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[WIP][1.9.x-1.12.x] Scatterer-atmospheric scattering (0.0838 - 14/08/2022) Scattering improvements, in-game atmo generation and multi-sun support


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How does this look?



  On 4/22/2017 at 12:24 AM, Drew Kerman said:

I don't think it's worth the extra effort that would go with having to keep track of it separately, but that would be your call. From a user standpoint, I went back to 1.1.3 just so I could get one photo from an IVA using this setting and I did notice it affected the ground somewhat if it was set too low, so just having it as a value people can play with within Scatterer (since its Scatterer that would be causing any ground/water flickering) seems to make the most sense. Keeping all problems in one place and all that.


Ok, no problem.

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  On 4/22/2017 at 8:32 PM, blackrack said:

How does this look?


looks awesome! And ok, I really want planetshine the most still BUT this will certainly be a great visual treat when my astronauts start using underwater bases/training to simulate extreme/vacuum environments

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  On 4/22/2017 at 9:47 PM, Avera9eJoe said:

It looks amazing! Impressive how fast you're making progress too :)


Thanks, I've learned a lot in the two years I've been working on this mod. The best part now is playing other games and being able to see why certain technical choices were made or how a certain effect is achieved.

  On 4/22/2017 at 9:39 PM, Drew Kerman said:

looks awesome! And ok, I really want planetshine the most still BUT this will certainly be a great visual treat when my astronauts start using underwater bases/training to simulate extreme/vacuum environments


All in due time.

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  On 4/22/2017 at 10:05 PM, blackrack said:

Thanks, I've learned a lot in the two years I've been working on this mod. The best part now is playing other games and being able to see why certain technical choices were made or how a certain effect is achieved.


Likewise it's been a treat to learn through the (be it very basic) mods I've set out to run :) Hah, now that you mentioned it in your second point I've had the same findings with film and music ever since I started drumming and studying media arts. Once you learn how to do something, you never see it the way you did before. I feel it'd be fun to run through other games with you. :)

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Probably asked before, so sorry in advance.

I use the latest eve + latest scattere and I tracked down the cloud-fix (new dlls for eve). Stil my EVE is a white ball with this mod :/

Further: If I use the "fixed" dlls I get 0 clouds. Without them I get clouds and no other issues but the "white ball".

Can anybody help? What could you need to help me? Logs, screens etc?! I really love this mod and since my oceans aren't a mess anymore I would love to use it - badly.


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  On 4/23/2017 at 10:29 AM, maculator said:

I have the stock configs installed.


And the fix from this post:


i haven't tried the newest version of EVE yet (in fact didn't know a new one was released). The fixed files you see above are for a very old release (september), you don't need them for the newer versions.

The current scatterer cloud integration is meant for the version of EVE released in october (second one in the downloads above). Maybe get that one or disable the cloud integration from scatterer and see if it helps. You don't need the fixed dlls

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Okay so I'll try to disable the cloud integration and if that doesn't work I'll get the second version in the github and install this. I'll report back, thanks

@blackrack up to date eve + scatterer with eve cloud integration disabled didn't work out :/ I can't see the terrain anymore.

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I'll install eve from october instead and check it...

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The EVE configs use Cube Maps for their cloud textures which suffer from the EVE Cloud Integration bug that they appear white when that option is enabled in Scatterer... which I think is a problem with Eve as the cloud layer is coloured.

Turn that option off and it should be fine... hopefully?

Let us know how it goes.

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  On 4/23/2017 at 10:54 AM, Poodmund said:

The EVE configs use Cube Maps for their cloud textures which suffer from the EVE Cloud Integration bug that they appear white went that option is enabled in Scatterer.

Turn that option off and it should be fine.


I have it disabled.

And @blackrack

eve from october + scatterer with disabled integration: same as before (purple ball)

eve from october + scatterer without disabeling integration: white ball

most recent eve + scattere with disabled integration: purple ball

most recent eve + scatterer without disabeling integration: white ball

I really don't know what to do :/

I didn'T touch any other settings.

thise are the contents of my GameData folder

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and this are my settings

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no clouds in menu happens when I exit the game to the menu.

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Question about contact foam. Will there be an adjustable parameter for the amplitude and decay of the foam? And could it somehow be dependent on speed of the collider moving over the surface? That way we could have trails behind ships. :-)

I understand however, a bow wave would be difficult.

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  On 4/23/2017 at 1:16 PM, maculator said:

No. I use the normal x64 version over steam. No start parameters.


Sorry I thought you had the white ball not the purple ball?

Can I see a screen and a log? Also try starting in dx11 or opengl if you haven't already.

  On 4/23/2017 at 1:19 PM, Azimech said:

Question about contact foam. Will there be an adjustable parameter for the amplitude and decay of the foam? And could it somehow be dependent on speed of the collider moving over the surface? That way we could have trails behind ships. :-)

I understand however, a bow wave would be difficult.


It's nothing that elaborate, at the moment it's just checking the depth buffer to see how close the surface is behind it. ie it doesn't leave a trail after a ship has moved, so no such a thing as decay or collider checking or anything.

You can see it here around the base of the plane: https://vid.me/zP0x

If the plane moves there appears to be a bit of foam around where it touches the water but it will not leave a trail, that's a bit more complicated.

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@maculator Have you checked the version number in the scatterer screen in game menu? Strangely, both DL links in the OP, Mega and SpaceDock, offer a zip named scatterer-0.0300.zip, but both of them show "Scatterer v0.0275 preview". After noticing that when installing SVE 1.2, I took (only!) scatterer from the last bundled version (https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/v1.1.6) from which I remembered that it came with v0.0300. I did not try SVE 1.2.2 yet. Hope this helps!

Edited by plonk
Wrote EVE, ment SVE of course!
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  On 4/23/2017 at 1:34 PM, blackrack said:

It's nothing that elaborate, at the moment it's just checking the depth buffer to see how close the surface is behind it. ie it doesn't leave a trail after a ship has moved, so no such a thing as decay or collider checking or anything.

You can see it here around the base of the plane: https://vid.me/zP0x

If the plane moves there appears to be a bit of foam around where it touches the water but it will not leave a trail, that's a bit more complicated.


Understood. I'm already happy with the future update. Thanks for the reply :-)

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Okay I'll check the solutions provided by you guys and if it all fails, I'll provide a fresh log of newest eve + newest scatterer


thnx @plonk I got scatterer from the github link and it indeed is the preview! (<-- @blackrack )

I'm now downloading the pack you mentioned to get scatterer from there (I got a as we call it "bamboo-connection" - so I'll report back when it's done)


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  On 4/23/2017 at 1:48 PM, plonk said:

@maculator Have you checked the version number in the scatterer screen in game menu? Strangely, both DL links in the OP, Mega and SpaceDock, offer a zip named scatterer-0.0300.zip, but both of them show "Scatter v0.0275 preview". After noticing that when installing SVE 1.2, I took (only!) scatterer from the last bundled version (https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/v1.1.6) from which I remembered that is came with v0.0300. I did not try SVE 1.2.2 yet. Hope this helps!


That's just me forgetting to update the version number. Although i might have released a bugfix or two which are bundled in that SVT version (can't remember what they were frankly).

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I just did notice that I think EVE itself is the problem ... If I look at planet eve with only EVE installed it is a purple ball too...

So I guess I'll compliment myself out of this thread an try to find a solution over in the EVE thread. This is gonna be fun searching for "Eve clouds not showing" in the EVE thread :/

Should have checked that before, stupid old me. Well maybe the SVE complete pack I'm downloading right now ill work - might aswell just use that.




Thank you ALL!!! This is the most beautiful thing I saw today!


the linked complete pack worked!


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So I'm in need of some testers for the new effects.

Things to keep in mind for this (preview) version:

-New effects include: Water refraction and depth-based transparency, contact foam and underwater surface and "fog", there are some new parameters in the ocean tab to control them
-If you disable refraction, underwater effects may not work, this will be fixed.
-Ocean lights compatibility will break all the new effects, disable it for now. This will be fixed.
-Sunflares still render underwater, this will be fixed.
-From orbits around 70-160km, when you have refractions on, you might see outlines around the shore, this will be fixed.
-I haven't made configs for laythe or EVE oceans so they'll get the default values.
-The setting for alternate SQRT is removed, it should not be needed anymore, please report if you still get issues with the "leaking halo" around planets.
-There used to be a very obvious line around 300m in front of the camera where the postprocessing effect starts, this is fixed.
-I haven't tested with EVE or any other mods, I expect the clouds might be visible through the underwater surface, please tell me if this is the case.
-NearClipPlane parameter is back in the config file, I don't recommend messing with it.
-When the camera is just at the water surface level there may be some artifacting, a bit lower or higher everything should work well.

Report any new issues and let me know what you think of the new features.

Have fun




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