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[1.8+] Custom Barn Kit 1.1.20 (19 October 2019) - Parachute Included


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So, I'm experiencing a similar issue to @terminalmonky, except I don't have Seti configs, or in fact anything that would change the CBK config in a way mentioning the observatory.


[ERR 23:57:23.121] Exception handling event onNewGameLevelLoadRequestWasSanctionedAndActioned in class CustomBarnKit:System.ArgumentException: The requested value 'Observatory' was not found.
  at System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value, Boolean ignoreCase) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at CustomBarnKit.CustomBarnKit.LoadUpgradesPrices (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

[EXC 23:57:23.123] ArgumentException: The requested value 'Observatory' was not found.
    System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value, Boolean ignoreCase)
    System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value)
    CustomBarnKit.CustomBarnKit.LoadUpgradesPrices (GameScenes data)
    EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

I'm not a C# programmer, but I took a look at both ResearchBodies and CustomBarnKit, and what I see is that there's an enum which amounts to a hardcoded facility list, and a foreach that enumerates all SpaceCenterFacility's, then using System.Enum.Parse to figure out which one in the enum it is. Unfortunately, CBK adds its own here, with the name not in the enum, so the entire thing crashes.

I'd try submitting a patch, but I don't really do C# (it's just similar enough), and I don't even know how to set up a dev environment for modding this. Sorry if I get things terribly wrong, I've seen the last commit message and don't want to make things worse ;-)

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58 minutes ago, ModZero said:

I'd try submitting a patch, but I don't really do C# (it's just similar enough), and I don't even know how to set up a dev environment for modding this. Sorry if I get things terribly wrong, I've seen the last commit message and don't want to make things worse ;-)

Don't worry, I will have a look. Between work and vacation I forgot about that bug... 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, i found out a faulty in this mod.

First, in career mode, you get reputation for every ship you build and instantly recover without flying it, in vanilla you don`t get that even when you fly that vessel.

Second, when a Kerbal dies, you should get a penalty, but with Custom Barn Kit you get that penalty as addition.

In my career save i have 500 reputation without even flying to mun. I just had my first orbits yesterday, and i play only with 50% Reputation gain.

Edited by Smarti
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  • 2 months later...

Hi @sarbian - Just an idle thought for a mod, is it possible to use CBK to use the DSNRange property to adjust the value while in the flight scene? So far, I've only seen a mod or two modify the upgrade levels / costs. I'm going to try this tonight and figured I'd ask the question in case there's some 'gotcha' I don't know about.

I'd like to change the DSNRange to a value based on certain conditions that would happen in the flight scene. I figure if I try to do this (in the unlikely event it's possible), it probably won't be a nice change with respect to how KSP expects this to be managed and I'll have to (maybe?) do a scene reload to see the change.



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8 hours ago, wile1411 said:

Hi @sarbian - Just an idle thought for a mod, is it possible to use CBK to use the DSNRange property to adjust the value while in the flight scene? So far, I've only seen a mod or two modify the upgrade levels / costs. I'm going to try this tonight and figured I'd ask the question in case there's some 'gotcha' I don't know about.

I'd like to change the DSNRange to a value based on certain conditions that would happen in the flight scene. I figure if I try to do this (in the unlikely event it's possible), it probably won't be a nice change with respect to how KSP expects this to be managed and I'll have to (maybe?) do a scene reload to see the change.

Hum, CBK is not really made to change things in real time. You could code a mod to do it I guess. If you changes things in the DSN you may have to call some code to rebuilt its tree but I don't really remember the calls. Ask in the plugin dev section, somebody may have more memory :)

7 hours ago, Oneiros said:

Excellent mod, this is really useful. I was looking to enable surface samples on level 1 R&D building, but this option seems to be missing. I set all the EVA settings in the Astronaut centre to 1, but the surface samples are still locked behind level 2 R&D. Is it possible to change this setting?

A bug I guess. I ll have to check. However it is strange because I am quite sure a mod already uses this settings to do exactly that...

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2 minutes ago, sarbian said:

Hum, CBK is not really made to change things in real time. You could code a mod to do it I guess. If you changes things in the DSN you may have to call some code to rebuilt its tree but I don't really remember the calls. Ask in the plugin dev section, somebody may have more memory :)

Thanks for the quick reply - I figured as much, but wanted to make sure there wasn't something I didn't understand. cheers.

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  • 5 weeks later...

There seems to be an issue with the ckan installing this mod:



About to install...

 * Custom Barn Kit

Downloading "https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/CustomBarnKit/34/artifact/CustomBarnKit-"


Then after a few seconds it gives:


Failed to download "https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/CustomBarnKit/34/artifact/CustomBarnKit-" - error: Unable to connect to the remote server

This mod is needed by the Realism Progression mod.

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Sebra said:


Can you enable deploying parachute in command seat?

To easy this...


Just my opinion but I don't think that's something that's in the scope of Custom Barn Kit.... it's not an option to be enabled or disabled, it's just the way the Kerbal EVA chute is coded.

You need a mod that extends the EVA chute and (if my thinking is correct about why it won't deploy) overrides the PassedAdditionalDeploymentChecks method on the chute. The EVA chute does additional. checks to make sure the Kerbal isn't landed or splashed. If extended chute class were to just return true (or perhaps do an actual check of its own to make sure the Kerbal is up to a certain speed) then it should deploy. Alternatively, jumping the vehicle off the ground long enough to qualify as flying should do it.

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5 hours ago, Sebra said:


Can you enable deploying parachute in command seat?

No. As @Starwaster said it is not the purpose of this mod. The module does a lot of check and it also seems to expect the parachute model to be in the part model. AFAIK it s not the case with the seat. 

I m sure someone will make a clever hack or write something specific to do it but that s way beyond the purpose of a mod that sets a few difficulty settings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/13/2015 at 7:57 AM, sarbian said:


  • Add EVAChuteOnBuilding  and unlockedEVAChute config in the ASTRONAUTS section to configure the level needed to unlock the Parachutes and if they are linked the the AstronautComplex

Is this version backwards compatible with 1.3.1 CKAN has it marked that way but the version file says otherwise. 

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PSA, if you use Firefox to attempt to download this, you'll get a certificate error that will stop you from downloading it.   (The cert apparently expired tonight)


ksp.sarbian.com uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate expired on Thursday, March 29, 2018, 4:20 PM.

The current time is Thursday, March 29, 2018, 9:57 PM.

IE will still let you get thru that, if you're still on Win7.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there

Was looking in the default file and saw an entry for unlockedEVAClamber under the ASTRONAUTS section. Can you tell me what this does please?

As an aside, is there a reference somewhere for each of the options in the default file? Most are pretty self explanatory, but a reference might be useful for some (or non English speakers). Also in the OP you state that you might not continue supplying the default file. I would like to see this file remain, as it's handy to look into and see what options are available to change (unless there is a reference somewhere, in which case it's probably superfluous)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure who else is having this kind of issue, but in my career save, the tracking station is said to be at tier 4, when it should actually be at tier 2. Because of this, I am unable to properly upgrade the facility, leaving me frustrated. Is there a fix besides uninstalling and reinstalling the mod? Also, are there any mod conflicts that might cause this?

Edited by mr. engino
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4 hours ago, mr. engino said:

I'm not sure who else is having this kind of issue, but in my career save, the tracking station is said to be at tier 4, when it should actually be at tier 2. Because of this, I am unable to properly upgrade the facility, leaving me frustrated. Is there a fix besides uninstalling and reinstalling the mod? Also, are there any mod conflicts that might cause this?

Might be worth checking all of the planet pack mods you have installed (is any). They might have conflicting edits and are the main mod I can think of that modify the DSNRange values. There are also a few antenna mod that do that also. 

If you have Notepadd++ or some other text editor, you could do a search within the contents of all .cfg files in the GameData directory for "DSNRange" and "upgradesVisual" and that should show up all the MM patches that are asking CBK to make a change.

Edited by wile1411
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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

looking at the default.cfg file for Custom Barn Kit there is a section for the Astronauts Complex:


        EVAChuteOnBuilding = false
        unlockedEVAChute = 3

There are these 2 entries. The Second clearly gives the Level of building where Kerbals are equipped with EVA Chutes. So if you upgrade the building to Level 3 (MAX) they will have EVA Chutes.

But, IF you set it to "1" instead of "3" I believe the Kerbals will start the game with EVA Chutes.

I am not exactly sure what "EVAChuteOnBuilding" means. (Maybe it shows the EVA chute status on the building in the space center as you upgrade or hover over it? ie. "Kerbals can't/can wear EVA chutes") [I tried it, it looks like thats not it]

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