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What would make KSP (perfect) for you?


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For me, it would be a goal of traveling through a worm hole to a distant solar system, and populating another system all together, building everything from scratch with mine-able materials.

EDIT: Talking gameplay aspects here.. we all know bugs suck.. 64 bit will be fantastic, and better graphics would be nice, but the subject focus is gameplay!

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Better science, ground exploration mechanisms, like taking photos of stuff, and drillis and surface samples that give you actual data, and overhaul of the game mechanics to focus on in-space activity and sustaining a space program, rather than unlocking stuff, and going on fetch quests for money.

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Perfect? If the asset management were fixed, the oceans no longer lagged, the planets were realistically sized and had realistic orbits, if we basically had Realism Overhaul with all the extra mods as stock plus RVE. Basically the install I have right now minus the normal KSP downers.

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IMO: Considering my PC meets and/or beats all minimum requirements...not crashing 100% of the time, even after hundreds of perturbations of settings. Anything beyond that would just be cake for my sweet tooth. Older versions only crashed 30-50% of the time, I understood then - it was alpha stage. But, they're calling it beta now and I can't get it to work at all. I hope the '1.0 version' comes close to at least working, like alpha was, then I won't consider moving on to something better. I don't mean to be mean or crass to the developers but, there it is.

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Honestly I'd be happy if it could just run smoothly without crashing every other time I visit the Vehicle Assembly Building.

Integrating Kerbal Attachment System (or something like it) into stock would also be pretty awesome.

- - - Updated - - -

More planets and more stuff for kerbalnauts to do on EVA (and IVA for that matter) would also be awesome.

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Perfect ?

No parts lag limits (or something like 5k) and 100% stable 64 bits (gotta have that ram for mods and stuff)

A huge star system with 10-12 planets and 5-6 comets (Kinda like our own)

Easy to use Solar system creator/editor... I want to make Gliese 581 and my version of Alpha Centauri

Electric Propellers and solar coating film to put on surfaces (mostly wings).

Pick a tank form, pick a tank size, pick a texture/color, then set what it carries...

Real US Space shuttle parts ? I really like the look, I think it's the most beautiful craft NASA ever launched.

More non-annoying music, maybe themes or each of the planets.

Tech tree editor.

Parts editor (ok I can edit text files fine, but sometimes having an interface to do it is really cool)

And obviously some kind of Multi-player to share it with friends.

The rest, the game really has everything I want already.

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  Rthsom said:
Well, graphics and physics that are 100% equivalent to real life would make KSP perfect for me.

More realistically, just more bug fixes and career improvements would make the game a lot better.

I had a dream...Kerbal using the Frostbite engine! Or Cryengine! Can you imagine landing on the Crysis jungle? OMG that will be awesome!

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Deutherius: Ditto.

I'm running the 64-bit Linux version with every mod I could lay my hands on. It still crashes every few days or so, but it is more than stable enough. Any improvements are simply cherries on top.

I love FAR and can't wait to see the improved stock aero, but I would also like to see conservation of rotation in the stock version - or at least a resumption of rotation when switching back to 1x time-scale.

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I agree that the game is pretty perfect right now (or will be after all the new parts in 1.0). I'll vote for bugfixing and optimization and possibly a revamp of the graphics once the optimization is done.


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  Deutherius said:
I like how the game is now. (Selective) bugfixing would be my only wish.

For everything else there's mods.

If the answer you have is mods, then wouldn't you at least want a 64bit version, so you can install a decent amount of mods?

Also, can you point me in the direction of the procedurally generated universe mod?

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  Tw1 said:
Better science, ground exploration mechanisms, like taking photos of stuff, and drillis and surface samples that give you actual data, and overhaul of the game mechanics to focus on in-space activity and sustaining a space program, rather than unlocking stuff, and going on fetch quests for money.

this. exactly this^ with the addition of a manageable, intuitive life support mechanic that lends it self to base building.

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  Merinsan said:
If the answer you have is mods, then wouldn't you at least want a 64bit version, so you can install a decent amount of mods?

Given that the only mods I needed to improve my gaming experience are DDSLoader, KER, KAC and NavballDockingAlignment (EDIT: plus the occasional KVV and Hyperedit for testing), no, I don't see the need to have a 64-bit version of the game. That's just me though, I can see how mod-happy users would want to have a stable 64-bit release. Having both of them available is, of course, the best solution.

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The removal of the barrier of RAM or a fully functional 64bit version (and for gods sake, FAR with 64bit!). I'm perfectly fine with the current stock and mod content available, if only I could use more of it at once. Active texture management helps but isn't the answer I'm looking for... I don't want every mod to be stock, I want to mod my game individually beyond the point at which it crashes atm. I'm just tired of either/or decisions when it comes to some of the best mods :(

@ deutherius: here! I'm one of those users ;) I've been fighting with my ksp version for days just to get astronomer's interstellar pack to work (it's one of those shiny visual packs) along with b9, TAC LS, DRE, FAR, RT2 and a couple of others... I would love to install stuff like KAS, procedural wings or a colony pack, but I'm already deleting parts of my mods and downsizing textures just to run into the next 'out of RAM'-crash. I don't blame anyone for it, I'm just hoping for a more optimisations and possibilties :)

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Better tech tree layout, science income balance (much, much less), bugfixes.

Unloading textures/models not in use when focussed on a ship. Caching of texture/model thumbnails for use in the VAB/SPH. (Both of these would hugely drop the RAM use.)

Wormholes are a good idea too though - I'd love to be able to colonise and establish a second KSC around a different star.

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  Merinsan said:
An actual end game goal.

I actually would prefer the opposite- an open ended game where your in space operation gets more and more complex.

Bases to run research, and take tourists to, stations throughout the solar system, each having a strategic purpose, (rather than just being there because someone paid you)

There won't be an "it's finished" point to real space exploration, so I don't think it's a good idea for KSP. While having things to achieve isn't a bad thing, having the game be all about ticking of tasks distracts from the main experiences it offers, and limits its potential.

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