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What's the stupidest space-related thing you've ever heard someone say?


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But the short of it is: Quit looking at how dumb everybody else is that they don't know things that you know. That's a terrible outlook on life. Being smart is not knowing facts, it's the ability to learn. And one of the ways you learn is you stick your neck out and ask things that "everybody knows."

Because, oddly, "everybody" doesn't "know" anything until they ask, and are told.

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  5thHorseman said:
But the short of it is: Quit looking at how dumb everybody else is that they don't know things that you know. That's a terrible outlook on life. Being smart is not knowing facts, it's the ability to learn. And one of the ways you learn is you stick your neck out and ask things that "everybody knows."

Because, oddly, "everybody" doesn't "know" anything until they ask, and are told.

That's right. It's also important to understand why someone believes what they do. As said, with my friend who does not believe in the luna landings or dinosaurs, I could blame religion. That would be stupid of me, their religion did not tell them those two things. But they saw lies else where, in politics and business (really, those places will state up is down, and bankruptcy is profit :P ), and extrapolated too far from there into history and other things. I know in time they will understand where it's right to draw the line.

I was (and usually still am) the one asking stupid questions. Though I don't ask "Why do you not sell energy efficient kettles" (asked at work, tried hart to explain, they did not believe me), but instead "why do we assume that, why do we still do that, did anyone actually check?"

Asking in not a problem. Avoiding the explanations, avoiding the hard work, is. :P

(PS, I'd also not agree with every explanation, some fields believe things they do without evidence because of long standing assumptions that become written law, but I still understand their viewpoint)

Edited by Technical Ben
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I don't mind religious people believing in their religion's God creating the universe- it's an opinion, just like how I believe in spaceflight. What I mind is people just disrespecting each other over this.

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  Yukon0009 said:
I don't mind religious people believing in their religion's God creating the universe- it's an opinion, just like how I believe in spaceflight. What I mind is people just disrespecting each other over this.

Belief in spaceflight does not equal belief in (a) God. We have tangible proof that spaceflight happens, we don't have proof that God exists. When you level fact down to the field of opinion, you do a disservice to fact and you legitimize opinions.

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Ummm... never. Where did you get that idea?

The guy above you is talking about how religious opinions can get in the way of facts. How does that equal anti-religion? Thats like saying not wanting scientists to corrupt data is anti-science.

Edited by xXIndestructibleEVAXx
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As long as you are open to new ideas and you accept facts you can believe in anything. And instead of laughing at people who aren't as much into space as you are you could try to explain them why you are so fascinated about it and maybe they get inspired to learn more. I think threads like these aren't doing this community any good because it makes everyone here look like anoying smart asses.

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  xXIndestructibleEVAXx said:
It's not about laughing at people who don't care about space, it's about laughing at people who don't understand the most basic facts about space. Religion has nothing to do with it. Now, please, get back on topic before the mods delete the thread.

People who don't care about space, don't care to understand what you consider basic facts. Maybe you would like to bring up a topic you know nothing/don't care about so we can laugh at you.

"hah u don't no how the 46 defense works. u so stupd!!!11!11!"

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  xXIndestructibleEVAXx said:
Yeah, but the difference is they don't care enough to learn. I do. So please, teach me about 46 defense, whatever that is.

There's a lot of things that I don't care to learn about, quilting being one of many of them. It doesn't make me stupid. Purposefully ignorant, perhaps.

The 46 defense is a defensive scheme/package used in American football. It slides the two OLB to one side of the defense, and brings the SS up to the vacated LB position leaving just 2 CBs and a FS to defend against the deep pass. However, it puts serious pressure on the OL and the QB. When Buddy Ryan first conjured it up, it was a terror for offensive coordinators, which is why the '85 Bears is still regarded as one of, if not, the best defenses of all time.

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@ethanadams, Don't feel bad, that's what learning is for. I once heard someone say that we should use NASA's budget for paying college (american) football players.

EdFred, I know. There are things I don't care about either. but I still do. I hate football (I live in alabama. Once, a student called my teacher a n*zi because of the football team she liked.) And I never said they where stupid. This thread is meant for lols, and the source of the lols is people saying dumb things about space. We aren't laughing because the people are stupid, we are laughing because what they say is stupid. (Also, for the record, I don't know any of the acronyms you typed. Please PM me with an explanation of the basic rules of american FB.)

Edited by xXIndestructibleEVAXx
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  5thHorseman said:
"Why don't we just toss all that nuclear waste into the Sun?"

I said that. On more than one occasion. And I even had an answer: If the ship blew up it'd rain nuclear fire down on us. I didn't know the REAL (or at least the OTHER) reason until I played KSP: It's actually really hard to hit the Sun.

Nuclear waste is also insanely heavy to move.

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  SlabGizor117 said:
Thanks for your service. What planes do you have there? F-16s are the only land based fighters I know and 5 billion dollars doesn't sound like any F-35.

Not 5 billion per aircraft, (That would be insane) but well over 5 billion total. We have a few dozen F22s (Cant give specific numbers for OPSEC reasons) stationed here and with F16s F4s and T38s we are looking at closer to 10 billion dollars worth of aircraft at this one base alone.

Also the F35, once all the planed aircrafts are built is estimated to cost upward of a trillion dollars. Though unlike the F22 the F35 is a multinational fighter with many countries receiving them.

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  Yukon0009 said:
I don't mind religious people believing in their religion's God creating the universe- it's an opinion, just like how I believe in spaceflight. What I mind is people just disrespecting each other over this.

And here's one more example of a raped verb in English language. To believe. Sadly, the issue has spread to other languages, too.

Belief in supernatural is irrational, based on zero facts. You don't believe in spaceflight. You know it works. You have the proofs, both theoretical and empirical.

Also, while we should respect people and their right to have an opinion, we don't need to respect those opinions. People have rights. Opinions don't. All facts should be opened to test, and opinions and beliefs especially.

Punishing the mocking of beliefs is not the same as punishing hate speech towards people who endorse them. First thing is something dictators enforce, and the second thing is restricting the freedom of speech so that it doesn't cross the freedom of healthy social life of others.


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  GregroxMun said:
Here's the results of a science quiz:


They change as more people take the quiz. Please only give this quiz to people who you know not to be already knowledgable of space.

The one about gravity in space doesn't have a correct answer. :P

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  GregroxMun said:
Here's the results of a science quiz:


They change as more people take the quiz. Please only give this quiz to people who you know not to be already knowledgable of space.

I'm being a little lazy right now, any chance you could post a link to the actual quiz in your sig? I've got a few people I would like to send it to.

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  xXIndestructibleEVAXx said:
Wrong. Faith means belief without proof.

Also, this thread has gone WAY off topic.


  LajosWinkler said:
And here's one more example of a raped verb in English language. To believe. Sadly, the issue has spread to other languages, too.

Belief in supernatural is irrational, based on zero facts. You don't believe in spaceflight. You know it works. You have the proofs, both theoretical and empirical.

Edited by Randazzo
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