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I installed Space Warp + BepInEx v1.4.3 (KSP2 version correctly and the mods tab does not show up on the title screen. When I open a world the mods are not there. I have tried deleting all my game files and reinstalling ksp2, wiping the files, etc. Still it will not work. I am not sure what is wrong if anyone could help please leave a message. Though it is probably just something stupid I have overlooked and or not done. Edit: I have installed Space Warp + BepInEx many times successfully before but I believe around KSP2 v0.1.3.0 or so it just stopped working.
so i have some problem with some mods and its bugging some out like mechjeb wont show up and tufx wont change color in tracking station and map view, anybody willing to take a look at player log? and see whats happening? thanks. Player.log:
I'll get the easiest one out of the way first. 1) Where's a recent compatible version for Custom Barn Kit? I've been glitches from the latest version only working up to 1.7 (I'm playing on 1.12.2) 2) Visual Glitches (textures failing to load/not there(?)) <--- glitch in-game ModList: (ripped from CKAN) { "name": "RCSBuildAid", "version": "v1.0.6" }, { "name": "BetterBurnTime", "version": "1.10" }, { "name": "CraftManager", "version": "1.2.0" }, { "name": "ModuleManager", "version": "4.2.1" }, { "name": "CommunityCategoryKit", "version": "v5.2.0.0" }, { "name": "StructuralDisks", "version": "" }, { "name": "JSIPartUtilities", "version": "" }, { "name": "KXAPI", "version": "1.2.0" }, { "name": "ModularLaunchPads", "version": "2.2.2" }, { "name": "ExtendedAntennaProgression", "version": "v0.1.2" }, { "name": "FlagTexts", "version": "1.1" }, { "name": "HullcamVDSContinued", "version": "" }, { "name": "BetterTimeWarpCont", "version": "" }, { "name": "JanitorsCloset", "version": "" }, { "name": "MarkIVSpaceplaneSystem", "version": "3.2.0" }, { "name": "FilterExtensionsDefaultConfig", "version": "" }, { "name": "Waterfall", "version": "0.6.7" }, { "name": "ModularFlightIntegrator", "version": "" }, { "name": "KSP-Recall", "version": "v0.2.0.6" }, { "name": "PlanetShine", "version": "" }, { "name": "PlanetWiki", "version": "1:4.1" }, { "name": "PoodsCalmNebulaSkybox", "version": "v1.3.0" }, { "name": "Kopernicus", "version": "2:release-1.12.1-59" }, { "name": "RealPlume", "version": "2:v13.3.2" }, { "name": "FilterExtensions", "version": "" }, { "name": "CommunityResourcePack", "version": "1.4.2" }, { "name": "SciencePancake", "version": "1.0" }, { "name": "TUFX", "version": "" }, { "name": "ClickThroughBlocker", "version": "1:" }, { "name": "B9PartSwitch", "version": "v2.18.0" }, { "name": "AnimatedDecouplers", "version": "v1.5.0" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical-Core", "version": "1.2.3" }, { "name": "KerbalActuators", "version": "v1.8.4" }, { "name": "DeployableEngines", "version": "1.3.1" }, { "name": "CustomPreLaunchChecks", "version": "" }, { "name": "StationPartsExpansionRedux-IVAs", "version": "2.0.5" }, { "name": "NearFutureConstruction", "version": "1.3.1" }, { "name": "ToolbarController", "version": "1:" }, { "name": "PlanetShine-Config-Default", "version": "" }, { "name": "Toolbar", "version": "1:" }, { "name": "SmokeScreen", "version": "" }, { "name": "PreciseNode", "version": "" }, { "name": "TundraTechnologies", "version": "5.1.0" }, { "name": "TundraExploration", "version": "5.1.0" }, { "name": "TarsierSpaceTechnologyWithGalaxies", "version": "1:7.13" }, { "name": "CommNetAntennasExtension", "version": "2.1.5" }, { "name": "StationPartsExpansionRedux", "version": "2.0.5" }, { "name": "Astrogator", "version": "v0.10.2" }, { "name": "SimpleAdjustableFairings", "version": "v1.12.0" }, { "name": "ConstellationEssentials", "version": "v1.4.1.0" }, { "name": "ProceduralParts", "version": "v2.3.0" }, { "name": "EditorTime", "version": "KSP1.4.1" }, { "name": "NearFutureLaunchVehicles", "version": "2.2.0" }, { "name": "BetterCrewAssignment", "version": "1.4.1" }, { "name": "NearFutureExploration", "version": "1.1.2" }, { "name": "RealHeat", "version": "v5.1" }, { "name": "RealisticAtmospheres", "version": "1.3.2" }, { "name": "SpudMoon", "version": "2:0.2" }, { "name": "VostokContinued", "version": "1.1" }, { "name": "ContractConfigurator", "version": "1.30.5" }, { "name": "MakingHistory-DLC", "version": "1.12.1" }, { "name": "BreakingGround-DLC", "version": "1.7.1" }, { "name": "Chatterer", "version": "0.9.99" }, { "name": "ChattererExtended", "version": "0.6.2" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical", "version": "1.2.3" }, { "name": "NearFutureAeronautics", "version": "2.1.1" }, { "name": "KerbalJointReinforcementContinued", "version": "v3.5.2" }, { "name": "KerbalKonstructs", "version": "v1.8.3.0" }, { "name": "LoadingTipsPlus", "version": "V1.9" }, { "name": "HangerExtenderExtended", "version": "" }, { "name": "FMRSContinued", "version": "" }, { "name": "Achievements", "version": "" }, { "name": "ThePlodSystemII", "version": "1" }, { "name": "CryoEngines", "version": "1:2.0.3" }, { "name": "ProceduralParts-Textures-SaturnNova", "version": "1.2" }, { "name": "ReentryParticleEffect", "version": "" }, { "name": "SCANsat", "version": "v20.4" }, { "name": "BAMCont", "version": "" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor-Core", "version": "1:v0.31.5" }, { "name": "RasterPropMonitor", "version": "1:v0.31.5" }, { "name": "GrannusExpansionPack-CommNet", "version": "1.2.5" }, { "name": "GrannusExpansionPack", "version": "1.2.5" }, { "name": "RealPlume-StockConfigs", "version": "v4.0.8" }, { "name": "VensStylePPTextures", "version": "1.1" }, { "name": "KerbalAtomics", "version": "1:1.3.2" }, { "name": "KerbalEngineerRedux", "version": "" }, { "name": "BasicProceduralTextures", "version": "v1.2" }, { "name": "SpaceTuxLibrary", "version": "" }, { "name": "xScienceContinued", "version": "" }, { "name": "ABCORS", "version": "" }, { "name": "NearFuturePropulsion", "version": "1.3.5" }, { "name": "NearFutureSolar", "version": "1.3.2" }, { "name": "NearFutureSpacecraft", "version": "1.4.3" }, { "name": "ReStock", "version": "1.4.2" }, { "name": "ReStockPlus", "version": "1.4.2" }, { "name": "EditorExtensionsRedux", "version": "" }, { "name": "DistantObject-default", "version": "v2.1.1.5" }, { "name": "RemoteTechRedevAntennas", "version": "0.1.1" }, { "name": "CommunityTechTree", "version": "1:3.4.4" }, { "name": "PLUM", "version": "1:1.1.1" }, { "name": "DecouplerShroud", "version": "0.7.2" }, { "name": "DynamicBatteryStorage", "version": "2:" }, { "name": "ProceduralFairings", "version": "1:v6.1" }, { "name": "VesselView", "version": "2:" }, { "name": "NearFutureProps", "version": "1:0.7.1" }, { "name": "NearFutureSolar-Core", "version": "1.3.2" }, { "name": "SpaceXLegs", "version": "2.9.2" }, { "name": "MoarFEConfigs", "version": "" }, { "name": "MissingHistory", "version": "1.9.3" }, { "name": "VesselView-UI-RasterPropMonitor", "version": "1:" }, { "name": "OuterPlanetsMod", "version": "2:2.2.9" }, { "name": "CustomBarnKit", "version": "" }, { "name": "TextureReplacer", "version": "v4.5.2" }, { "name": "DistantObject", "version": "v2.1.1.5" }, { "name": "FinalFrontier", "version": "1.10.0-3485" }, { "name": "OPTReconfig", "version": "3.4.1" }, { "name": "XensPlanetCollectionRevived", "version": "1.0.1" }, { "name": "AugmentedReality", "version": "" }, { "name": "CommunityTerrainTexturePack", "version": "1:1.0.4" }, { "name": "ExtrasolarPlanetsBeyondKerbol-stock", "version": "1.9.2_-_HOTFIX" }, { "name": "KS3P", "version": "V6.1" }, { "name": "EasyVesselSwitch", "version": "2.3" }, { "name": "FarFutureTechnologies", "version": "1.2.0" }, { "name": "SystemHeat", "version": "0.5.6" }, { "name": "HeatControl", "version": "0.6.1" }, { "name": "DockingPortAlignmentIndicator", "version": "" }, { "name": "CryoTanks", "version": "1.6.2" }, { "name": "NavUtilitiesContinued", "version": "0.7.2" }, { "name": "KSP-AVC", "version": "" }, { "name": "CryoTanks-Core", "version": "1.6.2" }, { "name": "RetractableLiftingSurface", "version": "" }, { "name": "DMagicScienceAnimate", "version": "v0.23" }, { "name": "BluedogDB", "version": "v1.8.1a" }, { "name": "PersistentRotationUpgraded", "version": "" }, { "name": "NeptuneCamera", "version": "v4.1" }, { "name": "BetterEarlyTree", "version": "1.0.2" }, { "name": "Scatterer", "version": "3:v0.0772" }, { "name": "Scatterer-config", "version": "3:v0.0772" }, { "name": "Scatterer-sunflare", "version": "3:v0.0772" }, { "name": "RecoveryController", "version": "" }, { "name": "ImprovedUpdatedChaseCam", "version": "" }, { "name": "StockWaterfallEffects", "version": "0.5.2" }, { "name": "Trajectories", "version": "v2.4.2" }, { "name": "KerboKatzSmallUtilities-PhysicalTimeRatioViewer", "version": "1.5.4-KSP1.8" }, { "name": "KerboKatzUtilities", "version": "1.5.2-KSP1.8" }, { "name": "Parallax", "version": "1.3.0" }, { "name": "Parallax-StockTextures", "version": "1.3.0" }, { "name": "AVP-4kTextures", "version": "v1.12" }, { "name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements", "version": "3:" }, { "name": "AstronomersVisualPack", "version": "3:v4.11" }, { "name": "Mk2Expansion", "version": "2:" }, { "name": "Mk3Expansion", "version": "" }, { "name": "SpaceDust", "version": "0.4.3" }, { "name": "ZeroMiniAVC", "version": "1:" }, { "name": "WaterfallRestock", "version": "0.2.3" }, { "name": "KSCExtended", "version": "3.0.2" }, { "name": "TundraSpaceCenter", "version": "2.0.2" }, { "name": "RationalResources", "version": "1.30" }, { "name": "KerbinSideRemastered", "version": "1.0.1" }, { "name": "StockalikeStructures", "version": "0.0.12" }, { "name": "StagedAnimation", "version": "v2.0" }, { "name": "KerbinSideRemasteredGAP", "version": "1:v2.1.0" }, { "name": "KerbinSideRemasteredTLA", "version": "v1.0.6" }, { "name": "SpaceXLandingPad", "version": "0.2.1" }, { "name": "KerbinSideRemasteredGapExtras", "version": "v1.0.3" }, { "name": "KSCHarbor", "version": "1.2" }, { "name": "WaterLaunchSites", "version": "1.0.1" }, { "name": "CountryDoggosRandomKKBits", "version": "0.1.1" 3) How do I insert images? :<
I'm trying to file download my mods because my ckan is being weird and id rather just launch normally without ckan anyway and I have kopernicus and outer planets but I'm not sure how to distribute the files and stuff if I could get a tutorial on yt or like a text for tutorial because I'm so confused I load all the separation of file that make scenes and the planets flat out don't show up idk how to really ask for support either so if you need something id be happy to help you help me just want egg moon back.
- 2 replies
- outer planets mod
- mod help
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so i recently installed parallax and I like it a lot but there is one BIG issue that make the game unplayable. So basically when I'm coming back (from any altitude) when I get to around ~2500m - ~1000m ASL my craft will sudently explode without warning and then all that's left is just this white cube. i think it might have something to do with the collision modifier here's a video of this happening
Hello if anyone can see this. I have used BDArmory in KSP 1.3 and it worked great, loved the mod so much. Seeing the new updates like 1.5 and 1.6 got me excited to combine such a mod. Unfortunately, I have ran in to a problem when loading my KSP game. I downloaded the mod for 1.5 and 1.6 through this website: I download the zip file and extract the mod folder, place the folder in my ksp gamedata folder. When I run the game in 1.5 or 1.6 the loading bar says BDArmory/Parts/20mmVulcan/vulcanTurret/bahaGatlingGun, and stays there forever. The loading screen with the picture slideshow and witty loading comments doesn't stop however. Am I doing something wrong?! The github releases say that it was recompiled for 1.6 and 1.5!!! Can someone help me please!!! This mod is amazing and I only wish it would work!!! I've been trying to figure out the problem on my own for two days. Hopefully I will get answered. Seems he/she got the mod working: Someone help me please.
Hello Kerbonauts, I'm rather new in this forum, but I've been playing KSP since it came out. Anyway, My game is heavily modded, and theres a mod that keeps giving me trouble. As the title says, its BDAc. I dont currently have it installed, but its given me trouble in the past. The first time I installed it, it Kraken'd my save file and corrupted my entire game. The second and third time i downloaded it ( third time from spacedock, first and second from curseforge), it worked but i couldnt right-click anything except the Rotary Launchers and Adjustable Missile Rails. Anyone able to help? Thanks A Million.
I got KSP on steam about a month ago and the main reason I got it is because of the mods, well first I had problems on how to install them and where to put them and then they weren't working correctly but now I am close to having that all fixed but first of all where exactly do you put the contents of the files? I sort all the part in the squad folder but I heard u can just keep it in game data in its folder. second, i can't find the bd armory weapon manager, at first I couldn't find the parts in utility (where they should be) but if I go into the other search with manufacturers and such. I can find the ai pilot system and the Modular Missile Guidance but I am also missing so ammo packs and smokes and I have checked the folder and found the weapon manager. PLEASEEEE HELP
There is a mod that had all the planets in the solar system as parts. An example is there was a Mun part that could fit in a MK3 cargo bay. I think that SW Dennis's death star rampage uses this mod? Anyway if some one could point me in the right direction that would be great. Also I'm not sure if this is the right category.
Hey there, can someone help me with the Environmental Visual Enhancements (EVE) mod? I've recently installed it via CKAN for version 1.2.2. and I was expecting tp open the game and see beautiful clouds and city lights. Instead all I saw wasa window saying "EVE Config Editor" and below it there're all these informations and names and settings, and I have absolutely no idea how to deal with it. What are these settings and how do I use it? How do I change those configurations and what do they mean? I just want some clouds and city lights I would IMMENSELY appreciate some help! I hope someone can help me with this because it's all very confusing...
I apologize ahead of time if this is the wrong forum section, however I see nothing that would fit this better. Im trying to get into modding so through very loosely following the wikipedia guide to parts and a few other video tutorials ive reached the point where I have a textured model made in blender (Its a single part count landing gear unit because its something ive always wanted and the only one ive seen was a helicopter skid), but now Im unsure of the steps between here and the game. Small note: There are 3 simpler models over the main 3 wheels and body for collision models, which arent visible in the video. The scale is also reasonably sized for 1.25 parts though hopefully I can make this tweakscale compatible as well. Following this guide I know how to export it into a fashion where it can be seen in game, but Im a bit lost past that with regards to getting the animations to work in game/setting up the configuration file to activate them, setting node locations and there really arent any start to finish guides that explain this that ive found. Any help would be appreciated, particularly if there is a video explaining this, or perhaps just an explanation of modules and their interactions with animations along with what modules do perhaps.
- 3 replies
- 1
- configuration files
- animation linking
(and 3 more)
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Hello, I am now trying to configure @EmbersArc's KRE NDS docking port for my mod, but without the lid, in Unity. I made the changes in Blender, and now I'm trying to get the docking node to work. What is happening is the docking ports don't dock, but just rest on each other. This is my config: PART { name = CapsuleDockingPort1 module = Part author = EmbersArc mesh = rescaleFactor = 1.07 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.385, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 node_attach = 0.0, -0.385, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = advMetalworks entryCost = 8400 cost = 400 category = Coupling subcategory = 0 title = KASA Docking System manufacturer = 7D Exploration Technologies Inc. & Kerbobulus Corp. description = A very advanced docking port. Fully compatible with the Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port system. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 0.05 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.25 minimum_drag = 0.25 angularDrag = 0.5 crashTolerance = 10 maxTemp = 2000 // = 3400 bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf tags = berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor socket stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_VERT MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode referenceAttachNode = dockingNode deployAnimationController = 1 nodeType = size1 staged = False stagingEnabled = False } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = Extend Docking Ring actionGUIName = Toggle Docking Ring startEventGUIName = Extend Docking Ring endEventGUIName = Retract Docking Ring allowAnimationWhileShielded = False } } Unity file (Unity 5.4.2p4) Texture Model
- 5 replies
- unity
- docking ports
(and 1 more)
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I've always hated the way drag is shown in stock KSP. I have no idea which parts are causing the most drag, and by how much. All i get are a bunch of long red lines overlapping each other so they are impossible to distinguish from one another. Is there a mod that changes the way drag is shown in the aero forces overlay view? I'm looking for something stock compatible that's not going to actually change drag, but just show it easier. Thanks in advance!
Good day everyone I'm looking for the mob that lets to place your "ship" into space/other plants with then the system with out lunching and going to it. I looked everywhere for it on the site. Would someone please tell me the name of this mod? I hope someone knows what mob I mean sorry. Thanks
So I would like to know if there is a mod out there that has dual, tri, and quad adapters for 2.5+ parts. I feel it would be very useful to use these.