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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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Hello, I am currently using UKS and USI LS, along with Kerbal Health. As some may know, Kerbal Health isn't really 100% compatible with USI LS (Not from a bug or glitch perspective, but from conflicting features / functions).. I would like to use Kerbal Health as it has much more in depth Habitation mechanics than USI LS currently provides, however I would like to use USI LS alongside UKS for it's life support features as they were designed for each other. One of the conflicts between Kerbal Health and USI LS is that they both have to ability to turn crew into tourists.. Which can lead to issues such as accidental permanent tourism, but this can be remedied via enabling the more.. Lethal options in the USI LS settings. The only other conflict is that they both add habitation, so my question.. Is there a way via settings to completely disable (or effectively disable) all habitation features from USI LS and only keep the actual Life Support functions?


EDIT: Just an afterthought.. and If there is no way to disable habitation features, is there a way to set it up so that it will take so long to see side effects from habitation that it's basically a non-issue? Perhaps setting some counters to equate to like a billion years or something?

Edited by CoriW
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12 minutes ago, CoriW said:

Hello, I am currently using UKS and USI LS, along with Kerbal Health. As some may know, Kerbal Health isn't really 100% compatible with USI LS (Not from a bug or glitch perspective, but from conflicting features / functions).. I would like to use Kerbal Health as it has much more in depth Habitation mechanics than USI LS currently provides, however I would like to use USI LS alongside UKS for it's life support features as they were designed for each other. One of the conflicts between Kerbal Health and USI LS is that they both have to ability to turn crew into tourists.. Which can lead to issues such as accidental permanent tourism, but this can be remedied via enabling the more.. Lethal options in the USI LS settings. The only other conflict is that they both add habitation, so my question.. Is there a way via settings to completely disable (or effectively disable) all habitation features from USI LS and only keep the actual Life Support functions?


EDIT: Just an afterthought.. and If there is no way to disable habitation features, is there a way to set it up so that it will take so long to see side effects from habitation that it's basically a non-issue? Perhaps setting some counters to equate to like a billion years or something?

All of those settings can be adjusted in game settings panel.

Edited by goldenpsp
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32 minutes ago, goldenpsp said:

All of those settings can be adjusted in game settings panel.

Oh .. Huh, I didn't even see that window which is why I didn't know about the settings.. Just figured out why.

Condition:    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
StackTrace:    LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor_SpaceCenter.GuiOn ()
KSP.UI.Screens.ApplicationLauncherButton.OnTrue (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData data, CallType callType)
UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall`2[UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData,KSP.UI.UIRadioButton+CallType].Invoke (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData args0, CallType args1)
UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent`2[UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData,KSP.UI.UIRadioButton+CallType].Invoke (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData arg0, CallType arg1)
KSP.UI.UIRadioButton.SetState (State state, CallType callType, UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData data, Boolean popButtonsInGroup)
KSP.UI.UIRadioButton.ToggleState (CallType callType, UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData data)
KSP.UI.UIRadioButton.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler.OnPointerClick (UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData eventData)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute (IPointerClickHandler handler, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[IPointerClickHandler] (UnityEngine.GameObject target, UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData eventData, UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction`1 functor)
Condition:    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
StackTrace:    LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor_SpaceCenter.GuiOn ()
LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor_SpaceCenter.GenerateWindow ()
LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor_SpaceCenter.OnWindow (Int32 windowId)
UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID)
UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)


Wonderful.. Also just gonna note I don't have this issue on a game with only USI LS installed.. Only on my game that has.. 117 Mods installed.. This is going to be fun..


Condition:    NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
StackTrace:    Exception has been called 18674 times


Guess I'll just have to systematically remove mods until the conflict is discovered.. Or use a new install and systematically add mods.. It'd be kinda hard to systematically remove them as my game takes nearly 8 minutes to load.

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So um.. Apparently it won't work on a stock install now.. Which is mighty strange because I did have it working on a stock install only like an hour ago.

All I did was.. On a 100% stock install, dropped in the 000_USITools, CommunityCategoryKit, CommunityResourcePack and UmbraSpaceIndustries folders, along with the ModuleManager.4.0.2.dll file into the GameData folder.. Run the game, start a new career save (everything default) and once I got to the KSC screen I pressed the USI LS button. The window opens but it was blank and spammed NullRefs in the log file.

This file contains the Output_Log, my game settings, the MM logs, and the savegame itself..



Edit: So instead of using the bundled CRP and CCK... I went and got the most up to date ones separately.. and now on a stock install I can see the settings window again.

Edit: Also I don't know if this is normal but I also now have many Nyan cats flying around my loading screen... Didn't have that before.

Edit: So I tried applying the same fix to my main game with all the mods.. No dice, will have to start adding mods to the confirmed working stock install to see what breaks it.

Edit: And then I changed literally nothing in that stock install with USI LS ... Started it back up.. And it doesn't work again. I think I'm going to give up for tonight before I go crazy lol

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For some reason, my hab and home stats don't seem to be working - I've tried reinstalling the mod, and even trying with a fresh install. Regardless of what my ship looks like, or where I go, it always says my hab time is "indefinite". For example:


Here I am, orbiting Duna with nothing but a lander can, yet Sidney seems content to simply float there until he runs out of food in 40 days.

Also, I can't find any difficulty options for the Life Support. I suspect this may be related. They aren't in any of the standard difficulty tabs, and the only modded tab shows this:



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36 minutes ago, strigon said:


Try the green cube icon in the space center scene for the options? It behaves differently there from anywhere else, which IS a tad confusing as it looks exactly the same.
And I think habitation is by default set to have no effect, hence "indefinite".

Edited by VenDei
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36 minutes ago, VenDei said:

Try the green cube icon in the space center scene for the options? It behaves differently there from anywhere else, which IS a tad confusing as it looks exactly the same.
And I think habitation is by default set to have no effect, hence "indefinite".

Well, it does behave differently. Unfortunately, it behaves differently in that it's a completely blank window:

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5 hours ago, strigon said:

Well, it does behave differently. Unfortunately, it behaves differently in that it's a completely blank window:

The blank window is the options.

There is a small bug that sometimes it's blank. Open the cube icon in the Space Center view, then the VAB and then the Space Center again. That works for me.

Habitation is off by default.

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1 hour ago, Cruesoe said:

The blank window is the options.

There is a small bug that sometimes it's blank. Open the cube icon in the Space Center view, then the VAB and then the Space Center again. That works for me.

Habitation is off by default.

Aha! Thank you, my good Kerbonaut; you have solved my problem!

Edit: Blast! Even that didn't work; I edit the settings, press save, and they stay there.
Then when I go to the VAB, I still see indefinite. So I go back to check, and the settings reset themselves! I've done this three times now, and yes, I clicked on save not cancel. As long as I simply stay in the Space Center, the settings remain what I chose, but the moment I leave, they're back to default.

Edit 2: Well, the in-game menu still isn't working, so I edited the config file and started a new save. Annoying, but it solves my problem. Still not sure what caused the issue, though.

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3 hours ago, DoktorKrogg said:

@strigon If Sidny is a Scout, then he's immune to habitation effects.


Nope; just a plain old scientist.
Plus, whenever I change the settings to allow hab, they change back again as soon as I enter another screen.

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I'm not sure if this is a bug or by design: It makes sense that habitation is shared with nearby vessels. So if I have a rover and my Kerbals are running out of hab or home time, I can just drive near my base and they're safe again. BUT if I then drive away again, the timers are back to what they were before (or did they even go on in the background?). Shouldn't at least the home timer be reset? Also, I found no way of checking the timers before driving away. So in the worst case, you drive away from the base and immediately run out of home time, converting your Kerbals to tourists and locking them up there, a couple hundred meters away from their cozy base.

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6 minutes ago, infinite_monkey said:

I'm not sure if this is a bug or by design: It makes sense that habitation is shared with nearby vessels. So if I have a rover and my Kerbals are running out of hab or home time, I can just drive near my base and they're safe again. BUT if I then drive away again, the timers are back to what they were before (or did they even go on in the background?). Shouldn't at least the home timer be reset? Also, I found no way of checking the timers before driving away. So in the worst case, you drive away from the base and immediately run out of home time, converting your Kerbals to tourists and locking them up there, a couple hundred meters away from their cozy base.

IIRC you actually have to get out of the rover and move to another hab to reset the rover timer.

Think of it this way - you drive cross country and you're exhausted. Your car drives into the hotel parking lot and you feel better because you know you're going to get to get out and stretch your legs or get some sleep. Then the car driver suddenly decides to pull out of the parking lot again and drive away without letting you get out  :) 

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1 minute ago, Tyko said:

IIRC you actually have to get out of the rover and move to another hab to reset the rover timer.

Think of it this way - you drive cross country and you're exhausted. Your car drives into the hotel parking lot and you feel better because you know you're going to get to get out and stretch your legs or get some sleep. Then the car driver suddenly decides to pull out of the parking lot again and drive away without letting you get out  :) 

Lol well that kinda makes sense. Except that Kerbals have no problem spending months in the parking lot :D

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Question: What does USI_SwapController, USI_SwappableBay and USI_Converter do on the Hitchhiker and other cabins/pods? Is it related to "Recipe: ???" ?

Also, does USI_ModuleFieldRepair still work/exist? One other question, is there a way to toggle start/stop habitat in the VAB, to preview?

Edited by dlrk
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello @RoverDude

I think there is an issue with localization in USI-LS. I'm using French and then Bill starved. His trait in persistent.sfs ROSTER was "trait = Engineer" before starving. Once back on land, he became "trait = Ingénieur" and then all hell broke loose. The game doesn't know what to do with traits it doesn't understand. The parser simply stops processing right then and there. Bill was the last kerbal ever.

That was until I got to look at the SCENARIO -> LIFE_SUPPORT_SETTINGS -> STATUS_DATA node where Bill's old trait is: "OldTrait = Ingénieur".


So there. You're taking the localized string to store the old trait for the USL-LS scenario.

Also, all other OldTraits are now in French (Touriste vs Tourist, Pilote vs Pilot, Scientifique vs Scientist).

Can you fix that please? Thanks

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On 3/24/2019 at 12:47 PM, ioresult said:

I think there is an issue with localization in USI-LS. I'm using French and then Bill starved.

That was until I got to look at the SCENARIO -> LIFE_SUPPORT_SETTINGS -> STATUS_DATA node where Bill's old trait is: "OldTrait = Ingénieur".


So there. You're taking the localized string to store the old trait for the USL-LS scenario.

Also, all other OldTraits are now in French (Touriste vs Tourist, Pilote vs Pilot, Scientifique vs Scientist).

Can you fix that please? Thanks

Should already have been fixed by PR 280 so it should behave correctly for new starving kerbals as long you're using a recent version.
However any previously stored OldTrait value in the persistence file will have to be fixed manually I think.

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On 3/28/2019 at 11:26 PM, cakepie said:

Should already have been fixed by PR 280 so it should behave correctly for new starving kerbals as long you're using a recent version.
However any previously stored OldTrait value in the persistence file will have to be fixed manually I think.

Yeah PR 280 seems to have been merged to main on feb 4 and v1.1 was released on feb 5. And I'm using it. I probably started my current career game on a previous USI-LS version.


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On 2/6/2019 at 8:03 AM, RoverDude said:

Yep, we warned folks that this would be a breaking change a while back,  and did a very long-running constellation pre-release to give folks a chance to get patches ready.  Hopefully folks were sitting on their patches.  Sorry about having to break a few eggs on this one, but it was necessary for the next big thing (hopefully to coincide with 1.7, mostly reliant on some design and modeling work as most of the code is done thanks to @DoktorKrogg).

Pretty excited for this whenever it comes :)

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Howdo, newish USI-LS user here.


I have a station with 2 scientists and pilot on, the pilot has taken each of the scientists down to the surface on separate trips, and now the Pilot has a Home value of 37 days, while both the Scientists have 255.  Currently have 65 Hab for all of them.  I was under the impression the Hab should be linked to the biggest vessel they've been on, which is the same for all of them.  Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding how Home works?

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21 minutes ago, RizzoTheRat said:

Howdo, newish USI-LS user here.


I have a station with 2 scientists and pilot on, the pilot has taken each of the scientists down to the surface on separate trips, and now the Pilot has a Home value of 37 days, while both the Scientists have 255.  Currently have 65 Hab for all of them.  I was under the impression the Hab should be linked to the biggest vessel they've been on, which is the same for all of them.  Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding how Home works?

But it was less crowded for the Scientists, when they had it all to themselves while the pilot took their associate down to the surface...

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