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[1.8.x] DMagic's Modlets - Most KSP 1.8 Updates [10-29-2019]


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11 hours ago, DStaal said:

Science Relay is working fine for me (1.7.2).  Note that it doesn't transfer the science to the lab - it transfers it to the *last* storage science storage container added to the vessel, as far as I can tell.  Check all possible command pods/etc. on the space station - I often find the science in some out of the way probe core or something.  (Especially on a station, where it's usually on something that's docked in.)

Thanks, will look again, good to know that it is working correctly so I need to poke at figuring my issue out.

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I'll admit I haven't tried using it to send to a ship where the only science receiver is a MOLE part - there may be an incompatibility there, as the switchable labs obviously do something different with science than Stock.

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@DMagic Does Science Relay do anything with the parts of definitions? My old tweaks (e.g. switching biome sensitivity between EVA and CrewReport) do not work anymore.

Or does anyone know if stuff changed in the many months I did not play? :P


// situation bits:
// SrfLanded = 1,
// SrfSplashed = 2,
// FlyingLow = 4,
// FlyingHigh = 8,
// InSpaceLow = 16,
// InSpaceHigh = 32

        @baseValue = 8
        @scienceCap = 8
        @dataScale = 1
        @situationMask = 63
        @biomeMask = 31
        @baseValue = 5
        @scienceCap = 5
        @dataScale = 1

        @situationMask = 63
        @biomeMask = 3


must be (due to changes)


Issue resolved! Nothing to see!

Edited by KerbMav
resolved, with info
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  • 1 month later...

Science Relay is making the game 1.7.9 freeze when doing science experiments. I've used the mod for a long time and love it, but lately I have noticed multiple game freezes - resulting in a crash since the game never becomes responsive and needs to be closed - and have removed all the science related mods. I've added them back one by one until the problem came back. Removing Science Relay got me a 9 hours of play without a freeze.

Only other science related mods currently installed are DMagic Orbital Science, Science Lab Info (and 6 crew), Crowd Sourced Science, [x] Science! Continued and Extended information about scientific experiments. Adding Science Relay back in will freeze the game randomly when I do a science. It does not happen every time, but does for sure within 30 minutes. So it may freeze the first time I do science or the 10th time I do science. But never a game longer than 30 min without a crash. Yesterday with the mod disabled, 9 hours of play.


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@Atlas Gaming Do you have any mods running that affect the CommNet system? There are a few out there, CommNet Constellation is one, I think there are a few others. They have been known to interact badly with Science Relay in ways that hard to replicate and very strange. You can try turning off the connection requirement for Science Relay, so that you will basically be able to send science results to any active vessel. But there isn't much else to do about it.

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Yes CommNet is installed... never had a problem with both working till about a month ago. Have had this mod uninstalled for 4 days now and no crashes on science. It's getting app unresponsive so guessing some kind of look or out of bounds error.  I'll try it again with removed con requirements. Will let you know.


BTW thanks for all your mods!

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2 hours ago, Atlas Gaming said:

Nope... game just froze with this mob being the only difference and comm net off.

Please try and take a look at the page 25 of this same topic we are in... I´m pretty sure it´s the same stuff that used to happen to me.
So far, I haven´t found a "solution", because unfortunately it seems like the game freezes and/or crashes before any chance of a log entry. 


But, indeed, Sci-Relay it´s a GREAT mod addition to the list!

Edited by Cataclism
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've updated most of these mods for KSP 1.8. Links can be found in the first post.

Flexible Docking, and One Window have been rebuilt for KSP 1.8 and the Unity update.

EVA Struts, EVA Transfer have been rebuilt and whitelist the stock strut and fuel line parts for Restock support.

KerbNet Controller and Celestial Body Science Editor have been rebuilt and their in game settings menu page has been changed. Instead of being under one "folder" - "DMagic Mods" - they are under their own folder, as too many mods under the same folder could cause problems.

These all seem to be working okay, though they weren't tested extensively. Let me know if there are any problems.


The mods not listed here haven't been updated. Portrait Stats and Science Relay need more fixing. And I haven't gotten around to testing Making Less History. :D


@horngeek It should work, but it won't be able to detect Remote Tech connections. You'll just be able to transfer science to any vessel with a container available. But not in KSP 1.8, because it doesn't work at all in 1.8...

Edited by DMagic
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Looking forward to getting this in the mix again! Used to love it till it stopped working. This is another mod that 'should be built in' IMHO, so thanks for keeping it updated!







16 hours ago, DMagic said:

Science Relay version 6.0 is out for; get it on Space Dock.

It is updated for KSP 1.8. Let me know if there are any problems running it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi  @DMagic, I really appreciate your work, could you please let me know where I can send you a couple of bucks? I didn't find you on Patreon, you don't have a donate button in your mod threads and I didn't find the word "donate" in your topics via the forum search

Edited by avalancha
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On 11/5/2019 at 2:40 PM, Atlas Gaming said:

Looking forward to getting this in the mix again! Used to love it till it stopped working. This is another mod that 'should be built in' IMHO, so thanks for keeping it updated!


No Issues found in 8.1 with a week of testing







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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, funkcanna said:

Hey, where does the science go on the receiving vessel when using Science Relay?  The data stored in my lab is exatly the same despite sending all of my Eve science!  CRap ton of missing science!

I've found it's typically in the *last* command pod/science container on the ship.  Check everything that could hold science, it'll be there someplace.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/22/2020 at 6:27 PM, DStaal said:

I've found it's typically in the *last* command pod/science container on the ship.  Check everything that could hold science, it'll be there someplace.

SAdly, this hasnt worked.  I sent 1000's of science back from Eve to my Kerbin Station and none of it has been received.  DAta remains the same.  

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55 minutes ago, funkcanna said:

SAdly, this hasnt worked.  I sent 1000's of science back from Eve to my Kerbin Station and none of it has been received.  DAta remains the same.  

The data won't change until you process the experiment results.  Finding them is the tricky part.

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On 2/6/2020 at 6:26 PM, DStaal said:

The data won't change until you process the experiment results.  Finding them is the tricky part.

Hmm ok.  Using Ship Manifest the only part showing science, is the lab.  Ill try going through all parts manually.  Thanks for your help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had the same issue: sent a big pile of data from the Mun, Minmus, Gilly and Eve to my space station in high Kerbin orbit. I only noticed months later that all the data was collecting dust in the Mk1 cockpit of the station's short-range shuttle, rather than the station's lab.

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Conversely I'm actually seeing the 'disappearing results' in KSP 1.9 as far as I can tell: New career, new station (only a couple of command pods), and I can't find the science results to turn them into data.  (Only weirdness with the station that might affect is that I'm using a Pathfinder part as the science lab, so it's not a stock lab.  There is also a stock lab on the station as well.)

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