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Mk3 Expansion - [KSP 1.12x] Version 1.6 [10/5/21]

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  • 2 weeks later...

@SuicidalInsanity Hi. sorry, I know you are busy, but just wondering if you would be willing to release your MK3 parts in MK3 Size1.5 pack that just changes the config files to halve everything, scale, mass etc. I like the size because it fits well with Kerbal sized cargo and I make configs to use your parts in my game at that size, but I can't release anything on KerbalX because they are your parts. It would be nice if there was an official parts pack so I could make and release things legitmately. Just the structural /fuselage/adapters MK3 not the engines etc. Thank you for your time.

Here it shows one of your ramps combined with Airplane Plus Mk3S1.5 formfactor.



Edited by ColdJ
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, I think I've found a small bug. The MK3 Chines seem to have inverted angles when used in symmetry mode:

I've used alt to attach the rear chine to the forward chine. You can see that the rotation is inverted on each side, so if one is facing correctly the other is rotated 180 degrees


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I can see you this is most definately - not-nececarily the issue, as I have it introduced, and it slows down there, importance there is possibly a contention with one more mod also since I have different mods, however it slows down on precisely the same spot, and I twofold checked, the local area asset pack was introduced. *Note this is from introducing both by means of Ckan, so I in all actuality do acknowledge now there - is-the opportunity Ckan wrecked it some way or another, however still.*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to drag this back up, but like @MrLake I am also experiencing texture issues in conjunction with restock - is there a way to get these two to play nice?


The whitelist is missing the Clampotron Sr. texture. Adding:


to the whitelist file fixes the texture issues for me.


Edited by krautbernd12
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I'm running into the same issues with SystemHeat integration as with the MK2 expansion - none of the nuclear parts generate any heat, and the reactor crashes my game if it is used with other heat generating parts. Again, as far as I can tell this is due to the missing heat generation curve entry in the patch cfg. Is this intended?


Edited by krautbernd12
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  • 1 month later...

Is it possible/has anyone used the chines (or other parts in this pack) to create "flat-bottomed" spaceplanes with fuselages as side fuel tanks? Or is there a better way to do that?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/16/2022 at 5:49 PM, krautbernd12 said:

Sorry to drag this back up, but like @MrLake I am also experiencing texture issues in conjunction with restock - is there a way to get these two to play nice?


The whitelist is missing the Clampotron Sr. texture. Adding:


to the whitelist file fixes the texture issues for me.



This fixed the Mk3 Docking Port texture for me as well.  Thanks for being specific on the whitelist. 

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Heya! The emissive for the Mk3 Crew Saddletank is somehow broken. The cfg doesn't seem to be the culprit tho (latest release on github):


        name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
        animationName = Crewlights
        defaultActionGroup = Light
        actionGUIName = Toggle Lights
        startEventGUIName = Lights On
        endEventGUIName = Lights Off
        animSpeed = 0.25


Is there supposed to be an emissive dds file that looks like the windows perhaps?  *shrug* 

The dds files in there are 4-pixel white squares unless i did something wrong.

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  On 9/12/2022 at 2:19 PM, achroma said:

The dds files in there are 4-pixel white squares unless i did something wrong.


This mod uses stock textures, the white squares are just place holders. The config should have lines up in the MODEL section that show the folder pathway to where it expects to find the stock textures. If for some reason the expected folder does not have the textures it is looking for (or doesn't exist) then you will end up without the textures in game. Depending on your version of KSP they may have been moved or depreciated into the depreciated folder section.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 5/2/2023 at 1:49 AM, KolonelKerbal said:

I need some help. I just wanted to know why the Inline command bridge is jacked up? I can see 2 pilots from external view, and they arent in the seats, but in the center of the pod clipped into each other. Please tell me how to fix this. 


Whoever made the internal for this model, has accidentally put the empties (a floating point in the 3d internal model that have a defined orientation) that let the game know where to place the seated kerbals and in what direction, in the wrong place and orientation. If you have access to to Blender/BforArtists3 with the .mu plugin installed, then it can be adjusted and saved as a new internal model, you then just make sure the config file uses the newly named model.

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