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King of the Hill


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10 minutes ago, The Raging Sandwich said:

My tiny asteroid moon and the base inside of it survives. I send my troops to capture Solo, Chewie, the traitor, and the hologram.

My rebels!

I knew I was being nice by letting you have the sub gilly moon. Willing to share the base? Have the planet cracker (well, one that doesn't take a week to charge) right here, just need to plug it into the USB port there.

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Ya, but the planet is cloaked in all spectrums except gravitic. Have fun finding it, the only troop transport that knew its location is now a few stray photons wandering the cosmos.

And the cloaking generator is inside the cloak, if you were wondering.

@The Raging Sandwich, how about an alliance? I keep the shield up, you get the planet buster?

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if one can use the force to shoot torpedoes through a small vent, force choke through a monitor, or SENSE THAT YOUR SON IS ABOARD A SHIP, it can easily be used to find out where's the base...

so I find out where it is and send an imperial troop over there

(this brings up the question though, why the heck did they send drones to find the rebel base?)

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10 minutes ago, JoseEduardo said:

(this brings up the question though, why the heck did they send drones to find the rebel base?)

Because the Force does not make you omnipresent! The Force users could probably only scan one system at a time. Because the base is so sparsely populated, you need to be rather close to it to be able to sense the Force ripples.

It's not good form to refuse to acknowledge defeat, though, so - fine, you find the base and collapse the shield.

Your planet.

Your Starkiller.

Your field of crushed Star Destroyers marking out where the shield used to be.

Your asteroidal base tokamak reactor about to go critical.


(added later)

Oh, and one more thing!

Your star-crushing planet-sized superweapon slowly disintegrating into gravioli energy from the failsafe device!

Have fun.

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Wanting more mass, I rip Weathertop with @ZentroCatson on it into our 'verse and smack it into our moon.

My moon shared equally with @The Raging Sandwich, now with a tenant and an atmosphere.

Might wanna stay here... we have running water and a fusion reactor!


And of course I build a cloak, shield, and gravioli gun!

(more edit)

@The Raging Sandwich, just shut off the ion drives, with their low thrust and the roid's high mass they're useless. Save us some energy and radiation.

Edited by greenTurtle1134
More tech and equal shares.
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Says the magic word

Nothing happens...




I build a neutrino gun and zap the mun, killing everyone on it with a lethal dose of neutrino radiation.

I build a hill on Kerbin. My hill.


DISCLAIMER: the magic word is not "Please".

Edited by icantmakemodels
Dammit, keyboard.
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My fellow homosapien sapien companions, friend or foe, according to the time zone we reside in, it appears to be aloft 12 o'clock P.M. This confirms that we must participate in an age old ritual in which two homosapien sapiens stand spinal column to spinal column, walk approximately 10 paces in the opposite direction as their partner, turn around at a 180 degree angle at a pace faster than usual for most homosapien sapiens, and lightly press the trigger of their equalizer, igniting the gunpowder within, causing a small explosion that forces the lead projectile commonly used in lethal firearms such as this, to expell outward at a lethal pace towards the intended target. Once this has been accomplished, i shall multi spin my firearm known as a revolver, a weapon that was first invented in the late 16th century Europe and eventually made its way to industrial production in the 1900's, and place it inside my leather holding place, specifically created to contain the firearm known as a revolver.

My hill.

Edited by legoclone09
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47 minutes ago, legoclone09 said:

My fellow homosapien sapien companions, friend or foe, according to the time zone we reside in, it appears to be aloft 12 o'clock P.M. This confirms that we must participate in an age old ritual in which two homosapien sapiens stand spinal column to spinal column, walk approximately 10 paces in the opposite direction as their partner, turn around at a 180 degree angle at a pace faster than usual for most homosapien sapiens, and lightly press the trigger of their equalizer, igniting the gunpowder within, causing a small explosion that forces the lead projectile commonly used in lethal firearms such as this, to expell outward at a lethal pace towards the intended target. Once this has been accomplished, i shall multi spin my firearm known as a revolver, a weapon that was first invented in the late 16th century Europe and eventually made its way to industrial production in the 1900's, and place it inside my leather holding place, specifically created to contain the firearm known as a revolver.

My hill.

I infer this is another hill, because my hill is bulletproof, and I'm napping at High Noon.

33 minutes ago, Chabadarl said:

Well, enough is enough!

I nuke the damn hill. I sweep it clean. I bulldorize it.

Now it's my canyon!


I press the blue button to bring up the shields and both nukes (the one heading for my hill, and the one heading for @legoclone09's hill) ping off it.

My shielded hill.

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