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[0.15, PARTS] Mk2 Stock Parts (Alpha 0.2 "Released")

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The only difference for you is that it locks the first fuel type and the battery fuel type to Energy. See my thread for all differences to MuMech.

Also it works together with Zoxygen plugin, this opens a lot of possibilities if the player wants.


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It\'s only me, or the dynavolt K30 panels are simply exploding in launch with everyone?

Yeah. No folding either.

I have noticed explosion issues on vessel resume (ruining my interplanetary mission), but nothing about no folding. Right click on the panels themselves to open a context menu.\'

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If the DynaVolt panels are not moving, that\'s because they also need additional config files from PluginData/powertech folder (that not included in this pack).

If they are exploding, first of all ensure that they don\'t hit anything (they have moving colliders!). There\'s a feature that if the panel is teared off, it explodes. Otherwise a panel broken during reentry would just destroy half of the craft... (yes, I checked this!)

About what happens when loading in solar orbit - that\'s game related bug, I can\'t do anything with it. When building panel hierarchy the relative coordinates of segments aren\'t set properly because of numerical imprecisions... However there seems to be no such issue if the hierarchy is already built in the model, not created by the plugin.

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If the DynaVolt panels are not moving, that\'s because they also need additional config files from PluginData/powertech folder (that not included in this pack).

If they are exploding, first of all ensure that they don\'t hit anything (they have moving colliders!). There\'s a feature that if the panel is teared off, it explodes. Otherwise a panel broken during reentry would just destroy half of the craft... (yes, I checked this!)

About what happens when loading in solar orbit - that\'s game related bug, I can\'t do anything with it. When building panel hierarchy the relative coordinates of segments aren\'t set properly because of numerical imprecisions... However there seems to be no such issue if the hierarchy is already built in the model, not created by the plugin.

Ah, I didn\'t know about the plugin data. Thanks!

In other news, I didn\'t get a lot of time yesterday so I didn\'t model up the VASIMR engine or the nuclear reactor. It\'s unlikely I\'ll get to it today, as I\'m otherwise occupied. Should definitely have it sometime tomorrow though. Sorry!

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Status update:

I\'ve finished modelling the VASIMR engine. I\'ll UV map and texture it later, though maybe not today.


With battery and Xenon Tank



Today, I\'ll model the nuclear reactor that will power the VASIMR thruster, as it will need a TON of power. Solar panels will only suffice in large numbers for short periods.

The VASIMR thruster will have a thrust of 15-20, and burn Xenon 3 times as fast.

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Oh, that would be SO horrible. I can\'t imagine the PAIN i\'d be in if I were hired by SQUAD while still in HIGH SCHOOL. THE HORROR!

But it won\'t happen. There are modmakers far more talented than me (Tiberion, Tosh, Alchemist, etc).

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Status update:

I\'ve finished modelling the VASIMR engine. I\'ll UV map and texture it later, though maybe not today.


With battery and Xenon Tank



Today, I\'ll model the nuclear reactor that will power the VASIMR thruster, as it will need a TON of power. Solar panels will only suffice in large numbers for short periods.

The VASIMR thruster will have a thrust of 15-20, and burn Xenon 3 times as fast.


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Perhaps you\'re right but your talent is undeniable.

This I agree with, there really isn\'t much more to be said, sure there are other mod makers who make replicas of real world rockets, and those are fine, but I have a preference for the style of Squads stock parts, and you have nailed that style with your creations.

I for one wouldn\'t mind seeing these alongside the LV-T30 and FL-T500 in a fresh install of KSP.

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I\'m going to google some nuclear reactor images for you, the only thing that comes to mind right now though is the Gadget, the first ever nuclear bomb, it\'s one of those images that sticks in the mind, partly from the intro to Fallout, but also because it was the first ever bomb of its type, reading about it always sent shivers up my spine.

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