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Squadcast Summary 2015/07/10

Superfluous J

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There are 3 Squadcasts because Twitch was being difficult. Not much was said that wasn't said before, and the 2nd half nothing of import was said. I will say, though, that Max did pretty well getting to Minmus and back.

Something in "quotes" means it was directly said, though I usually don't bother with that. [brackets] are those rare times where the accent barrier keeps me from understanding something, (parenthesis) are asides by me, and italics are descriptions of what Max is doing in the game, rife with more asides and commentary.

The first was 6:26 long, so no timestamps.

Busy week, unity 5, it's complex.

Harvester tweaking wheels,

people working on ui stuff.

While Unity 5 is the main thrust, Squad is "sideways" working on 1.1

awesome collaborators, working on content for next update.

price will be $0.00 (I presume he means for current owners of 1.0.x)

1.1 will have both stuff and things within it.

cannot share, but it will be pretty sizeable.

keep up with scheme from before.

Porkjet, Arsonide, and Roverdude are all doing cool things. Can't reveal what.


The second video is 35:34

Stream's back up.

1.1 is a while away.

Core team is on unity 5.

Doing a lot of work so everything is exactly like you know it.

Except wheels, they're great.

q: Could we see [lowering?] landing gear in stock? (I didn't understand the question, though I listened to it 4 times)

a: I don't know we'll have to ask Harvester.

The Unity 4 wheels simply do not work in Unity 5.

Q: 1.0.5?

A: There are no plans for a 1.0.5. Straight into 1.1

Engineer is the first thing Max installs when he plays Kerbal.

Max lands on Minmus. Pretty good mission, so far. He flew quite well.

He then lifts off to go home.


They are hyped at Squad about Pluto pictures.

Max time warps through the atmosphere.


He's afraid of re-entry hurting his ship, so he makes his Pe ridiculously high. It's like 65km.

q: Female Kerbals working in the VAB?

a: That's definitely possible.

Chat says to put Pe at 45. Max thankfully does so. Well, 48. Good enough. Better than 65.

He mentions how many "liters" of fuel he has, then admits they call them "units, but who knows they may be liters."

He talks about his thoughts on Kerbal biology, then mentions that none of this is canon.


Someone suggests a "Stargate" type expansion to KSP.

Max says he thinks that if there are any expansions to KSP they have to be hard sci-fi.

Currently available or being developed, or we know how it works. Example: The Martian.

...lots of oribitng, aerobraking, and chatroom speculations on Kerbals and stuff that Max isn't speaking on in any "official" context. Nuclear reactors. Alien invasions into Kerbin. Kerbals may shed skin.

Max lowers his Pe to 35 on the 5th pass or so.


Max pauses the game because he realizes he doesn't know what speed is safe for the chutes. Or, apparently, that you can right click the chute and see if it's safe.

He successfully lands.


The third video is 14:18

Max is looking at contracts, thinking of surveys on Mun and Minmus.

He opts for a survey all in space at Minmus, planning to just do a polar orbit.

He uses basically the same ship he just sent, Minus the landing legs and large science parts.

And adding solar panels that he just unlocked after this past mission.


Teaser: Next week maybe they'll have more about 1.1.

(Hopefully! They can't have less!)

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Sideways working on 1.1
Who are or is Sideways?
He mentions how many "liters" of fuel he has, then admits they call them "units, but who knows they may be liters."
This is something I'd like to see changed. IMHO the game should display resource amounts in kg and be explicit about that, to make things more transparent to the player. As it is we have these weird arbitrary units with the mass per unit never stated in-game, creating a needless extra barrier to understanding how things work. (Massless resources like Ec excepted of course).
Currently available or being developed, or we know how it works. Example: The Martian.
I wonder if designs akin to Project Daedalus would be considered in scope? Though perhaps that kind of stuff would be better suited to a KSP 2.
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Again, thanks for these. Saves me ton of time watching Max play the game! No offense meant, but for someone that catches Scott's inefficiencies launching, it's painful. :P

Rune. Even tough I most often end up watching it anyway. ^^'

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New collaborators working on new content? Another mod (functionality?) is being added? I hope it's KAS\KIS :D

I am 99% sure he was talking about Arsonide, PorkJet, and RoverDude there.

Who are or is Sideways?

That was a near-quote that I probably should have either quoted or elaborated on. He meant that Squad, while working on getting Unity 5 working, was also tangentially, partially, and/or de-facto working on 1.1 as well.

I've modified the original post to make it more clear.

I dunno what's better, the occasional nuggets of info or your commentary on Max's skills :). Pray, continue.

Thanks :)

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Thanks, 5th!

A number of forum writers have complained about too much change in the patches.

It's a developer headache to frequently change mindsets, from old to new code. Whole team now working on the Unity 5 platform.

The current stock flight/heat balance is set, No more patches, straight to v1.1

Looking forward to new toys and things to do, in v1.1 :)

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I think he meant "hard science", since hard "sci fi" is almost as imaginary as hard "sci fantasy" or hard "fantasy".

As an aside: I vote for ambient life on Kerbin, Duna, Eve and Laythe and in their oceans.

Something like in this old Halo preview. The poster got the timeframe and platform wrong, as this was prior to Microsoft's purchase of Bungie, but if you jump to 3:45 in, you'll see the first group of animals in the preview. Minimal ambient life in KSP would make the planets seem more real and as a bonus, crashing debris might do the hapless critters in.

Edited by Dispatcher
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I think he meant "hard science", since hard "sci fi" is almost as imaginary as hard "sci fantasy" or hard "fantasy".
Ringworlds aren't "hard science", they're basically mega-scale engineering projects that require materials that aren't even theoretical and dismantling entire solar systems to create. How do we propose to dismantle Jool, atmospheric scoops? Artificial black holes? Either way, it's light years from "hard sci-fi", not to mention completely out of scale with the gameplay of KSP.

Now, if you want to talk about building O'Neill cylinders, I'm all about it.

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Ringworlds aren't "hard science", they're basically mega-scale engineering projects that require materials that aren't even theoretical and dismantling entire solar systems to create. How do we propose to dismantle Jool, atmospheric scoops? Artificial black holes? Either way, it's light years from "hard sci-fi", not to mention completely out of scale with the gameplay of KSP.

Now, if you want to talk about building O'Neill cylinders, I'm all about it.

I didn't mention ring worlds; neither did the OP. I was referring to the first mention of hard "sci fi", not subsequent posts.

Edit: oh, my choice of videos might be construed to reference a ring world. Actually the Halo ring is much smaller (10,000 Km in diameter in early pre halo chatter). My choice of video was in reference to my desire to have ambient life in the game.

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I didn't mention ring worlds; neither did the OP.

You did not, but for regex this was a continuation of a post he quoted earlier on this very page.

If we're talking hard sci-fi in an expansion, then I vote ringworlds!
Ringworlds are far from "hard sci-fi".
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You did not, but for regex this was a continuation of a post he quoted earlier on this very page.

I see your point. There are actually several items mentioned in the thread that would be very hard to achieve with human or Kerbal technologies, and so I don't think Squad would pursue those (ring worlds, star gates, etc.) and they'd substantially change the game into something very different from what we know.

As to what might be brought into the game, Squad has so far dealt with various near future technologies, such as asteroid redirection. As far as technologies are concerned, regex' mention of O'Neill (I hope I spelled that right) cylinders would be a reasonable, but challenging stretch. I think an intermediate achievement could be some kind of huge VAB in orbit around a resource moon or in a future asteroid belt where we could build interplanetary craft. Obviously that's wishful speculation on my part. It'll be interesting what new things Squad actually implements into KSP.

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As much as I like getting new stuff in updates, it seems to me that as large as the transition to Unity 5 is, I'm surprised they're trying to add what sounds like some fairly major new stuff as well. This is the same kind of thing that resulted in all the issues with 1.0, necessitating all the hotfixes and patches.

I really hope Squad rethinks this strategy and focuses on stabilizing the game first before adding new features, rather than trying to do everything at once.

Still, sounds like this will be a nice update (after a few hotfixes anyways).

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