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  1. Universal Storage is a modular parts mod, allowing you to build custom service modules. It is highly integrated with the most popular life support mods, DMagic Orbital Science, and Kerbal Inventory System. Part library and more information available at kingtiger.co.uk/uvsii Universal Storage II (UvSii) is the follow up to KSP’s original wedge based parts mod, Service modules are build from a central core, around which you can place various resource and processor wedges. Customization fairings complete the service module, providing aerodynamic shielding with access via payload doors. Most parts are resizable allowing increased storage capacity while keeping part counts low. New features Separate fairing parts provide full comparability with the stock aerodynamics system. Parts feature multiple height variants allowing greater capacity without bloating part count. Fairings feature multiple paint variants, allowing you to match the look of your craft. Full KSPedia articles including animated gifs. Localization support including KSPedia. Support You can post bugs and feature requests on our bitbucket issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/uvs2/universalstorage2 Or post in this thread and we'll do our best to help you (using bitbucket makes it easier for us to help and is preferred). Download from OneDrive Use the onedrive download to access: Previous versions Beta releases Source code Balance spreadsheets and other information Download at Space Dock You can download the mod at SpaceDock. There is a separate version for KSP 1.3.1 so make sure you download the correct file. Use the changelog button on SpaceDock to view each version. Features Three step build process Service modules are built from three basic parts. The core provides the structure with space to attach payload wedges and the fairing provides aerodynamic shielding. For more information on the build process check KSPedia in game. Multiple configurations Most parts have multiple height options, allowing increased resource storage without bloating part count. Cost, mass and capacity all scale linearly so every configuration is balanced. Larger cores and fairings have multiple configurations. The cores feature a central fuel tank or a crew transfer tunnel (for use with Connected Living Space). Selected fairings can be configured as a payload bay for use without a core or wedges. Fairings can be configured to match the look of your craft, with either Porkjet, Gemini, Apollo or Saturn paint schemes. Designed to work with 3rd party mods Built from the ground up to provide resource storage for popular life support mods. The game will automatically detect which mods you have installed (via module manager) and load payload wedges to match. In addition, Universal Storage is closely linked with DMagic Orbital science to provide a large selection of wedge format science experiments when both are installed. Wedges are Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) compatible, allowing Kerbals on EVA to swap out wedges as part of a resupply mission. Compatible mods Connected Living Space DMagic Orbital Science Not currently working, Orbital Science will be updated to be compatible soon. Kerbalism Kerbal Inventory System Kerbal Operating System Snacks TAC Life Support USI Life Support KSPedia Full KSPedia support provides in-game information on the parts, their features and how to build craft. The mod includes support for animated gifs in KSPedia pages (see source code for detailed information). Career mode support The mod is fully compatible with career mode, with parts balanced against their non-wedge equivalents ensuring there are no ‘cheat’ parts. Part unlocking follows a logical progression with the majority of parts available at tier five and six. The Universal Storage Team Daishi – Nox Industrial 3D models Textures Animations A highly proficient 3D modeller and animator, Daishi has created the parts for Universal Storage and other mods on KSP. If you would like to support Daishi’s modelling work you can donate via the paypal link below. DMagic – DMagic Orbital Science Code KSPedia With 18 mods currently on SpaceDock, Dmagic is one of the games most prolific modders. Probably best know for Orbital Science, he is also the current maintainer of SCANsat and author of many other ‘quality of life improvement’ mods. Paul Kingtiger – New Horizons Original concept Research and part balancing Website Paul has created a number of minor balance mods for KSP but Universal Storage was his first large scale mod. When not playing around with KSP Paul plays Paradox grand strategy games and World of warships, as well as messing around with physical computing and restoring old electronics. Note: Paul is not actively involved in Universal Storage development at this time. Translation credits Thanks to the work of these amazing volunteers, we are able to offer full localization support for Universal Storage. Italian: CRL42 German: StarStreak2109 Spanish: @Janderklander - Sergi Ruiz Brazilian Portuguese: Kastruss Source Code You can download the source (zip file) using the link below. Universal Storage Source Code FAQ Nothing works like it should! Make sure you have the correct version of the mod to match your KSP install. KSP 1.3.1 and KSP 1.4 (and later) versions have different requirements. You can find and download the correct version of the mod using the links above. If you have made a mistake, Delete the Module Manager file and the Universal Storage II folder in your GameData folder and try again. Check KSPedia! Answers to the most common questions are in game via KSPedia. There is a problem with X science experiment! Universal Storage II does now contains basic science parts, which are augmented by DMagic Orbital Science, a separate mod. If you have a problem with a science part make sure you include the name so we know who to ask for help. DMagic is one the Universal Storage team so he checks this thread, alternatively you can check the Orbital Science thread for support. How do I install the mod? Download the file and unzip it. Then copy the GameData folder to your Kerbal Space Program folder, merging / overwriting any files when asked. Can I have Universal Storage and Universal Storage 2 installed together? Yes, the two mods are entirely separate and will work side by side. The parts list in the VAB will be a little cluttered, and I recommend completing any missions using the old mod, recovering the craft, then removing Universal Storage (simply delete the folder from your GameData file). You can then continue just using Universal Storage 2. How can I find the parts. The cores and fairings are found in the Payload category. Fuel tanks and Batteries are found under Fuel Tanks and Electrics. Most other parts are under Utility. However the easiest way to find the parts is to type Universal in the search box. How do I remove the mod? Simply delete the Universal Storage 2 folder in GameData. Note that any craft using parts from the mod will break, so make sure you have recovered and craft using Universal Storage II parts before removing the mod. How do I upgrade the mod? Simply download the new version and install as above, overwriting any existing files. How did you balance the parts? The original Universal Storage parts were balanced against real world craft and technology. This made for realistic parts, but many were badly balanced against other parts in game. For Universal Storage II we decided to balance parts against the stock parts in game or the various life support mods. This ensures that costs, mass and capacity are balanced against the rest of the game, so there's are no 'cheat' parts. LICENSE Models, textures and animations The models, texture and animations, including the .mu files are copyright of Simon Hinton who reserves all rights. New Zealand Copyright Act 1994 You may download and used these files and modify them for personal use. You may not publish or share these files or derivatives of these files. You may not reverse engineer these files. You may externally reference these files using the model command in KSP. For permission to use the model and texture assets in a way other than the above message Simon via the KSP forums. You may share screen shots, videos and streams featuring Universal Storage (credits back to here are appreciated) All other files and images Code including .DLL and .CFG files are released under the MIT license Copyright 2018 DMagic, Paul Kingtiger and Simon Hinton Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
  2. SIMPLEX Kerbalism A kerbalism profile that is more stock-a-like, and allows kerbalism to be stand-a-lone. Download from Spacedock Installation: Install KerbalismCore https://spacedock.info/mod/1774 Install Harmony https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP/releases which is required by KerbalismCore. You don't need KerbalismConfig, or Community ResourcePack Put the KerbalismSimplex folder into GameData Requires: Module Manager (not included). KerbalismCore (not included). Harmony (not included) Recommended but certainly NOT required: SIMPLEX Resources (to extend the Stock Ore system) TETRIX TechTree QUARTIX TechTree License is the Unlicense http://unlicense.org/ Introduction: SIMPLEX Kerbalism ultimately is simplified profile of Kerbalism, maintaining the features of life support, but in a more basic way, with only two life support resources. There no additional gases to worry about, nor balancing food and water. The CommunityResourcePack is not required for Kerbalism to function with Kerbalism Simplex. NEW IN 3.0: Unique Science experiments and also new containers for Consumables and Air. NEW IN 3.5: Telescope based experiments for mod telescopes (Hullcam, KPBS, SSPX), Also, no JNSQ profile, next update will do this better. NEW IN 3.6: Different Day Length Profiles - Use with JNSQ, KSRSS, Sigma changes to day length NEW IN 3.7: Localisation, English and Italian thanks to @leonardfactory The KerbalismSimplex/Profiles folder there are an additional 3 profiles which, if used will alter the mass(density) of Air /BadAir, and Consumables /OrganicSlurry and the rates to which they are used in game. This will keep the standard of 1 unit per day. It will also keep the mass consumed as a standard, as an example in stock, 1.251kg of Air is consumed per day. In stock 6 hour days, this is 1 unit. With the 12 hour day, 1 unit is now 2.502kg. The correct ratio splits have been made for 8 hour and 7.5 hour days. Greenhouses have also been adjusted to still harvest correctly every 72 days. Use the 12 hour day with JNSQ Use the 7.5 hour day with JNSQ resized to stock with Sigma Use the 8 hour day with KSRSS resized to 2.5x with Sigma NEW IN 3.9: Coolant Requirement for ISRU and Nuclear Reactors, and SIMPLEX Resources Nuclear Reactors TinyISRU unit to produce Liquid Fuel. Chemical Reactor no longer does this. Support for Moldavite Machines Support for QUARTIX TechTree NEW IN 3.11: Added bahaEPL drills and ISRU, and scinece drill to collect surface samples! Added RemoteTech Config support, but this reliant on Kebalism itself supporting RemoteTech which may not be the case Life Support: Consumables replace food and water. (OrganicSlurry replaces WasteFood, and WasteWater) Air replaces Oxygen and Nitrogen gases. (BadAir replaces Carbon Dioxide gas) The units for these resources are based on a typical use per kerbal per day. 5 units of Consumables will last 1 kerbal for 5 days. 15 units of Air will last 3 kerbals for 5 days, however Air is also used to maintain pressure due to atmospheric leakage, so you'll need to take more. Kerbals will constantly breathe in the atmosphere around them, which is replaced immediately with bottled Air, but as they breathe out, the BadAir must be removed with scrubbers otherwise the kerbals will die. Greenhouses, can be used to restore BadAir to Air. Kerbals consume half a Consumable unit twice a day. They also produce OrganicSlurry as waste. OrganicSlurry can be converted back to Consumables using a greenhouse. OrganicSlurry can also be converted from Ore. Note: Air and Consumables are balanced to have the same mass as Nitrogen + Oxygen or Food + Water. This means that a craft that is designed in Simplex Kerbalism will have the same delta vee for craft with the same mission profile as in vanilla kerbalism. Configurable Life Support modules: Life Support modules are available to be installed on all crewed parts - only two per part These modules are available on kerbalism’s external life support part as well. Scrubber - used remove BadAir out of the atmosphere Pressure control - used to maintain atmospheric pressure due to leaks Air Pump - used to maintain atmospheric pressure if an external atmosphere is present with Air in it. MonoProp and Air FuelCell Greenhouses: These require only BadAir and OrganicSlurry to produce Consumables. The kerbalism greenhouse (standard) will produce 36 units of Consumables every 72 days, supporting a ½ kerbal per greenhouse. Conversion of BadAir to Air occurs every second of growth, and is the equivalent of ½ kerbal. With two greenhouses and with a supply of Consumables, a closed loop lifesupport is able to be created with a small amount of mining to replace lost Air due to atmospheric leakage. Greenhouses also contain a science experiment (see below), making them more useful for taking on interplanetary missions due to Science! Greenhouses also contain a comfort bonus (plants), making stress increase more slowly. Greenhouses from mods are supported. See inside the spoiler: ISRU returns to Stock resources: Mining and ISRU has been adjusted to replicate stock behaviour, but using the kerbalism modules. This also means that there is no requirement for heat management with drills and in ISRU as kerbalism does not simulate heat. The drills mine Ore as in Stock KSP. The ISRU and mini ISRU converts Ore to LiquidFuel and Oxidizer, to MonoPropellant and BadAir, or to OrganicSlurry and Air. The LiquidFuel and Oxidizer will fill whatever tanks are available, even if one of those resources is full. The Fuel Cells now operate on LiquidFuel & Oxidizer (stock behaviour), or Monopropellant & Air. Fuel Cell modules are available as part of the Life Support modules. Storage: With the Life Support, kerbalism’s containers can be configure to hold their particular resource or counterpart. The Air/ Bad Air containers are a unique kerbalism part. The Consumables/ OrganicSlurry containers are retextured stock KSP inventory containers. Science: The science experiments are different to vanilla kerbalism. These are either probe or crew focused, aside from the stock experiments. The final tier of experiments is only available on extended TechTrees, either TETRIX TechTree or Community TechTree. Mods Supported: Planet Packs: Beyond Home, ExtraSolar, GEP, GPO, GPP, OPM, QSRSS, RSS, SSRSS Fuel Switchers: B9PartSwitch Tech Trees: Community TechTree, QUARTIX TechTree, TETRIX TechTree, SIMPLEX TechTree Note that the following mods have specific patches. Other mods should also work fine. Requests happy to be accepted. BahaEPL Community Category Kit Contract Configurator DeepFreeze Extraplanetary Launchpads HabTech2 HullCameraVDS JX2 Antenna Kerbal Atomics Kopernicus (for solar panel fix) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KPBS) Keridan Dynamics Moldavite Machines NearFuture Electric NearFuture Exploration NearFuture Propulsion (with SIMPLEX Resources) NearFuture Spacecraft Planetside Exploration Technologies RemoteTech* may not work due to Kerbalism code ReStockPlus RLA Reborn SCANsat SIMLEXColonies SIMPLEXResources SIMPLEXStationParts StockalikeStationPartsExpansion Redux (SSPX) Stockalike Mining Expansion Thanks: So many people have helped on this. The great people developing Kerbalism including ShotgunNinja, N70, PiezPiedPy, Sir Mortimer, Gotmachine, Arthur, Arkolis who designed the parts that contain Air and Bad Air for Kerbalism. Localization and moving to Github was leonardfacatory. Inspiration from IFILS originally by Stavell, now maintained by LinuxGuruGamer. Blowfish and the MM team too. Changelog 3.20 Fixed VABOrganizer bulkheadprofiles for some parts Changed Asteroid and Comet Sampling experement names to fit the UI better through Localization Replaced the Gieger Counter with a better model from vanilla kerbalism , had to manipulate the Science ReWork to deal with this and add localization NOTE - Same Science as Kerbalism Modular Science from Simplex, released within a day of each other! revious Changelogs: Peace.
  3. This mod introduces astronauts' health management to KSP. You have to consider health implications when building vessels, planning and executing missions. It covers various factors affecting health including living space, microgravity, radiation, diseases, accidents and more. It is highly customizable and works well alongside most popular mods. Download latest release Wiki Source Features Kerbals have Health Points (HP) that gradually reduce during missions and restored at KSC. Maximum HP is determined by kerbal's level (+10 HP per level). HP change based on several factors such as available living space, presence of crewmates, gravity, and specific ship parts. If a kerbal's health goes below 20%, he/she may become exhausted (technically, turn into a Tourist). They will eventually get back to work after health goes above 20% again. If a kerbal's health falls to 0, they will die! Train astronauts at KSC to prepare them for space travel and reduce their stress. They will also gradually learn to use their equipment during missions. Kerbals are affected by radiation, which permanently reduces their maximum health. It can come from the Sun, including CMEs, radioactive parts, galactic cosmic rays etc. You can protect from radiation by using shielding and choosing safer mission profiles. Planets and moons can reduce radiation within their magnetic fields and atmospheres. Kerbals may fall sick, have health accidents, panic attacks and other contingencies. When kerbals level up, they can acquire quirks that affect their health reactions, to the better or to the worse. All necessary data is shown in the Health Monitor (at KSC and in flight) and Health Report (in the editor). Compatibility patches support a range of parts mods (see below). All of these settings are easily changed or disabled in-game and/or with ModuleManager patches. Health Factors The following factors may affect kerbal's health: Stress (kerbal is on a mission): -2 x (1 - Training Level) x Number of Colleagues HP/day (see details below) Confinement: -2 x Crew / Living Space HP/day (Living Space is provided by most crewed parts depending on their size, capacity, function etc.) Microgravity (orbital or suborbital flight or under 0.1 g, e.g. Minmus): -1 HP/day Loneliness (only one kerbal in the vessel): -1 HP/day Isolation (no working CommNet or RT connection to home): -0.5 HP/day EVA: -18 HP/day Home (in Kerbin's low atmosphere): +2 HP/day KSC (kerbal is recuperating at KSC, i.e. available): +3 HP/day You can adjust all factors' effects in the Difficulty Settings. Quirks of a kerbal may also affect their health factors. You can check current values for a specific crew member in the Health Monitor. Certain parts (such as Hitchhiker and crew cabins) can additionally reduce the effect of a health factor (Confinement in this case) allowing for much longer and healthier flights, at a cost of Electric Charge. Hab rings in some mods can help overcome Microgravity issues for long-term stations and interplanetary missions while cupolas alleviate Loneliness. Stress and Training One of the drains on kerbals' health is Stress. Stress may be reduced in two ways (combinable): training and having colleagues on board. Training level for a part can range between 0% and 100%, and the vessel training level is its parts' weighted average with weights being their Complexity. Kerbals can be trained to specific part types, e.g. Mk 1 Pod or the Science Lab. Only parts that are marked to have Complexity (which is measured in %) need to be trained for; these are mostly crewable parts. The more different part types are on the vessel, the longer training will take. Stupider kerbals will also train slower than smarter ones (depending on your difficulty settings). Training can take two forms: In-flight training takes place automatically whenever the kerbal is on a mission and not landed on the home planet (i.e. Kerbin). They will gradually get used to the parts on their vessel and therefore slowly reduce the Stress they take from spaceflight. More challenging situations provide significantly more training speed, based on their science multiplier. However, this process gives diminishing returns. For instance, an astronaut with 0% training may increase their training level by 1% per day, but when they reach 50% training, they will only get 0.5% per day, and so on. So you can never really reach 100% training, but the experience using a part a kerbal has, the less Stress they will take. Training at KSC has the obvious benefit of preparing the kerbal for their mission without exposing them to its dangers. It is recommended that you train your kerbals at KSC before sending them to where no kerbal has gone before. The drawback is that KSC training has a cap, which depends on your Astronaut Complex level. You can't increase their training level beyond that without actually going to space. The kerbals also have to be healty (i.e. have no health conditions) to train, and they won't recover their health while they are training at the KSC. KSC training level caps based on your Astronaut Complex facility level: Level 1: 30% reduction (i.e. -1.4 HP/day) Level 2: 50% reduction (i.e. -1 HP/day) Level 3: 60% reduction (i.e. -0.8 HP/day) To start KSC training, load the vessel in the Editor, open the Health Report and click "Training Info" button. From there, you can select which kerbals to train. If you disable KSC training in the Settings, kerbals are always assumed to be fully KSC-trained for all parts. In-flight training still takes place as usual. The other way to reduce Stress is to have more than one kerbal of a certain profession on a vessel. Then they are assumed to be working in shifts or helping each other, and their Stress level is reduced accordingly. For instance, a Pilot that loses 0.8 HP/day to Stress when alone will lose 0.4 HP/day if there is another Pilot on the ship. Tourists don't benefit from having more "colleagues" on a vessel. Instead, they get peace of mind from knowing that there is professional crew to look after them. Their Stress is reduced by the number of non-Tourist crew members on the vessel plus 1. For example, a Tourist that normally loses 0.8 HP/day to Stress will lose 0.4 HP/day if there is one crew member, ~0.27 if there are two crew members etc. Health Recuperation Certain parts (such as the Cupola) provide Recuperation bonuses. If a kerbal receives, say, a 1% recuperation bonus, he/she will recover 1% of their lacking health (i.e. of the difference between their current HP and the maximum HP) every day. This change works in parallel with the normal health factors above. Example: A 5-star kerbal (maximum HP = 150) currently has 55 Health Points and is in a vessel that gives him 2% recuperation. The vessel has 10 units of living space, he has connection and he has a crewmate. Therefore he recovers (150 - 55) x 2% = 1.9 HP per day and loses also (0.5 + 2 x 2 / 10 + 1) = 1.9 HP per day. It means that the marginal change balances out the "normal" change and his health will stay around 55 HP (37%) until the situation changes. As you see, this mechanics may allow some kerbals to stay relatively healthy indefinitely. It may look cheaty, but the point is that: (1) there should be a way to design long-term missions without spamming crew space, (2) it requires a lot of heavy parts and therefore still difficult, (3) the balanced health level is usually far from 100% and may fall lower if circumstances change (e.g., new crew arrives and fills the station), (4) these bonuses require a lot of EC, (5) radiation still keeps mounting (see below). Recuperation is not stacked and has crew cap. It means that one Cupola provides 2% Recup for 1 kerbal, 2 Cupolas give 2% for 2 kerbals (not 4%!), etc. If you have more kerbals than the crew cap, Recuperation will be split among them evenly (e.g. 2 kerbals with 1 Cupola will get 1% Recup). Decay is the opposite to Recuperation: for every percentage point of Decay, your kerbal will lose 1% of their remaining health per day. Fortunately, it is very rare. Radiation All kerbals on missions are affected by radiation, which slowly but permanently reduces their maximum HP. Radiation is measured in banana equivalent doses (when you eat a banana, you get approximately 1e-7 Sv of radiation). 1e7 (10M) bananas reduce max HP by 10%; 1e8 (100M) bananas kill a kerbal. The amount of Radiation a kerbal receives depends on many factors. Most importantly, it is determined by their location. Many planets and some moons have magnetic fields that stop some radiation; atmospheres are also very effective in shielding it (see wiki for more). Being close to a celestial body helps screen some rays too. E.g., radiation level at Kerbin's sea level is 1,000 times lower than in interplanetary space just outside Kerbin's SOI. Cosmic radiation is also greater closer to the Sun. To check environment before sending astronauts, you can use magnetometers and Geiger counters provided by supported mods or embedded in advanced stock probe cores. Being on EVA takes away all the protection your ship provides and dramatically increases radiation level. Artificial radiation is created by certain parts like atomic engines and nuclear reactors. You can protect kerbals from radiation (both cosmic and artificial) by adding shielding to the vessel. It is provided by some parts, like structural panels, heat shields and mk3 cargo bays. These parts and most crew pods can be improved by adding Radiation Shielding to them in the Editor. You can never eliminate all radiation, but you can reduce it to non-dangerous levels. Beware of solar radiation storms! They can blast your kerbals in a planet's SOI or in interplanetary space with amounts of radiation ranging from high to enormous. You will be warned, usually, a few hours in advance and the kerbals will automatically take cover in the shelter, if there is one. The shelter is determined as the most protected part (or set of parts) that can fit the entire crew. You will see shelter exposure in the Health Report and Health Monitor details. The frequence of solar storms depends on the phase of the solar cycle going (on average) from one storm every 6,667 days to one storm every 437 days. If you have Kerbalism installed and enabled "Use Kerbalism Radiation" option in the settings, Kerbal Health's radiation calculations will be replaced with those of Kerbalism (but Kerbal Health shielding will still apply). Kerbalism has a more realistic and complex radiation model, but its balance is very different from Kerbal Health's. It is possible to cure radiation by decontaminating a kerbal, but it is hard. To start decontamination, the kerbal has to be at KSC at full health and with no health conditions. You also need fully upgraded R&D Facility and Astronaut Complex. Every decontamination costs 100,000 funds (in Career mode) and 1,000 science points (in Career and Science mods). It cures 100,000 banana doses per Kerbin day and stops if you send the kerbal on a mission. The kerbal undergoing decontamination temporarily loses 70% of their health and will need to rest afterwards. As always, each value can be adjusted in-game. If your astronaut discovers an anomaly, they may also be miraculously decontaminated by unknown forces (but only one kerbal per anomaly). Quirks Whenever a kerbal levels up, there is a 25% chance that he or she will acquire a health quirk (unless he/she already has two). Discovering an anomaly can also grant a free quirk. These can be positive or negative and usually affect kerbals' vulnerability to various health factors and dangers. Chances of getting some quirks depend on courage and stupidity of a particular kerbal. The full list can be found in the Kerbal Health Wiki. Random Events Kerbals' organisms, like ours own, are not always predictable. Sometimes, not very often, you may see unexpected events that can impact your whole mission. Kerbals acquire (or lose) certain conditions as a result of these events. Having parts with a Sick Bay (such as the stock Science Lab) helps alleviate the symptoms. Sickness: A kerbal can become sick and start losing health quickly. His/her crewmates may catch the disease too, including during the incubation period. This condition usually heals itself after some time, but it can also lead to a pneumonia, a really dangerous condition. Having Scientists or Medics aboard helps. Injuries: A kerbal can immediately lose some health in an accident. Stupid kerbals are naturally predisposed to this condition. It may cause sepsis, which is mortally dangerous. Bring your kerbal home immediately or pray Kraken it will heal on its own. Food poisoning: Kerbals are known for their love of snacks and they don't always wash their hands. Food poisoning may not be as bad as some other conditions on its own, but if dehydration develops, they will become unable to do any work at all and effectively turn into space Tourists until it passes. Panic attacks: Though not posing danger to health per se, panic prevents kerbals from doing any useful work. At least it doesn't last long and courageous kerbals are less prone to it. Conditions can be disabled or their chances and effects changed in game settings. You can also easily add, modify or remove conditions (see wiki for details). Requirements Module Manager Supported Mods Kerbal Health should work well alongside most other mods and will try to adapt to them with smart MM patches. Some have better, native support though: Atomic Age B9 Aerospace Blizzy's Toolbar Bluedog Design Bureau Connected Living Space (integration can be toggled in the settings) Crew R&R Deadly Reentry Continued DeepFreeze Continued Deep Space Exploration Vehicles Far Future Technologies FASA Feline Utility Rovers FTmN Atomic Rockets (classic and Improved) JNSQ Kerbal Atomics Kerbalism (stress, comforts, living space, and radiation features are disabled by Kerbal Health by default; you can use Kerbalism's radiation model instead of Kerbal Health's) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems Kerbal Reusability Expansion KSP-AVC KSP Interstellar Extended Malemute Near Future Technologies (Aeronautics, Electrics, Exploration, Launch Vehicles, Spacecraft) Outer Planets Mod Probes Before Crew Rational Resources & Rational Resources Parts RemoteTech ReStock+ RLA Reborn RSCapsuledyne Snacks SpaceY Heavy Lifters SSTU Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux Surface Experiment Pack Tantares Tokamak Insustries Refurbished Parts USI Freight Transportation Technologies USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) + Karibou USI-LS (see notes below) Making History expansion is supported too but not required. If you would like to include special support for your (or your favorite) mod, let me know. Conflicts & Incompatibilities Any mod, which can temporarily make kerbals Tourists, can conflict with Kerbal Health if both mods change kerbals' status and then turn it back. In some situations it may mean that your kerbals will remain Tourists indefinitely or become active too soon. Kerbal Health tries to fix some of these situations, but cannot prevent all of them. Custom solar systems with multiple stars can work in strange ways with radiation mechanics. Disable radiation in the settings if you have problems. It is recommended to disable habitation mechanics of USI-LS (and other similar mods) as these largely have the same goal as Kerbal Health. Feedback & Bug Reports I love feedback! Tell me what you think about the mod, what ideas, suggestions or complaints you have. If you have a bug report, please provide an output log while in Debug Mode (use in-game settings to enable) or at least give exact instructions how to reproduce it. License: MIT Enjoy the mod? Buy me a coffee! Changelog
  4. Kerbals Get OLD! - Adds an Aging Mechanic to KSP Kerbals will now grow old & die. This mod adds a new GUI with a calender icon to the toolbar. Click the calender to view a list of your kerbals and their ages. Fully configurable via in-game settings. You can also edit Kerbals in-game to change their current age so you can properly age up Kerbals that existed before the mod was installed. __________ New Kerbals will randomly start with an age between 23 & 38 By default once kerbals get between the ages of 305 to 330 they will die on a random year. Kerbals also have a 1/25 chance of being blessed. If a Kerbal is blessed they will live up to an extra 50 years past 330. When a Kerbal is within 10 years of death their name color will change to yellow in the GUI. If they are within 4 years of death their name will change to red. It also shows a kerbals date of birth. If a Kerbal was born before Y1 their date of birth will be labeled as "Yxx B.S.C. Day XX", B.S.C. stands for "Before Space Center". __________ This mod is fully compatible with DeepFreeze. Freezing kerbals will stop them from aging. Kerbals who died before the mod was installed will have their birth-date & death-date labeled as UNKNOWN in the deceased menu. DOWNLOADS GITHUB SPACEDOCK CKAN RELEASE 1.1 NOTES
  5. Latest Release Spacedock Source Original mod by: @tgruetzm Continuation by: Angel-125 Snacks was originally published by tgruetzm in August of 2014. It offered a novel and lightweight solution to life support for those that didn't want the complexity of more sophisticated mods like TAC Life Support. This new version rebuilds the original code base in order to: Configure all sorts of options including snacks consumed per day, snacks per meal, and recycling rates. Days are calculated based on the homeworld's solar day, not the default 6/24 hours per day. Rescaled homeworld planets are supported! Provides a penalty system that won't brick your game. Run multithreaded simulations on your vessels to estimate how long your Snacks will last- ElectricCharge production & consumption are included! Maintain the lightweight feel while offering lots of customization. Want more challenge? Check out the addons in the LifeSupportResources folder: Air - Kerbals need Fresh Air to breathe in addition to Snacks to eat. They’ll faint and die without it! Your vessels are automatically equipped with a supply of Fresh Air, and you can make more from Oxidizer via the stock ISRU parts, or recycle Stale Air using the stock Hitchhiker. Stress - Cramped quarters can stress out kerbals and they’ll refuse to work! They aren’t tourists, they’ll just stop using their skills to help your mission. Other events cause Stress as well. Reduce Stress by hanging out in the stock Hitchhiker- but kerbals won’t have their skills available while they rest. Or make your own life support resource to track using the above config files as examples! If you're new to Snacks, please consult the KSPedia. KSPedia images License Source code: The MIT License (MIT) Snack Tin artwork by SQUAD/Porkjet: CC-BY-NC 3.0 Portions of this codebase are CC-BY-NC 3.0 and derived from Taranis Elsu's Window class. Module Manager by Sarbian Installation Delete any previous instances in GameData/Snacks Copy the files in the zip folder over to GameData/Snacks
  6. So I have been considering over the past month or two the creation of a life support system tailored to fit in with the USI mods, and also bring together some the bits I like about other mods already on the market, and add a few of my own tweaks, etc. This is pretty much my interpretation of how, if I were to go buy Kerbal in a store, I would expect a stock-ish life support system to work. I've been playing with it and minus a few refinements am very happy with the result. With that, I am pleased to introduce USI Life Support. Basic overview stuff. Mechanics wise, it's pretty simple. Kerbals require supplies. Kerbals also require EC. these are both on the same timer, so I just check supplies for the status window. When Kerbals are done consuming supplies, leftovers, scraps, and 'anything else' is either tossed overboard, or (if storage is available) tossed into a 'mulcher'. The resulting organic slurry is called 'mulch' and can be used to feed greenhouses, etc. at the player's discretion (or in the case of MKS, converted into Organics at varying levels of efficiency). 15 days out, the visuals go yellow (sorry, no auto-warp-slowdown-thingie, use KAC). When supplies run out, things go into the red. If you leave them unsupplied for 15 days... well, they just say 'screw it', get grouchy, and quit. They are still in the pod. they still take up a seat. But they can't fly, can't EVA, and essentially do the Kerbal equivelant of spinning around in their office chairs, refusing to work, until resupplied. This is a design consideration in that all of us, at least once, has just flat out done goofed, and lost a whole colony of Kerbals via glich or other sadness. Yes, death/despawn will be an option. Not the default one tho. Mechanics wise, they are transformed into tourists, as they are essentially on a self-imposed vacation Once resupplied, they are happy as clams and will return to work. While on EVA, they will not quit. But if they are brought back aboard a ship and have been starved (and can't find a hot meal waiting) they will promptly go in strike, and begin their self imposed vacation immediately. Orange suited Kerbals (Jeb, Bill, Bob, and Val) are immune to the ill effects of life support. They will still consume supplies if given, but do not leave the job, because they are just that awesome. This always gives a player (especially a new one) an 'out' to test out a manned mission before actually committing your other kerbals, etc. to a horrible fate of snack deprivation. Yes, it's a bit more 'Kerbal' than TAC-LS, but also a lot more predictable and with harder consequences than 'Snacks'. It does, however, feel 'right' (at least to me) from a design standpoint. Parts wise: Three inline storage compartments. No extra recyclers needed. No resourced added to pods (the 15 day window covers all of the Kerbin SOI so no point). No random contracts. MKS/OKS Changes MKS wise, closed loop just got a lot harder/more interesting (depending on your point of view). The old C3 (now renamed to the Pioneer Module) will have a basic mulcher and greenhouse and can do recycling at 50% efficiency for up to four Kerbals. Kerbitats operate at 75% efficiency. Mk-IV modules (once released) will operate at 90% efficiency off-world, 100% efficiency on the surface (pulling in of local material is inferred, no extra drills required). Supplies come from organics. Organics come either from mulched supply waste, or from a combo of water/substrate. So surface bases are easier to get to self sufficiency - if they are on water/substrate deposits. Orbital will always be a pain - so you will need to fly up fresh organics or keep large stores. And since organics creation is not tied to the life support loop, building large surface farms is also pretty easy now. Dealing with hungry Kerbals So you can do some very interesting things. Run a command pod to dock reviving supplies/snacks to a starved out colony ship. Use one of your orange-suits to lead a mission and conserve supplies. Note that Kerbals are pretty damn aggressive about getting their snacks - the only way to lock them out of the biscuit tin is to click that little feed button by the resource on a part (same way we reserve some battery power for a probe). Note that a Kerbal about to starve (i.e. no supplies for 15 days) will in fact happily break open said biscuit tin. witty screen message included Design side note: So 'Mulch'. Waste was used, and too generic. And I wanted something that showed that the stuff was kinda useful, not edible, and felt more 'kerbal' (and less like poo!) if that makes sense. The idea of Kerbals tossing all of the spare bits and scraps into a contraption and getting out a semi-useful generic organic slurry had a certain appeal, hence the abstracted mulchers and mulch resource. The resource itself is just 'supplies' and has the visual representation of a translucent, semi-rounded green cube. What are they? Well... leave that to the imagination. But the labeling will read 'N.O.M.S. - (Nutritional Organic Meal Substitute)' on the tins LICENSE: Configuration files and code are licensed under the GPL v3 license. Assets, including Models (*.mu) and Textures *.png/*.dds) are All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these assets in your project, just ask nicely DOWNLOAD: Get it at the GitHub Repo! https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/USI-LS/releases
  7. Allowing radiators to do their true first job. Featuring @benjee10 and @AtomicTech. We all know that life support mods tend to follow the trend of "Kerbals must have continuous access to ElectricCharge and at least one resource that represents food, water and/or air." We also know that there is a very important dynamic that all life support mods have failed to touch on because either, there's a technical hurdle due to the game's spaghetti code, or no one has thought long enough on how to approach it. This dynamic is crewed space temperature, and with it comes the elephant in the room: Radiators in KSP don't do the primary thing that we the players (not the devs) expect of them... provide the "EC" in "ECLSS" (Environmental Control and Life Support System for those who don't know the acronym). My proposal is that, rather than have kerbals require something that's constantly threatening to run out (food or ElectricCharge) have the kerbals require to avoid something filling up (an EH: Enviro-Hostility gauge). The layout of this life support dynamic is then: (Basic) Conditions Just like with thermal mass, each part that holds crew has a capacity for heat (concerning life support only) and the rate it collects heat is determined by the part's volume and the number of occupied seats. Each kerbal produces heat and is a danger to itself on EVA and in an environment which doesn't provide convective cooling and whose ambient temperature is outside of an ideal, tolerable range. Heat absorption through insolation is a core issue and is part of why the ISS has its radiators. If a vessel is under some measurable sun exposure in vacuum, it should produce some E-H just by existing, therefore, it should need ECLSS. Technically, this feature already exists in stock KSP but Kerbin would need to orbit lower than Moho for this to work properly so maybe this bit can be left out entirely, saving on some complexity. Equilibrium in this context is defined as whether the current internal temperature of a kerbal or crewed part is within or very near a given ideal temperature range such as 289 ~ 300 K. The more that the part or kerbal deviates from this equilibrium range is the faster that the E-H gauge fills (it's like a timer, not a resource holder) and if it fills completely, kerbals die, even inside the part. Radiators can opt in as protections against positive E-H (Overheat), but only the white, low temperature ones should as they are meant to be used for ECLSS. The gray metal and black Graphene high temp ones are meant to be used with things that normally run super hot and should not opt in as ECLSS parts. This keeps the white radiators fully relevant on a vessel that has heavy smelters or atomic devices on it. Optionally, the actual heat of a part doesn't always need to be respected (as to avoid disastrous interference by the timewarp heat bug) but a form of "virtual heat" alone could be respected. Maintaining equilibrium then comes down to just having enough compatible radiators to offset the total E-H produced by kerbals and resource converters. (Advanced) Conditions Enviro-Hostility goes both ways. Negative E-H (Overcool) of a part or kerbal can arise from a ship or kerbal: Being far enough from a star that it gets 0 insolation; Orbiting in the shadow of a planet; Being landed or splashed under a frigid atmosphere. Adjacent crewed parts (see: Connected Living Spaces) can serve as buffers to one another and slow the increase of E-H. There is only one bar for E-H and its value is always positive. The measure of hostility is only the effect of how far the ambient temp deviates from the ideal temp and this measure only needs to have positive numbers. Parts that have resource converters in them can also produce E-H as an effect of their modules running (such as the LS recyclers in MKS' habitation parts). Some parts can opt in as heat producers and protections against negative E-H. Some may find plenty value in the idea of the threat of freezing death in their Mars/Duna base. In summary, the idea of this life support is that there is an environmental hostility gauge whose fill rate depends on how much the environment temperature differs from the ideal temperature of a kerbal. Some but not all radiators are ECLSS compatible and allow for minimizing this differential. While kerbals have a melting point of a whopping 800 K, death by overheating doesn't wait for that temperature. (If kerbals are anything like humans they would die at just under 400 K.) The ideal temperature range could always be configurable so users of Deadly ReEntry could tighten this as they need.
  8. Obviously members of the development team have said before they don't enjoy life support, and that's perfectly understandable, a lot of people don't enjoy the prospect of needing to deal with such extra constraints in a game that's already very heavy on resource management, but there's also a large potion of the community (Myself included) who enjoy the additional challenge offered by imposing life support requirements quite a lot, simultaneously of course forcing life support requirements on the side of the community that doesn't enjoy it would be tremendously bad in a large multitude of ways (As the development team has highlighted before). My suggestion is to take a sort of "best of both worlds" approach; adding simple single resource non-fatal life support mechanic and making it only enable with Hard mode, with the option to make it fatal not being enabled until Rocket Scientist difficulty. It being behind Hard mode means that newer players just starting the game won't immediately default to having life support requirements enabled, which prevents it from interfering with the game's initial learning curve while also giving users who wish for the extra challenge the option to enable it, furthermore making it non-fatal allows for it to factor into gameplay without being a significant source of frustration for players, at least until they feel ready to subject themselves to that experience with the Rocket Scientist difficulty. You may be asking; "But Mr. DibzNr, if the life support is non-fatal then what's the point of it?" That'd be an interesting problem, the original Snacks mod for KSP1 simply made Kerbals fall unconscious and thus lose vessel control when they ran out of food, I don't think the player's first experience managing life support resources should be so punishing through; instead my idea is that you could impose a number of smaller penalties like, for instance, tying it into the G-Force mechanics such that Kerbal's G-Force tolerances get scaled back the hungrier they are, you could also take a Minecraft approach and make it so that they can't sprint on EVA if they're out of food, incentivising the player to keep their Kerbals fed without imposing too tremendous of a penalty for failing to do so. Simplifying it all down to a singular resource (Instead of many interconnected resources) also helps to keep things simple overall, and also lets you implement a singular bold "Are my Kerbals suffering" bar that could go right alongside the other "Are my Kerbals suffering" bar, which aids in UI readability, and could also integrate well into colony mechanics. Much like most KSP1 life support mods, the rate at which Kerbals consume food could also be determined by a slider in the difficulty, with it being laxed on Hard difficulty to not make things too overwhelming overall, and then stepped up for the Rocket Scientist difficulty.
  9. Another hint at life support from the KSP2 EA cinematic trailer.
  10. I feel like the fact that the KSP2 Road Map does not mention Life Support is very worrying. I profoundly do not agree with being able to send kerbals on long deep space missions wearing only their suits. It messes up the whole game balance and it just feels exploity. It is absolutely unrealistic and cheapens the whole engineering challenge of sending crew into space (as I mentioned in the OP). We need at least radiation protection, living space and temperature, snacks, (clean) water and (clean) air. The game is incomplete without this.
  11. The hard limits of space exploration are related to the balance between mass to orbit vs how long life support lasts. There's no way around this in real life. One thing that has always frustrated me in KSP1 is how easy it is to just send kerbals in space. It takes out a big part of the engineering incentives and messes up game balance. The lack of life support means arbitrary thoughtless usage of time warp. It means distances and time lose their gameplay value. Example, not taking Delta-V requirements into account: it's as easy to make a base on Eeloo as it is to make it on the Mun. Come on.. we all know the Moon is hard.. Mars is WAY harder.. Venus is basically float-city or no-no. I'm personally all for lethal life support requirements and limitations if they're implemented in a way that's not frustrating. Not all missions should succeed, not all crews should survive.
  12. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Download on SpaceDock, Github or Curseforge. Available on CKAN. SimpleLife (SimpleLife) Greetings again I have asked, and @MatterBeam has graciously given permission to update / continue / adopt / release SimpleLife. I intend to respectfully proceed as soon as I am ready, as permitted by the individual license(s) and the original author's permission. @MatterBeam has granted me access to the SpaceDock listing and I will be updating it when it is time. https://spacedock.info/mod/766 Thank you. Thank @MatterBeam for these wonderful mods! Source: GitHub License: All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under their own licenses
  13. Also supports ReStock+ and Air! I've always been fond of @Angel-125's Snacks! mod, in particular as it could be used with only stock parts. At least, aside from the cloned RCS tanks used for dedicated storage. Being somewhat prone to stock parts purism, I noticed that the flavour text for the Ore tanks explicitly mentions snacks, and thus, this mod was conceived. More or less very simple Module Manager patching to add Snacks resource switching to the ore tanks. Additionally, the tech tree nodes are adjusted to mirror the Snacks-added tank progression, so players aren't forced to research IRSU before they're able to pack enough snacks to get to Minmus Config files licensed under MIT. Depends on Snacks, obviously, and on Module Manager SnackTank on SpaceDock
  14. UPDATE: This mod will likely not be updated for future versions of KSP. Hello, First of all, thank you to everyone who expressed so much interest over the past year! It was my first mod release, and despite my nerves, the positive reception was very encouraging. Unfortunately, after five years of on-and-off work on this mod that culminated in its first release, an official update for KSP was pushed just weeks later which broke some core aspects of the mod. After some investigation, I concluded that I would need to not only rewrite the core code of the mod, but redesign some fundamental aspects of the mod's gameplay. While looking into possible solutions, I was unfortunately hospitalized and had to deprioritize everything in my life not related to my health. I apologize for the radio silence, but truth be told I thought I had provided this update upon returning from the hospital. Clearly I did not, and I am sorry about that. At this time I do not think I will resume work on this mod, but if perchance an epiphany strikes me and I devise a way to address the mod's issues, I will definitely update this again. This mod was a multi-year labor of love and I'm so disappointed to let it go without so much as a single iteration post-release, but through a combination of bad timing and real-life priorities, something had to give. Aspects of the mod might still work, but when the inventory system was added to the game, it threw a bunch of the EVA Lifesupport code out of whack, so you've been warned. Thanks for the support, and all the best. - Moonshot11 v0.1.2 Tested with KSP 1.10.1 Illustrated user guide: https://github.com/moonshot11/SimpleSurvival SimpleSurvival is a Kerbal Space Program mod which adds a simple life support mechanic, with the goal of encouraging a role-playing experience in the following ways: Give purpose to different command modules. (A Mk1 capsule can get to orbit, but can it go to the Mun?) Require the Hitchhiker's module for long journeys. No trips to Eeloo in a Mk1 capsule! Make Engineers more useful. Only they can operate the Converter! Create persistent resources for the Kerbals' EVA suits. An additional tech tree node, Interplanetary Habitation, is also added for Science and Career modes. Download latest release Github: Download here Spacedock: Download here Source code (Github): https://github.com/moonshot11/SimpleSurvival Installation From the downloaded zip file, extract the "GameData" folder into your "Kerbal Space Program\GameData" folder. If you have a version of ModuleManager that exceeds what is packaged with this mod, make sure to retain the latest version and delete the older one! Compatibility SimpleSurvival adds life support resources to all relevant stock parts, including the expansions. It also modifies the Advanced Exploration node in the tech tree. Therefore, compatibility with other mods that modify the tech tree should not be assumed. Command modules that have been modded into the game will not have functional life support, although a means of dynamically adding life support to addon parts will be investigated in the future. Author's note This is an initial beta release. Please let me know what you think! I am particularly concerned with feedback about: - Balance, especially for interplanetary travel. - Accessibility. Is the user interface intuitive, is the "Consumables" name appropriate, etc. Please note: Screenshots in the user guide may feature other mods. SimpleSurvival is not affiliated with any other mod, nor does its author endorse the use of any other mods on display. Credit ModuleManager created by Ialdaboth (https://github.com/Ialdabaoth) Enjoy! - moonshot11
  15. Everyone's favorite life support in everyone's favorite shapes. View Album This is my first real parts pack, built on the very basics: modified tanks. What it does is provide a set of Mk2 and Mk3 fuselage parts that behave like stem cells. They are useless and merely structural by default but once a life support mod is found they become functional for and thematically tied to that mod. They intend to reduce part count (cargo bays stuffed with little tanks), enlarge capacity and functionality on built craft, and even enable shareable crew-sustaining spaceplanes between LS modded games. I'm unable to use Unity or Blender so I must make do with only custom textures for giving visual distinction to the parts. Manipulating modules I can do fairly well. The custom crew cabin should hold only 2 and it lights up in more places than just the windows. Downloads! Requirements! Get Deep Sky Core: GitHub :: SpaceDock Get B9 Part Switch: GitHub Community Resource Pack (should already be installed with your favorite life support) Support is up for: Snacks!, TAC, USI, Kerbalism. Featured Parts: Mk2 2x Long tanks for food/waste/supplemental resources 3x Short tanks for food/waste 3x Inline converters (usually an ISRU and at least 1 greenhouse) 2x Rec Centre (2-seat cabins) with HAB FX when applicable (one of which also has KIS space) Mk3 1x Medium tank 1x Short tank 2x Tiny tank (from the MonoPropellant tank. One for waste) 1x Rec Centre (8 seats) with HAB FX and KIS space 3x Inline converters (usually an ISRU and at least 1 greenhouse) 2x Intakes (of 4, with Deep Sky Core) able to harvest any relevant resources from atmosphere or ocean Bonus parts: 2x surface attachable intakes (among 4 from Deep Sky Core) with atmo and ocean harvesting features Known Issues: None yet. Please give feedback. Changelog: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ You may derive and modify the textures and add parts based on them as you like. If you publish your works for others' use do provide attribution within your download file and download page.
  16. Closed Loop Life Support (CLLS) is a simple life support mod which aims at simulating a small, self-contained system for keeping Kerbals alive during long voyages through space. It adds a new resource "LifeSupport" which is consumed by Kerbals at a rate of one unit per day. If your crew runs out of life support they will die. To prevent this dire fate, this mod adds new life support containers to increase the maximum mission time as well as life support generators, which will allow you to create self sufficient ships and stations, provided you have enough electricity. Download 1.3 (for KSP 1.3.x): https://github.com/mmoench/CLLS/archive/1.3.zip 1.1 (for KSP 1.2.1): https://github.com/mmoench/CLLS/archive/1.1.zip Features Kerbals will require life support to stay alive (1 unit per 6 hour day). All parts with crew capacity will hold a small amount of life support (3 units per crew-slot). Kerbals on EVA will take 1 unit of life support from the ship and put it back once they return, giving you a maximum EVA duration of 1 day. Kerbals which have run out of life support will die. Life support can be extended with life support storage containers. For longer missions life support generators can be used to generate life support. This allows the creation of fully self-sufficient interplanetary ships and bases. The production-rate and thus the energy consumption of life support generators can be tweaked to avoid wasting resources. The life support usage and production is tracked for all ships, even in the background and during time warp. Technical Details This mod keeps track of the life support values of all vessels, even those which are not currently active. This is done by caching their last known consumption / production levels as well as their remaining resources. When an event is triggered that changes the game-world (like launching a ship, modifying an (inactive) vessel, saving the game or running out of life support), all vessels are updated. This should make it compatible with other mods which manipulate inactive vessels (like KSTS) while consuming only very little system resources.
  17. EDIT as of 4/12/2020: I have abandoned this project. It was an interesting idea, but at the time I did not have the capability to put things into place like I wanted. Sorry to all those who were looking forward to it. In the future, I'll post things once I have something to show for. There is a non-zero chance I will revive this project. Although unlikely.
  18. I am trying to do a mission to a planet with life support (USI), and I would love to know how to find the time it would take to reach that planet so I could balance my habitation and resources accordingly.
  19. I was wondering, is there an easy overview anywhere of the pros/cons, dependencies and varying hardness/complexity of the various Life Support Mods? I'm looking to go heavy on Life Support for my next career play through, but I don't have a good idea of which would suit me.
  20. The TAC LS recyclers are great for most purposes, but when building really large stations the fact that they only service 10 Kerbals at most gets annoying. It means you need to add 30 parts to recycle oxygen and water. Are there any mods that add larger converters? Or a self-contained "all in one" recycler? I like TAC because of its realism, but for part count's sake I may be forced to use USI instead.
  21. I've played around with TAC Life Support a bit. I quite like the idea of a life support mod, but TAC requires quite a bit of micro-managing, especially with the food resource. I started to come up with an idea of an easier to use life support mod (more suitable for beginners?), but then I realised I have no idea how to create parts. If anybody does, and thinks this is a good idea, please send me a message. The details for the idea are as follows: Kerbals require a single life support resource, called Snacks 1 unit of Snacks weighs 1 kg Snack containers weigh 1kg (dry mass) for every 8kg of Snacks they hold (9kg wet mass) Kerbals consume 1 unit of Snacks every hour If Kerbals run out of Snacks, they go into hibernation until more Snacks are provided. A Kerbal in hibernation can't be controlled, like a probe core with electricity Command pods hold 12 units of Snacks (2 days supply) for every Kerbal they can hold. The External Command Seat only holds 3 units of Snacks A Kerbal on EVA holds 3 units of Snacks, in addition to their monopropellant Non-command pod parts that can hold Kerbals (e.g. the Hitchhiker capsule) holds 6 units of Snacks for every Kerbal they can hold. There are intended to be several dedicated Snack containers: The Tiny Snack tank (0.625m part, about the size of the Oscar-B fuel tank) holds 24 Snacks The Emergency Snack Box (similar in size to the Experiment Storage Unit) holds 36 Snacks The Small Snack tank (1.25m part, about the size of the Advanced Inline Stabilizer) holds 96 Snacks The Large Snack tank (2.5m part, about the size of the Advanced Reaction Wheel Module, Large) holds 192 Snacks The Deep-Space Snack Storer (2.5m part, about the size of the Large Holding Tank) holds 1800 Snacks, intended for a three-Kerbal, 100-day mission The Mega Deep-Space Snack Container (3.75m part, about the size of the Kerbodyne S3-3600 tank) holds 9000 Snacks, intended for a three-Kerbal, 500-day mission in deep space The Snackificator is a 2.5m part (about the size of the Convert-O-Tron 250) that functions in a similar manner to an ISRU: 1 unit of ore + 20 units of electricity -> 10 units of Snacks Conseration of mass: 10kg ore (1 unit) -> 10kg Snacks (10 units) It can have a heat efficiency modifier, like how the in-game ISRU's do, and need radiators to cool it down Intended for use of surface bases, to produce Snacks for colonies If anybody has any suggestions of how this could be implemented, or made better, please comment.
  22. This mod is obsolete. Replaced by OPT_Reconfig A single config mod. Converts select OPT parts for use with USI Life Support. Requested by a handful but I'm sure will be welcome by dozens. It's not being offered as a patch to be included in the OPT downloads as USI LS may change drastically, rendering this (as a bundled patch) quickly outdated. Download it from: GitHub sandbox SpaceDock Includes MiniAVC so everyone can be aware of updates. Comments and suggestions welcome. Does this need a license? If so, CC-BY-NC-SA. Feature list:
  23. Hi I'm not quite new to the forums, but haven't been active a lot. Now I decided to share some of my epic missions with you. I'm playing this almost vanilla, just with some minor mods for precise planning, better visuals and of course, to make it more plausible: life support. An (almost) complete mod list: Distant Object Enhancement Environmental Visual Enhancements Kerbal Alarm Clock KAS KIS Persistent Rotation PlaneShine SCANSat scatterer Stock Visual Enhancements TAC Life Support MechJeb SimpleContruction Planetary Base Systems Konstruction Link to my gallery: http://richman1050.imgur.com/ The pale blue dot, circling the green giant has captivated generations of Kerbals since the beginning of astronomy. With the beginning of the space age, Kerbalkind got to taste what it could be to visit it's mysterious twin for the first time. But to find out, what it would look like to visit the beaches of this far off world, there was alot lot learn, a lot of progress to be made, and a lot of mistakes that were awaiting brave pioneers. The KSP, the Kerbal Space Program, as it was officially named had quite some successful missions: Landing a unmanned UAV on Duna: Duna Direct: The Ravenstar: The Rolling Thunder: But all these missions served only one purpose: the get to Laythe one day. Finally, KSC accumulated enough bright minds, technology and of course funds to start with this humongous undertaking. Part I: The construction of the DSV Hermes http://imgur.com/a/8QevU
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