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[1.12.x] Cryogenic Engines: Liquid Hydrogen and Methane Rockets! (August 13, 2024)


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I've installed Cryogenic Engines, Cryo Tanks, and Cryo Tanks Core. Aside from that one golden, egg-shaped, strut-encased hyrdogen tank and it's little spherical buddy, none of my other tanks will allow liquid hydrogen. It does allow 8-10 variants of Liquid Methane, Methox, Oxidizer only, Liquid fuel only etc, but no Liquid Hyrdogren. Any clue why that might be? I'd love to actually try out these swanky engines, but can't seem to have a way to fuel them. I probably have 25-30 mods installed, all through CKAN, so I doubt it's a compatibility issue. Any thoughts?

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On 6/13/2020 at 9:10 PM, dlrk said:

@Nertea I'm trying to create an MFT config for LqdMethane, and I noticed that the LqdHydrogen tank definition has a mass of -0.00033386364, Do you know why it was set as negative?

in MFT? No idea.

On 6/9/2020 at 1:21 AM, Marschig said:

atmosphereCurve ends at 4 atm. on most (possibly all) engines. On some engines it ends with a significant value. Example: 

	name = cryoengine-vesuvius-1 
			key = 0 425
			key = 1 376
			key = 4 305

So, cryoengine-vesuvius-1 has Isp 305 even at 15 atm. on Jool.
Is this planned?

Why would it be planned?

12 hours ago, Atraxa said:

I've installed Cryogenic Engines, Cryo Tanks, and Cryo Tanks Core. Aside from that one golden, egg-shaped, strut-encased hyrdogen tank and it's little spherical buddy, none of my other tanks will allow liquid hydrogen. It does allow 8-10 variants of Liquid Methane, Methox, Oxidizer only, Liquid fuel only etc, but no Liquid Hyrdogren. Any clue why that might be? I'd love to actually try out these swanky engines, but can't seem to have a way to fuel them. I probably have 25-30 mods installed, all through CKAN, so I doubt it's a compatibility issue. Any thoughts?

Usual thing when this happens is that you have another fuel switcher mod interfering. 

55 minutes ago, dlrk said:

F/Y/I @Nertea , the included procedural wings config cause DBS to throw NREs. I suggest removing that config from the zip, PWing tanks aren't very useful, and I doubt it would be missed.

@Atraxa Do you have ModularFuelTanks or RealFuels installed?

Better to actually solve the DBS problem, I'll take a look. How do I reproduce this?

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On 6/19/2020 at 5:26 AM, dlrk said:

F/Y/I @Nertea , the included procedural wings config cause DBS to throw NREs. I suggest removing that config from the zip, PWing tanks aren't very useful, and I doubt it would be missed.
@Atraxa Do you have ModularFuelTanks or RealFuels installed?

I do not have either of those installed. Are they dependencies? I installed the Cryo-stuff via CKAN which always prompt me for dependencies, so I'd be surprised if that's the case, but anyway, I don't have them. Is that the issue? I saw no mention of that in the Cryo mod page, but yeah. Is that all I need to do?

Kind of a tangent, but I unlocked some new fuel systems last night and got access to bigger versions of those gold LH2 tanks. It seems I need one of those set to LH2 and another tank set to Oxidizer in order to fuel the engine? I'm really confused since even with that combo I couldn't get off the launchpad with a tiny rocket. Any advice or help would be appreciated.

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8 hours ago, xD-FireStriker said:

hey, is there a patch that will convert stock engines that should be cryogenic to use cryogenic fuel?

There is, you can find it in the extras folder of cryo engines as "CryoEnginesRestock."

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3 hours ago, Not a Spy said:

hello, ive had an issue where i cant enable cooling on fueltanks, is the a solution tho this problem?

That's a bug that was fixed by an update to CryoTanks, but the CryoEngines release hasn't been updated so it still has the buggy version bundled with it.  You can download the fixed CryoTanks separately from its own GitHub releases page, to replace the copy bundled with CryoEngines.

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On 6/25/2020 at 3:43 PM, Roostergod said:

is there any documentation about how the fuel switcher plugin works, i've looked at the source on github and some of it is pretty self explanatory but some isn't. if it matters i'm looking to add more fuel types. any help is appreciated.

For switching in general I recommend looking at the B9 part switch documentation.

On 6/26/2020 at 6:48 PM, rib3irojr said:

I sent you a message, can you see?

https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/CryoEngines/pull/80 this is you right? I integrated your patch already.

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After some experimentation/trial and error, here is an MFT config that adds boiloff to MFT tanks, only allows LH2 and CH2 in Cryogenic tanks and changes the tank masses to comport with RF weights instead of the negative mass trick previously used.


@Nertea PR sent

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Also @Nertea , I used "Utilization = 10" for both LH2 and CH4, but I'm guessing the value should really be different for CH4. Could I get some info on how you arrived at 10 for LH2?


EDIT: Figured it out. The B9PartSwitch config has 7.5 Units Per Volume for LH2 and 5 for CH4, so I adjusted the utilization for these resources to match accordingly (Utilization = 7.5 for LH2 and Utilization = 5 for CH4)

Edited by dlrk
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On 7/1/2020 at 9:51 PM, dlrk said:

Also @Nertea , I used "Utilization = 10" for both LH2 and CH4, but I'm guessing the value should really be different for CH4. Could I get some info on how you arrived at 10 for LH2?


EDIT: Figured it out. The B9PartSwitch config has 7.5 Units Per Volume for LH2 and 5 for CH4, so I adjusted the utilization for these resources to match accordingly (Utilization = 7.5 for LH2 and Utilization = 5 for CH4)

Thanks. Just so you know, I didn't write any of these compatibility things - that's why they're so out of date. They were contributed and then effectively abandoned. 

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On 7/4/2020 at 3:12 PM, Nertea said:

Thanks. Just so you know, I didn't write any of these compatibility things - that's why they're so out of date. They were contributed and then effectively abandoned. 

I got that, glad I could update them. The B9PartSwitch CFGs you wrote proved to be a pretty useful guide.

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If you have installed the dependencies correctly, then you should have options for different types of fuel mixes. There is a version that only has LH2, but there is also one that has LH2Ox. You gotta check out that multi-colored bar in the part actions window while in the VAB. If you really don't have an LH2Ox option there then try uninstalling and reinstalling everything related to Cryo Tanks. While CKAN usually does a good job it sometimes botches installs.

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  • 4 weeks later...

CryoEngines 1.1.4

  • Marked for KSP 1.10.x
  • Updated DynamicBatteryStorage to 2.1.7
  • Updated B9PartSwitch to 2.17.0
  • Updated CryoTanks to 1.5.2
  • Updated DeployableEngines to 1.2.2
  • Updated ModuleManager to 4.1.4
  • New Russian localization by ra4nd0m
  • New Portugese localization by Rib3iroJr
  • LH2 engines patch now handles post 1.8 Restock properly (wyzard256)
  • Extended Isp curves for all engines past 4 atm
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On 5/8/2020 at 6:35 AM, jimmymcgoochie said:

Thanks for your help @Nertea and @Wyzard, I've almost got it working now- the sound and plume effects are working in both modes and the switching is working as expected. Now all I have to do is figure out why the engine bell glows blue in hydrogen mode but not methane mode (not sure what module to duplicate for that) and also why it seems to be using ~30 methane per oxidizer rather than 3 as intended.

A patch that duplicates the parts and fixes them to methalox instead of hydrolox was much easier to do, but mode-switching is a much more elegant way of doing it.

@jimmymcgoochie, I had been thinking of trying something similar, did you have luck in getting everything to work smoothly?  Would you be ok with sharing an example of the patch if you did get it to work?

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59 minutes ago, hemeac said:

@jimmymcgoochie, I had been thinking of trying something similar, did you have luck in getting everything to work smoothly?  Would you be ok with sharing an example of the patch if you did get it to work?

I never managed to get it working to a satisfactory level and only ever tried one engine, so I’m using a fuel switching patch to make the engines use methane not hydrogen- I also made a patch that duplicates the engines, but I don’t like hydrogen as a fuel because the fuel density is so low it robs the advantage of high ISP, whereas methane can compete directly with LF.

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1 hour ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

I never managed to get it working to a satisfactory level and only ever tried one engine, so I’m using a fuel switching patch to make the engines use methane not hydrogen- I also made a patch that duplicates the engines, but I don’t like hydrogen as a fuel because the fuel density is so low it robs the advantage of high ISP, whereas methane can compete directly with LF.

Thanks for the reply.  I just tested a proof of concept of adding Methalox with BDB as they implemented multimode as a B9 Part Switch.  That solution seemed to work well.  I am still relatively new to MM configs, so I am guessing that when it comes to adding that functionality to Cryo Engines for myself, I will probably end up doing what you've done and just duplicate the parts.

Edited by hemeac
English is only theoretically my first language.
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  • 2 weeks later...

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