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[1.6.x] RasterPropMonitor - Development Stopped (v0.30.6, 29 December 2018)


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Hello MOARdV. Thx for you work with RPM! :)

I wanted to ask, if the inverse radial in/out is intentional in SASModeButton.cfg? I think it works correct as it is, but JSISASRadialPlus should not be ButtonSASModeRadialIn.

I assume the function name in the DLL is inverse and so the inverse config corrects for that. But ASET's radial in/out buttons are now inverse for me, because ASET uses RADIALOUT with PLUS (as it should be) but that works inverse then. Hope you can get, what I mean?! :D 


	name = JSISASRadialPlus
		model = Squad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/model
		name = JSIActionGroupSwitch
		actionName = plugin
		switchTransform = toggleButton
		switchSound = Squad/Sounds/sound_click_tock
		coloredObject = toggleButton
		disabledColor = 0,0,0,255
		enabledColor = 0,255,0,255

         name = JSIInternalRPMButtons
         actionMethod = ButtonSASModeRadialIn
         stateMethod = ButtonSASModeRadialInState
		name = JSIVariableLabel
		labelText = Radial +
		transformName = textLabel
		fontSize = 0.01
      oneshot = true

	name = JSISASRadialMinus
		model = Squad/Props/ledPanelSpeed/model
		name = JSIActionGroupSwitch
		actionName = plugin
		switchTransform = toggleButton
		switchSound = Squad/Sounds/sound_click_tock
		coloredObject = toggleButton
		disabledColor = 0,0,0,255
		enabledColor = 0,255,0,255

         name = JSIInternalRPMButtons
         actionMethod = ButtonSASModeRadialOut
         stateMethod = ButtonSASModeRadialOutState
		name = JSIVariableLabel
		labelText = Radial -
		transformName = textLabel
		fontSize = 0.01
      oneshot = true


Edited by Jebs_SY
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12 hours ago, Jebs_SY said:

I think it works correct as it is, but JSISASRadialPlus should not be ButtonSASModeRadialIn.

The problem is that the SAS modes in KSP are reversed.  When I tell KSP to set SAS to "Radial In", SAS actually uses Radial Out, and vice versa.  KSP still has not fixed this, so perhaps I should change it in RPM.

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9 hours ago, MOARdV said:

The problem is that the SAS modes in KSP are reversed.  When I tell KSP to set SAS to "Radial In", SAS actually uses Radial Out, and vice versa.  KSP still has not fixed this, so perhaps I should change it in RPM.

Ah, OK. That's the problem. :) Yes, until KSP is getting a fix, it sounds like a a good idea to compensate it in RPM. So that's only one change there, instead of all configs. :)

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12 hours ago, Alex Silvermane said:

an idea just occured to me for rovers with the exterior command seat placaable screens for rovers would the iva screens still work?

Not without a substantial change to RPM - RPM tries to go to sleep when you're not in IVA mode so that it's not doing a lot of processing for something you can't see.  A second problem is that props use colliders to detect mouse clicks, and colliders serve a different purpose when outside of IVA.  Even if the exterior screen worked, you wouldn't be able to click on it to interact with it (after all, the goal of RPM is to make IVA interactive, so that there's a reason to go inside).

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1 hour ago, suicidejunkie said:

This is odd.


I just downloaded the most recent version yesterday.

On startup, I get an error message saying the raster prop monitor DLL is in the wrong place.

According to my file system it is fine, and everything actually works in game, so I'm happy to just ignore the message, but I thought I should mention it.

Are you sure there isn't a copy in GameData?  That warning says that it found RPM in GameData, not in the correct location.  That indicates incorrect installation, which can lead to unpredictable behavior.  I would double check that the installation is correct.

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17 minutes ago, MOARdV said:

Are you sure there isn't a copy in GameData?  That warning says that it found RPM in GameData, not in the correct location.  That indicates incorrect installation, which can lead to unpredictable behavior.  I would double check that the installation is correct.

Quite sure.

Module Manager is the only DLL there, including hidden files.

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24 minutes ago, suicidejunkie said:

Quite sure.

Module Manager is the only DLL there, including hidden files.

Without logs, I don't know what to tell you.  RPM thinks there's something wrong with the installation.

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3 hours ago, suicidejunkie said:

I just found the problem.

There was a copy of the DLL in GameData/JSI/RasterpropMonitor/Plugins.  AND GameData/GameData/JSI/RasterpropMonitor/Plugins

Don't know why the reported directory was wrong, but that's cleared things up.

Well, there's yer problem... You shouldn't have nested GameData folders. I haven't seen a mod yet that was installed with a GameData mod folder name.

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sorry about that! only a few buttons work when i press them (for example, the graph used to appear, but now nothing happens) and when I do press something and it works, it is then stuck to that option. Pardon my vagueness. Going to try reinstalling and relaunching


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Sorry if I'm just being blind or this is covered in some easy to find tutorial, but looking over the RPM wiki and forum searches haven't really lead me to anything so I thought I'd ask here.  If there are already resources out there please feel free to just point  me in the right direction.

Is there any easy way to add a prop to existing internals e.g. a stock pod, perhaps with something like a MM patch?  I've prototyped a model and exported it as a mu file with part tools, and I understand how to write the prop definition for RPM purposes, but it's actually getting the model into the internal I don't understand.  If I wanted to spawn an instance of the model in an internal scene, would I need to write a monobehaviour to spawn it, or is this something RPM or MM can handle somehow?  If so, how do I go about specifying the model to spawn and it's location?  I suppose if everyone is spawning props willy nilly, they could conflict with each other so I would understand completely if RPM doesn't support it. 

At the moment I'm just trying to familiarise myself with the various modding resources, tools and workflows to see what's available and possible, so it's no big deal if what I'm trying to do is simply not possible.  I just thought after a couple of hours of looking around at various docs it was time to ask.

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Thanks @maculator.  I take it this means that to add a prop to an internal I have to export and replace the internal wholesale, and can't add props at runtime (when the view changes to the internal, for example)?  The more I think about it, the more it makes sense, as you could get such cluttered internals if loads of mods were adding instruments or displays or whatever, and would require widgets for moving them around and stuff.  Now I want to write a configurable internals mod that lets one arrange ones props as one sees fit. That doesn't sound like much work at all... 

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2 hours ago, faeryty said:

Thanks @maculator.  I take it this means that to add a prop to an internal I have to export and replace the internal wholesale, and can't add props at runtime (when the view changes to the internal, for example)?  The more I think about it, the more it makes sense, as you could get such cluttered internals if loads of mods were adding instruments or displays or whatever, and would require widgets for moving them around and stuff.  Now I want to write a configurable internals mod that lets one arrange ones props as one sees fit. That doesn't sound like much work at all... 

It is possible to use MM to edit an IVA, since an IVA is simply a config file.  However, it's pretty fiddly to get positions and orientations sorted out correctly.

For typical RPM IVAs, you use Unity to create a completely new IVA config.  This gives you a visual representation of the IVA with controls to adjust position, orientation, and scale.  You then use MM to edit the INTERNAL node in your part's config so that it selects the new IVA.

3 hours ago, maculator said:

The stock IVAs need Module Manager. Module Manager isn't bundled with the download or mentioned in the first post. This can cause confusion.

I'll fix that.  Thanks for pointing it out.

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I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I did a search and found nothing on it. 

Is it possible to create a surface attachable screen part for RPM? 

I ask because I think creating "blind" cockpits, where there are no windows, only outside cameras, would be possible this way. 

Think titan fall. 

I'm currently in a doctor's office and even then, I cannot get unity to install correctly with ksp operability at this moment. Otherwise, i would fully intend to simply try it myself. 


Edit : what about a surface attachable panel that is a screen and camera in one? The screen would attach normally to the inside of a structural element, but the back of the panel would have a non physics camera on a tweak able boom that would go through the structural panel and display what it sees on the attached screen? No camera id's to sort, no need for configuration buttons that would get messed up in non I mode. Just a screen with a camera on a stick, irreversibly linked

Edited by Rivvik
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@Rivvik I've been working with RPM for two years now, and I'm still learning things (I successfully avoided having to program my own MFD until this week, for example), but the first idea seems extremely doable. The second does not. Unfortunately, models can be either props (IVA items) or parts (external items) but not both.

The first would work with a windowless pod / cockpit by having camera transforms prebuilt into the model. If you need an example, look at the ASET ALCOR model from @alexustas. The RPM "display" props in the IVA would be programmed as RPM MFDs with only a single page programmed - a camera renderer tied to whichever camera corresponds to that view angle. You could also make multiple pages with information on them to overlay the camera view if you wished.

Whether or not having all those cameras rendering at the same time would be too hard on computers in KSP is another matter.

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