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[1.12.x] DeepFreeze (v0.31.0) 12th Sep 2021


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2 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

Gotcha; (and on a more personal note could you pretty please remove my username from the post, personal real life info an such:P)

Sure. You might want to remove your log files from public access then. If anyone is concerned about info in their logs. Send me a PM with the link to your log rather than post on the forum threads.
 PM'd you a DEV build. Let me know how that goes.

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Yeah, that's occurred me in the past, I usually kill the logs after a while. I might be paranoid, but convenience wins out after while:D. Funny how that works.


Responded: It works, but applauncher icon no longer defaults.


--Edit 2---


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42 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

Yeah, that's occurred me in the past, I usually kill the logs after a while. I might be paranoid, but convenience wins out after while:D. Funny how that works.


Responded: It works, but applauncher icon no longer defaults.


--Edit 2---


Not sure I understand the comment about the applauncher icon. can you expand the problem?
If you have toolbar installed it should load up either the Stock applauncher icon or the Toolbar mod icon depending on the value of "UseAppLauncher =" in the Config.cfg file.
If True - uses stock icon. If False - uses Toolbar icon. Can be changed directly in the cfg file or via the Settings menu in the game.

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I'm not quite sure where to post it, so I'll start with this mod D:

There is some weird mumbo jumbo if it comes to coexistence of three mods:
DeepFreeze Contunued
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems

Namely it goes about the KSPedia assets:



KSPediaController: Compiling KSPedia databases
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

KSPediaController: Compiling 4 KSPedia databases
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

The AssetBundle 'file://P:\GRY\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\KSP 1.1.2 - testing\GameData\Squad\squadcore.ksp' can't be loaded because another AssetBundle with the same files are already loaded
(Filename:  Line: 308)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KSPAssets.Loaders.AssetLoader+<>c__DisplayClass50_0.<LoaderRoutine>b__0 (UnityEngine.AssetBundle b) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[AssetBundle] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[AssetBundle] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

  at KSPAssets.Loaders.AssetLoader+<LoaderRoutine>d__50.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
(Filename:  Line: -1)


Is there a chance you could look into it? It happens only if all three mods are together:

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems + DeepFreeze Continued + ScanSat = KSPedia borking out

Weird observation. Standalone mod works good. It works well with KPBS (2 at the same time). It makes KSPedia unresponsive only if mixed with ScanSat, perhaps I should leave this message over there as well.

Edited by Ald
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23 hours ago, Ald said:

I'm not quite sure where to post it, so I'll start with this mod D:

There is some weird mumbo jumbo if it comes to coexistence of three mods:
DeepFreeze Contunued
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems

Namely it goes about the KSPedia assets:

Is there a chance you could look into it? It happens only if all three mods are together:

Kerbal Planetary Base Systems + DeepFreeze Continued + ScanSat = KSPedia borking out

Weird observation. Standalone mod works good. It works well with KPBS (2 at the same time). It makes KSPedia unresponsive only if mixed with ScanSat, perhaps I should leave this message over there as well.

Process of elimination tells me:

No issue with DeepFreeze KSPedia.
or with DeepFreeze and KPBS.
If I add Scansat - it dies.
If I then remove KPBS, IE: Have DeepFreeze and SCANsat - it works.
Therefore :- no single mod seems to be the cause.

The error is actually complaining about loading the Squad asset bundle (which as far as I know is not even a KSPedia asset bundle). Not the mods.

Anyway - I can't explain what is going on.  I am investigating and following up. Could be a stock bug. for now, you can remove the KSPedia files eg: deepfreeze.ksp, scansat.ksp. etc.

waiting for @TriggerAu to chime in to confirm if we have got a stock code Bug here or not.

Reported on the bug tracker. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9676

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Ok - I also did these elimination tests, but not whole set. ScanSat played well with just one of each mod. Mods seperatly did well too. It only happened with all three being active. Just thought it is worthy to mention that KSPedia freaks out in such combination.

I'll manage to live without KSPedia for now, though it is sad not to use stuff that you guys put work and effort into. Wonder if it will crash in other mod configuration (ergo scansat + two different mods with kspedia which I don't happen to know right now).

Anyway happy to be of assistance.

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On 02/05/2016 at 9:02 AM, JPLRepo said:

Process of elimination tells me:

No issue with DeepFreeze KSPedia.
or with DeepFreeze and KPBS.
If I add Scansat - it dies.
If I then remove KPBS, IE: Have DeepFreeze and SCANsat - it works.
Therefore :- no single mod seems to be the cause.

The error is actually complaining about loading the Squad asset bundle (which as far as I know is not even a KSPedia asset bundle). Not the mods.

Anyway - I can't explain what is going on.  I am investigating and following up. Could be a stock bug. for now, you can remove the KSPedia files eg: deepfreeze.ksp, scansat.ksp. etc.

waiting for @TriggerAu to chime in to confirm if we have got a stock code Bug here or not.

Reported on the bug tracker. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/9676

Believe we have tracked down the issue and have a work-around.
Not going to do a full release to fix it, will include in next release version.
In the meantime if you want the KSPedia for DeepFreeze working (with other mods, for those that are having this issue only which occurs when you have more than two mods installed that have KSPedia pages) you can download a replacement deepfreeze.ksp from my dropbox.
Put it into \GameData\REPOSoftTech\DeepFreeze\KSPedia folder , make sure you replace the old file with the same name.

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A new thread has been started about updating TAC-LS to 1.1.2 and beyond:

Thought it might be useful if you would want to be able to get some the compatibility between the two sorted out before the guys over in the other finalise the new release

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16 hours ago, erbmur said:

A new thread has been started about updating TAC-LS to 1.1.2 and beyond:

Thought it might be useful if you would want to be able to get some the compatibility between the two sorted out before the guys over in the other finalise the new release

Yes thanks. I'm aware of it and I have already submitted my changes to the new 'up-keepers'  that I submitted last year to this mod. The "ball is in their court" so to speak.

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Just curious, does DeepFreeze store frozen Kerbals as a part attached to the ship?  I've been grossly abusing this wonderful mod to send 100+ Kerbals on a massive colony ship to Jool, and I noticed as each shuttle brought up more colonists and froze them aboard the mothership, the lag got worse.  Finally, after 3 shuttles worth of 36 or so passengers, the main burn was so laggy it reminded me of high part count ships in 1.05...

Running 1.1.2 with latest version of DeepFreeze, SpaceY, USI-LS, and MKS-lite.

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Nope they are still inside the freezer parts... just frozen and not visible. So yes, they are still there. Is that the cause of your lag? I wouldn't think so, more likely all the parts you have to store them all.

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O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay

I feel like we've slain the Jabberwock.

Actually, I had tried DeepFreeze briefly before, but the issues with TACLS kept me from trying it out seriously. Even just testing this mod with the fixes, I quickly realized I've been missing out. This is excellent.

Edited by danfarnsy
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I've been thinking the DeepFreeze Freezer parts weight and costs are unbalanced compared to other parts.
CRY-0300 2.62t  4000 funds.
CRY-0300R 0.87t 4000 funds.
CRY-1300 2.68t 6000 funds.
CRY-2300 5.85t 8000 funds.
CRY-5000 3.3t 8000 funds. (included with KPBS mod)
RS-X20R (25 glykerol) 0.3314t 500 funds.
X200 (200 glykerol) 2.64t 2500 funds.
What do people think? Should they be changed to balance them out? and if so, what should they be?

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  • 2 weeks later...

A very fun and entertaining mod, which certainly makes me feel better about sending my Kerbals on far-ranging journeys into deep space. However, it seems to send my antivirus software a little bit mad.


Anyone else have this issue?

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@JPLRepo I'm doing some research into adding DeepFreeze support into MOLE, and was curious about the cryopods. By chance do the internals use a prop for the internal cryopod? I didn't see anything in the Spaces or Props folders but I might have missed it. I'm hoping you used a prop for the cryopod because that would make it a lot easier to incorporate DeepFreeze. :)

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16 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

@JPLRepo I'm doing some research into adding DeepFreeze support into MOLE, and was curious about the cryopods. By chance do the internals use a prop for the internal cryopod? I didn't see anything in the Spaces or Props folders but I might have missed it. I'm hoping you used a prop for the cryopod because that would make it a lot easier to incorporate DeepFreeze. :)

No it's not a prop, sorry. The Cryopods are part of the internal models.
You can add the partmodule if your part has no internal, and the partmodule code handles that. But I don't think that meets your requirements.
EDIT: Can raise it as a feature request on GitHub if you like. Not sure when I will get to it, that's a lot of change for DeepFreeze (change all the internal models and lots of change to the PartModule code). I have been thinking about it for my Endurance mod, but I have a long list of to-dos.


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Well my oddities never cease apparently...

So I've had DeepFreeze installed as part of my ginormous mod setup since you got it updated for 1.1 and not once have I had a single issue except a mod conflict that wasn't DF related.  Out of the blue this has started happening to me today even though I haven't added, removed or updated anything at all...


[LOG 07:01:02.787] 5/28/2016 7:01:02 AM,DeepFreeze,FixedUpdate failed to update DeepFreeze Internal Vessel Memory
[LOG 07:01:02.788] 5/28/2016 7:01:02 AM,DeepFreeze,Err: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at DF.DFIntMemory+<>c.<CheckVslUpdate>b__36_9 (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[Vessel].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DF.DFIntMemory.CheckVslUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DF.DFIntMemory.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

This is getting perma-spammed into my log files and has now happened 3 different times.  First two times it locked up my game after arriving back on Kerbin with a sample return vessel (both times) and the third time it started happening out of the blue in the VAB but didn't lock up the game.  Now here's the rub...I've got no ships out atm with any kerbals in them at all.  The two vessels the game crashed over this error were nothing more than drone cores returning science after leaving another unmanned vessel.  At no time has this error come up with a vessel active that had any kerbals in it at all.  The third time was one of the weirdest.  I was just working on assembling a new vessel and in the middle of changing inventory in a KIS container things started getting really goofy (laggy, mod windows started losing info, parts were getting hard to grab etc) and when I check the logs that NRE is what I see.  I saved the log files from the third time this happened in case you want them and can open a github issue if you need me too.  Hope this one is an easy answer...was just about to start up my manned program and DF was already on my mind for my longer missions.

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5 hours ago, rasta013 said:

Well my oddities never cease apparently...

So I've had DeepFreeze installed as part of my ginormous mod setup since you got it updated for 1.1 and not once have I had a single issue except a mod conflict that wasn't DF related.  Out of the blue this has started happening to me today even though I haven't added, removed or updated anything at all...

  Hide contents

[LOG 07:01:02.787] 5/28/2016 7:01:02 AM,DeepFreeze,FixedUpdate failed to update DeepFreeze Internal Vessel Memory
[LOG 07:01:02.788] 5/28/2016 7:01:02 AM,DeepFreeze,Err: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at DF.DFIntMemory+<>c.<CheckVslUpdate>b__36_9 (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[Vessel].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DF.DFIntMemory.CheckVslUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at DF.DFIntMemory.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

This is getting perma-spammed into my log files and has now happened 3 different times.  First two times it locked up my game after arriving back on Kerbin with a sample return vessel (both times) and the third time it started happening out of the blue in the VAB but didn't lock up the game.  Now here's the rub...I've got no ships out atm with any kerbals in them at all.  The two vessels the game crashed over this error were nothing more than drone cores returning science after leaving another unmanned vessel.  At no time has this error come up with a vessel active that had any kerbals in it at all.  The third time was one of the weirdest.  I was just working on assembling a new vessel and in the middle of changing inventory in a KIS container things started getting really goofy (laggy, mod windows started losing info, parts were getting hard to grab etc) and when I check the logs that NRE is what I see.  I saved the log files from the third time this happened in case you want them and can open a github issue if you need me too.  Hope this one is an easy answer...was just about to start up my manned program and DF was already on my mind for my longer missions.

Hmmm... that is interesting. I'll need the log... If you can zip the save file with it that might be useful. The message appears where in the code it is trying to check all known vessels. So could be something is iffy in the save file.

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1 hour ago, JPLRepo said:

Hmmm... that is interesting. I'll need the log... If you can zip the save file with it that might be useful. The message appears where in the code it is trying to check all known vessels. So could be something is iffy in the save file.

Speaking of spamming, this is being spammed in flight mode on every vessel of mine (even without DeepFreeze parts) constantly, several times per second. Is that normal and desirable?

5/28/2016 6:13:06 PM,DeepFreeze,DEBUG: CheckVslUpdate start
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

5/28/2016 6:13:06 PM,DeepFreeze,DEBUG: CheckVslUpdate complete
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

5/28/2016 6:13:06 PM,DeepFreeze,DEBUG: CheckVslUpdate start
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

5/28/2016 6:13:06 PM,DeepFreeze,DEBUG: CheckVslUpdate complete
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)


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11 minutes ago, spirokai said:

Speaking of spamming, this is being spammed in flight mode on every vessel of mine (even without DeepFreeze parts) constantly, several times per second. Is that normal and desirable?

5/28/2016 6:13:06 PM,DeepFreeze,DEBUG: CheckVslUpdate start
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

5/28/2016 6:13:06 PM,DeepFreeze,DEBUG: CheckVslUpdate complete
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

5/28/2016 6:13:06 PM,DeepFreeze,DEBUG: CheckVslUpdate start
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

5/28/2016 6:13:06 PM,DeepFreeze,DEBUG: CheckVslUpdate complete
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)


Turn Debugging Option OFF in the DeepFreeze Settings Menu in the Space Center. EDIT: That should only be on if I have asked you to turn it on for trying to track down a bug.

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Just now, JPLRepo said:

Turn Debugging Option OFF in the DeepFreeze Settings Menu in the Space Center

Thanks a lot! It's been bothering me for a while. :D

Is it actually performing some kind of an update like 10 times per second?

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