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The ROUND8 memorial thread - UPDATE: It's alive!


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How about we turn the oscar-B tank into a xenon fuel tank instead of the life saver?

Nooooooooooo!! That is the only tiny fuel tank..

FFS it would be so easy for Squad to just add a new texture and have both!! AAAGGGHHHHH!

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No part mods. Ever. Squad saying if you want to keep it, mod it back in is a SLAP IN THE FACE.

Why are they being so silent about this????

Ooooh, bad, bad karma for this... :(

ImessagedKapserandhesaidthatHarvestermightreleasesomethingonTuesday'sDevnotesbutthatnothingwasplannedasofyet Okay, nothing to see here, move along. :blush:

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Ooooh, bad, bad karma for this... :(

ImessagedKapserandhesaidthatHarvestermightreleasesomethingonTuesday'sDevnotesbutthatnothingwasplannedasofyet Okay, nothing to see here, move along. :blush:

Good to hear, but I think sharing PM's is against a forum rule. You should be careful about that in the future. You don't want to get in trouble with the admin ;)

2.2 Forbidden content

f. Disclosure of private conversations without the consent of all parties;

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Ok, about them being "Silent" about this. Lets give them a bit more time to respond. Keep up the "Save the Lifesaver" campaign for sure, but it's only been 3 days so be a little patient, at least until the next DevNotes. I know it seems like an eternity, but that is just because the community seems to so vehemently opposed to this change.

adjective 1. zealous; ardent; impassioned: a vehement defense; vehement enthusiasm.

Edited by Alshain
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Obviously, they're being silent because they feel terrible about what they've done, and they're working 24/7 adding new parts to the release to make it up to us. I'd consider some radial-mount LF tanks in glorious golden-orange mulitlayer insulation an acceptable and appropriate gesture :)

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Nooooooooooo!! That is the only tiny fuel tank..

FFS it would be so easy for Squad to just add a new texture and have both!! AAAGGGHHHHH!

Yes, its not my most used tank but I sometimes use it to keep height on oscar stacks down or to add some more fuel to the 45 liters one.

On the other hand I don't see any uses for the round8 tank for xenon even i I uses ion probes pretty often.

I like stacks of the small xenon tanks as I use them as an tower to mount solar panels and other stuff too, unlike landers you want length, an .75 x 1.5 meter long tank hand been nice.

Added downside, you can not surface mount anything on the round8

If you use ions on something larger than an probe you can use the large radial tanks.

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Suggestion: Anyone with a twitter account, let's highjack the current #Kerbalcountdown. Write a Tweet with that hashtag and include #SaveROUND8 and your feelings about this whole mess.

Let's not resort to that kind of behavior. I think our point has been made, whether or not Squad listens to it. Hijacking threads (or tweets, even though I don't do Twitter) is not necessary.

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I'll miss this one. Maybe i'll make a mod that keeps it.

The round8 has been the cornerstone of all of my small conventional engine probe designs... for probes where I'm okay with 5000 deltaV and only needing 1 RTG to power it. It was also the core of my Hermes lander from 2013. I love that it's like someone took a tire inner tube, put some foil on it, and filled it with rocket fuel.

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Let's not resort to that kind of behavior. I think our point has been made, whether or not Squad listens to it. Hijacking threads (or tweets, even though I don't do Twitter) is not necessary.

What good is a point being made if the people adressed are not listening? After HarvesteR's controversial reply in the Devnote thread there has been complete silence on that topic. After the poll, threads, challenge and even mods there should have been at least some acknowledgment of the players' discontent with that decision. There was no reaction. Not even on Reddit. So unless they give us one, I am unwilling to let it go. So I am exploring options to make them listen.

Even a final "no, we won't change it back" would be enough for me at this point.

It may be a job related thing... one of my main duties is to get definitive answers from the people involved in the projects I am part of - which sometimes requires being pesky ;)

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What good is a point being made if the people adressed are not listening? After HarvesteR's controversial reply in the Devnote thread there has been complete silence on that topic. After the poll, threads, challenge and even mods there should have been at least some acknowledgment of the players' discontent with that decision. There was no reaction. Not even on Reddit. So unless they give us one, I am unwilling to let it go. So I am exploring options to make them listen.

Even a final "no, we won't change it back" would be enough for me at this point.

It may be a job related thing... one of my main duties is to get definitive answers from the people involved in the projects I am part of - which sometimes requires being pesky ;)

It's only been 3 days. Give them a little time. In business these days, nothing is done without at least a dozen meetings.

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No part mods. Ever. Squad saying if you want to keep it, mod it back in is a SLAP IN THE FACE.

Why are they being so silent about this????

I too am upset about this, but hey, I don't expect them to be at work more than 8-9 hours a day, and even then they are probably very busy fulfilling their planned release date. Don't worry, there are over 100 testers that will probably also have a 70 % vote to leave it be. :-)

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Ok, about them being "Silent" about this. Lets give them a bit more time to respond. Keep up the "Save the Lifesaver" campaign for sure, but it's only been 3 days so be a little patient, at least until the next DevNotes. I know it seems like an eternity, but that is just because the community seems to so vehemently opposed to this change.


We should all keep in mind that the folks at Squad aren't in the business of needlessly upsetting their customers. Had they known that the Round-8 was this popular, I highly doubt they would've taken it away and announced it like they did.

I am confident that this will all be sorted out, so there's no need to get confrontational about it.



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It's only been 3 days. Give them a little time. In business these days, nothing is done without at least a dozen meetings.

I would love to know the business meetings Max attended before casually mentioning on twitter that some sort of dV readout would be in the game, and if that meeting also outlined how nobody would ever mention it again.

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I would love to know the business meetings Max attended before casually mentioning on twitter that some sort of dV readout would be in the game, and if that meeting also outlined how nobody would ever mention it again.

I'm sure there were meetings before the decision was made to put it in the game.

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