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46 minutes ago, Kerballing (Got Dunked On) said:

@adsii1970, when are you actually going to be writing more from Kerny?

Well, technically, I am a moderator and technically your question is about the forum... So, we're good there...

I have about 1/2 of the screen shots done that I'd like to have. I also have some work to do "behind the scenes" to get to where I want to take the next chapter. I am planning on putting up the next chapter on Monday of next week - at the latest. :)

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48 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

This has been asked here enough that even I can answer, that answer being either “no” or “this, we do not speak of. Because reasons.” :sticktongue:

If it had, we wouldn't say, and if it hadn't ,we wouldn't say.  

So.... we can't say.  :P

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Is there any way to let users to be able to change their vote in a thread's poll? This would be quite useful in my "The Number Wars" thread

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36 minutes ago, Aperture Science said:

Is there any way to let users to be able to change their vote in a thread's poll? This would be quite useful in my "The Number Wars" thread

I don't believe there is.   And what would be the point of having a poll if you are just going to let them flip sides willy nilly?

17 minutes ago, Barzon Kerman said:

What is the oldest post on the forum?

I don't know, but I've seen the oldest one we have saved.   You can sort each sub forum by date, and just flip the dates to show oldest first.  There might be older ones that have gotten lost due to hiccups or migrations, but the ones we do have are pretty old.

But the oldest one I can find is


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4 hours ago, Gargamel said:

I don't know, but I've seen the oldest one we have saved.   You can sort each sub forum by date, and just flip the dates to show oldest first.  There might be older ones that have gotten lost due to hiccups or migrations, but the ones we do have are pretty old.

But the oldest one I can find is

I believe this is the oldest public one. Note the "2" in the URL.


There may have been a one or a zero, but I guess that it was a test, or in a moderator subforum.

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34 minutes ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Do you guys always have to say, for example, 'A couple of posts were deleted', 'Moved to proper subforum', 'Thread locked by OP request' etc? 

Yes. We often get accused of secretly altering discussions, so our practice is to do the opposite and tell people about whatever we do. The only exception is that if something breaks the rules, we deal solely with that person and don't tell anyone else what we did or didn't do. That way the person in question isn't subjected to shaming or teasing or congratulations or whatever from bystanders. 

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Is ManeTI the official forum tech support guy? 

Yes, but please don't contact him directly because he supports several forums and we don't want to overwhelm him. Please ask the moderators first. 


Is there a way to mark a thread as ignored, such that it's excluded from the All Activity view? It's been getting spammed something terrible for a couple of days now. 

Not that I know of. :(

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13 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

Is there a way to mark a thread as ignored, such that it's excluded from the All Activity view? It's been getting spammed something terrible for a couple of days now.

I suggest creating a custom activity stream, with Content Types set to Topics, then clicking the gear icon next to that checkbox and selecting all forums except forum games, assuming that's where the problem thread is. It does not show likes or status updates though, and it shows the thread title with an option to jump to the first unread rather than the posts themselves.

14 (-) : )

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45 minutes ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

How do the warning points work? Like if you get one you are banned for a day? Two for a week, and so on?

0-4 points are just to get your attention. 5-9 puts you in the approval queue for a week. 10-24 exiles you for 1 week and puts you in the queue for 2 weeks after that. 25+ is a permanent ban. 

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13 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

0-4 points are just to get your attention. 5-9 puts you in the approval queue for a week. 10-24 exiles you for 1 week and puts you in the queue for 2 weeks after that. 25+ is a permanent ban. 

That's just a guideline, of course. Depending on the situation, we can add or subtract various parts of that formula.

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1 hour ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

How do the warning points work?

Aside from Vanamonde's and Dman979's comments above, the other things to know are:  Points have an expiration time (how long depends on severity of offense, and moderators can override the expiration time as deemed appropriate, but usually it's like a couple of weeks).  So, the bit about "queuing kicks in at 5 points, temporary ban at 10, permanent ban at 25" doesn't have to be all one warning-- if a user racks up multiple warnings before the expiry time, the points add up.  Conversely, a user who gets a 2-point warning today and a 3-point warning a few months from now wouldn't get queued, because the 2 points from the first warning would have expired long before the next warning arrived.

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12 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

How do the warning points work? Like if you get one you are banned for a day? Two for a week, and so on?

And, as the new guy to the moderating team, I'd like to add this...

The object of the points is not to see how many a user can get before your comments get queued. It's to warn the user that the posts being made are running afoul of the forum rules. While Snark is right in the explanation of the standard times for how long the points last, moderators do have the option of extending how long the points remain active.

The extension is normally applied to someone who chronically breaks forum rules as a means to coerce I mean, gently nudge them into changing their posting habits. Extending how long points last can mean that if a user is not careful, enough points can be accumulated over time to merit moderation of all future posts, a temp ban, or possibly a perma-ban.

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On 3/15/2019 at 2:57 PM, Gargamel said:

I don't believe there is.   And what would be the point of having a poll if you are just going to let them flip sides willy nilly?


Could be useful for opinion polls. People might change their minds and not be able to update their vote to reflect that (for example the quantitative symbols' disagreements twice thread)


PS: the above was merely a tongue in cheek verbose name for the thread's title

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