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9 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

I'm not sure if ManeTI plays KSP, actually, and he isn't a moderator. He's our forum IT guy. :)

We are engaged in a clandestine internal war of assassination and sabotage, battling for supremacy. 

From the dawn of time they came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known they were amongst us... until now.

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2 hours ago, KSK said:

From the dawn of time they came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known they were amongst us... until now.

There... there can be only one?


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3 hours ago, StupidAndy said:

when someone reports a post, do you see who reported it? or is it anonymous?

We see who reported it.  (That's pretty important, in case we have any questions.  It also discourages folks from abusing the report system.)

Note that reports include not just  "who reported", but also a note (assuming the reporter saw fit to enter one).  That's really important, because without that, we don't have the context of "what's the problem here?"  Sometimes it's pretty obvious (e.g. if the reported post is being blatantly abusive, or something)... but a lot of the time, it's not so obvious at first glance what the issue is, and telling us why you're reporting is a real timesaver for us.

One example of why the note is so important:  Users don't have all the context that moderators do.  It's not uncommon for users to report stuff that they simply don't like (but which actually isn't breaking any rules).  If they report such a post without a note, we're left scratching our heads-- "did they report it because they think this thing is a problem, which actually isn't?  Or is there some other problem somewhere that we're missing?"  Which wastes our time, looking into the matter.

So... feel free to report posts in any situation where you think a moderator's attention is required, but we'd appreciate it if you please include a note explaining why when you do so.  Doesn't need to be long.  Thanks!

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9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Great Kerm above, it's already started! He's gone mad with power! :D

Seriously tho... sort of... not sure whether to be relieved or terrified here...

He's managed to keep the pair of us from going prompt-critical so I reckon that speaks to his moderation skills. :) 

5 hours ago, Deddly said:

Be afraid. Be very, very afraid. Just you wait until he starts adding to the Moderation Nation Observation Station.

I await with trepidation. My elevation. To the exaltation (not denigration) of the Moderation Nation Observation Station.


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1 hour ago, KSK said:

I await with trepidation. My elevation. To the exaltation (not denigration) of the Moderation Nation Observation Station.


That would require an abdication from the Moderation Nation, whose adjudication shall be in relation to the equation of the station's ablation abrasion allocation. And for what justification- the commercialization of our organization's bureaucratization?!?


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43 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

That would require an abdication from the Moderation Nation, whose adjudication shall be in relation to the equation of the station's ablation abrasion allocation. And for what justification- the commercialization of our organization's bureaucratization?!?



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4 hours ago, Dman979 said:

That would require an abdication from the Moderation Nation, whose adjudication shall be in relation to the equation of the station's ablation abrasion allocation. And for what justification- the commercialization of our organization's bureaucratization?!?


It's clear your cultivation. Of imagination. And education, needs no elucidation or further explication.

So I concede and beg you accept my humble resignation.

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14 minutes ago, KSK said:

It's clear your cultivation. Of imagination. And education, needs no elucidation or further explication.

So I concede and beg you accept my humble resignation.

The Haitian to Croatian narration translation of your quotation's dictation demands a cessation. Damnation!

Edited by Dman979
Changed wording.
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  • 2 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

Is there a reason why some posts made by users of the forum are just being deleted (I assume by moderators) or is there a censorship sort of deal going on?

The only posts that moderators remove are ones that break the guidelines (examples are given in those guidelines). But it would be an exceptional case if the user wasn't informed of the reason why. If you've seen anything that troubles you, please don't hesitate to let one of the moderators know via PM. 

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4 hours ago, DoctorDavinci said:

Is there a reason why some posts made by users of the forum are just being deleted (I assume by moderators) or is there a censorship sort of deal going on?

To piggyback off of what @Deddly said, we inform every user who has had something of their changed- whether it's a post in the thread, a note if we had to do some editing, a PM, or a warning. Sometimes, though, we don't inform everyone who may have seen the post. For instance, we don't share if and why users have been warned, since that's a private matter between the moderators and the specific member.

Edited by Dman979
Forgot a word.
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5 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

To piggyback off of what @Deddly said, we inform every user who has had something of their changed- whether it's a post in the thread, a note if we had to do some editing, a PM, or a warning. Sometimes, though, we don't inform everyone who may have seen the post. For instance, we don't share if and why users have been warned, since that's a private matter between the moderators and the specific member.

And that is not what happened in this case (as well as others .. Frybert incident for example) ... Post is gone with no explanation

I have taken this to PM with a member of your moderation team and hopefully this situation can be resolved in a cordial manner without myself being censored (or others for that matter) on the subject of moderator censorship

Thanx for clearing up the 'rules of engagement' that the moderation team is supposed to follow ... unfortunately it appears those rules were ignored in this case as well as others with other members (of which there are a few) ... Either that or there is a gremlin in your forum software that is selectively deleting posts from certain members which we have seen in the past

Again, thanx for clarification and the work that you guys do

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1 hour ago, DoctorDavinci said:

I have taken this to PM with a member of your moderation team

That is definitely the right move to take here.

Since we've had some personnel changes recently, please do make sure that the moderator you sent a PM to is listed here, as a Moderator. :) (Except for Sal_Vager, who's not active right now.)

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2 hours ago, a_space_oddity said:

Where do I post issues with the forum. Nothing major, but on the mobile version the like button is messed up. It still works, it’s just looks weird sometimes. 

This forum ("Kerbal Network") is an appropriate place-- you can just open a new thread.

Please bear in mind, though, that there's limited flexibility in actually fixing problems, since the forum runs on 3rd-party software that's not owned or maintained by Squad, so they're basically at the mercy of the company that vends it.  Bug reports welcome, because of course Squad can then reach out to the vendor with it, see if it's possible to get a fix (or if a patch already exists, etc.)... just please realize that it may or may not be possible to get a fix (or it might take a long time to get one) because it's not directly under Squad's control.

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