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KSP Twitter- "We've got something planned later today"


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Here's the new parts in-game for anyone at work, including:

The HECS-2 Probe Core comes with integrated batteries and SAS, to make building a compact Sentinel probe much easier.

The OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels are a much larger version of the stock solar panels, for larger probes.

The HG-55 High Gain Antenna can transmit larger amounts of data than any of the existing antennae in the game.



Edited by Yakuzi
included the antenna
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Why release "official" mods instead of just stuffing them in the game?

Because I don't want useless soccer balls in my game by default, and I imagine many others don't either :P The asteroid one though makes more sense to integrate into the game, but it seems silly to release a new update for something so minor.

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The asteroid one though makes more sense to integrate into the game, but it seems silly to release a new update for something so minor.
They've got to up Curse's download count over KerbalStuff with something...
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It's a part pack with a probe with SAS, a bigger fixed solar panel, a dish antenna and an asteroid telescope. It contains also a mission pack. It's on Curse already...


EDIT : Looks like the parts are from RoverDude, and nice one too, me like :)

I saw this post before and I thought it was just his guess, but yeah. Also, I got ninja'd by two pages while I read the blog post.

I'm still underwhelmed :(

Edited by monstah
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Because I don't want useless soccer balls in my game by default, and I imagine many others don't either :P The asteroid one though makes more sense to integrate into the game, but it seems silly to release a new update for something so minor.

I imagine they'll stuff it into the SQUAD folder like they did the ARM stuff come 1.1. Well played SQUAD, I like this one.

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I'm happy. It's not save breaking, Flight/physics in the Kerbol system didn't change, I can use the probe and the solar panel. Assuming the dish works with RT2, I can use that too.

..and it's not asking me for more money!

It's a nice mod. I hope they'll integrate it into 1.05 stock because.. parts.

Finally, has anybody done the mission yet? Does it actually locate larger asteroids in the outer system? How much larger? That could* really flesh out the late game potential.

Thanks SQUAD, hopefully more good news ahead!

Edited by Violent Jeb
Changed the word probe to probe from it's previous word, "pod"
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Does it actually locate larger asteroids in the outer system? How much larger? That could* really flesh out the late game potential.

I don't believe it does. That would require altering the way asteroids spawn. IIRC there was a mod that would generate up to size class Q (which were almost as big as Gilly) and, when partnered with Custom Asteroids (or which let you change the orbital spawning parameters), you could do that (or maybe the class Q was a feature of Custom Asteroids).

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oh! so...so I don't need this (*puts pitch fork down).

Well that was a pleasant surprise, they look like nice parts too. Looking forward to trying them out later.

Will these remain an "official mod" or will they at some point get integrated into the core game?

- - - Updated - - -


Can someone post pictures of the new parts please?

Yakuzi did a couple pages back, here be link;


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