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KSP 1.12.5 Restock [1.5.0] Last Updated August 28, 2024 Release Album It's no secret that some of KSP's artwork is not great. Placeholder art made by a number of amateur artists throughout the game's development has resulted in a scattered mess of styles and qualities which is most evident in the part artwork. Recently Squad seems to be attempting to do something to attempt to address it, but they're taking the art in a direction we stylistically disagree with and does not solve the inconsistency issues that plague the game. Because of this number of community members have come together to try to create a project that revamps KSP's art. This project has the following goals: Create a unity of design and style for all parts: In order to minimize work we'll be targeting the revised aircraft parts, which are the largest consistent block of parts. Preserve the general aesthetic of KSP: We will do our best to keep the stylings of the more iconic parts while updating quality and fidelity. Create consistency in detail level: no more 4k textures for tiny parts! Minimize performance impact: use atlasing and efficient texturing to limit the need for any kind of better hardware than base KSP. Do not affect gameplay or part balance Features About 250 revamped parts (so far!) focusing on the ones that are used most in construction New part variants where they made sense Boattail, compact and regular variants for engines Orange insulated 3.75m tanks! Gold foil-wrapped probe cores New engine effects for all engines Check out the part replacement list for it is LARGE. Asset Blacklisting Restock uses a novel method to stop KSP from loading stock assets - a blacklist file. This reduces the memory footprint of installing this mod by unloading models and textures that are not required. However, this method may break mods that depend on the stock assets. There is an easy way around this as we provide a method to whitelist files. Check the entry on the Restock Wiki for more information about this. Known Issues Please check the issues list for more information on known issues. Some mods are currently not compatible, here's the ones we know about and some fixes. RemoteTech: Some parts will need to be whitelisted, no ETA Frequently Asked Questions Q: Will this break my existing stock craft if I add/remove it? A: It will not. Q: Did you change aerodynamics/colliders/drag cubes? A: We minimized the impact as much as possible. Let us know if you have a concern. Q: I don't like what you did with XXXX. How do I get rid of it? A: We wrote a whole page about it. Q: Something broke! My mod that uses the stock assets isn't loading! A: Look at the Asset Blacklisting section above Q: Will you redo the IVAs? A: Nope. Q: Will you redo more parts? A: Yes. Q: I found a bug, what do I do? A: Stay calm. Ask here if anyone else sees it. If not, post on our Issues board with screenshots/logs/reproduction steps. Q: I see you added some more variants? Can you add more? Every part in purple? A: Nope. Dependencies (Required and Bundled) Module Manager Licensing All configs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All plugin code is distributed under the LGPL All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. DOWNLOAD MIRRORS Primary (SpaceDock) Tertiary (Github) Issue Tracking and Source KSP 1.12.5 Restock+ [1.5.0] Last Updated August 28, 2024 We believe that there are a number of places where KSP is missing key parts - for example, the 3.75m, 1.875m and 0.625m size classes are a little sparse. Restock+ aims to create parts that fill these niche, and is a carefully curated, fully optional project (that requires Restock to be installed of course). Release Album Here's the list of new parts. Some of these parts overlap in purpose if the Making History expansion is installed and will not show up if this is the case. Frequently Asked Questions Q: How did you choose what parts to add? A: Typically these parts are missing from size classes. 3.75m and 1.875m parts for example lack basic conveniences such as orbital engines, drone cores and batteries. Q: Will you add xxxx? A: Probably not. Q: What's going on with the Making History-like parts A: If you own Making History, the Restock+ parts that overlap with the MH parts (fuel tanks, etc), will not be added. Instead, those parts will have their art replaced. Q: I found a bug, what do I do? A: Stay calm. Ask here if anyone else sees it. If not, post on our Issues board with screenshots/logs/reproduction steps. Dependencies (Required) Module Manager Restock Licensing All configs are distributed under the MIT License All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under an All Rights Reserved License. All plugin code is distributed under the LGPL All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses. DOWNLOAD MIRRORS Primary (SpaceDock) Tertiary (Github) Issue Tracking and Source Awesome People Contributors Artists Plugin Code Lead Testers @Nertea @cineboxandrew @Beale @Kavaeric @Well @riocrokite @passinglurker @blowfish @DMagic @Tyko @Poodmund Support Us If appreciate the blood, sweat and tears that has been put into this project, please support us with a donation! It will be used to buy coffee/beer/assuage significant others and we really appreciate it.
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DUNA RESTORATION PROJECT Back in 0.17, Duna was first added. It was a gorgeous planet. It had low scale details and high definition, and had a variety of different regions and appearance to its surface. You can see a video of operations on the surface of the old Duna here. An album of old Duna here. A picture showcasing the small scale detail here. A video showcasing the detail here. But all of this changed in 0.21. If I recall correctly there was a small re-write of the terrain system, and a few new PQSMods were added, and several planets were changed. For the most part, the change was good. Kerbin got the really cool K2 Mountain range east of KSC as well as plenty of other cool new features. Eve's large scale terrain looks much better. Moho and the other planets got terrain passes as well. But Duna got the short end of the stick due to a 20% finished remake. It became the ugly lumpy ball of noise and buldginess that we now know it to be. It looks incredibly samey across the entire planet, and the heightmap is nearly unrecognizable from the original version. Every time I look at the current stock Duna I weep for the planet that once was. But now I shall cry tears of joy, for I have restored the beautiful 0.17-0.21 Duna that we used to know: Dowload: GitHub SpaceDock Installation Instructions: Install Kopernicus and Module Manager Put the DunaRestorationProject folder into GameData Features: Restoration of the appearance of Duna from 0.18-0.21. Increased sunlight intensity to approximate Pre-0.21's sun. If you don't want it, remove the config in GameData/DunaRestorationProject/KopernicusFiles/SunlightBuff.cfg Accurate heightmap, color map, and PQSMods and Material settings taken from KSP v0.19. Interesting small scale detail. A few flat low-lying maria. Whatever this is. Occasional sinkholes and craters. Vaguely heart shaped maria eerily predicts the Sputnik Planum on Pluto. Works only in 1.3.X or later. PM me if you want to use it for 1.2.X or earlier. License: CC BY-NC-SA
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Decided to attempt to revamp the stock system. ill update this topic with my process Dependencies: Latest Kopernicus Kopernicus Expansion v9.1.1 Niako's Kopernicus Utilities Notes: - Parallax continued compatibility is spotty atm, if you have issues try removing it. - Parallax 2 is supported but you need to re-enable the configs in the mod folder, then remove parallax continued configs. - There is still some mystery issues causing some people to be unable to load the mod, hopefully ill find out why eventually. - Please download from github for the latest (possibly buggy) experience, spacedock takes way too long to upload for me to bother until i have a proper release ready. - Finally big credits to Cloverdove for helping me with the Jool system! Downloads: Spacedock Github License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Patreon:
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- totm nov 2023
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TOTM January 2023! In celebration of this award, an update and or KSP 2 port is to be expected. Stay Tuned! The idea is simple. A wacky change to the Kerbol system. Some of the planets are based off of real life planets, but modified. This is intentional. Frequently Asked Questions: (none) Current Version: Alpha Release 1 Download: Discord Server: REQUIREMENTS: Recommended Mods Photos: LICENSE: CC-BY-NC-ND
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So this is a mod by u/Rattraps123 from reddit He was trying to finish this when he was not able to load it on ksp 1.11 so the download will not be provided and the provided ones are the broken version, so I asked him to take over his mod I am consulting linuxgurugamer for help, but the reddit discussion thread
The Oscar-B Fuel Tank hasn’t seem to have a texture revamp. (That I know of). So I’m wandering Squad, can the Oscar-B Fuel Tank get a texture revamp. The texture currently is kinda boring compared to the other parts. I’d like to see the small fuel tank shine a little more with some new color variants, texture revamps, and other things to make the part look better. So please Squad, please revamp this part. It would nice to see this little part have some attention. -Sorry for the terrible spelling and grammer. I’m fixing it.
Wouldn't it be great if the lights had an actual shader that changes its color based on whatever color you set for the light? For the next part revamp, maybe. In the stock game you can change the color of the light, but the texture always remains white. I added a bunch of colored textures to the lights via the MM patch, but it's a little bit clunky to use and I only have a certain amount of colors to work with. But it still looks great, or at least better than just a plain white light with the actual color being different.
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Turn your Kerbal society into a Type 1 Civilization by adding civilian exploration! Your agency, as research goes on, gains the ability to have civilians take part on your exploration. Once build, your ships, orbital or ground station will welcome civilian that will pay a rent to your agency, breed, grow their kids, get aged and die. You will also be able to train and recruit civilian to become regular kerbonauts. As this mod is still under development, all the functionnalities are not available yet. CKAN : install CivilianPopulation (Civilian Population 2.1.2) Download : Github : Credits This mod is a fork from "Newbier Newb's Revamp of Civilian Population" mod. It exists thanks to the collective work of : @trafalgar that can be found here. @michaelhester07 that can be found here. @rabidninjawombat that can be found here. @GGumby that can be found here. Licenced under CC BY-NC 4.0. This mod requires Community Resource Pack. Any kind of help is more than welcome, pick a `TODO` above, do it, and I will be glad to accept your pull request. If you need help to understand how to build the mod, just ask ! Pictures Electrical parts - Netherdyne Reactor Unit DX-110 - Netherdyne Reactor Unit MX-99 Convert Enriched Uranium into Depleted Uranium, Xenon Gas and Electricity ! TODO : - Rebalance cost. - Rebalance conversion speed. - Big reactor animation won't stop. - Turn the lights off when the reactors are off. [WRN 00:08:25.564] [ShipConstruct for CivPopReactor]: part cost (15000.0) is less than the cost of its resources (432500.0) [WRN 00:08:25.598] [ShipConstruct for SmallCivPopReactor]: part cost (8000.0) is less than the cost of its resources (173000.0) Science parts - Netherdyne University. A command and research module. TODO : - Fix EVA problems when there is not ladder. - Implements training module that will allow to turn civilian into regular kerbonauts. Utility parts : Apartments - Civilian Large House mk2 - Civilian Small Apartment Complex - Civilian Large Apartment Complex - Civilian Contractor Dock Mk1 - Civilian Small House Living quarters for civilians. TODO : - Cannot go back in Small House. - Add ladder to Small House. [LOG 08:21:59.524] Load(Model): CivilianPopulation/Models/Utility/surfaceAttachHouseSmall [ERR 08:21:59.599] Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported [ERR 08:21:59.600] Triggers on concave MeshColliders are not supported Utility parts : Farms - Hydroponic Garden Biosphere - Small Hydroponic Garden Biosphere - Netherdyne Farm Biodome Mk2 - Small Hydroponic Garden Module Use plants to grow food, purify water and air. TODO : - Remove biodome top attach point. - Animation on "Small Hydroponic Garden Module" does not work. Utility parts : Tanks - Small Fertilizer Tank - Small Waste Water Tank - Small Sustenance Tank TODO : - Calibrate those to a capacity of 1 day / kerbal. Utility parts : Drill - Netherdyne XL-9000 Mega Laser Drill - Netherdyne Laser Drill Laser drilling for surface exploitation. Ground parts - Cruiser Landing Gear - Cruiser Landing Gear Mk2 TODO ; - Fix legs deployments @see @see KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems - GameData/PlanetaryBaseInc/BaseSystem/Parts/Wheels/LandingLeg.cfg Structural Parts - truss18x18NoCore - truss6x18 - truss6x6Core - truss6x6CoreL - truss6x6CoreT - truss6x6CoreX - truss6x6NoCore - bioSphereBaseNoWalls All seems ok. - bioSphereWindows - bioSphereWindowsLarge - bioSphereWindowsWide TODO : Cannot go inside, should improve attach points. - bioDomeBase - bioDomeBaseLarge - bioSphereBase - bioSphereBaseWallRing - parkbioDomeBase - parkbioDomeBaseRock - parkbioDomeBaseMetal TODO : Attachment point in the air, cannot go "into" the structure. Agency TODO : Add Netherdyne as an agency. @see KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems - GameData/PlanetaryBaseInc/BaseSystem/Agencies @see KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems - Sources/PlanetarySurfaceStructures/SurfaceStructuresCategoryFilter.cs Configuration for third party addons ------------------------------------ TODO : Kerbalism - Configure farms. Civilian behaviour DONE : Rent of civilian : 200 funds per civilian per day (6 hours). Civilian contractor growth : Every 85 days on Kerbin orbit, 170 around Mun or Minmus, never elsewhere, a civilian will be created on an activated Civilian Dock. Civilian recruitment process : The button recruit of the university will turn civilian living in this university into regular kerbals with a random choosen profession. Civilian breeding growth : If allowed (From a Habitat part or the contractors dock), Kerbals will breed. Females give birth after 320 (3/4 of a Kerbin Year) days of pregnancy. Males can breed from 15yo females from 15yo to 45yo. Civilian aging and death : Once a Kerbal reach 75yo, there (age-75)% chance per year that he dies from his old age any day during this year.
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Far away from Kerbin... A whole galaxy lies in wait. New stars, new civilizations, new snacks. Welcome... To the Hagito Galaxy. The Hagito Galaxy is a community project created with the aim on expanding and forming an entire Galaxy, star by star. No matter what is submitted, it is accepted by stability. This is a project I have taken over from @Galacticvoyager and I plan to revive. Accepted Systems Accepted Civilizations System Designer Sheet (IMPORTANT!) Have fun!
Currently in-game there are examples of over-expanded nozzles when throttled down/up. Yet this doesn't include engines with under-expanded nozzles or overal change at higher altitudes/different planetary bodies. Examples of over-expanded and under-expanded nozzles: (Credibility: Huzel, D. K. & Huang, D. H. (1971). NASA SP-125, Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines)
Tired of the stock silliness, but Realism Overhaul is just too much? Wish there was something in-between that kept some of the stock style but didn't require 50+ mods and 15,000+ Module Manager patches? If you feel that way, then this mod is for you. This is my project to remake the rocket and spacecraft side of KSP to use real-life rockets, spacecraft and probes from the past, present and future, along with elements of realism, but without all the massive complexity, mod requirements and high patch count of Realism Overhaul (which is awesome, but can be simply TOO much). This is not a mere parts add-on, it will eventually be a revamp of most of the stock game (well, except for the plane parts, which won't be affected too much). Among the major changes that are involved : > The rocket and space parts will be drastically replaced, altered or deleted, replacing the lego-style system with specific parts for each rocket and spacecraft type. Many will be modelled by me, but some existing stock and mod models will be used as well. They will not be 100% exact replicas, but generally simplified and close enough for the purposes of this project. > All rockets and spacecraft will be at (generally) 64% scale of the real ones. This means no standardized tank diameters and such, each will be at the proper 64% scale size. For example, the Soyuz parts are not 1.875m, but 1.72m for most; the Saturn V and Apollo CSM will be 6.4m, 4.23m and 2.5m (which already is 64% scale of the 3.9m Apollo). > Engines and fuel tanks/stages will use different fuel types, depending on what it used in reality. No one fuel type for everything. There will even be a separate fuel type for the jet engines, as well as for automotive engines. Ozidizer-Fuel ratios will also be different for various engine families and for different fuel types. > Reaction wheels will be removed from manned and unmanned spacecraft, as well as aircraft cockpits, and the standalone ones reduced in strength and restricted the late career/tech tree phase...if not removed entirely. RCS is what most spacecaft use or have used, and what will have to be used for attitude control and translation in this Simple Overhaul. The exceptions will be for certain kinds of space stations that used/use them in reality. > Launch pads and towers in simplified form will be included for some of the rockets, to make them seem even more real. > Surface attachment will be disabled for many parts, and the ones that normally are surface-attached will either be node-attached (e.g. solar panels), integrated into another part (like science instruments/experiments), or eliminated entirely. > The tech tree will be changed completely, replacing the typical generic-style tech nodes with ones for specific rockets, spacecraft and probes. > New custom resource and science definitions, and stock ones modified. > The stock solar system has been altered to one based on the real one (but not exactly), but still using the existing planet and moon assets. Kerbin now has a 24-hour rotation period, and alternate launch sites have been added, with the stock KSC site removed. * Change Log * > 0.01 Initial dev partial release. Soyuz-KG rocket and Soyuz-KMA spacecraft parts, along with a small sampling of the changes to the stock game. *** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS *** *** IMPORTANT NOTE **** Do NOT use an existing save or craft file with the AlphaMensae Simple Overhaul. When completed, the full version WILL break saves and existing craft in various ways from minor (and possibly funny) to total carnage (not very funny). The initial release is mainly about the Soyuz, but there are some changes to existing stock stuff already implemented that could make for rude surprises. The AlphaMensae Simple Overhaul requires the use of some other mods in order to work. One of them, KSC Switcher, is included in the file; both 1.2.2 and 1.3.x versions are included. The other mods must be installed separately. 1. Download and install AlphaMensaeOverhaul: Copy the AlphaOverhaul folder from the .zip into your KSP Gamedata folder. NOTE: If you want to use SSRSS, GPP or some other total-conversion planet pack, do not copy over the AlphaOverhaul/SolarSystem folder; use the planet pack's configs instead. 2. Select which version of KSC Switcher you want to use, either the 1.2.2 or 1.3.x one, and copy the folder to your Gamedata folder. 3. Download and install Kopernicus: 4. Download and install Sigma Dimensions: 5. Other required mods that must be downloaded and installed: Module Manager (if not included elsewhere, absolutely needed above all else) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (the Simple Overhaul is developed with KJR installed, no guarantee that it will work with the stock autostrutting) Modular Rocket Systems (for certain part models, may be eliminated in future versions) Space-Y Lifters (for certain part models) Discontinued Parts (strictly for the pre-1.0.5 Mk1 Cockpit) Community Tech Tree (for now, CTT needs to be installed) Take Command Continued (for the early career phase) MechJeb (the Mechjeb module is incorporated into certain spacecraft) While technically not a requirement, the use of Kerbal Engineer Redux is strongly recommended. This mod is being shared under the CC-BY-NC-SA license: Notes: The intial scale for the solar system is stock scale; later on I will develop configs for other scales, and eventually a conversion for real-scale/10x. All the rockets in this mod are being designed to launch from the 24-hour day Kerbin that is part of the included solar system changes, as well as from non-equatorial launch sites. The delta-V needed to reach orbit from the stock-scale Kerbin is already ratther low that I feel getting a rotational boost is not needed. In addition, certain rockets (like the Soyuz and other Soviet/Russian ones) also are designed to launch from a specific launch site latitide. Hence, they will have more delta-V needed if launched from the stock Kerbin or some faster-rotating home planet like the SSRSS Earth or GPP Gael. The rockets are also designed for a single burn to orbit, without any of the usual stock coasting. This is done by keeping your time to apoapsis less than a minute, and when you reach your desired orbit altitude, pitch over so the time to apo starts decreasing, ideally reaching zero when your periapsis is at the desired altitude. The stock launch clamps and the pads/towers I make will have the generator in the "off" position, and must be manually switched on. This allows you to switch to internal power at a point in a countdown. My links: Twitch Youtube
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I've been working on/continuing Civilian Population Revamp, based on @michaelhester07, @rabidninjawombat, and @GGumby's collective work (found here, here, and here, respectively). I'm excited that it's gotten to a state where I think it can be shared (but still not released officially). Key Differences between mine and the above: Civilians are now full-fledged Kerbals, instead of being abstracted as resources There are now two methods of growth Linear growth by Civilians being ferried to your base -> A new arrival will arrive roughly every 85 days within Kerbin/Mun/Minmus SoI (contractor docks) Logistic growth by Civilians spawning within the craft -> Based on the number of Civilians present; first positive then negative exponential growth (apartment complexes) Civilian Growth is tracked by a new resource called "Civilian Growth Rate". It can be found on the upper-right hand corner of the screen with the other resources. It can be taken as a percent complete (0-1.00) until another Civilian arrives. Most of the time, it should read 0.00 because Kerbals take a long time to arrive. The mod is now life-support agnostic (due to Civilians now being Kerbals). Tac and USI Life Support are both supported in Module Manager config files Planned Future Work: Parts: Finish implementing the old Civilian Population parts that are missing Sort the assets into the appropriate folders for ease of use Plugin: Implement a method to transfer Kerbals using the GUI (without having to search the whole craft for them) Implement @jamespicone's Background Processing because it can take a while to grow a Civilian Note: Right now, this is still WIP and I am sure bugs will have to be squashed. Also, for simplicity, you can recruit Kerbals from the docking port. I will remove that before release. Known Issues/Workarounds: All modules with crew do not have internal spaces for the crews (and thus no portraits). If you need to EVA, use the GUI or right-click menu. For transfers, it's only the right-click menu at the moment. But for all parts, the first couple of seats should have an IVA. I highly suggest using Ship Manifest which has the above functionality. When a Civilian is added to the crew, the portrait does not automatically appear, even with a part with an internal space. Still trying to find the root-cause of that. Restart the vessel (go to another one and come back) and this should be resolved. Working on this after I get unfocused vessels working Civilians only spawn/come to your bases when they are the active vessel. Currently working on it. If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it, feedback is more than welcome! This mod redistributes Community Resource Pack and Module Manager. Download (Version 0.0.5): SpaceDock: [ Population Revamp ] GitHub: [ ] License: [ CC-BY-SA 4.0 ]
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I'm sure we've all considered at some point that the way science works in KSP can be a bit... dull In the game, you can send a probe to a planet in orbit or on the ground, use your instruments once, and your done, aside from occasional contracts. This idea is meant to allow more long term and in depth science experiments, both from already existing parts, and perhaps adding a few new ones. The idea is that you could do short or long term reading in a planet's orbit or surface. Let's say, we want a map on the variances on Duna's gravity, or the surface temperature at a location around Laythe. You could set up a probe to do measurements of either the whole planet from orbit, or from an area on the surface. You could then send back science depending on what area you measured and what you wanted to measure. Back to the examples, you could, for instance, place a satellite to measure gravity around the equatorial regions of Duna for n days, and send it back for x science for mapping y amount of Duna's gravity (and the science value would vary depending on it). You would also get an actual map (pre-made in the game, of course) of the gravity fluctuations when done. Same for Laythe, send a probe to land on it and measure temperature fluctuations for a decent time time, then get science based on the data gained. Yes, there are contracts that do this, but this wouldn't be to, again, avoid just clicking and using an experiment once, to be more in depth, and to make science more interesting. And of course, these are only a couple examples to explain the concept. On top of that, some new parts, like advanced magnetosphere instruments, cameras and alike could be added for similar purposes. Putting it simply, this could make science in KSP much more in depth for some many players, and has been talked about for as long as science gathering has been a thing in the game. I hope this is put into some consideration. -Alex
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