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Leonard Nimoy has passed away


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The biggest loss he original Enterprise crew has suffered so far ... the biggest loss the original Enterprise crew will ever suffer :(

Oh and I second, third, fourth or whatever the proposal for a memorial for Spock in KSP :)

Edited by Godot
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Time to find out how to make custom Kerbal names. Leonard Nimoy, and Spock, must now be badass, super intelligent scientist Kerbals in my game.

He did "Live long and prosper."

Thanks for my childhood. I was 7 in 1966 when I watched the Original Series Originally air. The show was absolute magic in it's effects, which frequently rivaled movies of the time. And on a budget of IIRC, about $40K US per episode. Tiny for the amount of special effects. The characters were strait out of the westerns of the time, it was kind of a "Wagons Ho!" in space.

They invented a lot of their special effects like the transporter being aluminum dust dropped through a flashlight beam.

They were investigated by the Navy over the medical diagnostic table as it was close to something they were researching at the time.

There was "the KISS!"

Navel submarines use a similar bridge structure. I don't recall which influenced which. But it's an elegantly logical way to run a sub.

Leonard and Star Trek are some of my fondest memories of childhood. They truly went where no man had gone before.

Goodbye Spock.

Goodbye Leonard.

And remember to add more boosters to the rocket boots!


  Cairan said:

I propose to HarvesteR and the team to include an easter egg memorial somewhere on Laythe, like they did for Armstrong...

How about a photon torpedo casing like in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock?


  Robotengineer said:
Certainly one of the coolest characters in sci-fi. *Vulcan Salute*

I would like to +1 a Spock memorial in KSP as well.


I just KNOW someone in our outstanding modding community is right now, vulcanizing a Kerbal.

I hope Polynesia adds a Spock coin to this upcoming set. I badly want these.


Edited by pslytely psycho
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A great man, an amazing voice. He will be preserved in memory. dang-it, what's this stuff in my eyes...

  Cairan said:

I propose to HarvesteR and the team to include an easter egg memorial somewhere on Laythe, like they did for Armstrong...

How about a photon torpedo casing like in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock?

I very much support this idea!

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An iconic actor in a beloved series. That scene in ST II is going to be even harder to sit through. I wish the suits at Paramount had let him do more with the franchise, after he proved himself as capable behind the camera, as he was in front of it.

+1 to Cairan's idea! Some other items that might work: the Vulcan harp, a three-dimensional chessboard, an IDIC (infinite diversity, infinite combinations) symbol, the bridge Science station hooded viewer.

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I was really sad to hear about this, you know you are starting to get on when actors who were around during your childhood start to pass away.

I think it would be cool if Squad added a new npc in honour of everyone's favourite Vulcan.

Leonard Kerman I think has a lovely sound to it.

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  Drakoan said:
I was really sad to hear about this, you know you are starting to get on when actors who were around during your childhood start to pass away.

I think it would be cool if Squad added a new npc in honour of everyone's favourite Vulcan.

Leonard Kerman I think has a lovely sound to it.

agreed. That or make him an astronaut (like the 3 from the start). EITHER WAY add a memorial on layathe of the torpedo. Doesn't matter where just do it.

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He brought so much to Star Trek, and sci-fi in general. I think we definitely need some sort of memorial in KSP. Personally I like the idea of something along the lines of the Armstrong memorial on the Mun, with the Vulcan IDIC symbol instead of the Apollo lander.

Leonard Kerman gets my vote too :)

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  Cairan said:
His last Twitter entry ever is so fitting:

I propose to HarvesteR and the team to include an easter egg memorial somewhere on Laythe, like they did for Armstrong...

How about a photon torpedo casing like in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock?


As much as I've enjoyed Star Trek, and loved Leonard Nimoy's roles, I think in KSP's case, that honor should be restricted to real astronauts and not actors.

However, he will be missed.

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*Dramatic scene on starship, with torpedo coffin.

I never knew him personally, but I knew him as a First Officer. He was the best First Officer there could be. Fly to your place among the stars. May we forever remember you.

*Torpedo tube shoots out coffin

I could never do the Vulcan symbol thingy, but to those about to rock, we salute you.


Man, this is a very sad time...

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  Alshain said:
As much as I've enjoyed Star Trek, and loved Leonard Nimoy's roles, I think in KSP's case, that honor should be restricted to real astronauts and not actors.

However, he will be missed.

A lot of real life astronauts have actually taken interest in science and space because of Star Trek... Among the list I can type from the top of my head:

Chris Hadfield

Mae Jemison

Interesting article on the subject here.

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Let's not forget he was the narrator of Seaman on Sega Dreamcast. I've appreciated his work more since the days of playing that game.

He was an actor of the first caliber - and never afraid to take on unorthodox projects. The world is greyer today without you in it, Mr. Nimoy. :(

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