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[1.8+] Custom Barn Kit 1.1.20 (19 October 2019) - Parachute Included


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A small plugin to change a bunch of parameters related to career, science, the buildings upgrade cost and when various features are unlocked.

v1.1.0 :

- changed the config files to use the buildings levels instead of strange floating point values :sticktongue:

- added a "recruitHireFixedRate" to change the cost of recruiting to a fixed rate equal to the value of recruitHireBaseCost


- fix the code. The game did not count the levels the same way that I did and was b a d.

- proper default


- Make use of KSP 1.0.5 code to allow for different limits for VAB and SPH. New variable : actionGroupsCustomUnlockSPH, actionGroupsStockUnlockSPH, craftMassLimitSPH, craftSizeLimitSPH and partCountLimitSPH. Default.cfg is updated.


- fix a bug with action group unlock.


- Fix a bug with craftSizeLimitSPH using craftSizeLimit values.


  • KSP 1.1
  • Now let you configure the number of upgrades of each buildings.
  • Allow to set the visual for each level (using the stock visual for now)


  • Internal change to how the mod is initialized to make life easier for other mods.


  • Rebuild to force CKAN parsing

Warning : the config format changed a bit. So you will have to update your MM patch.

  • The EDITOR section got divided in 4 sections, one for each building.
  • unlockedFuelTransfer moved under RESEARCH, where it should have been from the start.
  • upgradesVisual is where you set up the visual for each upgrades. each number is the visual of the orignal upgrade so you should use numbers between 1 and 3. 


  • Build for KSP 1.2.1
  • Add DSNRange (by Kerbas-ad-astra)


  • Add homebodyEVA (Are EVA allowed on the home body before EVA is unlocked ?)
  • Add homebodyAtmoEVA flags (Are atmospheric EVA allowed on the home body before EVA is unlocked ?)


  • Fix a bug when adding level to facilities


  • Fix the DSN range not using the difficulty setting
  • Fix the action group availability not using the difficulty setting
  • Add DSNRangeCurve, DSNPowerCurve & DSNScienceCurve
  • New useBuilding flag to use SPH/VAB level instead of runway/pad for size limit
  • Reset CommNet after loading the new config so the tracking station actually uses the new range


  • Fix re-init of some of the config after a scene change


  • Express my hate of the scene loading mess and floating point precision. And fix a bug.


  • Should fix the bug with mods like ResearchBodies and SETI that adds new facilities


  • Add EVAChuteOnBuilding  and unlockedEVAChute config in the ASTRONAUTS section to configure the level needed to unlock the Parachutes and if they are linked the the AstronautComplex


  • orbitDisplayMode is now an array and you can start without the ability to see any orbits. See the default file comments


  • KSP 1.8
  • Fix a bug that would reset the buildings levels when using the "Switch Editor" button


  • Fix the building level resetting outside of career mode ( by @siimav )

This release should be OK for a wide audience. I prefer that you ask the users to install the mod themselves instead of including it in your download. To change the config value DO NOT edit the content of the default file but use a ModuleManager patch in your mod folder.

Default config file mirror stock config. I am not sure if I will keep this file in since the plugin is set to use the stock value if none was provided. Any "-1" values in the file are replaced by the int/float maximum positive value

Possible future features :

- configurable number of level for each buildings

- custom building mesh for each level

License is MIT

Downloads :




A small part of the code comes from nlight No More Grind

Edited by sarbian
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Holy crap its here! How are people not going crazy. This is 1 of the biggest improvements to 1.0 Thank you Sarbian so much!

- - - Updated - - -

Alright first question. The unlocks for

actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 0.6        
actionGroupsStockUnlock = 0.4
unlockedFuelTransfer = 0.2

What do the numbers represent? I infer that 0.2 is lvl, 1 0.4 lvl 2 and 0.6 lvl 3?

- - - Updated - - -

The numbers Sarbian what do they mean?!?

Edited by Svm420
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Hmm in perspective for things like a testfacility for rocketengines or other exciting addtions, do you think it's possible to add new facilities?

Edited by T2k3
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Hmm in perspective for things like a testfacility for rocketengines or other exiting addtions, do you think it's possible to add new facilities?

IMO that seems out of scope for this. Something like that may use this plugin someday, but I don't see how that relates at all to a plugin to allow career mode limit control.

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This for me is probly a most important MOD as I play Career mode and the building Science node settings are rediculous for my Node settings which are very high; I probly wont mess with it now it might be too late as I have made some changes to my Science Tree to work around; I am not sure yet about stock costs to upgrade and game playability fun vs grind.

Thanks !

Cmdr Zeta

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IMO that seems out of scope for this. Something like that may use this plugin someday, but I don't see how that relates at all to a plugin to allow career mode limit control.

My question was more like if it's possible to do so, not to do so immediately.

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My question was more like if it's possible to do so, not to do so immediately.

And my reply was that it has nothing to do with this plugin. This plugin merely effect career limits. It isnt adding meshes, models or anythign else. What you want has nothing to do with the plugin.

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And my reply was that it has nothing to do with this plugin. This plugin merely effect career limits. It isnt adding meshes, models or anythign else. What you want has nothing to do with the plugin.

Well who can read is clearly in the better :/


Possible future features :

- configurable number of level for each buildings

- custom building mesh for each level


I readed that like it was already in the mod, sry for that.

I thought since he can change the mesh to an other, maybe there is a way to add a nother facility. (What without a question would be extremly cool :cool:)

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Someone Don Draper this for me...why do I need this?

its popular opinion that the building aspect of career mode is imbalanced. this allows those who find it imbalanced to make it balance. (also lets you have vital features like resource transfer and action groups from the start)

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The numbers Sarbian what do they mean?!?

They are the answer. You just need the question now

Alright first question. The unlocks for

actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 0.6        
actionGroupsStockUnlock = 0.4
unlockedFuelTransfer = 0.2

What do the numbers represent? I infer that 0.2 is lvl, 1 0.4 lvl 2 and 0.6 lvl 3?

Exactly. But it may be more 2 3 4 than 1 2 3 :)

And this is one of the thing I may change in the next version (and why I said this is not ready for wide distrubution). Using 1 2 3 mays be better.

Hmm in perspective for things like a testfacility for rocketengines or other exciting addtions, do you think it's possible to add new facilities?

The code is related but it may be out of scope. Unless I write a proper API, but don't hold you breath.

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They are the answer. You just need the question now

Exactly. But it may be more 2 3 4 than 1 2 3 :)

I love you so much! SO if I set all to 0.2 its all level 2?(1 for practical purposes as it does NOT require an upgrade correct?)

- - - Updated - - -

Someone Don Draper this for me...why do I need this?

You need not any mod, but there are reasons you would want it. For people who resize the planets and need bigger rockets. People with other realism mods need more parts for rocket to be functional, not cheating, or even just for aesthetics. Part count is really a stupid limit on top of size and weight. People have been going further than intended with stock limits forever so it only hurts mod compatibility

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OK, love this idea as I've used the old No More Grind in career games in the past and would LOVE to have the ability to truly customize the entire career game experience so I really hope you can flesh this out.

I have found a bit of a bug on my game though. It should be noted I run a VERY heavily modded game under Windows (85 mods atm) so I'm not sure what it could be conflicting with if anything, but with the Custom Barn loaded, I cannot revert flights in Career Mode. I get a message regarding a Null Reference Exception from Unknown thrown from Exception Detector and when I dig into the KSP.log I see the following message repeated continuously at the end of the log file:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

PauseMenu.drawRevertOptions ()

MultiOptionDialog.drawContent (Int32 id)

UnityEngine.GUILayout+LayoutedWindow.DoWindow (Int32 windowID)

UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style

KSP will allow me to unpause and continue the game but there is an incomplete Revert Flight window drawn in the middle of the screen and the Null Reference errors continue non-stop in Exception Editor. I tried removing several mods that I thought might be suspect as I had updated about 5 of them today but had no joy. It was only after removing Custom Barn Kit that it stopped and I recovered my ability to revert flights.

One thing to note, this error happened to me in Career Mode but I could not duplicate it Sandbox. I did not try in Science Mode but would happily help you do any further testing or provide more information including replicating the problem to get a full Exception Editor message if you need it. I love all your mods, use several of them right now and have used all of them at one point or another in the past so I have full confidence that you'll be able to track down the issue.

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Exactly. But it may be more 2 3 4 than 1 2 3 :)

And this is one of the thing I may change in the next version (and why I said this is not ready for wide distrubution). Using 1 2 3 mays be better.

Can't wait!

I would propose 0 for no-upgrades and 1, 2, 3 for the actual building upgrade levels.

Maybe extend the other values like "upgrades = 19000, 75000, 282000" to "upgrades = 0, 19000, 75000, 282000"?

So that everyone understands that the second number is the first upgrade, for every level dependent variable in the config. Might reduce support questions.

Especially when you include a custom number of levels.

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@Sarbian is there any way to add custom text to the building tooltips? For example there are some mods which listen GameEvents for building upgrades and then unlock some of their features. It would be awesome if modders could add text lines about unlocked upgrades provided by their mod.

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This is fantastic!

Fuzzy on my licenses... MIT can be distributed with credit given? Working on a tech tree mod that would work far better if it was bundled with a copy of this (to adjust tech cost levels). Is that ok?

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Fixed in 1.0.1. Thanks for the report :)

Awesome and thanks for such a quick fix! I've got it installed again and will keep testing it. I play career mode almost exclusively so this mod could become indispensable to me,

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Something must be wrong with my install, all of the upgrade prices are the same as .90 for me, and when I change the values in your mod, nothing changes in your game?

My game says it's 1.0.2, but I don't believe it now...

I just installed the no more grind mod from .90 and it worked, upgraded them without an issue.

And I think before I started modding it the costs were from .90, not from 1.0.2

Odd right?

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