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The thing that gets me most excited about the idea of interlinked colonies and delivery routes is having to build functional vehicles out of necessity. Just imagine having to transport resources or kerbals initially by rover to an sea or airport, then by boat or airplane to a space port from which you launch them to the orbital colony, send them to your gas giant interstellar space port and sent them to another star. That sounds incredibly cool - mainly because you have to design so many diverse and efficient vehicles and actually use them to set up a route - carrying massive amounts of cargo as efficiently as possible. But even more than that.. just imagine a mission a-la Ad Astra in which you have to deliver a person-of-interest (maybe a scientist) on a grand tour or to a far away secluded place. Imagine that the bigger mission is split into smaller ones that requires you to build specialized vehicles which transport the kerbal.. let's say first to a close-to Kerbol colony, then inside the Mohole then to the top of the Eve mountain, then to the deepest place in Kerbin's oceans, then to sample Dres' rings, then on Laythe or Tylo to some secluded place, then inside one of Eeloo's canyons, then back to Jool for a trip to another star system. You would have to either already have specialized vehicles and tourist transport infrastructure available on all celestial bodies, or you would have to build it. In my mind all this sounds very exciting - mainly because you have reasons to build every time of vehicle you can imagine and adapt to each route and environment - both for routine transports and also for one-shot missions.
I love that you're able to save multiple vehicles per workshop area. However, one thing I find very...messy and even amateurish-looking, the way that the game simply does a random screencap of the actual viewscreen at the moment of saving a craft file/workshop area. This leads to many unflattering angles and frankly extremely messy UI screengrabs that can make it nearly impossible to discern exactly what vehicle(s) are being saved. Instead, I'd like if the game could pull the craft file(s) and arrange them in some standardized fashion and create an image of the craft file in that standardized fashion, ideally I imagine from a dorsal (top-down) view of an aircraft, or a silhouette view of a rocket, not unlike how it all was in the original KSP. As it stands I can barely tell my craft files apart by appearance alone when half of the screen is taken up by the parts-picker and/or part-manager or similar, to say nothing of random unflattering angles you often get of the craft itself with this technique even when you have a relatively "clean" workshop space. As an example this is the kind of clutter I'm seeing in my craft files with every save. The way things are just looks messy and entirely unprofessional.
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EJ_SA confirmed these are parking garages. I guess that's where you can park vehicles you build? Like a showroom?
Real Cars for KSP! Hey there! FASTCORP is back once again with a brand new mod: the Autogarage! The Autogarage is a compilation of real-life vehicles converted for use in KSP! I don't know if you got the memo, fast_de_la_speed, but it's Kerbal Space Program, not Kerbal Auto Program! Yes, of course. I knew that. However, I felt that it would be excellent if I could have a way to pick up landed Kerbals too close to pick up by plane and too far to walk. Also, it's for speedily tackling those long off- (or on-) Kerbin rover trips in style. So tell me more about this mod. Certainly! First off, none of the vehicles in the first release are originally created. They are converted from to KSP, from GTA format (or others), and used with proper permission. Take a look at the albums to check out the vehicles. Forums wont embed for some stupid reason so just click the links to be taken to the page Release 1 Release 2 Release 3 Most of these vehicles have alternate textures, using FSTextureSwitch from Firespitter. Almost all of the vehicles have an internal model, and most of them have a functional steering wheel, speedometer, fuel meter, and a car key, using RasterPropMonitor. The key is used to turn on the "engine", which works just like the Rovers'N'Roadsters mod. The Jeep Wrangler does not have any internal props at the moment. Most vehicles have toggleable headlights and work great at night. If you have TextureReplacer installed, vehicle side mirrors will have world reflections! What's New: All tires have been moved to the new "ground" category. Mach 5 model looks smoother. Vehicles added: Porsche 944 Turbo, VW Bus, Tesla, KITT, a Crown Victoria, F-1 1949, Corvette '59, BMW GTR, the Ecto 1, and a large Peterbilt truck. Last major update, bug fixes and compatibility updates from now on. Totalling exactly 200mb, this is the largest mod i have created. Nov 23rd update: changed the configs to allow tires to be unlocked at the start Prerequisites (1.1 ONLY!) Download Download RasterPropMonitor for functioning steering wheels, car keys, and dashboards, Firespitter for colour changing, and Texture Replacer for reflective mirrors. Spacedock MEGA MEGA - Singular downloads Anything else? Yes! Please remember to press the 'S' key right after selecting a tire in the SPH, or the tire will be rotated incorrectly and not work. Also, because KSP is not made for vessels such as cars, the tires will have wonky physics in certain situations! Lastly, think being able to drive a Corvette on the Mun is ridiculous? Simply go into the "body.cfg" of the vehicle and remove the '//' from each line in INPUT_RESOURCE: Remove these vv //INPUT_RESOURCE //{ // name = IntakeAir // rate = 0.0005 //} License This mod is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND.
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All of our vehicles come with amazing interior (IVA) and stabilising thrust (power it on and your vehicle will try its best to stick to the ground, even at high speed). Vehicles don't come with wheels and I suggest getting Kerbal Foundries wheels after hours of testing. All vehicles are GPLV2 licensed and they are available on my Spacedock account ( Please follow me on twitter ( or facebook ( to get the latest information. Smart For Two (GPL V2) For Two Vehicle
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Just a montage of driving different vehicles in KSP
So, I've been looking around the interwebs for a while now, and I have a simple question about the status of car part mods. Not rovers, but cars. The question is simply, where the are they? Seriously, where are the car mods? I'm not sure there even are any, at least for 1.3 and 4. To put it simply, could someone change that? EDIT: okay I was wrong, there's at least 3. But still.
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It seems that there is an important number of tank and armored vehicles lovers there so it makes me think to share my pictures of the Saumur tank museum where I went in 2013. That museum was particularly interesting with their operational Pz VI ausf. B and also their Schneider CA1 (now the oldest operative tank in the world as it's from 1916). My only regret now is to haven't took much more pictures of some vehicles and all the others I missed... Some of them also really are of a bad quality () as I used a 2006 small camera at the time. --- The 1918-1940 French tanks exposition. Saint-Chamond WW1 tank. Renault FT "Female" tank with its 8 mm Hotchkiss machine-gun and a "Male" 37 mm cannon exposed in front. Renault B1 Bis heavy tank. With its 75 mm anti-fortification cannon, its turret 47 mm anti-tank and an impressive armor it is still considered by many as the best tank of at the beginning of the War. Alas, its crew of 4 was unable to keep a good efficiency with its poor internal conception and a bad repartition of the task. The tank commander was alone in its turret, having to give orders, aim the cannon, fire and reload it. It's easy to imagine what a mess it quickly became. Without forgetting that only the leader tank got a radio onboard for a link to the commanding officer, the others still having to use flags and hand signs to communicate between each others. Somua S35. --- Germany and Axis 1939-45 collection. Panzerkampftwagen VI Ausf. B Tiger II a.k.a "King Tiger" (Konigstiger). This last nickname became legendary with the time but alas was never used by the Germans. The unit present here is one of the very last still operational. The museum crew is keeping it in a perfect shape for its yearly demonstration. You can even enjoy a traditional oil leak! 15 cm Panzerwerfer 42 auf Selbstfahrlafette Sd.Kfz.4/1 based on an Opel Maultier ("Mule") with another 6 tube 15 cm Nebelwerfer. This vehicle variant was mostly used by Waffen-SS units. One legendary Sd.Kfz. 251 in its 251/7 Pionierpanzerwagen variant. One famous 7.5 cm Pak 40 cannon is visible just behind. Panzerkampfwagen V Panther. Shamely this is my sole picture of the Sd. Kfz. 2 Kettenkrad. Easy to see here why so many guys killed themselves while driving it at more than 80 km/h. Sd. Kfz. 135 Marder I tank destroyer. Sd. Kfz. 124 Wespe 10.5 cm self-propelled artillery vehicle. 5 cm Pak 38 (L/60). Panzerkampfwagen III ausf. H and what I could get of its turret. Panzerkampfwagen II ausf. C and its Panzer III bigger brother to compare their size. 2 cm Flugabwehrkanone 30. One of the poorest light AA cannon of the conflict in this variant of 1930. Panzerkampfwagen VI ausf. E Tiger and its Totenkopf officer model. 2 cm Flakvierling 38. Despite the lack of "punch" of its 20 mm round against the specialized and armored ground attack aircraft it still was a nightmare for the Allied crew at low altitude. The impressive 155 mm self-propelled artillery vehicle Sturmpanzer 43 a.k.a Stupa by the German troops. Like the "King Tiger" it is know more well know under the nickname of Brummbär (Grouch)... which again is a nickname from the Allied forces. This one got hit in 1944 by four different shot of 75/76.2 mm shells that created an intern detonation, initiating its 155 mm munitions and blowing the casemate away. Impressively it was recovered by another crew which return it to an operational status for the rest of the war. Panzerfeldhaubitze 18M auf Geschützwagen III/IV (Sf) Hummel self-propelled 155 mm howitzer. Fiat Carro Armato M15/42 from the legendary 132nd Armoured Division Ariete which fought in northern Africa. Impressive to imagine how these guys were courageous to keep on fighting in these tanks from another age. --- The Curiosity Room Colonial helmet. Rocket Propelled Grenades. Panzerfaust 30 and 60. Multiple 105 mm shell of fin stabilized kinetic energy penetrator. Stabilized shell (actually a wind tunnel model) and a U.S 106 mm recoilless round at the right. 40 mm Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot - Tracer. A belt of 20 mm rounds from one French AMX-30B2 Main Battle Tank co-axial cannon. 127 mm rounds. One 105 mm M1 High-Explosive shell. A HEAT shell is on the upper left and another rocket assisted HEAT round is on the right. Euromissile HOT 1 (Haut subsonique Optiquement Téléguidé/High Subsonic Optical Remote-Guided) anti-tank missile. Crazy configurations of Aérospatiale ENTAC (ENgin Téléguidé Anti-Char) anti-tank missiles. Leichter Ladungsträger Goliath remote controlled demolition vehicle. Humber Hornet with a dual Malkara anti-tank missile launcher. Volkswagen Typ 128 Schwimmwagen. Another APFSDS shot. Euromissile Roland surface-to-air missile. Original poster of the awesome movie The Beast (La Bete de Guerre in France). I was about to keep on posting the others pictures but just discovered that all the work I made this morning to replace them on Imgur were not saved... so I will remake it tonight and post them tomorrow. There is the Warsaw Pact room, Allied Room, French Room and the last room of other nations with some beautiful pieces (including my favorite MBT).
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Table of contents (1.2): --------------------------------------- Original first post Hello, I am one week newbie in Kerbal. I was building few crafts and will share them all over time (when they will be finished), starting early to track my progress First goes... V - SSTO Phoenix class Designed as medium sized SSTO parts: 151 weight: ~60t