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The Oscar-B Awards! (Results Are Out!!)


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Shame on you guys! Noone has nominated StreetLampPro yet!

I nominate StreetLampPro for

Categories: Best Video Overall, Best Artistic Video, Best Showcase Video

Tough choice, because his KSP 0.18 cinematic trailer is awesome as well. Both of these i emailed around to people to get them to buy KSP.

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Alright, I've updated the nomination entries.

I'm worried that this will become even more tedious than the Light-Green Group! This took a good thirty-five minutes to update, and I'm still not sure all of the links are correct. Why in the world did I want to start this thing at perhaps the busiest week of my entire semester?!

I've decided to alphabetize the entries. It seems a little more fair that way: instead of everyone's first picks being at the top of the list, they're now more scattered throughout. Besides, my borderline OCD was nagging me about it.

Oh, and to address a couple of questions and statements asked so far:

I'm going to add a Best Series category as soon as I'm done with this post. Thanks for the suggestion, TheBigFish!

Thanks for featuring this thing in a Twitter, SQUAD! I'm quite honestly thrilled.

If you win an Oscar-B, you get the craft file of the trophy on the original post. I would love to send a 3D-printed Oscar-B tank (or even the 3D-printed trophy!) but unfortunately, I lack money and resources. If someone has either, PM me. :)


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Can I be shameless and promote myself for best up-and-coming? http://www.youtube.com/Forenci I'm certain I'm not on par with some of the other's I've seen as a result of this (which is really a cool thing), but it's always fun to put yourself out there!

Tyler Raiz is pretty underrated too! Glad someone nominated him! His dedication to all things Kerbal is quite impressive.

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Could we have best abandoned series? :P I've tried several times to make a series and failed. xD

Also, I'd love to nominate myself, buuut that's just begging basically, and while you didn't say that's against the rules it usually is, so no.

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There was a post further up nominating Hatbat for most artistic Channel. It wasn't really noticed though and I feel obligated to follow through with Newtons' third law:

Every Action Has an Equal and Opposite Re-Action

So without further adue, allow me to add more competition to the Cinematic throne (that's within my grasp. Why am I doing this?)

I (re)nominate Hatbat, (https://www.youtube.com/user/PROMincraftia/featured) with the best Artistic Channel and....

Most Artistic Video, Antarctica

(check him out anyways. He helps whoever whenever with KSP Cinematics. go over to his Cinematic Enthusiasts [http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85884-Post-Your-Cinematics-here%21-%28Cinematic-Enthusiasts%29])

Edited by One-Way Films
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  Guard13007 said:
Could we have best abandoned series? :P I've tried several times to make a series and failed. xD

Also, I'd love to nominate myself, buuut that's just begging basically, and while you didn't say that's against the rules it usually is, so no.

I think it's okay for best up-and-coming (after all, they might not be well known), and so I think if it increases people's awareness to some new/different channels and that's not a bad thing.


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I'm torn between Nexter's Lab and Cupcake Landers...

Cupcake Landers (Artistic) He has great videos on the more artistic side of VTOL Dropships as he calls them, and he is great in production, he has great music and "camerawork". I'm terrible at the Forums for posting stuff so I don't know how to post a link embedded in a word, but here he is!


I wish I could nominate more, but if I can give some honorable mentions, I would say Nexter's Lab and KerbalEssences :D

Edited by SlabGizor117
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Best Overall Channel: 5th Horseman.

Lots of videos and some really fun/interesting ones !

Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/5fhHorseman/

@KanadianCerbal : you do know that HOCGaming, even if he has made really good KSP videos in the past, has stated that he was abandoning KSP videos some 3 months ago right ? Now I do not know if that weights at all in the balance, but something to keep in mind.


Edited by Francois424
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I'm terrible at the Forums for posting stuff so I don't know how to post a link embedded in a word, but here he is!

It's pretty simple! When posting, copy the link, highlight whatever word of your post you want to lead to the link, then click the little globe with the infinity sign. it should open a little writing place. Just paste the link in there, and you're good to go! For instance- Cupcake Lander's YT channel.

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I did not see the under-watched video catagory before, Tyler Raiz's "

" has only 513 views despite covering a mission to Mars that continues to be important to our exploration of that planet today. That was a milestone for NASA and you can learn a lot about it from that fairly brief video.
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Thank you Blazerunga for the nomination and bringing this thread to my attention. I think it is an awesome idea! I find it kinda weird to nominate myself so I just point to my on going series "KNews" and if somebody finds it is worthy enough to be nominated he or she is free to nominate it :)

It's still far from there were I'd like it to be quality wise but I try to improve with each episode! Link:

(Please excuse my not so good english, I try to improve on that one too) :D


Not sure if I am "allowed" to reply here so I simply edit my post. Hey Yukon, I wasn't able to get an account until recently because having some trouble with my username on registration. Awesome Kasper fixed it :) However, I am not super active here but I try to change that. I used to be a lurker :>

Edited by KerbalEssences
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