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[WIP][1.9.x-1.12.x] Scatterer-atmospheric scattering (0.0838 - 14/08/2022) Scattering improvements, in-game atmo generation and multi-sun support


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Scatterer + EVE + Astronomers Visual Enhancement = Truely a beautiful game <3

I remembered this mod not being compatable with EVE. Or... it was in the process of being fixed to work together, I remembered hearing. Anyway, could someone please help me out with what the situation is on these?

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@ blackrack just a heads up the settings menu opens back up every scene change..i have to hide it every time i change ship or anything which quickly gets annoying
Guys, what happened with mod? I just update new version. Is this annoyed window appear only on me? Each new screen I have to hide the scatterer settings window. It's VERY annoyed.

Sorry about that, uploading a fixed version as we speak.

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Patiently waiting for another one of your albums

heh heh I'm workin' on it :) I was tryna use a custom made atmo shader from poland with the latest version, but on launching a vehicle the game crashed corrupting the save, not entirely sure what happened there. Weirdly on placing back the original shaders shipped with scatterer the missing land bodies glitch returned? really weird

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Just realized the tint parametere wasn't doing what it's supposed to (i.e, adjusting tint) and was also affecting luminosity. You can now adjust the tint/coloration without losing the "muted" look of the new shader.

Here's a screen with 175 extinction multiplier and 70 tint


Will try to upload a fixed version tomorrow as my internet is acting up now.

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Just realized the tint parametere wasn't doing what it's supposed to (i.e, adjusting tint) and was also affecting luminosity. You can now adjust the tint/coloration without losing the "muted" look of the new shader.

Here's a screen with 175 extinction multiplier and 70 tint


Will try to upload a fixed version tomorrow as my internet is acting up now.

An unrelated question... how do you take super high-res images? I tried doing so a bit ago but couldn't figure out how.

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Hi all, first time poster.

It took me some time, but I managed to get blackrack's/LGhassen's code up and running, yay!

Well, first of all, I hope it's okay with you that I'm fondling around with it at all, if not, say the word.

I get why water is only sort of working, well actually, I'm not getting why exactly but I know why it's not

ready for release at all: the occlusion isn't working (I think).

But man oh man performance is way up there, I have a 660ti and it's running flawlessly.

Some screenshots:



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Hi all, first time poster.

It took me some time, but I managed to get blackrack's/LGhassen's code up and running, yay!

Well, first of all, I hope it's okay with you that I'm fondling around with it at all, if not, say the word.

I get why water is only sort of working, well actually, I'm not getting why exactly but I know why it's not

ready for release at all: the occlusion isn't working (I think).

But man oh man performance is way up there, I have a 660ti and it's running flawlessly.

Some screenshots:



Of course it's okay, otherwise there wouldn't be any public source code ;)

May I ask what took so long to get the code running?

And yeah, the ocean performance is good (getting 60 fps on a 560 Ti here) but I'm not sure exactly if the occlusion isn't working (it does occlude ships halfway in it) it's just that it moves around with the camera. And tbh it doesn't seem much of a big problem but after wasting a few days on it with no success I decided to work on other things until I get more free time. In any case, the more people actually play around with the code and try to debug the ocean, the better it is. I'm just an amateur coder and I've learned a lot since I've started the mot but still have a lot to learn.

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Hey Blackrack, I've done some more testing on RSS, the issue with terrain being covered by the haze effect is caused when using custom shaders made in proland?

Btw that water looks great!

Are you doing this with the config tool? From the mod's point of view there shouldn't be any difference between the atmo I included or any other one generated in the config tool/proland.

I'll try to download RVE and do some testing with it. I'll need some more details on how to replicate the problem you're getting.

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Of course it's okay, otherwise there wouldn't be any public source code ;)

May I ask what took so long to get the code running?

And yeah, the ocean performance is good (getting 60 fps on a 560 Ti here) but I'm not sure exactly if the occlusion isn't working (it does occlude ships halfway in it) it's just that it moves around with the camera. And tbh it doesn't seem much of a big problem but after wasting a few days on it with no success I decided to work on other things until I get more free time. In any case, the more people actually play around with the code and try to debug the ocean, the better it is. I'm just an amateur coder and I've learned a lot since I've started the mot but still have a lot to learn.

It took some time, probably because I didn't assemble the code in the most direct/intendend manner.

What I did was:

Get the git repo by LGhassen, which included all the ocean code commented back in.

Open the git repo in Unity4, move the shaders in OceanShaders to the

subfolder Proland/Shaders/Ocean and compile the Ocean Shaders.

Open it in Visual Studio, add Unity references and compile the scatterer.dll.

Get the Proland Unity port by scrawk.

Open the Proland port in Unity and compile Fourier.shader.

Rename all the compiled shaders (remove all hyphens and platform extensions).

Get the most recent version of scatterer which included all the config files I would not know how to create.

Copy scatterer.dll and compiled shaders into the scatterer directory.

Is there a reason, why the uncompiled shaders are moved to a different directory than referenced inside the shaders?

I am guessing, they are just copies from the proland port, so others can compile them for scatterer, but then again

the Fourier.shader was missing.

I am not asking to document any of this, just curious so I can tinker with it some more.

Keep up the good work!

Edited by RainerZufall
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It took some time, probably because I didn't assemble the code in the most direct/intendend manner.

What I did was:

Get the git repo by LGhassen, which included all the ocean code commented back in.

Open the git repo in Unity4, move the shaders in OceanShaders to the

subfolder Proland/Shaders/Ocean and compile the Ocean Shaders.

Open it in Visual Studio, add Unity references and compile the scatterer.dll.

Get the Proland Unity port by scrawk.

Open the Proland port in Unity and compile Fourier.shader.

Rename all the compiled shaders (remove all hyphens and platform extensions).

Get the most recent version of scatterer which included all the config files I would not know how to create.

Copy scatterer.dll and compiled shaders into the scatterer directory.

Is there a reason, why the uncompiled shaders are moved to a different directory than referenced inside the shaders?

I am guessing, they are just copies from the proland port, so others can compile them for scatterer, but then again

the Fourier.shader was missing.

I am not asking to document any of this, just curious so I can tinker with it some more.

Keep up the good work!

You could have just asked me for the ocean shaders as compiling them in unity is a pain. Anyway, they are modified copies of the proland shaders and I didn't bother to modify the names/path so much as it doesn't do anything (and I'm lazy), most of them have been modified to run in dx9, OpenGL and shader model 3.0, a few others were modified because I had to do a few things differently than they are done in proland (making scattering on terrain a postprocessing shader that uses the depth buffer, splitting the extinction and scattering components into separate shaders and using the additive and multiplicative blending modes to compose them back into the original image because I couldn't figure out an easier way to get the original image halfway through the rendering without re-rendering it in a separate camera etc...) most of the shaders were butchered in one way or another except for the ocean shaders which were just made to work on shader model 3.0.

Hello, this may be a basic question, but is it possible to toggle the scatterer On/OFF through its toolbar? If yes, how?

Not sure why you want to do this on the fly but it's possible, postprocessing shader and extinction shaders are disabled by their own buttons and sky is disabled by setting the exposure to zero, then you can just re-enable the stock atmo with the appropriate button.

Edited by blackrack
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Are you doing this with the config tool? From the mod's point of view there shouldn't be any difference between the atmo I included or any other one generated in the config tool/proland.

I'll try to download RVE and do some testing with it. I'll need some more details on how to replicate the problem you're getting.

Thanks! Ok so regardless of RVE being present; A standard RSS install with the latest Scatterer version. Create new shaders in proland and place them into gamedata/scatterer/etc. Land will be present in PQS(at land level) but once in Scaled space or zoomed out from ground view enough to be in scaled space, the land bodies dissapear. It's unrelated to the config.xml being present.. because I'd wandered if proland was hardcoding the shaders to Kerbin name or something, however even with the name set to Kerbin in RSS the problem persisted. (you shouldn't need RVE to replicate as all it was doing was changing RSS 'Earth' back to Kerbin manually) Thanks again for looking into this man! :)

EDIT: To alter the naming system in RSS without RVE, in RSS/RSSKopernicus.cfg you dash out the 'Cb name later = Earth' line (search for: namelater)

Edited by pingopete
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