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King of the Hill


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I go to my secret base knobody new about (hehe) which has a Star Trek transporter. Utilizing said transporter i transport all of the fish to within 5 meters of the surface of the Sun. Then i transport myself to the top of the hill and T-pose there (how come nobody has thought of this) . This automatically means i dominate the hill.


How peculiar, thy hill art mine

Edited by Maria Sirona
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Jack and Jill roll down the hill and ninja all resistance.

Jill Gill Krill Trill Ill Skill Sill Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill

Jack's and Jill's and my Hill.

Edited by ColdJ
So many Ninjas
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You fail to turn off all your war machines engines and as such your forces succumb to carbon monoxide. I inherit your hill.

Will Jill Gill Krill Trill Ill Skill Sill Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill


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Well this is a thrill. Seems there are no challengers and I get to keep the hill.

Thrill Will Jill Gill Krill Trill Ill Skill Sill Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill

Forever my hill as long as no one challenges.

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The challenger Maria Sirona approaches! 


In secret, i had without you knowing built many, many, many secret (two secrets so ya know it really is secret!) underground tunnels- right under that precious hill of yours. Now i build just one more tunnel- and then the ground under the hill cannot support your hill! The ground now collapses, and where once was a hill is now a sinkhole. Since you said it is your hill and not your sinkhole, now it is...




On another note, this thread is about hills. So i build a hill.


Splendid. Now i own both a hill and a sinkhole.

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The sinkhole collapses so far that it breaks through a pocket of oil and compressed gas, the resulting uprushing wipes out the hill above and causes a massive spill.

Spill Thrill Will Jill Gill Krill Trill Ill Skill Sill Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill

I come in and clean up and Cap the oil well and use the profits to build a refinery in a hill.


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I use a Quill to sign the deal that transfers ownership of all the hills still standing into my control.

Quill Spill Thrill Will Jill Gill Krill Trill Ill Skill Sill Pill Chill Frill Drill Fill Dill Kill Bill Grill Mill Still Hill


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Now i go full on bri'ish on this. I take inspiration from God Save The Queen, which is the national anthem of Britain. So first of all, i make you fall (nothing personal!) by confounding your politics, and frustrating your knavish tricks. Then i make myself rise by doing some confounding politics, and frustrating knavish tricks. Then i combine all the hills into one really big hill. Now i am happy and glorious being sent victorious with my...



(BTW i'm not british, i'm finnish. I just thought this was funny.)

Long live our gracious queen, Maria I of the United Kingdom of the Hill and... Uh... The Hill!

Edited by Maria Sirona
Extra bri'ish
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In that extreme fog you did indeed crash into your own VAB and destroy it but totally couldn't see where my monument hill was.

Your engineers misread the plans for your Dyson sphere and build a Dyson Vacuum instead. Doing it's job it sucks all the air away from your hill leaving it devoid of any life or resistance.


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i use a modified starship to deliver a 100 ton antimatter bomb onto your hill. The explosion radius is so big that i can detonate it anywhere on Kerbin, it will always destroy the entire planet.

After kerbin is destroyed, i create an artificial hill on dres

because there is some saying that dres doesn't exist, so no one will try to come and find it.



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Yes but sadly you carry a number of these AI antimatter bombs and one of them gains sentience and cries "Let there be light!" And now Dres definitely doesn't exist.

I claim a hill on Laythe and have good trade relationship with the Colony there. (see the Butterfly Effect thread)


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Unfortunately, i install n-body physics and stuff like that so a gravitational alignment with the outer moons of jool eject laythe towards a black hole.

As it approaches the black hole, tidal forces pull the moon apart and destroy the colony

just at that moment, hawking radiation make the black hole collapse but not before a part of laythe gets a gravity assist and flies off towards the real solar system at near light speed.

It crashes into Earth exactly in the position where the previous hills where, and a chunk of the planet sticking out forms a hill, which i immediately claim


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Thankfully Admiral Val had been aware of the planets being destroyed in the conflict with Darth Tech and had already removed the occupants in a  fleet of ships to a galaxy far far away where the fabled 13th colony of Kerbal was rumored to exist and so they are safely out of harms way and will never fall afoul of the Hill conflict.

The chunk of Laythe is found to have too many vetices to be rendered on Earth and derezes.

I claim the nearest Ant Hill.


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