatchManager - allows patches to be easily toggleable ReStock TweakScale Replaces KeridianDynamicsVesselAssembly Tags parts, config, flags, agency, resources, science, tech-tree, career, crewed, uncrewed red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks A very big THANK YOU to the following mod developers and specially the plugin-writers/maintainers (because that is witchcraft to me ) for their hard work: @Eleusis La Arwall for creating this glorious parts addon! see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  5. Compatability Patch (v1.0) Attempts to fill the gaps in compatability between the following mods: Modular Kolonization Systems (Basically the whole USI Constellation) OSE Workshop Reworked Kerbal Planetary Base Systems Extraplanetary Launchpads ... Possibly More I will attempt to balance the resources between the different construction methods but cannot promise anything. Important Info -DOES NOT- do anything until the required mods are installed, and can be used without the entire collection of mods installed -Tested on KSP Version 1.12.9- Mod Dependencies = None (but does not take away the dependencies for other respective mods) Can optionally be controlled by Patch Manager if installed Only a few items aren't on the list yet, sorry theres alot I'm still working on finishing it During testing OSE does not consider B9 Part Switch as a dependency on CKAN but the tanks it comes with don't work without it, with it installed they will function and with this patch will also have the extra tanks Mods Affected Modular Kolonization Systems Kerbal Planetary Base Systems Extraplanetary Launchpads OSE Workshop Reworked B9 Part Switch Installation Just drop the folder DSGC into KerbalSpaceProgram/GameData and everything should be taken care of. Pics or No Clicks https://imgur.com/a/n4g8sMY the album only has 3 images showing some of the changes for compatability Download Link https://github.com/DSG-Cubik/DSGC-AIO-Patch Issue Tracker https://github.com/DSG-Cubik/DSGC-AIO-Patch/issues Giving Credit Where Credit is Due! For advice and insight easing the process of making this @Randazzo @Zer0kerbal (and an extra Thank You for the work making this page easier on the eyes) Legal Mod Licensed Under MIT Images used are under License (CC0 1.0) Credit for images Used All images were edited and changed in some form by me but still fall under the same license
  6. Hi all, i have some ideas for features in the new game First off, i'd like to talk about "Suit Upgrades." You can find them in the administration building in career and science mode, but in sandbox they are automatically unlocked for you. In career you have to use credits to purchase the upgrades. That makes us go to Grav Boots. Do you hate it when you make an interior for your ship, only for your kerbals to float? That's where gravboots come in. You can toggle them with a button press and they make you stick to the floor and walk around like if the ship was landed. Something else i'd like to note is interchangeable launchpad designs. I know the game wilI have launch towers, but i would like them to be colorable and customizeable to fit rocket sizes, something like modular launch pads does. Also a weird idea, but i want cosmetics inside of the pods. Like, say i could add maybe a teddy bear or something in the pod. In iva, it will be there, and the lower the gravity gets it might float. I would want that feature to liven up ivas. hope people like and agree with these ideas, maybe to the point they're implemented. And, speaking of suit upgrades, i'd also love the feature to be able to upgrade the jetpack, for it to consume less fuel, or go faster, or consume different types of fuels. I would also absolutely adore communication upgrades for suits, for longer range signal bouncing. Edit: i have more ideas. How about docking ports that your crew can go through, kinda like connected living spaces? Also, i would love adjustable or longer ladders.
  7. SpaceDock in different sizes, usable as orbital shipyard. Content: 6 different sized SpaceDock parts, based on 3 different meshes Combined with a lot of USI and Future Technologies parts. @RoverDude's new Konstruction mod parts fit nicely. Credit: This mod is using the meshes and artwork from @Stevie_D's IXS Enterprise. Upstream: The current IXS WarpShip mod features the pure structural parts this mod derives from. License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public Development Thread New Replace the regular one with the modified KIS.dll to enable the KISPickup feature. Kerbal Engineer building with the SpaceDock, use the "g" and "h" shortkeys. Download v0.2.1 SpaceDock is not on SPACEDOCK CKAN Revision Control Change-log Relationships Dependencies CommunityTechTree Recommended mods Extraplanetary Launchpads Suggested mods Konstruction KAS/KIS USI-Core Supported mods Connected Living Space Tips Building Needs Extraplanetary Launchpads Be careful to build only vessels which fit inside the SpaceDock... Building vessels with attached launch clamps conjures the Space Kraken. Attach some containers with RocketParts to use the vessel build feature. Attach some inventory containers to store parts. Bring up all kinds of docking ports. Known Issues The twin nodes on the port and starboard don't allow the passing of Kerbals yet. The light can't be turned off. The light does not consume any charge. The Dock looks like it could be deployed but there is no animation yet. Only new vessels can be build, there is no way to maintain already existing ones easily. Related
  8. Whenever I switch SPH and VAB, I'm unable to build large vessels. To reproduce: - Load game in science or sandbox mode - Go to SPH or VAB - Switch editors until both mass and size are limited Here's the contents of GameData directory: And logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZX8NrFwhgojkIAU9r4aFJuCwlpHzVa4L/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S8xSEfGmQNFMorRBhpS6Z_o-HupnzW0r/view?usp=sharing Screenshots: Save, which contains ship: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11urKBjs5iMguQNvvJ0W0IDLAvjha7WZm/view?usp=sharing ProceduralStartPlus directory in GameData: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yMwTbeMBD-LuGHY3DQ4cTRaJ9xPqtTTY/view?usp=sharing
  9. Hello Everyone ! I have been working on a Space Center for my Lego City layout for a while and after 4 years most of it is complete. It has been was heavily inspired by the Kerbal Space Center, and my love of the game. Here is some pics of the center ! It's not to minifigure scale and some buildings need improvement but I'm happy with it. I was lucky to live near to a Lego Store, where I found lots and lots of white pieces for a reasonable price. I got the Lego Saturn V after I designed the building so it couldn't fit in due to the gigantic size of the Saturn V, so let's say this VAB is at Kerbal scale. All the space themed sets i got through the years finely add to the space center Overall view of the space center part in my city The VAB and SPH The Launch Control Center, with interior The launchpad The runway Interior of the VAB The Space Plane Hangar, I still need to finish th interior Landing of the Discovery Space Shuttle Crowd of people watching the launch Astronauts training for their next mission I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed building key elements of the game, fly safe !
  10. From the video above we can make out a few things about the new KSC. -The first and foremost thing is that the KSC is now separated into islands in a marsh/pond like area. -Second, it has not 1, but 2 very larger runways, I would argue these are longer and possibly wider than KSC OG Runway. -Third, next to those runways are helipads, or if you're a propulsive landing fanatic, they could double as landing pads for boosters. I only catch a glimpse of 4 pads, but I assume there are five or more due to the placement and how equal distant they look along the runway. -Fourth, there are 4 launch pads, possibly 5 or more, all ranging in size and shape. At least one pad has a launch tower, but it can be argued they all do, ranging in size and shape. --The launch towers are on crawlers. Whether these crawlers are able to move or be controlled is unknown at this time. -Fifth, buildings, launch pads and runways do not have a destruction feature built into the game as of yet, but as they have said they want to put everything KSP 1 had and more in, I don't doubt that at release destructible entities will exist. -Sixth, the communication array at the KSC seems to be altered from three dishes to one massive dish. -Seventh, the rockets on the launch pad have chill or cooling effects. You can make out mist falling off the rockets, a sign of real world cryofueled rockets. This effect also lasts for a few seconds after launch, and possibly further. -Eighth, launch pads have or can be outfitted with engine igniters. This might be a sign that engines are more realistic and have starter fuel. This also might be a sign that fuel tanks might need to be settled before engine ignition can begin. Watch out for your upper stages if this is the case. -Ninth, the launch pad the rocket is sitting on may be a part. Modular launch pads my be stock in KSP2. "It didn't explode though." It may have a higher tolerance or may not have damage programed into it. It may be an immortal part as of this footage, but may change at launch or just before launch. -Tenth, The launch tower may be a part, modular launch towers may be stock. "It didn't explode though." See ninth point. -Eleventh, The crawler the launch tower is on may be a part, crawlers might finally be in game. "It didn't explode though." See ninth point. These are the things I noticed in the pre-alpha footage. If I missed anything, please do say so.
  11. I have created a launchpad in the VAB, launched it, and moved it to a different location in the space center. Now I want to launch rockets from it. The only problem is that when I launch, the rocket launches from the regular launch pad so I have to move the rocket to the other pad somehow. I have tried making many different rovers armed with claws, but none of them are very reliable and can't easily it straight up the ramp onto the secondary launch pad. Has anyone done this before? Would rovers work or would I need something else? Here is a screenshot of after the most reliable rovers moved a rocket to the launchpad: https://imgur.com/uVetFBH One of the two rovers is in the bottom right, Bill is standing on the ramp (to repair popped tires; I had 4), and the pad is the big thing in the middle.
  12. Hi everyone! So I have a slight issue with slow framerate. I have a couple of mods and I only have the issue in Career mode, not in sandbox mode. Every time I switch scene, either VAB, space center, tracking station, or launchpad it takes about 10-12 seconds for the scene to load. This is ok, I can live with that. However every single time when I go to launchpad, nomather from where I go before, if it's from VAB or tracking station or simply a "revert flight to launch" it takes about 30 seconds for the FPS to stabilize. It sits around 17 fps and after these 30 seconds it kicks up to 60 something. Every single time it about the same 30 seconds plus minus a second or two. If I try this in Sandbox mode in takes about 1-2 seconds for the FPS to stabilize at around 60. I don't know whats wrong but I find it very strange that it only occurs in career mode. It seems like it has nothing to do with part count, in career i used like 31 parts and in sandbox I used 110 parts. The link down below takes you to file.fm where I have output log for career and for sandbox, the ksp log and a mod version log. Also I have the screenshots there too that I post in this thread, and also I uploaded a ckan file in the same link as well as my save including shipfiles. I did not upload a save for the sandbox mode, it's a newly started one and I used the standard ships. The files How to reproduce: I guess all you really have to do is to install the mods in the list and go to launchpad. It doesn't mather if you launch a huge vessle or just a probe core. Takes the same time Really appreciate the help guys! Cheers - Schmelge
  13. Hello everyone! I have been playing KSP quite some time now and I've just been getting into RSS. I really like the mod but the rockets I make don't lift off the launchpad anymore. They worked fine, but not anymore. I think that it has something to do with the second stage. If I build a rocket without a second stage it works perfectly fine but the second I add a second stage it doesn't lift off and is stuck "hovering " in the air. I can fire up my engines and even do flips but it just won't move further up into the air. It's like this for every rocket that I build. Has anyone had this problem? Can someone help me? P.S.: I wanted to attach a picture but I don't know how.
  14. Is there any mod to bring more launch sites? If not, which version of KSP would be the best one to install a mod that provides more launchpads all around Kerbin and/or on other planets or in space?
  15. If I copy a large ship into 1.3, it explodes as soon as 'physics easing' is finished. I have looked around the internet but have not found a good answer. I am truly open to suggestions. Thanks! -jimc
  16. I've been surprised there isn't more than one mod for this purpose- I just googled again, didn't see anything. But amusingly I found a guy from last year using almost the identical solution to me and asking the same question, why isn't there a launchpad mod with multiple lighting options that has our cool launch vehicles looking like proper massively-floodlit Apollo launches? Considering there are mods for like growing evil mutant carrots in the R&D facility, it seems something of an oversight. This was my fancy solution - four Packrat rovers with batteries + solar + bank of spotlights, arranged around the pad with the side ones aiming low and the front and rear ones aiming high. It works reasonably well, and they have enough batteries to never turn off so until a better solution comes along they're parked there for the duration. Here's YT video of a guy doing almost exactly the same thing. Anyway, I think that would be a widely-used mod if done well so like the lights are smart enough to alter aim depending on height of launch vehicle, full range of rainbow colors because why not, possibly even disco ball lights. Yes, disco ball lights should be a requirement.
  17. Has anyone ever got, developed, developing or yet to develop am mod that adds water effect after a rocket launch... i have tried with smokes from SRBS to make such effect, but, not got what i expected! here are some photos, which i expect like- EDIT: water was released during the launch
  18. Hello Kerbals this is my first post i am not really experienced with the game so i installed the mod of MechJeb and by using MechJeb Module as soon as i click Launch and the stage gets green, the rocket explodes and the parts launch off with 500m/s speed in all directions. Installing this mod was a dream coming true but alot of disappointment after this bug happened My game version is 1.1.0 and i also installed the compatible mod one from CKAN(auto mod installer) It happens even when the i put MechJeb module as a secondary module.
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